Find emails in a list of URLs
When this mode is selected program will search for E-mails on all sites listed in List of addresses to search for E-mails text field.
List of addresses to search for E-mails – List of URLs which will be harvested for E-mails. Each line must be a valid URL (starting with https://). A Line is ignored if not recognized as a valid URL.
Search limitations
Search depth means how deep email extractor will go into the site searching for E-mails.
Depth 0 means that only first page will be processed, Depth 1 means first page and links on it are processed and so on as shown on picture below:

Use URL filter from “Search on site” page – if checked filtering rules from URL filter section on Search on site will be applied.
Links list
Save to file – save links from the list in a text file.
Load from file – load links from a text file.
Schematic link generator – opens a new window for generating schematic links.