The Sun is the superpower of our Solar System, a thermonuclear blast furnace, erupting with massive explosions. | Sunce je supersila našeg solarnog sistema, termonuklearna pećnica koja eruptira ogromnim eksplozijama. |
It can be the same amount of mass as mount Everest coming out from the Sun and flying out into space. | Mogu biti veličine Mont Eversta, bivaju ispaljene iz Sunca u svemir. |
At 93 million miles away it would seem that we are safe from the Sun's wrath. | Na 150 miliona kilometara od Sunca izgleda da smo bezbedni od njegovog gneva. |
But, are we? | Ali, da li smo? |
It matters, especially in modern times, what the Sun is doing. | Bitno je, posebno u moderno vreme, šta Sunce radi. |
From the center of the Sun, as it rotates around, is the "kill zone". | Od centra Sunca, kako se okreće, kao zona smrti. |
With some experts predicting the most violent outbreak of solar activity in modern history. it's never been more important to understand the secrets of the Sun. | Kako neki eksperti predviđaju najnasilnije nastupe solarne aktivnosti u modernoj istoriji, nikada nije bilo važnije da razumemo tajne Sunca. |
It's an infernal sphere, of mostly hydrogen and helium, superheated into a plasma, that burns at millions of degrees. | To je paklena sfera, sačinjena uglavnom od vodonika i helijuma, zagrejana u stanje plazme, koja gori milionima stepeni. |
Its surface reages with violent explosions, as it spews out storms of deadly radiation, millions of miles into space. | Na njenoj površini divljaju nasilne eksplozije, bljujući oluje smrtonosne radijacije milionima milja u svemir. |
Our Sun is a type of star known as a yellow dwarf. | Naše Sunce je tip zvezde poznate kao "žuti patuljak". |
Yellow because of the colour of its surface, and dwarf because it's small for a star. | Žuto zbog boje njegove površine. Patuljak jer je malo za jednu zvezdu. |
But small is relative. | Ali "malo" je relativno. |
Within its boundaries, you could fit one million earths. | U njegove granice možete spakovati milion Zemlji. |
In our Solar System, there's simply no bigger star than the Sun. | U našem solarnom sistemu ne postoji veća zvezda od Sunca. |
At a million miles across, it's a massive celestial blockbuster. | Milionima kilometara daleko, ono je ogromni nebeski blokbaster. |
The Sun is really pretty huge. | Sunce je ustvari prilično veliko. |
It dominates our Solar System. | Dominira našim solarnim sistemom. |
Not only is the bigger star of the Solar system, it's the only star in the Solar System. | Ne samo da je najveća zvezda sunčevog sistema, nego je i jedina. |
It's sorrounded by a bunch a smaller stuff, that we call planets and comets and moons. | Okružena je gomilom manjih stvari, koje nazivamo planetama, kometama i mesecima. |
But the Sun is our star. | Ali Sunce je naša zvezda. |
Our star is an enormous source of heat and energy. | Naša zvezda je enormni izvor toplote i energije. |
It has a surface temperature of 10,000° Farenheit. | Temperatura njegove površine je 5.500 stepeni celzijusa. |
And generates 380 billion billion megawatts of power. | Proizvodi 380 milijarda milijardi megavata snage. |
This dwarfs anything on the human scale. | To se ne može porediti ni sa čim na Zemlji. |
Hoover Dam in Nevada only generates 280 megawatts. | Huverova brana u Nevadi proizvodi samo 280 MW. |
In one second the Sun churns out more energy than has been used in all of human civilization. | U jednoj sekundi Sunce proizvede više energije nego što se koristilo u celoj ljudskoj civilizaciji. |
All that power in the blink of an eye. | Sva ta snaga u treptaju oka. |
Incredibly, it's been burning this way for billions of years. | Zapanjujuće, ono gori ovako već milijardama godina. |
Early astronomers didn't quite understand how the Sun could generate so much energy for that long a period of time. | Rani astronomi nisu mogli da shvate kako Sunce pravi toliku energiju za toliko dug vremenski period. |
That was the first mistery, it was really how the Sun generates its energy. | To je bila prva misterija, kako Sunce proizvodi toliku energiju. |
In the early nineteenth century, scientists assumed that the Sun worked just like any fire on Earth, that there was a source of fuel, perhaps coal, that was slowly burning away. | U ranom 19-tom veku, naučnici su pretpostavljali da je Sunce kao i bilo koja vatra na Zemlji, da ima izvor goriva, možda uglja, koje polako sagoreva. |
But that was a serious problem with this theory: | Ali u ovoj teoriji bio je ozbiljan problem. |
I've got a fire in front of me here, if I want it to keep burning, I have to keep adding wood to it. | - Imam vatru ispred sebe, ako hoću da gori moram da dodajem drva u nju. |
This fire will last maybe an hour, unless I add some more wood. | Ova vatra će trajati oko sat vremena, ako ne dodam još drveta. |
Now, if I had a pile of the wood the size of the whole Sun, and somehow enough oxygen to burn it, it would only take about 5000 or 6000 years to burn out. | Kada bih imao hrpu drva veličine Sunca, i kiseonik potreban za sagorevanje, bilo bi potrebno oko 5-6 hiljada godina da to sagori. |
That's a long time, but it's not long enough to sustain life on Earth. | To je dug vremenski period, ali nedovoljan da održi život na zemlji. |
By the early twentieth century, carbon dating of Earth rocks and fossils had proven that the Sun was in existence and at temperatures warm enough to sustain life not for thousands of years, but for 3 billion. | U ranom 20-tom veku, određivanje starosti stena i fosila pomoću ugljenika dokazalo je da Sunce daje toplotu potrebnu za održanje života na Zemlji ne hiljadama godina, nego 3 milijarde godina. |
If you wanted to build a fire that would last that long, you would need 72 trillion cords of firewood. | Kad biste hteli da napravite vatru koja bi gorela toliko dugo, trebalo bi vam 72 triliona stabala ogrevnog drveta. |
That's 12,000 cords for each man, woman and child on the planet. | To je 12 hiljada stabala za svakog čoveka, ženu i dete na planeti. |
Clearly, there had to be some other process, unknow on Earth, that was powering the Sun. | Jasno, morao je postojati neki drugi proces, nepoznat na Zemlji, koji je davao snagu Suncu. |
In the 1920's scientists found the answer to the puzzle, in a process that would later be harnessed to fuel the hydrogen bomb. | 1920-tih naučnici su našli odgovor na zagonetku, u procesu koji će se kasnije koristiti da bi se napravila hidrogenska bomba. |
Nuclear fusion. | Nuklearna fuzija. |
Fusion occurs when atoms are smashed together at a high rate of speed and literally fused. | Fuzija se događa kada se atomi sudare pri ogromnim brzinama i doslovno se spoje. |
To get this to happen, conditions have to be just right. | Da bi se ovo dogodilo, uslovi moraju biti pravi. |
For any interaction to happen, these two protons, each has a positive electric charge and so they would repell each other, so you got to get them close enough together. | Da bi se bilo šta dogodilo između dva protona, oba pozitivno naelektrisana, i prema tome bi se odbijali, morate ih dovesti blizu jedan drugome. |
And to do that, it's got to be hot, which means the particles are moving fast, and dense enough that they, they hit each other and they can get close enough together so they actually fuse. | Da biste to uspeli moralo bi da bude vruće, što znači da moraju brzo da se kreću i budu dovoljno gusti, da bi se uopšte došli blizu jedan drugom i spojili pri sudaru. |
The core of the Sun is the perfect cauldron for nuclear fusion. | Sunčevo jezgro je savršeno nesto za nuklearnu fuziju. |
It's the hottest place in the Solar System, at a sweltering 27 milion °F. | To je najtoplije mesto u sunčevom sistemu, čija je temperatura 15 miliona stepeni. |
And it's also incredibly dense. | Takođe je neverovatno gusto. |
It's so dense, it's ten times the density of lead, and you would think at that density it should be a solid, but it's not because it's so hot that remains a plasma. | - Jezgro je 10 puta gušće od olova, i pomislili biste da zbog takve gustine mora biti čvrsto, ali nije jer je toliko vruće da ostaje u stanju plazme. |
If you heat a gas to high enough temperatures electrons fall off of the atoms and they float around in the soup. | Ako dovoljno zagrejete gas, elektroni se odvoje od atoma i plutaju okolo u nekoj vrsti supe. |
And so it has behavior that's different from what a gas would do, hence we have a different word for it, we call it plasma. | Njihovo ponašanje je drugačije nego ponašanje gasova i zato se to drugačije naziva, kao plazma. |
To truly understand what goes on in the core of the Sun, you have to find some way to imagine the almost "unimaginable". | Da biste zaista razumeli šta se stvarno dešava u sunčevom jezgru, morate naći način da zamislite nešto što je skoro nezamislivo. |
In addition to studying the Sun, I also play pool and the Sun is a place where there are billions of particles, colliding and interacting with each other. | Uz istraživanje Sunca, ja takođe igram bilijar. Sunce je mesto gde postoje milijarde čestica, koje se sudaraju i međusobno deluju. |
And it is really not unlike a cosmic pool table, on an unimaginable scale. | Nije mnogo različito od kosmičkog bilijarskog stola, u nezamislivoj veličini. |
It doesn't matter how hard you hit a ball. | Nije bitno koliko jako udarite kuglu. |
You would never hit hard enough to actually fuse that ball together with another ball. | Nikada ne biste mogli da je udarite tako jako da zaista spojite tu kuglu sa drugom kuglom. |
But there's so much pressure and such high density at the core of the Sun, that two objects impacting each other, will actually fuse. | Ali u sunčevom jezgru je ogroman pritisak i tolika gustina, da se dva objekta pri sudaru spajaju. |
In the Sun, these objects are hydrogen atoms, flung together by immense pressure, to form helium atoms. | U Suncu, ti objekti su atomi vodonika, koji se spajaju zbog orgomnog pritiska, da bi formirali atome helijuma. |
In this fusion process, the resulting atom is slightly less massive than the ones they created it. | U ovom procesu spajanja, nastajući atomi su neznatno manje masivni od onih koji su ga kreirali. |
The missing mass is given off as energy. | Masa koja nedostaje se odaje kao energija. |
Each second, inside the Sun, 600 million tons of hydrogen are fused into 595 million tons of helium. | Svake sekunde, unutar Sunca, 600 miliona tona vodonika se spaja u 595 miliona tona helijuma. |
That five million tons of mass lost in the process is converted into energy equal to one billion one megaton hydrogen bombs. | Gubitak od 5 miliona tona u procesu pretvara se u energiju koja je jednaka milijardi hidrogenskih bombi od jedne megatone. |
That's every second. | Svake sekunde. |
When you look out into the cosmos, the process that gives you the highest return of energy for free, is what goes on in the centers of stars like the Sun. | Kada pogledate u svemir, proces koji vam daje najveću energiju, besplatno, je ono što se dešava u jezgrima zvezda kao što je Sunce. |
So, we now know that the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion. | Dakle, sada znamo da Sunce napaja nuklearna fuzija. |
It's the only fuel we know, that can sustain the burning in the Sun long enough to sustain life on Earth, billions of years. | To je jedino gorivo za koje mi znamo, koje može održati sagorevanje u Suncu dovoljno dugo da održi život na zemlji, milijardama godina. |
Sunlight. | Sunčeva svetlost. |
It's so central to life that we don't often give it a second thought. | Toliko je ključna za život da uglavnom ne razmišljamo o njoj. |
But how light gets from there to here, turns out to be an incredible story. | Ali kako svetlost dolazi do nas je neverovatna priča. |
The energy created in the fusion process is carried out of the core by particles of light and heat called photons. | Energiju koja nastaje fuzijom iz jezgra iznose čestice svetlosti i toplote koji se nazivaju fotoni. |
They are what bring the warming rays of the Sun to Earth. | Oni donose toplotu sa Sunca na Zemlju. |
To reach our planet, these glowing travellers from our nearest star must first take a long winding road through all the layers of the Sun, like Dante journeying through the levels of Hell. | Da bi došli do naše planete, ovi svetlucavi putnici sa naše najbliže zvezde moraju prvo proći kroz sve slojeve Sunca, kao Danteovo putovanje kroz nivoe pakla. |
First, a photon enters the 185,000 mile-thick radiative zone. The region is so densely packed that the photon constantly bumps into other particles, like hydrogen and helium atoms. | Prvo, foton ulazi u 300.000 km dugu zonu zračenja, region tako gust da foton stalno udara u druge čestice, kao što su atomi vodonika i helijuma. |
It struggles outward in a chaotic zigzag pattern that scientists call the "random walk". | Oni se bori da izađe odatle u haotičnoj cik-cak putanji, koju naučnici nazivaju "nasumični hod". |
A photon can't escape without interacting over and over and over again, getting absorbed by atoms and reemitted and it can be absorbed and reemitted millions of times. | Foton ne može pobeći bez interakcije, iznova i iznova, upijaju ga i otpuštaju atomi, i može biti upijen i otpušten milionima puta. |
As the density decreases as you get further up in the Sun, it becomes easier and the collisions and the interactions are less. | Pošto gustina opada kako se penje prema površini Sunca, postaje lakše i sudari i interakcije su manji. |
When it finally reaches to within 130,000 miles of the surface, the photon enters the convective zone, and the pace suddenly quickens. | Kad napokon dođe na 210 hiljada kilometara od površine, foton ulazi u konvektivnu zonu, i tempo se odjednom ubrzava. |
It's carried upwards by a kind of boiling, riding along in huge columns of gas at hundreds of miles an hour, taking only ten days to emerge on the solar surface. | Napolje ga iznosi neka vrsta ključanja kroz ogromne stubove gasa stotinama kilometara na sat. Potrebno mu je samo 10 dana da se pojavi na površini Sunca. |
The incredible journey is almost over as the photon lifts off through the wispy gasses of the solar atmosphere. | To neverovatno putovanje je skoro gotovo, dok se foton podiže kroz pramenaste gasove Sunčeve atmosfere. |
From there, it takes only 8 minutes for it to zip across 93 million miles of space to our planet. | Odatle, potrebno mu je samo 8 minuta da pređe 150 miliona kilometara svemira, do naše planete. |
Incredibly, by the time sunlight actually reaches Earth, it's already been in existence for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years. | Neverovatno, dok sunčeva svetlost zaista stigne do Zemlje, ona je već postojala stotinama hiljada, ako ne i milionima godina. |
For the Sun even a million years is a small blip in time. | Za Sunce, milion godina je kratak vremenski period. |
The simple perfect disc of a sunset, belies the long, violent history of our star. | Jednostavni, savršeni disk zalaska Sunca, krije dugu, nasilnu prošlost naše zvezde. |
It is a ball of fire spawned billions of years ago in a massive explosion known as a supernova. | To je vatrena lopta nastala pre više milijardi godina u ogromnoj eksploziji poznatoj kao supernova. |
After this titanic explosion where a star much larger than the Sun exploded, there would have been a huge cloud of gas many times larger than the Solar System. And small nods of material would have gradually coalesced in this very large cloud. | Posle ove titanske eksplozije gde je zvezda mnogo veća od Sunca eksplodirala, nastao je ogroman oblak gasa mnogo puta veći od našeg solarnog sistema, i mali delovi materijala bi se polako spajali u ovom veoma velikom oblaku. |
About five billion years ago, some ten billion years after the Big Bang that scientists believe kickstarted our Universe, this cloud started to collapse under the pull of gravity. | - Pre oko 5 milijardi godina, nekih 10 milijardi godina posle Velikog praska, za kojeg naučnici veruju da je započeo naš univerzum, ovaj oblak počeo je da se urušava pod uticajem gravitacije. |
Our Solar System probably arose from one such nod of self gravitating gas that pulled itself together and gradually spun itself up as it pulled in, like a skater pulling her arms in during a spin, until the star and the various planets coalesced around it. | Naš solarni sistem je verovatno nastao od jednog takvog oblaka samo-gravitirajućeg gasa koji je nastao, i polako počeo da se vrti u toku skupljanja, dok zvezda i različite planete nisu nastale unutar njega. |
Ultimately, when the star was dense enough, it would have turned on fusion, started glowing and giving off sunlight. | Na kraju, zvezda je postala dovoljno gusta da izazove fuziju, i počela da sjaji dajući sunčevu svetlost. |
Why do scientists believe the Sun was born from the ashes of a supernova? | Zašto naučnici veruju da se Sunce rodilo iz pepela supernove? |
The evidence lies beneath our feet. | Dokazi nam leže pod nogama. |
Complex heavy elements like the uranium we mine from the Earth to fuel our nuclear powerplants, could not have been forged in the Sun, there is simply not enough heat in a star of that size to create elements any heavier than iron. | Kompleksni teški metali, kao što je Uranijum, kojeg iskopavamo da bismo napajali nuklearne elektrane, nisu mogli nastati u Suncu, jer u zvezdi te veličine nema dovoljno toplote da napravi elemente teže od gvožđa. |
Heavy elements, like uranium, can only be created in a catastrophic cosmic explosion. | Teški elementi, kao što je Uranijum, mogu biti napravljeni jedino u katastrofalnoj svemirskoj eksploziji. |
Earth and the other planets in the Solar System formed out of the same nod of gas that produced the Sun. | Zemlja i druge planete u sunčevom sistemu formirane su od tog istog jezgra gasa koje je izrodilo Sunce. |
In this process the Sun hoarded 99% of the mass. | U ovom procesu Sunce je zadržalo 99% mase. |
This means it's the biggest object in our celestial neighborhood, with the strongest gravitational pull. | To znači da je ono najveći objekat u našem nebeskom komšiluku, sa najjačom gravitacionom silom. |
That's why everything else revolves around it. | Zato se sve ostalo vrti oko njega. |
Of all the planets, Earth earned a privileged place in relation to the Sun. | Od svih planeta, Zemlja je zaslužila privilegovano mesto u odnosu sa Suncem. |
If we were closer in, our oceans would boil away and the ground would be hot enough to melt lead. | Da smo malo bliže, naši okeani bi isparili, a zemljište bi bilo dovoljno toplo da istopi olovo. |
If we were farther out, our planet would be a frozen wasteland. | Da smo dalje, naša planeta bi bila zaleđena pustara. |
It's a sort of like Goldylocks and the Three Bears, not too hot, not too cold, it's just right. | Kao u Zlatokosi i tri medveda, ne pretoplo, ne prehladno, nego baš kako treba. |
Here we are at about 93 million miles away from the Sun and we're happy to be here, we're lucky to be here. | Evo nas oko 150 miliona kilometara od Sunca i radosni smo što smo tu, srećni smo što smo tu. |
In some sense we're here because it's the right circumstance for us to be here. | U nekom smislu, ovde smo jer su okolnosti za to prave. |
Earth may be in just the right place in the Solar System, but we're also close enough to the Sun to be a target of its fury. | Zemlja je možda na pravom mestu u našem solarnom sistemu. Ali smo takođe dovoljno blizu Sunca da budemo meta njegovog besa. |
Thousands of mammoth explosions rock our Sun every year. | Hiljade divljih eksplozija potresaju naše Sunce svake godine. |
You might expect this explosive force to come from nuclear reactions in the core, but in reality what drives all outbursts of solar violence is magnetism. | Možda biste očekivali da ove eksplozije dolaze iz nuklearnog reaktora u jezgru, ali u stvarnosti, ono što pravi svo sunčevo nasilje je magnetizam. |
Since Earth rotates as a solid, our magnetic field is simple, we have two poles: North and South. | Pošto se Zemlja okreće kao čvrsto telo, naše magnetno polje je jednostavno. Imamo dva pola, severni i južni. |
This is what makes a compass so useful for finding your way around the planet. | Zato je kompas tako koristan da se snađete na planeti. |
But imagine if instead of two poles you had 1 to 10 million. | Ali zamislite da umesto dva pola, imate 1-10 miliona polova. |
This is what happens on the Sun. | To se dešava na Suncu. |
The Sun's magnetic field is a tangled web because even though it's held together by gravity, the plasma doesn't rotate evenly. | Sunčevo magnetno polje je zamršena mreža jer iako je gravitacija drži, plazna se ne okreće jednako. |
Plasma at the equator rotates once every 25 Earth days, while plasma at the poles takes roughly 35 days to circle once. | Plazma na ekvatoru okrene se jednom svakih 25 zemaljskih dana, dok plazmi na polovima treba 35 dana da napravi krug. |
The Sun has what we call differential rotation. | Sunce ima ono što mi zovemo "diferencijalna rotacija". |
You have all this plasma... that is really turning and turning and that causes magnetic field lines to become twisted and intertwined and mixed up. | Imate svu tu plazmu, koja se okreće i okreće i to uzrokuje da linije magnetnog polja postanu uvrnute i zapetljane i izmešane. |
Although magnetic field lines are invisible, we know they exist on the Sun by looking at features called "coronal loops" and "prominences" rising up into the solar atmosphere. | Iako su linije magnetnog polja nevidljive, mi znamo da one postoje na Suncu gledajući događaje koje nazivamo "koronalne petlje" i "ispupčenja", kako se dižu u sunčevu atmosferu. |
Just as metal shavings line up in the presence of a simple magnet, these loops of plasma perfectly outline the magnetic structures that support them from below. | Kao što se metalni opiljci poravnaju u prisustvu običnog magneta, ove petlje plazme savršeno ocrtavaju magnetnu strukturu koja ih podupire odozdo. |
These plasma arches are so tall and wide that you could slide a planet as big as Jupiter right through them. | Ovi lukovi plazme su tako široki i visoki da biste mogli provući planetu veličine Jupitera kroz njih. |
Sometimes magnetic fields can twist plasma in the Sun's atmosphere into majestic helical shapes called "flux ropes". | Ponekad magnetna polja mogu uvrnuti plazmu u sunčevoj atmosferi u veličanstvene spiralne oblike zvane "fluksna konopci". |
A magnetic flux rope is sort of like a slinky. | Magnetni fluksni konopci su kao spirale. |
The magnetic field line is wrapped around many times in a helical structure, and when you have highly twisted magnetic field lines, it carries a lot of stored free magnetic energy, and sometimes it will even kink in on itself which gives it even more stored magnetic free energy. | Linija magnetnog polja je uvijena mnogo puta u spiralnoj strukturi, i kada imate mnogo puta uvrnutu liniju magnetnog polja ona nosi mnogo uskladištene slobodne magnetne energije. Ponekad će sama sebe još ukovrdžati što će dovesti do još više slobodne magnetne energije. |
These plasma prominencies can last for weeks or months, but eventually the stored up energy has to be released, and the mass is flung off into space. | Ova plazmena ispupčenja mogu trajati nedeljama ili mesecima, ali jednom ta nagomilana energija mora biti oslobođena, i masa se izbacuje u svemir. |
Where the Sun's magnetic field is at its most twisted and complex, heat bubbling up from below is kept and the material is cooled by as much as 1000 degrees. What results are relatively dark blemishes on the solar surface called "sunspots". | Kako je magnetno polje Sunca jako uvrnuto i kompleksno, toplota koja ključa odozdo se zadržava i materijal se ohladi za 1000 stepeni, što dovodi do relativno tamnih fleka na sunčevoj površini koje se nazivaju "sunčeve pege". |
Sunspots are only dark in relation to the bright material around them. | Sunčeve pege su tamne jedino u odnosu prema svetlom materijalu oko njih. |
If you could somehow suspend one alone up in space, it would shine 10 times brighter than the full Moon. | Kada bismo mogli izdvojiti jednu pegu nasamo u svemiru, ona bi sijala 10 puta jače od punog Meseca. |
These apparently tiny blemishes are actually plasma craters the size of the entire Earth. | Ove, naizgled male mrlje, su ustvari krateri plazme veličine zemaljske kugle. |
Galileo was one the first modern scientists to observe sunspots. | Galileo je bio jedan od prvih naučnika koji je posmatrao sunčeve pege. |
Using a telescope he projected an image of the Sun onto paper and traced it. | Pomoću teleskopa projektovao je sliku Sunca na papiru i pratio je. |
He realized that the blemishes were moving across the face of the star, which was the first indication that the Sun rotated. | Shvatio je da se mrlje kreću preko lica zvezde što je bio prvi nagoveštaj da se Sunce okreće. |
Not only does the Sun rotate, but sunspots themselves can actually spin like hurricanes on the solar surface. And when they do, their magnetic field lines become extremely twisted. | Ne samo da se Sunce okreće, nego i pege mogu da se okreću na površini Sunca, i kada to urade, njihove linije magnetnih polja postaju ekstremno uvrnute. |
Twisted magnetic field lines mean more energy and more energy means the potential for huge eruptions. | Uvrnute linije magnetnih polja znače više energije, a više energije znači mogućnost za gigantske erupcije. |
Think of a rubber band as magnetic field line. | Zamislite gumicu kao liniju magnetnog polja. |
If you twist it, and you twist enough it's goin to have all that energy, and when you let it go it's going to release. | Ako je uvrnete dovoljno, dobiće svu tu energiju, i kada je pustite ona će otpustiti tu energiju. |
If you just take an untwisted rubber band and release it it's not going to fly. | Ako samo uzmete neuvrnutu gumicu i pustite avion, on neće leteti. |
When a sunspot unleashes its magnetic energy, what results are the most colossal explosions in the Solar System: solar flares. | Kada Sunce otpusti svoju magnetnu energiju, rezultat su najjače eksplozije u sunčevom sistemu, "Sunčeve baklje". |
A single flare releases as much as a billion megatons of energy. The combined power of a million volcanic eruptions on Earth. | Jedna jedina baklja oslobađa milijardu megatona energije, udruženu moć milion vulkanskih erupcija na Zemlji. |
They appear as these very... bright regions and they're so bright because the temperature is so high, on the order of ten million degrees and they can last for hours. | One se pojavljuju kao beli regioni i tako su sjajni jer je temperatura ogromna, oko 10 miliona stepeni, i mogu trajati satima. |
But the energy is massive. | Ali energija je ogromna. |
The whole explosion... is equivalent to millions of nuclear bombs leaving the surface of the Sun all at once. | Čitava eksplozija je ekvivalentna milionima nuklearnih bombi koje napuštaju površinu Sunca odjednom. |
Solar flares don't just explode out into space. | Sunčeve baklje ne eksplodiraju samo u svemir. |
They also funnel high energy particles down to a layer of the Sun called the cromosphere, where they quickly transfer their energy like a cue ball striking the rack in the game of billiards. | Takođe slivaju visokoenergetske čestice u sloj Sunca koji se zove kronosfera, gde brzo prenose svoju energiju kao bela kugla kad udara grupu kugli u bilijaru. |
So you have a cue ball, actually is like one of these very high energy particles coming from the flare region. | Zamislite belu kuglu kao jednu od onih visokoenergetskih čestica koje oslobađa solarna baklja. |
The cue ball smacks very quickly into the 8-ball rack, and once it impacts that head ball, it's going to transfer that energy to the balls behind it and then they will all fly out because the energy is transferred to all of them. | Bela kugla velikom brzinom udara u grupu kugli, i kada udari u čeonu kuglu, preneće svoju energiju u kugle iza čeone, i one će se pomeriti jer je energija preneta svakoj od njih. |
If a large flare shoots enough high energy particles at once, strange things start to happen. | Ako velika baklja ispali dovoljno visokoenergetskih čestica odjednom, čudne stvari počinju da se dešavaju. |
This is actual footage of a sunquake. In 1998 there was a solar flare up in the corona that was so powerful that the material flying down toward the surface of the Sun actually slapped the surface and caused ripples to spread out from there. | Ovo je stvaran snimak "Suncotresa". 1998, nastala je sunčeva baklja u koroni koja je bila tako snažna da je materijal koji je leteo dole prema površini Sunca udario u njegovu površinu i izazvao talasiće koji su se širili dalje. |
While thay may look like ripples on a pot, these are actually waves two miles high travelling at a maximum velocity of 250 thousand miles per hour. | Iako možda izgledaju kao talasići, ovo su ustvari talasi visoki 3,5 km koji putuju maksimalnom brzinom od 400.000 km/h. |
The 1998 sunquake would have measured an 11.3 on the Richter scale. | "Suncotres" iz 1998 merio bi 11.3 na Rihterovoj skali. |
More than one million times stronger than the 1989 earthquake that shook San Francisco. | Više od milion puta jači nego zemljotres iz 1989 koji je pogodio San Francisko. |
In order to shake the surface of the Sun that much, the solar flare had to release a colossal amount of energy. | Da bi mogla toliko da protrese površinu Sunca, baklja mora da oslobodi enormne količine energije. |
It turns out it's almost the same amount of energy as if you cover the entire landmass of the Earth with dinamite, about a yard thick. | Ispada da je to ista količina energije kao kada biste čitavu kopnenu površinu Zemlje prekrili dinamitom, na razmaku od 1 m. |
And set it all off at once. | I sve to detonirali odjednom. |
So, these explosions are not small. | Ove eksplozije nisu male. |
Earthquakes aren't the only natural disasters with equivalents on the Sun. | Zemljotresi nisu jedine prirodne nepogode sa ekvivalentom na Suncu. |
A flare can also kick-off a solar tsunami, as waves of plasma in the Sun's atmosphere rock it up at 700 thousand miles per hour, spreading around the entire face of the star in a matter of hours. | Baklja takođe može da izazove solarni cunami. Kako talasi plazme u sunčevoj atmosferi bivaju izbačene brzinom od milion km/h, šire se oko cele površine zvezde za samo par sati. |
While sunquakes and solar tsunamis pose no danger to Earth, the violent action of a flare frequently triggers dangerous eruptions called coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. | Dok suncotresi i solarni cunamiji ne predstavljaju opasnost za Zemlju, nasilna akcija baklje često je okidač za opasne erupcije nazvane "Izbacivanje koronarne mase", ili CME. |
In a CME, energy from a flare flings a blob of highly charged radioactive plasma out of the solar atmosphere. | U tom događaju, energija iz solarne baklje izbacije mehur visoko nabijene radioaktivne plazme van sunčeve atmosfere. |
Coronal mass ejections range in speeds, but they can occur as quick as 800-900 miles per second, which is extremely fast and they expell a massive amount of material. | CME se razlikuju u opsegu i brzini, i mogu biti brze 1200-1500 km u sekundi, što je ekstremno brzo i izbacuje veliku količinu materijala. |
It can be the same amount of mass as, say, mount Everest, coming out from the Sun and flying out into space. | Mogu biti veličine, na primer, Mont Everesta, izlazeći iz Sunca i leteći u svemir. |
Where does this blob of superheated radioactive plasma go when it leaves the Sun? | Gde ovaj mehur super-zagrejane radioaktivne plazme odlazi kad napusti Sunce? |
Sometimes it sails out harmlessly into space. | Ponekad bezbedno otplovi u svemir. |
Other times it may head closer to home. | Drugi put se može zaputiti bliže domu. |
Coronal mass ejections from the Sun are perhaps the most dangerous threat you've never heard of. | Izbacivanja koronarne mase sa Sunca su možda najopasnije pretnje za koje nikad niste čuli. |
Also known as solar storms, they hurl a large masses of supercharged particles across 93 million miles of space. | Takođe poznate kao "Sunčeve oluje", one izbacuju velike količine super-nabijenih čestica preko 150 miliona km u svemir. |
Most take several days to travel from the Sun to the Earth, but some rocket across the Solar System at up to 6 million miles an hour, reaching our planet in less than 16 hours. | Većini treba nekoliko dana da doputuju od Sunca do Zemlje, ali neke bivaju ispaljene kroz sunčev sistem brzinama do 9,5 miliona km/h, dosezajući do naše planete za manje od 16 sati. |
These storms can induce currents in the outer atmosphere knocking out satellites and cross-country power grids and carry the potential to wreak just as much havoc on our infrastructure as a hurricane or a tornado. | Ove oluje mogu da indukuju struje u gornjoj atmosferi, onesposobljavajući satelite i visokonaponske strujne vodove i imaju potencijal da naprave veću štetu na našoj infrastrukturi od uragana ili tornada. |
But who on Earth is keeping an eye on this potentially hazardous cosmic blasts? | Ali ko na Zemlji vodi računa o ovim potencijalno opasnim kosmičkim eksplozijama? |
This is the headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, home to the US government's national weather service. | Ovo je sedište Nacionalne Okeanske i Atmosferske Uprave, dom Nacionalne Meteorološke Službe američke vlade. |
Their daily forecasts, watches and warnings are essential information for everyday life on our planet. | Njihove dnevne prognoze, posmatranja i upozorenja su ključne informacije za svakodnevni život na našoj planeti. |
But there is a lesser known group of forecasters working here in a special division called "The Space Environment Center". | Ali tu radi i manje poznata grupa prognostičara, u specijalnom odeljenju pod imenom "Centar za Svemirsko Okruženje". |
Out primary job is to monitor the Sun and put out the alerts, watches and warnings for solar activity. | Naš glavni zadatak je da posmatramo Sunce i dajemo obaveštenja, prognoze i upozorenja o solarnoj aktivnosti. |
Good morning and welcome to our *10 briefing. | Dobro jutro i dobrodošli na brifing. |
We have one long duration C-flare from the east limb, that's a possible CME. | Imamo jednu baklju na istočnoj strani, kao mogući CME. |
We have not had protons but we have had electrons. | Nemamo protone ali imamo elektrone. |
These space forecasters are on high alert for solar storms that might disrupt life on Earth. | Ovi svemirski prognostičari su u stanju pripravnosti zbog solarnih oluja koje bi mogle poremetiti život na Zemlji. |
Solar storm clouds are made up of charged particles, so they are initially diverted around the planet by our magnetic field, just like waves breaking around the bow of a boat. | Oblaci solarnih oluja sačinjeni su od nelektrisanih čestica, pa u početku mogu biti preusmerene oko planete pomoću njenog magnetnog polja, baš kao što se talasi preusmeravaju oko pramca broda. |
That turns out to be very important because if it impacted the outer atmosphere directly, it would knock little bits of the atmosphere off into space. | Ispostavilo se da je to veoma važno, jer kada bi oluja udarila direktno u spoljnu atmosferu, odnela bi mali deo atmosfere u svemir. |
One reason why Mars doesn't have an atmosphere is that it doesn't have a strong internal magnetic field. | Jedan od razloga zašto Mars nema atmosferu je zato što nema jako magnetno polje. |
And so gradually over millions or maybe billions of years, the atmosphere was gradually knocked off into space by the influence of the solar wind and by the CMEs that came past the planet. | Zato je postupno tokom miliona ili možda milijardi godina atmosfera Marsa izbačena u svemir pod uticajem solarnog vetra i CME-a koji su pogađali planetu. |
But our magnetic field is not the perfect force field of sci-fi movies. | Ali naše magnetno polje nije savršeni štit iz naučno fantastičnih filmova. |
Some particles can penetrate it charging up the upper atmosphere. | Neke čestice mogu prodreti kroz njega puneći gornju atmosferu. |
Solar storms will even bend and break the magnetic field lines on the far side of the Earth, allowing charged particles to zip back down the field lines toward the north and south poles. | Solarni vetar može čak i saviti linije magnetnog polja sa druge strane Zemlje, dozvoljavajući nabijenim česticama da kliznu niz linije polja ka severnom i južnom polu. |
Extremely powerful storms distort the magnetic field even futher, inducing electric currents that span the continents. | Ekstremno snažne oluje izobličuju magnetno polje još više, izazivajući električne struje koje premošćavaju kontinente. |
When this happens technology like long-distance powerlines, can become overloaded. | Kada se ovo desi, tehnologija kao što su visokonaponske mreže mogu postati preopterećene. |
It can cause damage to trasformers at either end of the line. | Zbog oštećenih transformatora na bilo kom kraju linije. |
In fact, in 1989 most of the Canadian province of Quebec blacked-out because a transformer was blown out by a solar event. | Ustvari, 1989-te većina kanadskih provincija je bila zamračena jer je pregoreo transformator zbog solarnog vetra. |
If we have that storm that hits our communication system and hits our power companies and all these things that we depend on, there is all kinds of chaos that can lay out there. | Kad bismo imali takvu oluju koja bi pogodila naš sistem komunikacije, naše elektrane i sve one stvari od kojih zavisimo, svakakav haos bi mogao da nastane. |
If power operators have time to react, thay can reduce the current being sent over their wires and avert disaster. | Kada bi elektrotehničari imali vremena da reaguju, mogli bi smanjiti struju koja se šalje preko žica i izbeći katastrofu. |
Satellite operators can also prepare for the onslaught with proper warning. | Satelitski tehničari bi takođe mogli da se pripreme za napad pomoću odgovarajućeg upozorenja. |
When there's a big space storm coming, they'll actually put some of their satellites to sleep, so that the storm doesn't cause an electrical short or otherwise somehow knock out the satellite. | - Kada dolazi velika svemirska oluja, mi stavimo neke od satelita u stanje mirovanja, tako da oluja ne izazove kratke spojeve ili pokvari satelite na druge načine. |
So the more warning time they have, the better. | Što više vremena imaju, to bolje. |
We wouldn't go sailing unless we knew what the weather is going to be. | Ne bismo išli na jedrenje kada ne bismo znali kakvo nas vreme očekuje. |
Similarly when we have a large system like a power system or a telephone grid that can be affected by the weather in space, we need to know what the weather is going to be so that we can try and mitigate it. | Slično, kada imamo veliki sistem kao što je električni sistem ili telefonska mreža koji mogu biti pogođeni vremenom iz svemira, moramo znati kakvo će to vreme biti da bismo mogli da ga ublažimo. |
Solar storms can also disrupt high frequency radiocommunications used by aircraft. | Solarne oluje takođe mogu poremetiti visokofrekventne radio-komunikacije koje koriste avioni. |
In the 1980's Airforce One was transporting president Reagan on a trip to China when a solar storm struck. | 1980-te, predsednički avion je prvozio predsednika Regana u Kinu kada je solarna oluja udarila. |
All communications were lost for several hours, effectively severing the head of the United States government. | Sve komunikacije bile su izgubljene više sati, efektivno uklanjajući glavu vlade Sjedinjenih Država. |
The urgency is just like our ERS weather. | Hitnost je kao kod nevremena. |
When we have a tornado warning we know the urgency to get that out to the public to let the people know that this is happening. | Kada imamo upozorenje na tornado mi to iznosimo u javnost da bi ljudi znali šta se dešava. |
The same thing is with space weather. | Isto je sa svemirskim vremenom. |
Users of this information need to know it and they need to know it now. | Korisnici ove informacije moraju to da znaju, i moraju to znati odmah. |
Just a few hours back we experienced a coronal mass ejection. | Baš pre nekoliko sati iskusili smo izbacivanje koronarne mase. |
We wanna see where this blast is going out, and then we can measure that and see how long it might take from that to reach the Earth from the Sun. | Mi želimo da vidimo kada se ova eksplozija dogodila, i onda možemo izmeriti vreme i videti koliko bi joj trebalo da od Sunca dođe do Zemlje. |
We're seeing a very huge explosion of material that's coming out and if you look at this small image here, here's the Sun that's covered up, and look at the mass that's being thrown out into space. | Vidimo jako veliku eksploziju materijala koji izlazi, i ako pogledate ovu malu sliku, ovde je Sunce prekriveno, i vidite masu koja biva izbačena u svemir. |
So it's huge, very huge. | Ona je ogromna. |
Because magnetic field lines emanate from the North and South Poles, energy from solar storms has easy access to those regions. | Pošto linije magnetnog polja izbijaju iz severnog i južnog pola, energija iz solarnih oluja ima lak pristup ovim regionima. |
For that reason, experts worry that airplane passengers flying over the Poles during a powerful storm, might be exposed to harmful levels of radiation, perhaps are those equal to a hundred chest x-rays. | Iz tog razloga, eksperti brinu da putnici u avionima koji lete iznad polova u toku jake oluje, mogu biti izloženi štetnim nivoima radijacije, možda i jednakim kao 100 rentgenskih snimanja pluća. |
It's not something that we want to mess around with, because we never know when that radiation might all of a sudden become a lot more intense while there's an airplane in the sky. | To nije nešto sa čim želimo da se igramo, jer nikada ne znamo kada ta radijacija može odjednom postati mnogo intenzivnija dok se avion nalazi na nebu. |
The threat from solar radiation is just one more reason for scientists to keep a close watch on our Sun. | Pretnja od solarne radijacije je razlog više zbog kojeg naučnici žele da pripaze na Sunce. |
It matters, especially in modern times, what the Sun is doing. Earth is not an island. | Bitno je, posebno u moderno vreme, šta Sunce radi. Zemlja nije ostrvo. |
We are participant in the activities of the Solar System. | Mi smo učesnici u aktivnostima sunčevog sistema. |
Sunspots are the triggers for more severe solar storms, so forecasters track them carefully, as they rotate across the surface of the Sun. | Sunčeve pege su okidači za solarne oluje, i zato ih prognostičari pažljivo prate, kako rotiraju preko površine Sunca. |
Location, location, location. We see CMEs all the time from the Sun. | Lokacija, lokacija, lokacija. Vidimo CME svo vreme sa Sunca. |
A lot of them, as the center is rotated around, are from the backside of the Sun. | Mnogo njih se dešava sa druge strane Sunca. |
That would not be face towards the Earth, so that would be less of a concern. | One nisu uperene ka Zemlji, i zato su manja briga. |
As the Sun rotates around and that active region gets more into the center of the disk, looking at us, then that's when we would be concerned with. | Kako Sunce rotira i taj aktivni region prilazi bliže središtu diska, gledajući na nas, onda je vreme da se zabrinemo zbog toga. |
From the center of the Sun, as it rotates around, is the kill zone. | Centar Sunca, kako ono rotira, je zona smrti. |
As the sunspot rotates around and begins to face directly at Earth, that's when we really have to worry about a storm. | Kako sunčeve pege rotiraju okolo i počinju da se usmeravaju ka Zemlji, onda zaista trebamo da brinemo o solarnoj oluji. |
If a big storm leaves off then, it can aim directly at Earth, and the full force of the storm slams into the planet. | Ako se tada desi veća oluja, mogla bi nišaniti direktno u Zemlju, i puna sila olujnih udara bi zadesila planetu. |
It's like a shotgun aiming at a target. | To je kao sačmarica koja nišani u metu. |
The more dead on the shot, the more likely serious damage will be inflicted. | Što je nišanjenje preciznije, veća je verovatnoća da će biti velikog oštećenja. |
With great danger also comes astonishing beauty. | Sa velikom opasnošću dolazi i zapanjujuća lepota. |
Solar storms generate majestic planetary lightshows. | Solarne oluje proizvode veličenstven planetarni lajt-šou. |
The shimmering courtains of colour called the Aurora. | Treperave zavese boja, pod imenom Aurora. |
Auroras work like neon signs, on an enormous scale. | Aurora radi kao neonska reklama, samo na enormnom nivou. |
In a neon sign, electricity introduces charged particles into a gas-filled tube. | U neonskom znaku, elektricitet indukuje naelektrisane čestice u cevi napunjenoj gasom. |
The particles in the gas are excited and start to glow. | Čestice u gasu se pobude i počinju da svetle. |
If the tube has only neon inside, it will glow red. | Ako cev sadrži samo Neon, svetleće crveno. |
By adding other gases, like argon, a whole range of colors can be produced. | Dodavanjem drugih gasova, kao što je Argon, čitava paleta boja može biti proizvedena. |
The neon sign is driven by the electric field inside the tube, whereas the Auroras are actually driven by the magnetic field and energy from the Sun. | Neonske znakove pogoni električno polje unutar cevi, dok je Aurora pogonjena magnetnim poljem i energijom sa Sunca. |
As the energetic particles in a solar storm stream along Earth's magnetic field towards the Poles, they excite elements in our atmosphere causing them to glow. | Kako energetske čestice u solarnoj oluji teku niz linije Zemljinog magnetnog polja ka polovima, pobuđuju elemente u našoj atmosferi i podstiču ih da svetle. |
Oxygen molecules emit a green or red color. | Molekuli kiseonika emituju zelenu ili crvenu svetlost. |
And nytrogen emits pinks, blues and violets. | Azot emituje rozu, plavu i ljubičastu. |
While these ghostly lights are usually confined to the Poles, extremely strong solar storms can drive them closer to the Equator. | Iako su ova sablasna svetla obično ograničena na polove, ekstremno jaka solarna oluja može ih dovesti bliže ekvatoru. |
In 1859 a geomagnetic storm ignited by a huge solar flare created Auroras as far south as Rome. | 1859-te, geomagnetna oluja izazvana ogromnom sunčevom bakljom kreirala je Aurore mnogo južnije od Rima. |
The 1859 storm was an unusually powerful event that some have called "the perfect solar storm". | Oluja 1859-te je bila neobično snažan događaj koji su neki nazvali "savršena solarna oluja". |
The 1859 storm taught us a little something about what the Sun can do. | Oluja iz 1859 rekla nam je nešto o tome šta Sunce može da uradi. |
The storm was so intense and the alignment was so perfect, that it simply overwhelmed Earth's natural defenses. | Oluja je bila tako jaka i preciznost je bila tako savršena, da je jednostavno preplavila Zemljine prirodne odbrane. |
A huge solar flare erupts on the surface of the Sun. | Ogromna sunčeva baklja eruptira na njegovoj površini. |
Less than a day later and 93 million miles away, the wires the carry communications across the Earth, begin to spark. | Manje od dana i 150 miliona kilometara daleko, žice koje prenose komunikacije širom Zemlje, počinju da varniče. |
Business grinds to a halt worldwide as wild fires are ignited by the smoldering lines. | Ovo preti da zaustavi sve širom sveta. |
At the same time, colorful Auroras light up the skies of cities around the globe. | U isto vreme, šarena svetla Aurora svetle na nebu iznad gradova širom sveta. |
Earth has just been visited by the perfect solar storm. | Zemlju je upravo posetila savršena solarna oluja. |
The Sun kicked up this just incredible solar flare and a massive amount of energy headed towards Earth. | Sunce je ispalilo ovu neverovatnu baklju i ogromna količina energije je krenula ka Zemlji. |
Not only was this storm one of the two most powerul on record, it was also one of the fastest. | Ne samo što je ova oluja jedna od dve najveće ikad zabeležene. Takođe je i jedna od najbržih. |
Ejecting from a sunspot aimed directly at Earth, it raced from the Sun to our planet in less than 18 hours. | Izbačena iz sunčeve pege direktno ka Zemlji, juriće od Sunca ka našoj planeti manje od 18 sati. |
Now, it takes a really fast rocketship years to get to the Sun. | Potrebna je jako brza raketa i godine da stigne do Sunca. |
This storm, this cloud of electrified particles, managed to get here in less than a day. | Ova oluja, ovaj oblak naelektrisanih čestica, uspeva da stigne ovamo za manje od dana. |
That's incredibly fast. | To je neverovatno brzo. |
Fortunately, the perfect solar storm took place in 1859, when the only technology vulnerable to the onslaught was the telegraph. | Srećom, savršena solarna oluja odigrala se 1859-te, kada je jedina ranjiva tehnologija na Zemlji bio telegraf. |
Since the era in wich we've become dependant on high technology, we've yet to see another perfect solar storm. | Sada je era u kojoj smo postali zavisni od visoke tehnologije, i čekamo da vidimo još jednu savršenu solarnu oluju. |
The question remains: | Pitanje ostaje. |
Could it happen again? | Može li se desiti ponovo? |
What if we have another one like that? | Šta ako smo imali još jednu takvu? |
Can we have another perfect storm? | Možemo li imati još jednu savršenu oluju? |
I'd say yes we can, there's no doubt about that. | Ja bih rekao da možemo, tu nema sumnje. |
The effects that would be on us today compared to 1859 could be devastating. | Efekti koje bi ona imala na nas, u poređenju sa 1859-tom, mogli bi biti razorni. |
The effects on Earth and on our communication systems, we don't exactly know. | Efekti na Zemlju i naš sistem komunikacija... Ne znamo tačno. |
That's the scary part. | To je zastrašujući deo. |
It's likely that our modern technologies would be battered like beachfront houses during a hurricane. | Verovatno je da bi naše moderne tehnologije bile stučene kao kolibe na plaži za vreme uragana. |
Imagine if we lost all the satellites that relay cellphone calls, television signals and bank transactions. | Zamislite kada bismo izgubili sve satelite koji prenose telefonske pozive, televizijske signale i bankovne transakcije. |
And what if at the same time, the failure of power grids cascaded whole regions into darkness for hours, or weeks. | I šta kada bi u isto vreme, kvarovi na električnim mrežama bacili regione u mrak satima ili nedeljama. |
If these essential services couldn't be restored quickly, chaos wouldn't be far behind. | Kada ovi bitni servisi ne bi proradili brzo, haos ne bi bio daleko. |
It would definitely be a ripple effect upon society and every man and woman and child that lives on this Earth. | To bi definitivno bio razdoran efekat na društvo i svakog čoveka, ženu i dete koji žive na Zemlji. |
Solar storms can be as hard to predict as hurricanes. | Predviđanje solarnih oluja može biti teško kao predviđanje uragana. |
While forecasters lack the technology to foretell the next pefect storm, they do know that one would be more likely to hit at the peek of the Sun's eleven-year sunspot cycle. | Iako prognostičarima nedostaje tehnologija za predviđanje sledeće savršene oluje, znaju da će jedna najverovatnije udariti u vrhuncu jedanaestogodišnjeg ciklusa sunčevih pega. |
What happens is the Sun reverses the direction of its magnetic field every eleven years. | Sunce obrće smer svojih linija magnetnih polja svakih 11 godina. |
So in 22 years it reverses and comes back to where it was. | Znači, za 22 godine se obrću i vraćaju kako su bile. |
As we near the reversal every eleven years, the number of sunspots increases and there's a spike in solar activity. | Kako se bližimo obrtanju svakih 11 godina, broj sunčevih pega raste i dešava se vrhunac u sunčevoj aktivnosti. |
We call that period solar maximum and those periods are interspersed about 5 years apart from periods we call solar minimum. | Mi taj period nazivamo "solarni maksimum", i ti periodi su 5 godina odvojeni od perioda koji nazivamo "solarni minimum". |
So you have this eleven year back and forth between the Sun being sometimes very feroscious, and it goes crazy and it's like the 4th of July with fireworks all the time. | Znači imate taj period od pet godina kada je sunce ponekad veoma aktivno, i poludi, kao za 4. Juli kada je vatromet svo vreme. |
And then it starts to ramp down and for a few years it gets quieter until we get to a low point where there is a firecracker now and then but not a lot going on. | A onda počinje da se smiruje i za par godina dođe do tačke smirenja kada se erupcije dešavaju samo ponekad. |
Just like hurricane seasons, solar maximums vary in intensity. | Isto kao sezone uragana, solarni maksimum varira u intenzitetu. |
Some produce many more powerful storms than others. | Neki proizvode mnogo snažnije oluje od drugih. |
Although we're currently at solar minimum, scientists are watching carefully to see what mayhem the next solar max might unleash. | Iako smo trenutno u solarnom minimumu, naučnici pažljivo posmatraju da vide kada bi mogao da se desi sledeći solarni maksimum. |
The last solar maximum was in about 2001 and so the next one ought to be about 2012, but there are different predictions. | Poslednji solarni maksimum bio je oko 2001-ve, tako da će sledeći najverovatnije biti 2012, ali predviđanja su različita. |
The whole field of solar physicists is basically waiting with bated breath to see what actually happens. | Čitavo polje solarne fizike čeka da vidi šta će se zaista desiti. |
There are some wildly divergent opinions on what's gonna happen. | Postoje veoma različita mišljenja o tome šta će se desiti. |
One group is suggesting that this next solar cycle could be the strongest in modern times. | Jedna grupa sugeriše da će sledeći solarni ciklus biti najjači u modernim vremenima. |
If those predictions are correct, Earth could be in for a wild ride. | Ako su ta predviđanja tačna, Zemlju čeka luda vožnja. |
We might have to worry about a repeat of the 1859 event. | Možda moramo da budemo zabrinuti oko ponavljanja događaja iz 1859-te. |
If that would happen today it would wreak untold damage. | Kada bi se to desilo danas, izazvalo bi neizrecivu štetu. |
We're gonna learn a whole lot about what can happen to modern technology when the Sun bows its top. | Naučićemo mnogo stvari o tome šta se može desiti modernoj tehnologiji kada Sunce dostigne maksimum. |
Much of the violence in the Sun erupts here, in the hellish outer atmosphere known as the corona. | Većina nasilja na Suncu dešava se ovde, u paklenoj spoljnoj atmosferi koja se zove "korona". |
This region has long held one of the great solar mysteries. | Ovaj region je dugo bio jedan od najvećih sunčevih misterija. |
Because even though it's half a million miles from the heat-generating core, it burns at millions of degrees. | Iako je 800 hiljada kilometara udaljen od jezgra koje stvara toplotu, on gori milionima stepeni. |
This seems to violate the very laws of physics. | Ovo izgleda krši zakone fizike. |
That's very strange. | To je jako čudno. |
I have a thermometer here. | Ja ovde imam termometar. |
If I hold the thermometer close to the fire, it reads a very high reading. | Ako ga držim blizu vatre, očitava veoma visoke temperature. |
Where the probe is right now it's over 200 degrees. | Na mestu gde je sonda sada je preko 200 stepeni. |
And if I pull the probe out a little farther from the fire, ok, it drops down to about 90 degrees. | A ako izvučem sondu i udaljim je malo od vatre, temperatura pada na oko 90 stepeni. |
Now, the farther I get from the center, the cooler it gets. | Što dalje idem od centra, postaje sve hladnije. |
In the atmosphere, the corona of the Sun, the temperature soars as hot as the core. | U atmosferi korone Sunca temperatura je kao u jezgru. |
That's as if, I were to say, well, way off behind me there, the heat from the fire is as hot as the fire itself, even though it's very far from the fire. | To bi bilo kao da je tamo, daleko iza mene, toplota od vatre ista kao toplota same vatre, iako je to veoma daleko od nje. |
What force could possibly cause the superheating of the corona? | Koja sila može da izazove super-zagrevanje korone? |
The answer will rock you. | Odgovor će vas zaprepastiti. |
The hellish solar corona rages at millions of degrees. | Paklena sunčeva korona gori milionima stepeni. |
For centuries scientists have been baffled how anything so far from the Sun's core could still burn so hot. | Vekovima su naučnici raspravljali kako nešto tako daleko od sunčevog jezgra može i dalje goreti tako vruće. |
Recently, as improved satellites offered a closer view of the solar surface, clues began to emerge. | Skoro, pišto su usavršeni sateliti ponudili bliži pogled na površinu Sunca, tragovi počinju da isplivavaju. |
Below the corona the Sun's surface is literally boiling. | Ispod korone, površina Sunca doslovno ključa. |
The reason is that the entire surface of the Sun is covered with convection cells, hot material from the inside of the Sun, that rises up through, reaches the surface, cools off by glowing, giving off sunlight and then sinks back down. | Razlog je taj što je cela površina Sunca prekrivena konvektivnim ćelijama, vrućim materijalom iz unutrašnjosti Sunca, koji se izdiže, dostiže površinu, hladi se isijavanjem, daje sunčevu svetlost i onda ponovo tone dole. |
Each bubble of material that comes up is about the size of Texas. | Svaki mehur tog materijala koji izranja je otprilike veličine Teksasa. |
It spreads out across the surface, cools off and sinks down in 5 minutes. | On se širi preko površine, hladi i tone nazad za oko 5 minuta. |
So, that's a tremendously violent process that's happening in, literally, almost a million places over the entire surface of the Sun, all the time around the clock, 24/7. | Dakle, to je strahovito nasilan proces koji se doslovno dešava na skoro milion mesta preko cele površine Sunca, svo vreme, neprestano. |
This boiling is not only violent, it's also extremely loud. | Ovo ključanje nije samo nasilno. Takođe je ekstremno bučno. |
The Sun is a tremendously loud place. | Sunce je strahovito bučno mesto. |
If you could imagine covering the entire surface of the Sun with speakers being driven as hard as the loudest rock concert you've ever been to, that would be comparable to how loud it really is on the surface of the Sun. | Možete zamisliti, prekrivanje kompletne površine Sunca zvučnicima, od kojih je svaki toliko glasan kao i najbučniji rok koncert na kom ste bili. To bi se moglo uporediti sa time koliko je zaista bučno na sunčevoj površini. |
The Sun's churning surface creates enough sound energy to superheat the corona to millions of degrees. | Komešava površina Sunca pravi dovoljno zvučne energije za super-zagrevanje korone na milione stepeni. |
Scientists believe that a combination of these sound waves and energy from the Sun's magnetic field is responsible for the extreme temperatures found in the corona. | Naučnici veruju da je kombinacija zvučnih talasa i energije iz sunčevog magnetnog polja odgovorna za ekstremne temperature u sunčevoj koroni. |
The only time you can actually see the corona from Earth is at the climax of one of the most dazzling displays in the Solar System, a total solar eclipse. | Jedini put kada zaista možete videti koronu sa Zemlje je kulminacija jednog od najneverovatnijih događaja sunčevog sistema, potpunog pomračenja Sunca. |
Before scientists understood them, these awe inspiring events instilled only fear. | Pre nego što su ih naučnici razumeli, ovi događaji su samo sejali strah. |
The ancient Chinese believed that a dragon was devouring the Sun. | Stari Kinezi verovali su da zmaj proždire Sunce. |
So what's really happening in a solar eclipse? | Šta se zaista dešava kod pomračenja Sunca? |
In simplest terms it's when the Moon blocks our view of the Sun. | Najjednostavnije objašnjenje je da Mesec zaklanja pogled na Sunce. |
Imagine that you're sitting in a movies watching very happily something going on on the screen and then somebody in the row in front of you comes across and blocks your view. | Zamislite da sedite u bioskopu veselo prateći nešto što se dešava na platnu, a onda neko u redu ispred vas naiđe i blokira vam pogled. |
In a movie theater you might not want that person to come across in front of you, but at... an eclipse we're very lucky to have the Moon come across the Sun, and we're lucky to have it come right across the middle. | U bioskopu, možda nećete hteti da vam ta osoba zakloni pogled na platno, ali kod pomračenja mi smo jako srećni što imamo Mesec da naiđe ispred Sunca, i srećni smo što prelazi tačno preko sredine. |
We're also lucky that the Moon, although it's 400 times smaller than the Sun, is also 400 times closer to us. | Takođe smo srećni da je Mesec, iako 400 puta manji od Sunca, takođe 400 puta bliži nama. |
This cosmic coincidence means that the two objects just happen to be the same apparent size in our sky, which allows for one to completely block out the other. | Ova kosmička slučajnost znači da su dva objekta slučajno iste prividne veličine na nebu, što dozvoljava da jedan potpuno zakloni onaj drugi. |
This magnificent cosmic event only happens when the path of the Moon intersects the line between the Earth and the Sun. | Ovaj veličanstveni kosmički događaj dešava se samo kada mesečava putanja preseče liniju između Zemlje i Sunca. |
The Moon's orbit is tilted slightly about 5 degrees. | Mesečeva orbita blago je nakrivljena za oko 5 stepeni. |
If it wasn't we would have an eclipse every month. | Da nije, imali bismo pomračenje Sunca svakog meseca. |
And then we'd be bored, but we're not bored because most months the Moon goes above or below the place where the line goes from the Earth to the Sun. | I onda bi nam dosadilo, ali nam nije dosadno jer većinu meseci Mesec ide ispod ili iznad mesta direktne linije između Zemlje i Sunca. |
So instead of one every month we get a total eclipse somewhere on Earth about once every year and a half. | Tako da umesto da svakih mesec dana imamo potpuno pomračenje, imamo ga negde na Zemlji na svakih godinu i po dana. |
As the Moon slides in front of the Sun, it casts a shadow onto the Earth. | Kako Mesec klizi ispred Sunca, on baca senku na Zemlju. |
The outer part, where the shadow is fainter, is called the penumbra. | Spoljni deo, gde je senka bleđa, zove se "penumbra (polusenka)". |
If you're standing within the swath traced by the penumbra, as it moves along the Earth's surface, then you'll see only a partial eclipse. | Ako stojite u polju gde je penumbra, kako se ona pomera duž Zemljine površine, videćete samo delimično pomračenje. |
But travel to a spot within the path of the dark inner shadow, called the umbra, and you'll experience the majesty of a total eclipse. | Ali ako otputujete na mesto mračne unutrašnje senke, zvane "umbra (senka)", doživećete veličanstvo potpunog pomračenja Sunca. |
There's another option if you can't travel to the path of totality, wait in one place long enough and a total eclipse will pass right over your head about once every 300 years. | Postoji još jedna opcija za vas ako ne možete otputovati do mesta senke, a to je da čekate dovoljno dugo na jednom mestu i potpuno pomračenje će proći tačno iznad vaše glave otprilike jednom u svakih 300 godina. |
The Sun, that shining star of our Solar System, is capable of both astonishing beauty and ferocious violence. | Sunce, ta sjajna zvezda našeg solarnog sistema, sposobna je za zapanjujuću lepotu i neviđeno nasilje. |
It seems impossible to believe, but it won't be around forever. | Izgleda nemoguće za poverovati, ali ono neće biti tu zauvek. |
Eventually even the Sun must die. | S vremenom, i Sunce mora umreti. |
The Sun has a fixed amount of fuel in its core, it is undergoing fusion at a rate that you can calculate. | Sunce ima fiksnu količinu goriva u svom jezgru, u njemu se dešava fuzija u stopi koju možete izračunati. |
So here's the rate it's using its fuel, here's how much fuel you have, so it's a simple calculation to show when the Sun will die, and that's in about a five billion years. | Ovo je stopa korišćenja goriva, ovde je ukupna količina goriva, tako da je računica kada će Sunce umreti jednostavna, a to će biti za oko 5 milijardi godina. |
Well, unfortunately the Sun will not go out with a bang. | Na žalost, Sunce neće umreti uz prasak. |
It's too small to erupt in a supernova. | Premalo je da bi se pretvorilo u supernovu. |
However stars do a peculiar thing, they're one of the few things around that get hotter as they cool off. | Međutim, zvezde rade specifičnu stvar, a to je da postaju toplije kad počnu da se hlade. |
As it exhausts its hydrogen fuel, our nearest star will cool and gradually collapse under the force of gravity. | Kada potroši svoje vodonično gorivo naša najbliža zvezda će se ohladiti, i postupno urušiti pod silom gravitacije. |
Energy from this collapse will start heating up the core again to hundreds of millions of degrees, hot enough to start burning helium. | Energija iz ovog urušavanja će ponovo zagrejati jezgro na stotine miliona stepeni, dovoljno da počne sagorevati helijum. |
Onto the extra heat of the helium burning, the star will expand into a monstrous orb called a red giant. | Zbog ekstremne toplote pri sagorevanju helijuma zvezda će se proširiti u monstruoznu kuglu zvanu "crveni div". |
It'll get so big it will engulf the entire orbits of Mercury, Venus and Earth. | Postaće toliko velika da će progutati orbite Merkura, Venere i Zemlje. |
You don't want to be around for that. | Ne želite tada da budete u okolini. |
You want to be planet-hopping your way to safety long before this happens. | Želite polako da odete na sigurno mesto, mnogo pre nego što se to desi. |
The Earth is likely to change its orbit slightly as the star expands, so that it won't be engulfed. | Zemlja će usled širenja zvezde verovatno malo promeniti svoju orbitu, tako da neće biti progutana. |
Still, talking about global warming, you wouldn't want to be here. | Ipak, pričamo o globalnom zagrevanju, i ne biste hteli da se zateknete tu. |
The outer layers of our Sun will eventually become so unstable that they will fly off into space, leaving behind a small core about the size of the Earth. | Spoljni slojevi Sunca na kraju će postati tako nestabilni, da će biti otpušteni u svemir, ostavljajući iza sebe malo jezgro veličine Zemlje. |
So remember we've shrunk most of the Sun, which is a million miles across, to the size of the Earth which is more like 6000 miles across. | Sada će se sunce smanjiti, sa prečnika veličine od oko 1.7 miliona km, do veličine Zemlje koja je prečnika oko 10.000 km. |
Our once great star reduced to a slowly cooling cinder. | Naša nekada velika zvezda smanjena na pepeo koji se polako hladi. |
Life as we know it on Earth will cease to exist. | Život na zemlji kakvog poznajemo prestaće da postoji. |
And that is the death of the Sun. | I to je bila smrt Sunca. |
All of this is bad news for the human race, but look on the bright side. | Sve ovo je loša vest za čovečanstvo, ali gledajte to sa svetlije strane. |
We've got five billion years to prepare for this disaster. | Imamo pet milijardi godina da se pripremimo za ovu katastrofu. |
For now, humanity basks in the glow of a Sun in the prime of its life. | Za sada, čovečanstvo se greje na sjaju Sunca u cvetu njegovog života. |
Science has uncovered many of the secrets of our nearest star, but we remain awed by its beauty, and ever more wary of its wrath. | Nauka je otkrila mnogo tajni naše najbliže zvezde, ali mi ostajemo u strahopoštovanju prema njenoj lepoti, i mnogo smo oprezniji od njenog gneva. |