Use email finder to extract emails related to keywords
When this mode is selected the email extractor will retrieve pages related to keywords you enter and then look for email addresses on them.
Search for E-mails on pages
Here is the place to enter keywords for your search.
with all of the words – pages must contain all of the words you enter here
with the exact phrase – pages must contain the exact phrase you enter here
with any of the words – pages must contain at least one of the words you enter here
without the words – pages must not contain words you enter here
Only return results from this site (e.g. – search for pages only within one specific website.(don’t put https://www.part of site url)
Power tip:
Pages which contain E-mails often contain some words like:
guestbook, comments, contact, contact information, mail, email,,, info, etc…
Including some of such “magic” words will increase amount of E-mails found several times.
To see the difference for yourself try a search using keyword “guitar” only and then using “guitar guestbook” or “guitar email”
Search engines
List of well known internet search engines to choose from for retrieving pages related to your keywords.
Pages-how many pages to retrieve. This number will only rarely be exact due to many reasons like slow servers or broken links – to mention just few of them.
Search depth means how deep application will go into the site searching for E-mails.
Depth 0 means that only first page will be processed, Depth 1 means first page and links on it are processed and so on as shown on picture below:

Use URL filter from “Search on site” page – if checked filtering rules from URL filter section on ‘Search on site’ tab will be applied.