4.5 billion years ago, in the high performance race to become a planet, this glistening blue sphere made it to the winners circle. | Prije 4,5 milijardi godina... ...u velikoj utrci stvaranja planeta... ...ova sjajna plava kugla je postala pobjednik. |
But the competition was filled with chaos and violent collisions. | Ali natjecanje je bilo ispunjeno kaosom... ...i nasilnim sudarima. |
When the Earth was forming, rocks and boulders came screaming in much faster than cars crash when they run into walls or other cars. | Kad se Zemlja formirala, kamenja i stijenje... ...padala su na nju brzinom većom nego kad se trkaći automobili... ...zabiju u zid na auto trkama. |
After tremendous perseverance it became a special place in the Solar System to sustain oceans, land and life. | Nakon nevjerojatne ustrajnosti... ...postala je posebno mjesto u Sunčevom sustavu... ...koje podržava oceane, kopno... ...i život. |
The bacteria helped to create oxygen. | Bakterija pomaže u stvaranju kisika. |
We owe our heritage to the scum of the earth. | Naše naslijeđe dugujemo smeću Zemlje. |
Despite modern disasters that now plague the planet, it still remains one of the most mystifying creations in the Universe. | Unatoč katastrofama modernog doba koje sad pogađaju planet... ...ona još uvijek ostaje... ...jedno od najmisterioznijih kreacija u svemiru. |
Blast off aboard "Spaceship Earth". | Ukrcajte se na palubu svemirskog broda Zemlja. |
Suppose extraterrestrials truly exist and want to tour Planet Earth, they'd be in for the ultimate cosmic vacation. | Pretpostavimo da vanzemaljci stvarno postoje... ...i žele obići planetu Zemlju. Mogli bi provesti posebne svemirske praznike. |
Earth, whose name may go back to the Greek name "éraze" *, meaning "ground", is the third terrestrial planet from the Sun. | Zemlja, koja je dobila ime po grčkoj riječi "Gea"... ...koja znači tlo, je treći planet udaljen od Sunca. |
But when arriving, visitors will realize that it got its nickname, "the blue planet", because three quarters of it is covered with water. | Kad stignu... ...posjetitelji bi mogli shvatiti da njezin nadimak "Plavi planet"... ...dolazi od toga jer je njezinih 3/4 površine prekriveno vodom. |
And vacationers will see that Earth is the only planet in our solar system where humans, or thence life, exists. | I turisti bi vidjeli... ...da je Zemlja jedina planeta u našem Sunčevom sustavu... ...na kojem postoju ljudska bića i napredni život. |
If you can breathe our oxygen-rich atmosphere, or breathe under water, Earth can be explored without a protective spacecraft and space suit. | Ako mogu disati kisik kojim je bogata naša atmosfera... ...ili disati ispod vode... ...Zemlju bi mogli istražiti izvan zaštićenog svemirskog broda... ...i bez svemirskih odijela. |
But tourists will need to adjust their watches. | Ali turisti bi prvo trebali namjestiti svoje satove. |
It takes 365 days for Earth to orbit around the Sun, and each day is 24 hours, which is the amount of time it takes the planet to rotate around its axis once. | Zemlji je potrebno 365 dana da se okrene oko Sunca. Dan traje 24 sata... ...što je vrijeme koje je potrebno Zemlji da se jednom okrene oko svoje osi. |
Despite travellers warnings about deadly storms and civil wars, Earth is a relatively safe adventure destination. | Unatoč tome što su putnici upozoreni na smrtonosne oluje, ...i građanske ratove... Zemlja je relativno sigurno mjesto. |
The Earth is a very special planet. | Zemlja je vrlo poseban planet. |
Just like a Porsche is a very special car. | Kao što je Porche vrlo poseban automobil. |
Our planet was formed in just the right place in the Solar System. | Naš planet je stvoren na pravom mjestu u Sunčevom sustavu. |
In fact it's the only place we know of in our entire Solar System where plants and animals can live under natural conditions. | Zapravo, koliko mi znamo, to je jedino mjesto u cijelom Sunčevom sustavu... ...u kojem životinje i biljke mogu živjeti u svom prirodnom okruženju. |
Renowned astronomer Donald Brownlee, has spent his career on a cosmic quest to solve the mysteries surrounding the origin of Earth. | Renomirani astronom Donal Brownlee... ...je proveo svoju karijeru u kosmičkoj potrazi... ...za riješenjem misterije o podrijetlu planeta Zemlje. |
He says, in the race to become a life-sustaining planet, Earth was in the driver's seat. | On kaže, u utrci za planet koji podržava život... ...Zemlja je bila na mjestu vozača. |
But he cautions the ride was full of danger and intrigue. | Ali ta vožnja je bila puna opasnosti i spletki. |
The Earth had many things that happened to it to make it the way it is right now. | Zemlji su se dogodile mnoge stvari... ...na njezinom putu da postane onakva kakva je sad. |
And many of these things did involve luck. 4.5 billion years ago, one corner of the Universe experienced a colossal fireworks display. | U mnogim od tih stvari je sudjelovala sreća. Prije 4.5 milijardi godina jedan kutak svemira... ...iskusio je prizor ogromnog vatrometa. |
A massive but short-lived star exploded as a supernova. | Masivna, ali zvijezda kratkog života eksplodirala je kao Supernova. |
The blast from this star may have triggered the gravitational collapse of the cloud that formed the Sun. | Eksplozija te zvijezde je započela gravitacijsko urušavanje... ...u oblak koji je stvorio Sunce. |
Shortly after the Sun formed, you had a lot of material orbiting around the Sun. | Ubrzo, nakon što se Sunce formiralo... ...postojalo je puno materijala koje se okrećalo oko Sunca. |
And this was microscopic stuff, ice particles, dust, a lot of it wasn't unlike the lint that comes out of your dryer. | To su bile mikroskopske tvari, dijelovi leda, prašina... ...većina ih je bila poput komadića koji izađu iz vaše sušilice. |
And it began to kind of stick together in little clumps. And eventually some of these pieces became more like sand, little pieces of silicate mostly, and it began to stick together and you begin to get little rocks, little boulders. | U početku su se počeli spajati u male grumene, ...na kraju su neki od tih komadića postali više kao pijesak, većinom mali komadići silikata, koji su se počeli međusobno spajati, da bi postali kamenje, male stijene. |
As the boulders grew larger, so did the collisions. | Dok su stijene postajale sve veće, neke od njih su se počele sudarati. |
As two objects impacted, gravity held them together. | Kad bi se takva dva objekta sudarila, gravitacija bi ih držala na okupu. |
Porsches are known for speed. | Porche je poznat po svojoj brzini. |
Planets are also known for speed. | Planeti su također poznati po brzini. |
When the Earth was forming, particles and rocks and boulders came screaming in much faster than these cars crash when they run into walls or other cars. | Kad se Zemlja formirala, čestice, kamenja i stijenje... ...sudarali su se većom brzinom nego kad se automobili... ...zabiju u zid. |
Through multiple collisions, infant Earth was formed. | Zemlja je rođena tim višestrukim sudarima. |
But it would take many more impacts for it to become the size it is today. | Ali trebat će još mnogo sudara da postane veličine kakve je sad. |
To better understand the formation process, Pete Schultz and his former student Seiji Sugita, are attempting to recreate the early impacts on Earth by using the Vertical Gun Range at NASA's Ames Research Centre. | Da bi bolje razumijeli proces formiranja... ...Pete Schultz i njegov bivši student Seiji Sugita... ...pokušavaju rekonstruirati rane udare na Zemlju koristeći vertikalnu streljanu... ...u NASA-inom istraživačkom centru Ames. |
It's a warehouse-sized room housing a massive light gas gun which looks more like a ballistic missile. | To je prostorija veličine skladišta... ...u kojoj je ogromna svjetlosno-plinska puška... ...koja više sliči na balistički projektil. |
The vertical gun launches projectiles at specified targets inside a vacuum chamber. | Vertikalna puška ispaljuje svoje projektile na određene mete... ...unutar vakuumske komore. |
The fact that this gun can load up in a different angle makes it really realistic in terms of comparison to what happened on the surface of Earth about 3.5 billion years ago. | Činjenica da ta puška može ispaljivati pri različitim kutovima čini stvar vrlo realističnom, u usporedbi s onim što se dogodilo na površini Zemlje... ...prije otprilike 3.5 milijarde godina. |
So we're going to fire this tiny quarter-inch aluminium sphere into the chamber, and we use this because it has about the same density as an asteroid entering the atmosphere of the Earth, so it's gonna slam in around 3 miles/s. | Kad ispalimo ovu sićušnu, 0,5 cm u promjeru, aluminijsku kuglicu... ...u središte komore, a nju koristimo zbog toga... ...jer ima otprilike istu gustoću kao asteroid... ...koji ulazi u Zemljinu atmosferu. |
About 10 times the speed of a bullet. | Na taj način će... ...udariti brzinom od 4,8 km u sekundi. 10 puta brže nego metak. |
It's gonna be smashed to smithereens. | Razmrskat će tu stvar. |
The vertical gun will shoot the aluminium bead into the vacuum chamber filled with atmospheric gases. | Vertikalna puška će ispaliti aluminijski projektil u vakuumsku komoru... ...ispunjenu atmosferskim plinovima. |
There it will impact a sandy mound resembling early Earth's surface. | Tamo će udariti u pjeskovito područje... ...koje predstavlja površinu rane Zemlje. |
We're in a vacuum chamber but we'll be putting back in a gas that will simulate what the early Earth must have looked like. | Nalazimo se u vakuumskoj komori koju smo napunili plinovima. |
Let's go ahead and make a bunch of craters, what the early landscape of Earth must have looked like. | Simulirali smo uvjete iz rane Zemljine povijesti. |
'Cause these things would happen all the time, there had to have been a lot of craters. | Napravit ćemo gomilu kratera... ...jer je po svemu sudeći krajolik Zemlje tako izgledao. |
The plan is to come in, hit the centre of the target and watch the crater form. | Pošto su se takve stvari često događale, morala je postojati velika količina kratera. |
And you'll see the destructive power of... even tough it's a tiny bead, it's gonna do some real serious damage. | Projektil će ući ovuda i pogoditi središte ovog mjesta... ...i izbrisati oblike kratera. |
Can you believe anything would survive... | Vidjet ćete rušilačku moć, iako je ovo mala kuglica... učinit će priličnu štetu. |
High-speed cameras will document the impact. | Kamere velike brzine će dokumentirati udar. |
Schultz and Sugita, nervously watch the monitor located outside the gun range. | Schultz i Sugita nervozno promatraju monitor... ...koji se nalazi izvan streljane. |
This is the part that kills me. It's like this moment before the storm. | Ovaj dio me ubija, ovo je poput trenutka prije oluje. |
From a secure control room, an engineer flips several switches. | Iz sigurne kontrolne sobe mehaničar pritišće par prekidača. |
Ok. Here we go. | U redu, idemo. |
Schultz and Sugita mix science with a little superstition. | Schultz i Sugita stvaraju znanost s malo praznovjerja. |
We cross our fingers... Cross our legs... Cross our hands... | Prekrižili smo prste... ...naše noge... ...naše ruke. |
This is what drives me nuts. | Ovo me izluđuje. |
Oh, gorgeous! | Predivno! |
Ok, let's take a look. | Ok, hajdemo pogledati. |
The experiment worked. | Eksperiment je uspio. |
That is unbelievably... | Ovo je nevjerojatno. |
If we imagine this on the Earth... Yeah? These would be clouds that would be rolling at velocities that'd be comparable to tornados. | Ako zamislimo da je ovo Zemlja, Da? ...ovo bi bili oblaci koji se kovitlaju... ...brzinom koju možemo usporediti s tornadima. |
- Or even higher. | Čak i većom. |
- Even higher, yeah. | -Da, čak i većom. |
The video taken reveals a frightening and realistic picture of what happened on early Earth. | Snimak otkriva zastrašujući i realistični prikaz... ...onoga što se dogodilo ranoj Zemlji. |
That is absolutely gorgeous! | Ovo je apsolutno predivno! |
That did some serious damage. | Ovo je napravilo ozbiljnu štetu. |
Just imagine that this is the asteroid that slammed in to the Earth. | Zamisli da je ovo asteroid koji je udario u Zemlju. |
This must have been happening just repeatedly, doing real damage to the planet Earth. | Ovo se neprestano događalo... ...uzrokujući ozbiljnu štetu planetu Zemlji. |
And it's just a small scale example of what must have happened at the early Earth. | Ovo je samo mali primjer onoga... ...što se događalo u ranoj povijesti Zemlje. |
Some of the objects blasting into infant Earth were over 300 miles in diameter. | Neki od objekata koji su udarili u Zemlju u stvaranju... ...imali su promjer od 480 km. |
The force of one such high velocity impact created tremendous heat. | Samo jedan udar takve brzine stvorio je ogromnu toplinu. |
Earth began roasting from the inside. | Zemlja se počela pržiti iznutra. |
Iron and nickel melted and sank to the core generating heat like a massive furnace. | Željezo i nikal su se istopili i krenuli su prema jezgri... ...proizvodeći toplinu poput ogromne peći. |
The outer rock, or magma, was completely melted producing a molten ocean. | Vanjske stijene, ili magma, potpuno su se rastopile, stvarajući otopljene oceane. |
The planet was a raging inferno floating in space, literally... hell on Earth. | Planet je bio razbješnjela peć koja putuje svemirom. Doslovno, bio je pakao na Zemlji. |
The most severe impacts* could've sterilized the planet. | Najžešći udar bi mogao sterilizirati Zemlju. |
You've got a steam atmosphere and heat on the entire surface of the Earth above sterilization temperatures. | Mogao bi proključati atmosferu i zagrijati površinu Zemlje do temperature sterilizacije. |
Formation of the Earth's core, sometimes called the great iron catastrophe, occurred within the first 40 million years of our planet's existence, and it had a profound effect on our future. | Formiranje Zemljine jezgre... ...ponekad nazvan i "Velikom željeznom katastrofom", ...dogodio se u prvih 40 milijuna godina postojanja Zemlje. I imao je ogroman utjecaj na našu budućnost. |
Within the iron core, the rotating ball of molten iron generated a remarkable magnetic field. | Unutar željezne jezgre... ...rotirajuća kugla otopljenog željeza stvorila je nevjerojatno magnetsko polje. |
This set up the conditions for a habitable planet. | To je stvorilo uvjete za stvaranje naseljivog planeta. |
By getting all the iron down to the centre of the planet you had a solid core that eventually drove the protective magnetic field that surrounds our planet. | Sakupljanjem cjelokupnog željeza u središte planeta... ...dobili smo čvrstu jezgru koja je s vremenom... ...stvorila zaštitno magnetsko polje oko našeg planeta. |
Without the magnetic field Earth would be an airless waste devoid of life. | Bez magnetskog polja... ...Zemlja bi bila prazna pustinja, bez prisutnosti života. |
A gusty wind of materials speeds from the Sun past Earth at a million miles an hour, and could erode our atmosphere to nearly nothing in a few million years. | Plinoviti vjetar pun tvari putuje od Sunca prema Zemlji... ...brzinom od 1,6 milijuna km na sat... ...i uništio bi potpuno atmosferu našeg planeta... ...u nekoliko milijuna godina. |
But Earth's magnetic field deflects the solar wind and preserves our air. | Ali Zemljino magnetsko polje odbija solarne vjetrove... ...i štiti naš zrak. |
But even with a magnetic field violence and chaos continued to plague our planet. | Ali čak i uz magnetsko polje... ...nasilje i kaos su nastavili pustošiti našim planetom. |
Above the Earth's iron core, its rocky mantle was melting forming volcanoes that rose to the surface and burped up noxious gases and lava. | Iznad Zemljine željezne jezgre... ...topio se stjenoviti plašt... ...stvarajući vulkane koji su dosezali površinu... ...izbacujući plinove i lavu. |
And the collisions kept coming. | A udari su se nastavili. |
One impact would forever change the course of Earth's history and the fate of mankind. | Jedan udar će zauvijek promijeniti povijest Zemlje... ...i sudbinu ljudskog roda. |
About 50 million years after the Earth began forming it experienced a collision that would steer it in a new direction. | Nakon 50 milijuna godina od početka formiranja Zemlje... ...planet će iskusiti sudar koji će promijeniti njezin smjer. |
An object the size of Mars slammed right into Earth, which was already 80% of its total size. The explosive impact melted both the planets' outer layers and fused the two together to form a larger Earth. | Objekt veličine Marsa... ..udario je u Zemlju koja je dosegnula 80 % njezine sadašnje veličine Sudar je istopio obje planete... ...i sjedinio ih zajedno stvarajući veću Zemlju. |
Some molten debris that didn't blend together coalesced to shape our Moon. | Neke od otopljenih krhotina koje se nisu spojile... ...formirale su i stvorile naš Mjesec. |
Planetary scientist Bill Hartmann, first proposed this theory after NASA's first mission to the Moon. | Planetarni znanstvenik Bill Hartmann, prvi je iznio ovu teoriju... ...nakon prve NASA-ine misije na Mjesec. |
When the Apollo astronauts brought back rocks from the Moon and we could actually see what the rocks were made of, they found out that... the rocks are like lava that you can find on Earth. | Kad su astronauti s Apolla donijeli kamenje s Mjeseca... ...prvi put smo vidjeli od čega su ta kamenja sastoje. Saznali smo da... ...su kamenja poput lave koju možemo pronaći na Zemlji. |
Which tells you that the Moon material and the Earth material are very similar. | To nam govori da je Zemljin i Mjesečev sastav vrlo sličan. |
Earth's intimate relationship with its moon gave the growing planet a competitive edge. | Zemljina prisna veza sa svojim Mjesecom... ...dala je rastućem planetu natjecateljsku prednost. |
The Moon is what causes the seasons because some parts of the earthen North Pole is tilted toward the Sun and later on the South Pole is tilted toward the Sun. | Mjesec uzrokuje sezone, jer... ...neki dijelovi Zemlje kao Sjeverni pol su nagnuti prema Suncu... ...a kasnije je Južni pol nagnut prema Suncu. |
The Moon holds that tilt steady. The various gravity forces that are exerted tend to act in a way that holds that steady. | Mjesec drži te nagibe stabilnima. Gravitacijske sile djeluju na takav način da drže te nagibe stabilnima. |
After the epic collision which created our moon, our planet was over 90% of its total mass. | Nakon epskog sudara koji je stvorio naš Mjesec... ...naša planeta je dosegnula 90 % njezine sadašnje mase. |
The planetary formation process involves almost a biological competition of many bodies bashing into each other at very high speeds. | Proces formiranja planeta... ...uključuje i biološko nadmetanje mnogih tijela koje prolaze pokraj Zemlje velikim brzinama. |
When the collisions subsided nearly 3,9 billion years ago, our solar system was left with eight planets. Or nine if you still count Pluto. | Prestankom sudara, prije 3,9 milijardi godina, naš Sunčev sustav je ostao sačinjen od 8 planeta, ili 9, ako još uvijek računate Pluton. |
Earth secured the third orbital position from the Sun, which is now 93 million miles away. | Zemlja je osigurala treću orbitu oko Sunca... ...koja sad iznosi udaljenost od 148.8 milijuna kilometara. |
Planets don't like each other, because they're gravitationally tugging each other. | Planeti ne "vole" jedan drugoga... ...zbog međusobnog gravitacijskog privlačenja. |
So they're equally spaced. | Oni su jednako razmješteni u svemiru. |
Each planet is a certain fraction further from the Sun. | Svaki planet ima određenu udaljenost od Sunca. |
The objects that didn't become planets became refugees. | Objekt koji nije postao planet, postao je izbjeglica. |
Asteroids, made of rock and iron, found asylum in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. | Asteroidi, stvoreni od stijena i željeza... pronašli su utočište u pojasu asteroida između Marsa i Jupitera. |
Comets, composed of ices dust and rock, sought shelter in the Kuiper Belt, just beyond the planet Neptune. | Komete sastavljene od leda, prašine i stijena... ...pronašle su sklonište u Kuiperovom pojasu, ...malo iza planeta Neptuna. |
Others migrated to the Oort Cloud, over a trillion miles from Earth. | Drugi su otišli u Oortov oblak, koji je udaljen 1,6 trilijuna kilometara od Zemlje. |
This battered Porsches are a good analogue to the early Solar System, the comets and asteroids that survived the early days. | Ovi stari Porchei su dobar analog... ...ranom Sunčevom sustavu, oni su kometi i asteroidi... ...koji su preživjeli još od ranih dana. |
And like these cars, which are kept here for their parts, we can also ** comets and asteroids for vital parts that have been stored since the formation of the Solar System. | Poput ovih vozila koji se drže ovdje radi dijelova... ...tako imamo i komete i asteroide kao vitalne dijelove... ...koji su spremljeni još od vremena stvaranja Sunčevog sustava. |
Over the course of Earth's history, many misguided asteroids have strayed off their orbital path and landed on our planet as meteorites. | Kroz Zemljinu povijest... mnogi nevođeni asteroidi su skrenuli sa svoje orbitalne putanje... i sletjeli na našu planetu kao meteoriti. |
Over the years, scientists have analysed these meteorites and determined their age through radioactive dating. | Tijekom godina znanstvenici su analizirali te meteorite... ...i odredili su njihovu starost određivanjem starosti zračenjem. |
And since meteorites were formed at the same time as our planets, they provide the age of Earth. | Pošto su meteoriti stvoreni u približno isto vrijeme kao i naš planet, predviđeno je da su iste starosti kao i Zemlja. |
Roughly 4.5 billion years old. | Otprilike oko 4.5 milijarde godina. |
Scientifically this is fantastic. | Znanstveno gledajući, to je fantastično. |
It's like looking at your family history and finding pieces of your first relative all the way back in Earth's history. | To je kao da dok ste tražeći povijest obitelji... ...pronašli tragove vašeg rođaka, skroz natrag u Zemljinoj povijesti. |
They're still out there. | Oni su još tamo. |
Asteroids and comets may also shed light on the origins of water on our planet. 3.9 billion years ago, the Earth cooled, forming a thick silicate crust over its mantle, an iron and nickel core. | Asteroidi i komete... ...također mogu baciti svijetlo.. ...na podrijetlo vode na našem planetu. Prije 3.9 milijardi godina... ...Zemlja se ohladila, formirajući čvrstu koru oko svog plašta... ...i jezgru od željeza i nikla. |
Warm liquid soon covered the planet's surface, except for a few volcanic islands dotting the globe. | Vruća tekućina je prekrivala površinu planeta... ...osim par vulkanskih otoka. |
One of the Earth's lucky properties is that it happened to be born in just the right place, in what's called the habitable zone. | Jedno od Zemljinih sretnijih svojstava... ...je što je stvorena na baš pravom mjestu... ...a ona se zove "naseljiva zona". |
It's the right distance from the Sun, where its ocean does not boil away, but not too hot. | Stvar je u idealnoj udaljenosti od Sunca... ...gdje oceani neće proključati, znači, nije prevruće. |
Or too far away, where its ocean freezes over. | Da je predaleko, oceani bi se smrzli. |
But where did Earth get all this water? | Ali odakle Zemlji sva ova voda? |
One view is that water came from volcanoes, which have been around since the early formation of Earth. | Jedna teorija kaže da je voda došla iz vulkana... ...koji su tu još od ranog formiranja Zemlje. |
Volcanoes spewed out massive amounts of steam into the atmosphere. | Vulkani su u atmosferu izbacivali ogromnu količinu pare. |
When the Earth cooled, volcanic steam condensed into rain and thereby supplied the planet with water. | Kako se Zemlja hladila para se kondenzirala u kišu... ...i tako opskrbljivala planet sa vodom. |
But where did the steamy water emitted from volcanoes come from? | Ali odakle je onda došla para koja je izbacivana iz vulkana? |
Volcanoes basically recycle material from melted rock in the mantle of the Earth. | Vulkani u osnovi recikliraju otopljeni materijal od stijena... ...iz Zemljinog plašta. |
Including water. | Uključujući i vodu. |
But that's not really new water in the sense that it was there before in the oceans and is coming out again for a second time. | Ali to zapravo nije nova voda, nego je... ...pretpostavka da je ona opet izašla i stvorila oceane po drugi put. |
NASA's senior scientist, Michael Mumma, says our planet's water came from space. | NASA-in znanstvenik Michael Mumma... ...tvrdi da je voda sa našeg planeta... ...došla iz svemira. |
Comets, which are made up of frozen gases, could have showered Earth with water during the relentless impacts of its infancy. | Kometi, koji su ostaci smrznutih plinova... ...mogli su zalijevati Zemlju s vodom... ...tijekom stalnih sudara u svojoj ranoj dobi. |
The deliver of water from an icy body depends very critically on how large the particle is. | Dostava vode sa zamrznutih tijela... ...ovisi o tome koliki je taj dio. |
The smaller bodies that came in would break up high in the atmosphere. | Manja tijela bi se raspršila u atmosferi. |
The other bodies delivered their material to the surface of the Earth, and they can actually vaporize that material that becomes the water on Earth. | Druga tijela bi uspjela dostaviti svoj materijal na površinu. Taj materijal bi pri udaru ispario i pretvorio se u vodu na Zemlji. |
Mumma is trying to determine if cometary water is made up of the same ingredients as our planet's water. | Mumma pokušava utvrditi da li voda s kometa... ...sadrži iste sastojke kao i voda sa Zemlje. |
We know the Earth's oceans contain a mixture of normal water, H2O, and heavy water, HDO, which includes deuterium, a form of hydrogen that is twice as heavy as normal hydrogen. | Mi znamo da oceanska voda sadrži smjesu "normalne vode"... ...H20... ...i teške vode: HDO... ...koja sadrži deuterij. I oblik vodika koji je dvaput teži od normalnog vodika. |
But comets are difficult to study. | Ali, kometi su teški za proučavanje. |
Few pass near our planet because most orbit in the outer solar system. But in 1986, Europe's Giotto spacecraft had a close encounter with Comet Halley, also known as Halley's Comet, which was 38 million miles from Earth. | Nekoliko ih je prošlo blizu našeg planeta... ...ali većina ih kruži u vanjskom Sunčevom sustavu. 1986., europska svemirska letjelica Giotto... ...imala je bliski kontakt s kometom... ...po imenu Halleyev komet... ...koji je bio 60.8 milijuna kilometara od Zemlje. |
One of the ways we analyze samples is to fly mass spectrometers through cometary debris that's coming off the comet when it's active. And we can measure the gases very accurately in this way. | Jedan od načina da analiziramo uzorke... ...je da postavimo mjerače na krhotine kometa... ...dok je komet još aktivan. Na taj način bi mogli mjeriti količinu plinova. |
This was done for Comet Halley. | To je učinjeno s Halleyevom kometom. |
Comet Halley's water is similar to that on Earth. | Voda na Halleyevom kometu je slična onoj na Zemlji. |
However, the other comets analyzed so far, have twice the amount of HDO, or heavy water, that's in our oceans. | Međutim, na drugim kometima koji su dosad analizirani... ima dvostruko više HDO, ili teške vode, nego što je ima u oceanima. |
We know now, by looking at other compounds in comets, that they're not all the same. | Sada znamo, promatrajući spojeve na drugim kometima... ...da nisu svi isti. |
So we don't know whether Comet Halley was in fact representative of all comets. | Zato ne znamo da li je komet Halley... ...predstavnik svih drugih kometa. |
Most comets studied thus far have come from the Kuiper Belt, located in the outer solar system. | Većina drugih kometa koji su do sada ispitani... ...došli su iz Kuiperovog pojasa, koji se nalazi u vanjskom Sunčevom sustavu. |
So, they probably didn't help form planet Earth. | Dakle, oni nisu pomogli u formiranju planeta Zemlje. |
But the Gemini North Telescope, in Hawaii, recently discovered comets in an unlikely place. | Ali, teleskop Gemini, lociran na sjeveru Havaja... ...nedavno je otkrio komete na neočekivanom mjestu. |
The Asteroid Belt located between Mars and Jupiter. | U pojasu asteroida koji se nalazi između Marsa i Jupitera. |
These warmer ice-bearing bodies may have the same water as Earth, because they were all formed in the inner solar system, which is closer to the Sun. | Ova topla tijela puna leda... možda imaju istu vodu kao i Zemlja, ...jer su svi nastali u unutrašnjem Sunčevom sustavu... ...koji je bliži Suncu. |
What's more, startling new evidence suggests that these unusual comets may not only have delivered water to Earth, they also may have seeded our planet with the building blocks of life. | Još jednom, novi dokazi sugeriraju... ...da ovi neobični kometi ne samo da su možda donijeli vodu na Zemlju... ...već su možda zasijali naš planet... ...stanicama koje su izgradile život. |
The origin of life. | Podrijetlo života ostaje jedno od najzagonetnijih i intrigantnijih pitanja o našem planetu. |
It remains one of the most puzzling and controversial questions about our Planet. | Jedna stvar je sigurna: |
One thing is certain: 3.9 billion years ago, humans would have lasted for only a brief moment. | Prije 3,9 milijardi godina... ...čovječanstvo bi trajalo samo jedan kratak trenutak. |
The Earth's atmosphere consisted of carbon dioxide, water vapour, a little nitrogen, but no oxygen. | Zemljina atmosfera se sastojala od ugljičnog dioksida, vodene pare... ...nešto dušika, ali bez kisika. |
Yet, could primitive life have endured in such an environment? | Ipak, da li je primitivan život mogao ustrajati u takvim uvjetima? |
We have no firm evidence that there was life 4.3 billion years ago, but we think now that the conditions were possible. | Nemamo čvrstih dokaza... ...da je postojao život prije 4.3 milijarde godina... ...ali sad mislimo da su postojali uvjeti za to. |
The oldest fossils on Earth only date back 3.7 to 3.9 billion years ago. | Najstariji fosili na Zemlji... ...datiraju između 3.7 i 3.9 milijardi godina. |
Some believe that these remains once evolved in ancient ponds or lakes. | Neki vjeruju da su ti ostaci prebivali u... ...drevnim barama i jezerima. |
There, atmospheric chemicals and energy formed a primordial soup of amino acids, the essential elements of life. | U njima su atmosferske kemikalije i energija... ...stvorile praiskonsku juhu aminokiselina... ...koje su ključni element života. |
But, could the building blocks of life have come from somewhere else? | Ali, da li je ključni element života... ...mogao doći s nekog drugog mjesta? |
Perhaps from an extraterrestrial object? | Možda s nekog vanzemaljskog objekta? |
Meteorites contain organic materials, including amino acids. | Meteoriti sadrže organske tvari, uključujući i aminokiseline... ...koje su se nekako formirale u ranom Sunčevom sustavu. |
They were formed somehow in the earlier solar system. | Dakle, postojao je protok organskih tvari u svemiru. |
So there is this delivery of organic material from space. | Ali ako su asteroidi i kometi... ...pružili ključnom elementu života... ...prijevoz svemirom do Zemlje... kako su preživjeli sudar koji se dogodio ogromnom brzinom? |
But, if asteroids and comets gave the building blocks of life a space shuttle ride to Earth, how did they survive the high velocity impact? | U NASA-inom istraživačkom postrojenju Ames... |
Back at NASA's Ames research facility, Pete Schultz and Seiji Sugita are conducting another cutting-edge experiment using the VGR. | ...Pete Schultz i Seiji Sugita pripremaju... ...još jedan eksperiment koristeći vertikalnu pušku. |
They hope to one day confirm that meteorites and comets could have delivered life's essential ingredients to Earth. | Nadaju se da će jednog dana potvrditi da su meteoriti i kometi... ...mogli donijeti ključni sastojak života na Zemlju. |
One of the things we are trying to look at, what is the survival* of some of these building blocks? Can they be delivered to the earth so they would help seed a planet so the conditions for life could begin to exist? | Jedna od stvari koju želimo vidjeti je da li su neki od preživjelih... ...ključnih elemenata za život, mogle dospjeti na Zemlju... ...i pomogle zasijati planet... ...tako da bi nastali uvjeti za nastanak života. |
Comets and asteroids probably brought essential ingredients for origin of life to the surface of the Earth. | Kometi i asteroidi su vjerojatno donijeli... ...ključne sastojke za nastanak života... ...na površinu Zemlje. |
Their impact probably made the surface environment much more favourable for life. | Ti udari su učinili uvjete na površini... ...povoljnijim za nastanak života. |
Their experiments show that meteorites delivered primitive carbon compounds to early Earth. | Njihov eksperiment je pokazao da su meteoriti... ...donijeli jednostavne spojeve ugljika na ranu Zemlju. |
Some of these compounds may have produced the building blocks necessary for life. | Neki od tih spojeva su možda stvorili... ...neke od ključnih elemenata za život. |
But more research is needed. | Ali, potrebno je još istraživanja. |
So this is coming through the atmosphere, burning up as we go. | Ovo je prolazak i izgaranje kroz atmosferu. |
Still, many scientists agree the first life forms were single-cell organisms that lived in the oceans. | Ipak, mnogi znanstvenici se slažu da su prvi oblici života... ...bili jednostanični organizmi koji su živjeli u oceanima. |
And today, biologists are digging up the descendants of our earliest known ancestors in some of the most uninhabitable places on Earth. | Danas biolozi iskopavaju... ...potomke naših najstarijih poznatih predaka... ...na nekim od najnegostoljubljivijim područjima Zemlje. |
If you have a big Cadillac today as modern life, ancient life was more like a bicycle. | Ako današnji život možemo usporediti s Cadillacom, drevni život je bio više kao bicikl. |
There are no remains of these organisms other than their chemistry, and I think it's important to keep in mind that for the first 2 billion years of this planet's living history, it was all microbial. | Ne postoje nikakvi drugi ostaci tih organizama osim njihovog kemijskog sastava... ...i mislim da je važno držati na umu... ...da je prvih 2 milijarde godina povijesti života na ovom planetu... ...bila era mikroba. |
Professor Ken Nealson is a bona fide microbe hunter. | Profesor Ken Nealson je proslavljeni mikrobiolog. |
He scours the planet for the tiniest forms of primitive life that still exist today. | On pretražuje planetu za najmanjim oblicima života... ...koji postoje još i danas. |
The earliest Earth was full of hydrogen, of hydrogen sulphate, had a lot of methane, some carbon dioxide. | Ranija Zemlja je bila puna vodika, vodikovih sulfida... ...metana i nešto ugljičnog dioksida. |
It was a place full of energy. | To je bilo mjesto ispunjeno energijom. |
The microbes exploited virtually every niche on this planet for energy. | Mikrobi su doslovno iskoristili... ...svaki djelić energije na planeti. |
Some have dubbed these early life forms extremophiles or thermophiles, organisms that can live in extreme environments. | Neki su dali ovim ekstremnim oblicima imena... ...ekstremofili ili termofili... ...organizmi koji mogu preživjeti u ekstremnim uvjetima. |
Let's say there was a massive meteorite that hit the Earth and the temperature of the Earth went up 40 degrees. | Recimo da je meteorit pao na Zemlju... ...i povisio temperaturu planeta za 40 stupnjeva. |
Well, that would be just perfect for these extremophiles. | To bi bio savršen okoliš za ekstremofile. |
One of the things we know, for instance, is that the "oldest" organisms, the ones that are nearest to the last common ancestor, are all thermophilic organisms. | Jedna stvar koju znamo sigurno je da su najstariji organizmi... ...oni koji su najbliži našim najstarijim precima... ...bili termofilski organizmi. |
And you could say, well that proves that life evolved at high temperature. | I to dokazuje da život može uspjeti pri visokim temperaturama. |
Descendents of these hot-blooded organisms can be found today and they can live at temperatures of 230ºF. | Nasljednici ovih drevnih organizama mogu se naći i danas. Oni mogu živjeti na temperaturi od 110 °C. |
If you want some so called thermophiles, then you go to Yellowstone and you see these bubbling lakes and cauldrons of smelly water. | Ako želite pronaći tzv. termofile, onda ćete otići u Yellowstone. Tamo ćete vidjeti proključala jezera, poput kotlova smrdljive vode. |
And for years people assumed they were sterile, but they're full of life. | Godinama su ljudi mislili da su ona sterilna mjesta, ali zapravo su puna života. |
And only these organisms* adapting to that extreme. | Svi ti organizmi su se prilagodili ekstremnim uvjetima. |
Modern day extremophiles may prove that life could have survived and adapted under the extreme conditions on Earth during its turbulent infancy. | Današnji ekstremofili bi mogli dokazati... ...da je život mogao opstati i rasti... pod ekstremnim uvjetima na Zemlji u njezinoj najranijoj dobi. |
But, how could single-celled microbes transform into complex life? | Ali kako su se jednostanični organizmi... ...mogli preobraziti u kompleksniji oblik života? |
Approximately 3 billion years ago, primitive life soaked up energy from the Sun. | Prije otprilike 3 milijardi godina... ...primitivni život je počeo upijati energiju iz Sunca. |
Underwater microbes formed a green pigment called chlorophyll. This enabled them to trap sunlight and produce a chemical reaction which converts carbon dioxide and water into food. | Podvodni mikrobi stvorili su zeleni pigment znan kao klorofil... ...to im je omogućilo da zarobe sunčevo svjetlo... ...stvarajući kemijsku reakciju... ...koja je pretvorila ugljični dioksid u vodi u hranu. |
This process, called photosynthesis, led the way for bacteria to multiply into one of Earth's earlier structures: cyanobacteria, formerly called "blue-green algae". | Taj proces koji se zove fotosinteza... omogućio je bakterijama da se pretvore ...u jednu od najstarijih zemaljskih struktura: cijanobakterije... ...prije poznate po imenu modrozelene alge. |
Cyanobacteria injected vast amounts of free oxygen into the water and air and sparked the oxygen revolution. | Cijanobakterije su izbacivale veliku količinu kisika... ...u vodu i zrak, te su tako započele revoluciju kisika. |
All of a sudden, life divided into two groups. | Odjednom se život podijelio u dvije grupe. |
One that ran away from the oxygen and hid in the anaerobic part of the world, and the other that started using the oxygen as a great energetic advantage, and then could evolve, I think, to be much bigger, and perhaps to evolve much faster. | Jedan koji je bježao od kisika i sakrivao se u anaerobnim dijelovima svijeta... ...i drugi koji je počeo koristiti kisik... ...kao veliku energetsku prednost. On je mogao evoluirati u nešto puno veće... ...i vjerojatno je mogao evoluirati puno brže. |
One thing is for sure, when the cyanobacteria got this ability, they outcompeted everybody else. | Jedna stvar je sigurna, kad su cijanobakterije dobile ovu sposobnost... ...mogle su se natjecati sa svima drugima. |
Thanks to cyanobacteria, life was able to quickly diversify and become more complex. | Zahvaljujući cijanobakterijama, život se mogao razvijati raznolikije... ...i mogao je postati puno kompleksniji. |
Without it, molecular oxygen wouldn't exist. | Bez njih molekule kisika ne bi postojale. |
Therefore, plants, animals and humans would have never developed. | Zbog toga se biljke, životinje i ljudi ne bi nikada razvili. |
So if we didn't have the cyanobacteria we wouldn't be around. | Dakle, da nije bilo cijanobakterija, ne bi bilo ni nas. |
We owe our heritage to the scum of the Earth. | Dugujemo svoje naslijeđe smeću Zemlje. |
All of us came from the same place. | Svi smo mi došli s istog mjesta. |
We have so many things in common with bacteria that there's just no doubt about it. | Imamo toliko toga zajedničkog... ...sa bakterijama. Nema sumnje u to. |
The Mojave Desert, near Death Valley in Southern California, appears void of life. | Pustinja Mojave, u blizini Doline smrti... ...u Južnoj Kaliforniji, izgleda beživotno. |
But below the surface of this dry lake bed, mankind's ancestors thrive. | Ali ispod površine ovog isušenog mrtvog jezera... ...prže se preci ljudskog roda. |
Planet Earth's earliest life forms may have adapted and persevered under extreme conditions. | Najraniji oblici života na planeti Zemlji... ...su se možda prilagodili i rasli pod najtežim uvjetima. |
Today, in the parched and barren Mojave Desert, in Southern California, geobiologist Ken Nealson is searching for the secrets to life. | Danas, u ovoj sasušenoj pustinji Mojave, u Južnoj Kaliforniji... ...geobiolog Ken Nealson traga za tajnama života. |
He's discovered that modern microbial organisms also thrive in some inhospitable places. | Otkrio je da se današnji mikroorganizmi... ...također prže na negostoljubivim mjestima. |
What you see when you glance at this environment are a bunch of what appear to be tunnels or mounds here, and these are made by the gases produced by the microbes living in this mudflat area. | Ono što vidite kad bacite brz pogled na ovaj okoliš... ...je nešto slično tunelima i nasipima. To su ostaci plinova koje su stvorili mikrobi... ...koji žive u ovom području. |
If we were to take water and rehydrate this piece of dirt and put this under the microscope, it would be rife with abundant microbes swimming everywhere. | Ako uzmemo malo vode i rehidriramo ovaj komadić prljavštine... ...a potom ga stavimo pod mikroskop... ...otkrit ćemo gomilu mikroba koji plivaju u svim pravcima. |
And this is the lifecycle on the saltflat, all of which we call extremophiles, and which eke out an existence in a mudflat like this. | To je ciklus života pod ovim uvjetima. Njih zovemo ekstremofilima... ...jer uspijevaju preživjeti u ovakvim uvjetima. |
Microbes reigned supreme for much of Earth's history. | Mikrobi su nadmoćno vladali većinu Zemljine povijesti. |
They revolutionized the planet and paved the way for a myriad of sophisticated species. | Oni su revolucionizirali planet... ...i utrli put za sofisticiranije vrste. |
But it was land that gave life a new home. | Ali, kopno je bilo mjesto koje je životu pružilo novi "dom". |
It's believed the emergence of landmass began roughly 4 billion years ago. | Vjeruje se da je rast kopnene mase... ...započeo negdje prije 4 milijarde godina. |
Plate tectonics created heat and pressure, that produced rock lighter than the ocean floor. | Tektonske ploče stvorile su toplinski pritisak... ...koji je stvorio stijene lakše od oceanskog dna. |
It ultimately floated and accumulated creating continents that would change in size and shape over time. | Na kraju su isplutale i akumulirale se... ...stvarajući kontinente koji su vremenom mijenjali svoju veličinu i oblik. |
The presence of vast continents would enable Earth to sustain its most distinctive component, complex life. | Prisutnost tih velikih kontinenata omogućilo je Zemlji... ...da podrži svoju najvažniju komponentu, ...kompleksni život. |
After 2 billion years of planetary and biological evolution, the first plants and animals emerged from water onto land. | Nakon 2 milijarde godina planetarne i biološke evolucije, ...prve biljke i životinje izašle su iz mora na kopno. |
But it would take hundreds of millions of years before humans evolved. | Ali trebat će proći još stotine milijuna godina... ...prije nego ljudi evoluiraju. |
And once Man claimed dominance over the planet, Earth would never be the same. | A jednom kad čovjek zadominira planetom... ...Zemlja više nikad neće biti ista. |
Planet Earth now holds the best real estate for mankind in our solar system. | Planeta Zemlja drži najbolji posjed za ljudski rod u Sunčevom sustavu... |
Seven diverse continents and countless islands are home to 6 billion people. | Sedam različitih kontinenata i bezbroj otoka... ...su dom za 6 milijardi ljudi. |
Yet, remarkably, most of Earth's existence thus far, has been without humans. | Ipak, neobično je, da je većinu svog postojanja Zemlja provela bez ljudi. |
The planet's history has been compared to a 24-hour clock, with the presence of Man being the last 2 seconds of the day. | Povijest planeta se može usporediti sa 24 sata. Ljudska prisutnost je bila samo zadnje 2 sekunde. |
We're driving around the track now at a relatively modest speed in this car that handles very smoothly. A very controlled ride. | Stazom trenutno idemo relativno malom brzinom. Vozilo se kreće vrlo lijepo, ovo je kontrolirana vožnja. |
This reminds me of life on Earth. | Ovo me podsjeća na život na Zemlji. |
Life on Earth has had its ups and downs, but compared to evolution of other planets the Earth has had a relatively smooth ride for billions of years. | Život na Zemlji je imao svojih uspona i padova... ...ali uspoređujući ga s evolucijom na drugim planetima... ...Zemlja je imala relativno lijepu vožnju milijardama godina. |
That's why life has flourished here. | Zato je život i procvjetao ovdje. |
But with mankind now navigating its future, Spaceship Earth may return to its tumultuous beginnings. | Sad kad ljudski rod upravlja svojom sudbinom... ...svemirski brod Zemlja bi se mogao vratiti svojim burnim ranim danima. |
Humans, through trial-and-error evolution, are suited to live on this particular planet. | Ljudski rod se tijekom evolucije... ...prilagodio životu na ovom planetu. |
Now, that's true right now. We don't know if that will be true in the future. | To je istina u ovom trenutku, ali ne možemo biti sigurni za budućnost. |
Earthlings created what once would seem almost unimaginable. | Ljudi su stvorili stvari koje su se nekad smatrale nezamislivima. |
Technology. | Tehnologija. |
Mechanical vehicles, gadgets and gizmos have simplified and bettered our lives. | Mehanička vozila, naprave i pomagala... ...pojednostavili su i poboljšali naš život. |
Many of these conveniences are run on or made using fossil fuels, which are harvested from the Earth's crust. | Mnoge od tih pomagala koriste ili rade na osnovu fosilnih goriva... ...koja se ubiru iz Zemljine kore. |
But over the last hundred years, our innovations have gotten us into planetary trouble. | Ali u proteklih stotinu godina... ...naše inovacije dovele su planet u nevolju. |
Humans are having a major effect on Planet Earth, with global warming, and population explosion, so we're having a very large effect on the environment. | Ljudi su imali najveći utjecaj na planet Zemlju. Globalno zagrijavanje i eksplozija populacije... ...imaju veliki utjecaj na okoliš. |
The natural greenhouse effect is the absorption of infrared radiation by our atmosphere, which warms our planet. | Prirodni efekt staklenika... ...predstavlja apsorbiranje infracrvenog zračenja... ...iz naše atmosfere, a to zagrijava naš planet. |
Without greenhouse gases, the Earth's surface would be up to 86ºF cooler. | Bez stakleničkih plinova... ...temperatura na površini bi bila 30°C hladnija. |
But in the last 20 years there's been an increase in greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. | Ali u zadnjih 20 godina došlo je do povećanja stakleničkih plinova. Naročito ugljičnog dioksida... ...koji je nastao izgaranjem fosilnih goriva. |
The increased heating is affecting agriculture, sea level and weather. | Povećanje temperature ima utjecaj na agrokulturu... ...razinu mora i vremenske prilike. |
In the past, carbon dioxide levels had spiked due to natural causes, such as volcanic outgassing. | U prošlosti, razina ugljičnog dioksida je ovisila... ...o prirodnim uzrocima, kao što je ispuštanje plinova iz vulkana. |
However, today's rises seem to be happening much more rapidly. | Međutim, sadašnji porast se odvija puno većom brzinom. |
To visibly witness the drastic changes one needs to travel to the barely habitable zones on Planet Earth. | Da bi svjedočili tim brzim promjenama... ...moramo otići na jedva podobno mjesto za život na planeti. |
There, mankind’s future is literally melting away. | Tamo se budućnost ljudskog roda... ...doslovno topi. |
The Earth's North and South Poles are known as the cryospheres, regions blanketed with snow and ice. | Zemljini Sjeverni i Južni pol zovu se još i kriosferama. To su područja prekrivena snijegom i ledom. |
They help regulate climate temperature and water levels around the globe. | Ona reguliraju temperaturu i razinu vode diljem globusa. |
NASA Senior Scientist, Waleed Abdalati, investigates the frozen parts of our world. | NASA-in znanstvenik Waleed Abdalati... ...istražuje zamrznute dijelove našeg svijeta. |
The feeling of being on the ice is amazing. | Osjećaj biti na ledu je nevjerojatan. |
It's pristine... in places where probably my boots have been to touch the ground there. | To je prestiž... ...kada znaš da je tvoja čizma ugazila neko mjesto po prvi put. |
It's very humbling... | To te čini poniznim. |
You stand there and it's so vast and impressive... | Stojiš tamo i gledaš tu pustoš koja je impresivna. |
But in the last century, scientists like Dr. Abdalati have personally witnessed Earth's ice shrinking. | Ali u prošlom stoljeću... ...znanstvenici poput dr. Abdalatija... ...osobno su svjedočili smanjivanju ledene mase. |
The reason: ice and snow are white, they reflect sunlight and cool the planet. | Razlog: led i snijeg su bijeli... ...i zato reflektiraju svjetlost, te se zato planet hladi. |
By contrast, the open oceans absorb sunlight, which heats the globe. | Nasuprot tome, oceani apsorbiraju svjetlost... ...i tako zagrijavaju planet. |
However, as ice melts, it creates more open water which sucks in more sunlight and increasingly warms the planet and melts more ice. | Međutim, kako se led topi stvara se više vode na otvorenom... ...koja apsorbira više svjetla i time zagrijava više i planet... ...te se tako topi i više leda. |
It's unstable, we say, because even the slightest change tends to amplify itself. | To je vrlo nestabilno, ...jer i najmanja promjena... ...ima tendenciju da se poveća. |
And it's essentially a runaway effect. | To je zapravo ubrzani efekt. |
Earth's polar ice caps are in peril. | Zemljine polarne kape su u opasnosti. |
Continually melting of these precious landscapes may one day produce catastrophes across the planet. | Kontuinirano topljenje ovih dragocjenih krajolika... ...moglo bi uzrokovati katastrofe diljem planeta. |
At the South Pole, the continent of Antarctica, holds 70% of the world's fresh water. | Na Južnom polu, kontinent Antarktika... ...sadrži 70% zaliha svježe vode planeta. |
Ice shelves surrounding the continent hold back ice like the Hoover Dam. | Ledeni grebeni koji okružuju kontinent... ...zadržavaju led poput brane. |
But they are weakening. | Ali, oni postaju sve slabiji. |
After 12.000 years of solidity the Larsen B Ice Shelf collapsed in just 5 weeks. | Nakon 12.000 godina stabilnosti... ...ledeni greben Larsen B popustio je u samo 5 tjedana. |
At the North Pole, some predict that the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free during the summer in the next 40 to 60 years. | Na Sjevernom polu... ...neki predviđaju da će Arktički ocean ljeti biti bez leda... ...u slijedećih 40-60 godina. |
What's causing the warm temperatures certainly there’s an element of natural variability, but there is also a human contribution. | Ono što uzrokuje porast temperature je sigurno prisutnost prirodnih varijabilnosti, ...ali i ljudi imaju udjela u tome. |
We know that humans are contributing to the warmer environment and that we're subsequently contributing to diminish ice cover. | Znamo sigurno da su ljudi dali svoj doprinos toplijem okolišu... ...i značajno sudjeluju u topljenju ledenog prekrivača. |
In Greenland, the Jakobshavn Glacier, one of the fastest flowing glaciers in the world, is now moving like a runaway train. | Na Grenlandu, Jakoshavn glečer... ...jedan od glečera s najbržim protokom na svijetu, sad se kreće poput brzog vlaka. |
So it's now going about 5 ft/hour, which believe me, for a glacier is very fast. | Sad se kreće brzinom oko... ...1,5 metara na sat. Što je za glečere velika brzina. |
The worst-case scenario would be that all of these glaciers start to speed up and just deliver huge amounts of ice to the sea. | Najgori mogući scenarij bi bio da svi ti glečeri... ...ubrzaju i donesu u more ogromnu količinu leda. |
That would be a 3-foot increase worldwide. | To bi podiglo razinu mora u cijelom svijetu za 1 metar. |
And 3 feet in coastal regions is plenty to displace millions and millions of people. | A taj 1 metar je dovoljan... ...da ostavi bez doma milijune ljudi diljem svijeta. |
Although humans may be able to stabilize man-made pollutants, it might take decades. | Ako ljudi to i uspiju stabilizirati... ...za to bi trebala desetljeća. |
At the same time, there are natural processes at work that might determine mankind's fate. | U isto vrijeme postoje i prirodni procesi... ...koji bi mogli odrediti sudbinu ljudskog roda. |
The planet's going through its own evolution. | Planet proživljava svoju osobnu evoluciju. |
What we do to the planet affects us, it doesn't affect the planet. | Ali ako dozvolimo da planet utječe na nas, to nije dobar plan. |
So we may mock up with the atmosphere for a few thousand years of global warming and so forth, but this is actually just a blip. | Mogli bi biti zatvoreni u atmosferi... ...s globalnim zagrijavanjem nekoliko tisuća godina. To je samo jedan događaj. |
It's an important blip to us, but it's not necessarily a blip in terms of planetary evolution. | To je bitno za nas, ali nije neophodno bitno za planetu Zemlju. |
Donald Brownlee and colleague Peter Ward have measured our planet's vital signs, and its prognosis it's bleak. | Donald Brownlee i njegov kolega Peter Ward... mjere vitalne znake našeg planeta. Njihove prognoze su turobne. |
Earth, as a place for animal and human life, is nearing old age. | Zemlja, kao mjesto za život ljudi i životinja... ...približava se svom starom dobu. |
Why? | Zašto? |
Our Sun is getting brighter and hotter. | Naše Sunce postaje sjajnije i toplije. |
The problem down the line for advanced life on Earth is that as the Sun gets slightly brighter, the expectation is that carbon dioxide will be almost completely removed from the atmosphere. | Problem za napredni život na zemlji... ...je što Sunce postaje sjajnije. Očekivanja su... ...da će ugljični dioksid biti potpuno izbrisan iz atmosfere. |
There will be an end to the age of plants and animals. | To će biti kraj biljkama i životinjama. |
Humans could die out 500 million years from now due to the brightening of the Sun. | Ljudski rod bi mogao izumrijeti za 500 milijuna godina... ...zbog pojačanog sunčevog sjaja. |
But in the grand scheme of things Man may have had a good run. | Ali gledamo li na duže staze... ...čovjek bi mogao imati dobru trku. |
Before reaching extinction, perhaps humans will have lived longer than any other complex species because of their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. | Prije nego dosegne točku izumiranja, čovjek bi mogao živjeti dulje nego bilo koja druga kompleksna vrsta, zbog svoje sposobnosti da se prilagodi i promijeni uvjete u okolišu. |
From a human standpoint, the Earth will remain been a Porsche planet probably for another... half a billion to a billion years. | Sa ljudskog stanovišta... ...Zemlja bi mogla biti planet Porsche... ...još pola do milijardu godina. |
Which is a truly awesome timescale from a human standpoint. | Što je veliko vremensko razdoblje... ...sa stajališta ljudskog roda. |
As Spaceship Earth manoeuvres through uncharted waters, humankind can reflect on the planet's awesome achievements and steadfast survival in the tough neighbourhood called THE UNIVERSE. | Dok svemirski brod Zemlja putuje... ...kroz neistražene vode... ...čovječanstvo bi se trebalo okrenuti planetarnim dostignućima... ...i pokušati preživjeti... ...u gadnom susjedstvu... ...koji se zove...Svemir. |