Meaning of Columns in URL Checker
Although they are pretty self-explanatory here is a quick summary what parameters in different column mean:
- URL: url address to be checked for status code,redirects, errors etc...
- Response : Time period in milliseconds that it took for the server to answer
- Type: General type of the file that URL is pointing too (plain text,html,audio,video,application etc.)
- Status Code: Server returns this number and it is short for saying things like 'Everything is fine' or 'Page is missing"...
- Reason: Along with status code server usually gives predefined explanation for status code such as "OK" for Status code 200 or "Not Found" for 404.
- Size: Size in bytes if the actual content was to be downloaded
- Final URL: Destination URL if there were any redirects. If there was three or four redirects along the line it shows last URL in the chain. If there weren't redirections at all it says "Original" which means final URL is the same one as starting URL
- Redirects: Number of redirects that occur. If a loop is detected (two pages redirect to each other repeatedly) it is marked here with "Loop" word after the number
- Host: Host that URL is located on. For long URL s it may be more convenient to look at host/document pair
- Document: Document that URL points too
- Protocol: It is either standard "http" or secure "https"
- Header: Contains first few letters from received raw header or is empty if no header is received. Double click on a cell in Header column will show full header.
Status bar of URL checker:
It shows basic info of what is going on:
- URLs :shows how much URL are in list to be scanned
- Redirects: shows how many redirects occurred
- Finished: Shows how many URL s has been processed,in the end it should be equal to URLs
- Status: current phase of scan
- Last pane on the right shows quick summary of URL Checker settings: How many threads are being used,which HTTP version (1.0 or 1.1) ,type of requests (Head or Get),timeout (non responding connections are terminated after this period), Agent string being used (how web server identifies you)