The Universe

History Channel

The Moon

Secrets of the Sun

Spaceship Earth

The Universe 

The Moon 

    It's so close.     Tako je blizu.
    For thousands of years, Man has found comfort in its presence.     Hiljadama godina, čovek je nalazio utehu u njegovom prisustvu.
    It's been a beacon for nocturnal travelers, a timekeeper for farmers, and a location finder for sailors at sea.     Bio je svetionik za noćne putnike, meritelj vremena za farmere, i kompas za moreplovce.
    For some cultures it's even been a god.     Za neke kulture bio je i Bog.
    It's the only cosmic body ever visited by human beings.     To je jedino nebesko telo koje su ljudi ikada posetili.
    And today NASA is planning a permanent outpost there.     A danas NASA planira stalnu bazu tamo.
    But how did it get there in the first place?     Ali kako je ustvari došao tamo?
    How did the Moon come to be?     Kako je Mesec postao?
    The answer is more astounding and spectacular than most residents of Earth have ever imagined.     Odgovor je mnogo zapanjujući i spektakularniji nego što je većina stanovnika Zemlje ikada zamišljala.
    Neptune claims 13 of them.     Neptun ima 13.
    Saturn has 48.     Saturn ima 48.
    And Jupiter host an astounding 62.     A Jupiter ugošćava zapanjujućih 62.
    Earth, on the other hand, has just one.     Zemlja, sa druge strane, ima samo jedan.
    But it's a special one.     Ali poseban.
    Our moon, Luna, as the Romans named it, is remarkable in its size.     Naš mesec, Luna, kako su ga nazvali Rimljani, ima izuzetnu veličinu.
    It is by no means the largest moon in the solar system.     On nikako nije najveći mesec u sunčevom sistemu.
    Several others are bigger.     Nekoliko drugih su veći.
    One of Saturn's moon's Titan for instance, is twice the size.     Titan, Saturnov mesec, je duplo veći.
    But our moon is the largest, in relation to its host planet.     Ali naš mesec je najveći, u poređenju sa matičnom planetom.
    It's a quarter the size of the Earth, It's really big compared to the Earth.     On je veliki kao četvrtina Zemlje, stvarno je velik u poređenju sa Zemljom.
    If you look to a telescope, at the Earth from a distance you'd see the Earth and this other big thing.     Ako pogledate sa daljine teleskopom u Zemlju, videćete Zemlju i ovu drugu veliku stvar.
    If you look at Jupiter, or any other planet, you got the big planet and all tiny moons right next to it. So... our moon is so much bigger, and it's the only one of the... of the now eight planets, that has that situation.     Ako pogledate u Jupiter, ili neku drugu planetu, dobijete veliku planetu i sve te sićušne mesece pored nje. Naš mesec je mnogo veći, i mi smo jedina od, sada osam planeta, koja je u takvoj situaciji.
    The relative sizes of the two bodies are close enough, that some astronomers goes so far as to refer to the "Earth-moon system" as a double planet.     Relativne veličine ova dva tela su dovoljno bliske, da neki astronomi idu dotle da sistem Zemlja-Mesec nazivaju "dupla planeta".
    The mean distance from the Earth to the Moon is 234,000 miles.     Srednja udaljenost od Zemlje do Meseca je 376.000 km.
    A three-day fly through space.     Tri dana leta svemirom.
    Luna's diameter is roughly one quarter the size of Earth, measuring 2,160 miles.     Lunin prečnik je otprilike četvrtina prečnika Zemlje, i meri 3480 km.
    A single day on the Moon is the equivalent of 27.3 Earth days.     Jedan dan na Mesecu je jednak 27.3 zemaljskih dana.
    This is because one side of the Moon permanently faces us.     Ovo je zato što nam je jedna strana Meseca uvek okrenuta.
    Luna is face-locked with our planet.     Luna je uvek okrenuta ka našoj planeti.

    So the Moon must fully orbit the Earth, in order to make one complete rotation on its axes.     Dakle Mesec se mora potpuno okrenuti oko Zemlje, da bi napravio jednu rotaciju oko svoje ose.
    Sort of like children in a game of "Ring around the Rosie".     Kao deca u igri "Prsten oko Rozi".
    They always face inward, as they hold hands and move in a circle. Zero, all engines running.     Lica su im uvek ka unutra, dok se drže za ruke i kreću u krug. Svi motori upaljeni.
    Liftoff. We have a liftoff... Yet as closely related as the Moon is to our Earth, it would only take a brief visit to Luna, to make it quite clear that it is in fact a very different world from our planet.     Poletanje. Imamo poletanje. Koliko god Mesec i Zemlja bili bliski, potrebna je samo kratka poseta Luni, da bi bilo jasno da je to potpuno drugačiji svet od našeg.
    And an exceedingly dangerous place. We're standing now. Tranquility base here.     I krajnje opasno mesto. Stojimo. Baza tišine ovde.
    The Eagle has landed.     Orao je sleteo.
    There's no air of course. You need your space suit.     Naravno, nema vazduha, treba vam svemirsko odelo.
    Indeed, the Moon has absolutely no atmosphere at all. So there is nothing to carry sound waves.     Zaista, Mesec uopšte nema atmosferu. Tako da nema ničega da prenosi zvučne talase.
    If you were standing on the Moon with a friend, and trying to converse, the person wouldn't be able to hear you. Except by radio.     Kad biste stajali na Mesecu sa prijateljem, i pokušali da razgovarate, osoba ne bi mogla da vas čuje. Osim putem radija.
    No atmosphere also means that there are no air molecules to scatter light from the Sun.     Bez atmosfere takođe znači da nema molekula vazduha koji bi raspršivali sunčevu svetlost.
    So the sky is always black.     Zato je nebo uvek crno.
    And the landscape does little to help brighten the scene.     A ni krajolik ne čini mnogo da unese vedrinu u prizor.
    Kind of monochromatic, you know, not much color there, The rocks are mostly gray-brown colors.     Nekako je monohromo, tamo nema mnogo boja, stene su obično sivo-braonkaste.
    It's maybe a little warmer tone in one direction, maybe towards the Sun, and cooler tones, grayer tones, looking in other directions, but not so colorful.     Možda postoje neki topliji tonovi, prema Suncu, i hladniji tonovi, sivlji, gledajući u drugim pravcima, ali uopšte nije slikovito.
    Extreme temperatures will also add to the unpleasantness of a visit.     Ekstremne temperature takođe dodaju neugodnost poseti.
    The swings between hot and cold are brutal.     Promene između toplog i hladnog su brutalne.
    From 270 degrees above zero at mid-day, to 240 degrees below zero at night.     Od 130 stepeni iznad nule u podne, do -150 ispod nule noću.
    Even the Moon's low gravity, just one sixth of Earth's, could present a hazard to a tourist.     Čak i mesečeva niska gravitacija, koja je 1/6 zemljine, može predstavljati opasnost za turiste.
    A reality the Apollo astronauts kept at the tops of their minds during their many moonwalks.     Stvarnost koju su astronauti Apola imali na umu tokom njihovih mnogih šetnji na Mesecu.
    They realize that beyond the thickness of their visor in their space suit, was death.     Shvatili su da je iza debljine njihovih vizira na svemirskom odelu bila smrt.
    Should they do something and fall into a rock and lose your footing and fall and hit an outcrop, this visor could be cracked, expose you to lunar vacuum, we would had a serious situation on our hand.     Mogli su da urade nešto da padnu na stenu, da izgube korak, padnu i udare kacigu, taj vizir je mogao napuknuti i izložiti ih mesečevom vakuumu, i tada bismo u rukama imali ozbiljnu situaciju.
    But while a spacesuit could protect lunar tourists against the vacuum of space, a lack of oxygen, temperature extremes, and lethal solar radiation, a potential hazard that spacesuit would do little to protect against, is high-velocity micro-meteorites.     Ali dok svemirsko odelo može zaštititi mesečeve turiste od svemirskog vakuuma, nedostatka kiseonika, ekstremne temperature i opasnog sunčevog zračenja, moguća opasnost od koje svemirsko odelo ne pruža nikakvu zaštitu su veoma brzi mikro-meteoriti.
    They pummel the lunar surface frequently.     Oni stalno udaraju u mesečevu površinu.
    Tiny meteorites...     Maleni meteoriti...
    The little ones that burn up in our atmosphere and make shooting stars, those, there's no atmosphere on Moon, they're coming right down hitting surface.     Oni koji izgore u našoj atmosferi i čine zvezde padalice, oni, pošto na Mesecu nema atmosfere, nailaze i udaraju pravo u površinu.
    They pulverize the lunar surface, generating a dusty blanket of gravel light material, called regolith.     Oni bombarduju mesečevu površinu, praveći prašnjavo ćebe od materijala sličnog šljunku, koji se naziva "Regolit".
    Doctor Amanda Hendrix studies the moon at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.     Dr. Amanda Hendriks proučava mesec u NASA Laboratoriji za mlazni pogon.
    This clamp here is kind of a regular factory.     Ovo ovde je ako fabrika regolita.
    It's ground up rock, that's what it is.     Ovde se melje kamen.
    The times goes and this scrubber mill a lot faster.     Tu se sve dešava mnogo brže.

    Here it's made in less than an hour, but on the Moon, it is the result of more than four billion years of bombardment, by meteorites and micro meteorites, raining in on the surface and breaking up the rock.     Ovde se pravi za manje od sata, ali na Mesecu, to je rezultat više od 4 milijarde godina bombardovanja, od strane metorita i mikro-meteorita, koji su udarali u površinu i lomili stene.
    Like the product of this gravel mill, lunar regolith has formed in a variety of grain sizes, from large rocks to fine dust.     Kao i proizvod ovog mlina, lunarni regolit je sačinjen od zrna raznih veličina, od većih stena do fine prašine.
    This very fine dust is familiar to us from Apollo images that were seen of astronaut's footprints in the dusk.     Ova fina prašina poznata nam je sa Apolo fotografija, na kojima vidimo otiske stopala astronauta u njoj.
    It's very fine and... So fine, in fact, that the astronauts had problems with it.     Veoma je fina i... Ustvari je toliko fina, da su astronauti imali problema sa njom.
    Sticking to their spacesuits, getting into the equipment and it can end up causing a bit of a problem.     Zavlačila se u njihova odela i opremu i mogla je na kraju izazvati probleme.
    Really big meteorites have also hit the Moon in the past.     Veliki meteori su takođe udarali u Mesec u prošlosti.
    In fact, these massive impacts are responsible for the dark circular regions on the lunar surface.     U stvari, ovi masivni udarci su odgovorni za tamne kružne regione na mesečevoj površini.
    The shapes that to many observers seem to be arranged like the eyes, nose and mouth of a human face.     Oblici koje mnogi posmatrači vide da su složeni kao oči, nos i usta ljudskog lica.
    They make up the illusion of the man on the moon.     Oni su napravili iluziju čoveka na mesecu.
    They blasted huge basins in the Moon surface.     Oni su napravili ogromne bazene na površini Meseca.
    Some of them are 700 miles across.     Neki od njih su dugi i do 1100 km.
    Dark lava eventually burst through at the impact points, and flooded the basins.     Tamna lava je vremenom izašla kroz tačke udara, i poplavila bazene.
    Today, we call these dark regions, maria, the Latin word for seas.     Danas, mi zovemo ove tamne regione "maria", latinski za mora.
    They states back to the 17th century, when Renaissance Era observers looked up at the Moon.     Nazivi stoje još od 17-tog veka, kada su posmatrači iz renesansne ere gledali ka Mesecu.
    They speculated that the dark areas might be oceans.     Oni su nagađali da bi tamne zone mogli biti okeani.
    And astronomers of the time gave the many dark spots, or seas, whimsical names.     Astronomi tog vremena dali su mnogim tamnim mestima, ili morima, maštovita imena.
    The seas are all named after effects that were once attributed to the Moon. So you have the Sea of Storms and the Sea of Crisis, and the Sea of Tranquility, and so forth...     Mora su sva imenovana po utiscima koji su nekada dodeljivani Mesecu, tako imate More Bura i More Krize, More Tišine i tako dalje...
    Some of the younger impact basins have had less time to erode, so their features are still relatively crisp.     Neki od mlađih udara su imali manje vremena da erodiraju, tako da su njihova obličja relativno sveža.
    One in particular is called Mare Orientale, or the Eastern Sea.     Jedno od njih zove se "Mare Orientale", ili Istočno More.
    It's some 600 miles across, and the impact that created it, was so massive and direct.     Ono je široko oko 1000 km, i udarac koji ga je napravio bio je vrlo jak i direktan.
    The result looks very much like the bull's eye on a target.     Rezultat izgleda vrlo slično centru mete.
    This Orientale scar is kind of like a bullet shot in the glass, where you see all the the sort of rings around it and fractures going out.     Ovaj Orientale ožiljak izgleda kao metak ispaljen u staklo, gde vidite sve te prstenove okolo i izlazne pukotine.
    People have often said that if it had been on the side facing directly toward you, we might have had a whole different mythology about the Moon, because it will look like a big eye staring at us.     Ljudi često kažu, da je taj udarac bio na strani okrenutoj ka nama, mi bismo imali potpuno drugačiju mitologiju vezanu za Mesec, jer bi izgledalo kao da ogromno oko zuri u nas.
    Three concentric rings of mountain ranges surround Mare Orientale, and some of the peaks rise to several thousand feet.     Tri koncentrična kruga planinskih lanaca okružuju Mare Orientale, a neki od vrhova uzdižu se i do kilometar visine.
    They're all effects of the monster impact.     To su efekti čudovišnog udarca.
    When we see mountain ranges on the Earth, they're mostly caused first by the continents moving around, crashing into each other very slowly, buckling up and creating mountain ranges which then erode into all that spectacular shapes that we see at the Matterhorn and so forth, from water erosion.     Kada pogledamo planinske lance na Zemlji, oni su obično napravljeni pomeranjem kontinenata, koji su se sudarali jako polako, izdizali i formirali planinske lance koji su onda erodirali u sve te impresivne oblike koje vidimo na Materhornu i drugima, zbog erozije vode.
    On the Moon, there are no continental plate tectonics.     Na Mesecu nema tektonskih pomeranja.
    The surface is static.     Površina je statična.
    Yeah. You still have mountains on the Moon and the reason is that those big impact basins.     Ipak na Mesecu postoje planine, a razlog su bazeni od velikih udara.
    That's big explosion excavates a pit, throws the material up on the outsides, so you have these rings of mountains, arcs of mountains, that surround the impact sites.     Velika eksplozija iskopa jamu i izbaci materijal na spoljne ivice. Tako dobijete te prstenove i lukove planina, koji okružuju mesta udara.

    But their impact features in there is caused by the external forces, not the internal forces.     Ali njihova udarna obeležja su izazvale spoljašnje, a ne unutrašnje sile.
    Another notable impact crater, much smaller than Mare Orientale, but every bit as spectacular, is Tycho.     Još jedan istaknut krater, mnogo manji od Istočnog Mora, ali isto toliko impresivan, je Tiho.
    Named after a prominent 17th century Danish astronomer, this impact feature is located in the southwestern quadrant on the Moon's near side.     Nazvan po istaknutom danskom astronomu iz 17. veka, ovaj krater je smešten u jugozapadnom kvadrantu vidljive strane Meseca.
    It's... in the bright area, you could have almost see it with the naked eye.     On je u svetloj zoni, skoro da se može videti golim okom.
    And when that explosion happened as with many other craters it shot out jets of bright powdery dust, so that these rays that got out from it were very stripy.     Kada se taj udarac desio, kao i kod mnogih drugih kratera on je ispalio mlazeve fine svetle prašine tako da su ovi zraci što izlaze iz kratera veoma linearni.
    The rays of dusty ejected material extends some 900 miles from the Tycho impact site.     Zraci izbačene prašine protežu se 1400 km od kratera Tiho.
    A mountain of debris also rises from the center of the crater.     Planina od krhotina takođe se uzdiže iz njegovog centra.
    This is a result of recoil from the asteroid's strike.     Ovo je rezultat povratnog delovanja udara asteroida.
    Some of the highly compressed material at the center of the impact site springs outward, once the impacting body either ricochets or disintegrates.     Visoko sabijeni materijal u centru mesta udara izbija napolje, kada se udarno telo ili rikošetira, ili dezintegriše.
    But long before any of the Moon specific features could be discern through sophisticated telescopes and space travel, careful observation of the lunar behavior and appearance was still vitally important to Earth dwellers.     Ali mnogo pre nego što su se mesečeva specifična svojstva mogla razabrati kroz napredne teleskope i svemirska putovanja, pažljivo osmatranje njegove pojave i ponašanja bilo je od vitalnog značaja stanovnicima Zemlje.
    For 15,000 years at least, Man revered the Moon as a source of light, as a navigational guide, as a reference in agricultural pursuits.     Bar 15 hiljada godina čovek je cenio Mesec kao izvor svetla, kao navigacijski vodič, kao referenca kod poljoprivrednih radova.
    And most of all... as a convenient timekeeper.     A najviše od svega, kao prikladan merač vremena.
    In the days before our modern systems, timekeeping was no simple task.     Pre našeg modernog vremena, merenje vremena nije bio lak posao.
    Early timekeepers had two choices: they could monitor the Sun or the Moon.     Rani evidentičari su imali dva izbora: mogli su pratiti Sunce ili Mesec.
    If you think about trying to keep track of dates, if you use a solar calendar like we do nowadays, there are 365 days in a year, and that's an awful lot of days to keep track of, and it's not something that the ordinary person could do very well.     Ako razmislite o pokušaju da se prati vreme, ako koristite naš solarni kalendar, tu imate 365 dana u godini, i to je jako mnogo dana za pamtiti, i nije nešto što bi običan čovek mogao dobro da radi.
    Compare that with a lunar calendar.     Uporedite to sa lunarnim kalendarom.
    Everybody can tell when the full moon is when the new moon is, you don't see the moon at new moon, you see it as big and round at full moon so it's easy to tell, there are only 28 or 29 days in a lunar cycle, so it's easy to count them and so most societies actually started out with a lunar calendar.     Svako može reći kada je pun Mesec, kada je nov Mesec, Mesec se ne vidi kada je nov, kada ga vidite da je okrugao i velik, lako znate da je pun, imate samo 28 ili 29 dana u lunarnom ciklusu, tako da je njih lako izbrojati i zato su mnoga društva ustvari počela sa lunarnim kalendarom.
    Early observers of the Moon also recognize that our planetary neighbor has a very real physical effect on the Earth itself.     Rani posmatrači Meseca takođe su znali da naš planetarni komšija ima veoma jak fizički uticaj na samu Zemlju.
    The Moon is responsible for the rise and fall of our ocean tides.     Mesec je odgovoran za plime i oseke naših okeana.
    If I think of the Moon as being this tennis ball and the Earth as being this football, the tides are caused by the Moon's gravitational attraction, so it's obvious... Ok, so the Moon kind of pulls the Earth's water towards it.     Ako uporedite Mesec sa ovom teniskom lopticom, a Zemlju sa ovom loptom za ragbi, plime su izazvane gravitacionom silom Meseca, tako da je očigledno da Mesec povlači vodu sa Zemlje ka sebi.
    And so this creates a slight bulge in the direction of the Moon.     Ovo pravi blaga ispupčenja u pravcu meseca.
    Well, it's less obvious that there's also a bulge in the direction away from the Moon, so there is in fact two high tides every day.     Manje je očigledno da takođe postoji ispupčenje sa strane suprotne Mesecu, zato imamo dve plime svaki dan.
    The other high tide you can think of is being caused by the Earth's centripetal force.     Plimu sa druge strane izaziva zemljina centripetalna sila.
    The Earth and the Moon are both rotating around, and that causes the water on the far side to also move out.     Zemlja i Mesec se okreću zajedno, što izaziva da se voda sa druge strane takođe izdiže.
    An extreme illustration of the difference between high and low tides can be found along the shore of Canada's Bay of Fundy.     Ekstremni primer razlike između plime i oseke može se videti duž obale kanadskog zaliva Fandi.
    The water level from high tide to low tide drops an astounding 55 feet.     Razlika između plime i oseke ovde je neverovatnih 18 metara.
    For some forms of life on Earth, the advance and retreat of the tides creates useful habitats.     Za neke oblike života na Zemlji, plima i oseka stvaraju korisno prebivalište.
    But another of the Moon's gravitational effect on our planet is directly responsible for nothing less than the continued survival of terrestrial life itself.     Ali još jedan uticaj mesečeve gravitacije na našu planetu direktno je odgovoran za ništa manje nego za opstanak života na Zemlji.
    The Moon stabilizes Earth's climate.     Mesec stabilizuje klimu na Zemlji.
    The gravitational effect of the Moon keeps the degree of tilt on the Earth's rotational axis constant.     Gravitacioni uticaj Meseca održava stepen nagiba zemljine rotacione ose konstantnom.

    This tilt is what maintains the repeatable cycle of seasons, as the Earth orbits the Sun.     Ovaj nagib je ono što održava ciklus godišnjih doba, kako se Zemlja okreće oko Sunca.
    If we didn't have the Moon, or if we had a much smaller Moon, for example, then you can mathematically show, that the tilt of our north pole would vary widely, with that angle going, from, say, 0 to 90 degrees, currently it's 23.5 degrees, and it would actually vary chaotically.     Da nemamo Mesec, ili na primer, da imamo mnogo manji Mesec, onda matematički možete prikazati da bi nagib našeg severnog pola naširoko varirao, po uglovima od 0 do 90 stepeni, a sada je 23.5 stepeni, i ustvari bi varirao haotično.
    And so the Moon has played an important role in the stability of our axis of rotation, of our planet and therefore in our climate.     Tako da Mesec ima važnu ulogu u stabilnosti naše rotacione ose, a tako i naše klime.
    Over the millennia, with the Moon's prominent and constant presence in our night sky, man ultimately began to speculate on its origin.     Tokom milenijuma, sa mesečevom upadljivom i stalnom pojavom na noćnom nebu, čovek je na kraju počeo da razmišlja o njegovom poreklu.
    How did it form? How did the Moon come to be?     Kako se formirao? Kako je nastao Mesec?
    In 455 BCE the Greek scholar Anaxagoras theorized that the Moon was simply a rock that was flung off by the Earth.     445 godine p.n.e., grčki naučnik Anaksagora teoretisao je da je Mesec samo stena koju je odbacila Zemlja.
    Most of his contemporaries, on the other hand, were convinced that the Moon was a god, or maybe a huge ball of fire.     Većina njegovih savremenika, sa druge strane, bila je ubeđena da je Mesec Bog, ili možda ogromna vatrena lopta.
    So Anaxagoras' notion did not get much attraction.     Zato Anaksagorina ideja nije privukla mnogo pažnje.
    Quiet speculation no doubt continued, but no hard information about the Moon came until 1609.     Tiha nagađanja su se bez sumnje nastavila, ali nije bilo čvrstih informacija o Mesecu do 1609.
    When Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei pointed one of the first telescopes at the Moon, recognized that he was looking at a landscape, the terrain of another world.     Kada je italijanski astronom Galileo Galilej uperio jedan od prvih teleskopa ka Mesecu, i shvatio da gleda u pejzaž, u teren drugog sveta.
    When you look at the Moon through a telescope, it looks completely different from the way it looks to the naked eye.     Kada pogledate u Mesec kroz teleskop, izgleda potpuno drugačije nego kada ga gledate golim okom.
    So instead of looking flat the way it does to the naked eye, it really looks round, and you can see the shadows, you can see all these craters that a naked eye just not see, and it just immediately looks like a world, it jumps out at you into three dimensions.     Umesto da izgleda ravan, kako izgleda kad gledate golim okom, ustvari izgleda zaobljen, i možete videti senke, možete videti sve one kratere koje golim okom ne vidite, i skoro odmah počinje da izgleda kao svet, iskoči pred vas u tri dimenzije.
    Galileo made detailed drawings of the small planet's surface, and established once and for all that the Moon is a solid world, not a god or a fireball.     Galileo je napravio detaljan crtež površine male planete, i utvrdio jednom za svagda da je Mesec čvrst svet, a ne Bog ili vatrena lopta.
    But the groundbreaking astronomer never publicly speculated on the Moon's origin.     Ali inovativni astronom nikada nije javno nagađao o mesečevom poreklu.
    Primarily because he hasn't assume move to other planets.     Prvenstveno jer se više zanimao za druge planete.
    Not until 1873 did the first science based theory regarding the origin of the Moon publicly emerge.     Sve dok 1873 nije javno isplivala prva teorija o poreklu Meseca.
    It sprang from the mind of a talented French astronomer named Edouard Roche.     Nju je smislio talentovani francuski astronom Edvard Roše.
    Roche advocated for what's called the co-accretion theory, which says that basically Earth and the Moon grew up at the same time, out of the same materials.     Roše je bio zagovornik "Dualističke teorije", koja u osnovi kaže da su Zemlja i Mesec rasli zajedno, od istih meterijala.
    In Roche's days many scientists began to believe that the planets might have formed from hot condensing clouds of gas.     U Rošeovo vreme mnogi naučnici počeli su da veruju da su planete možda nastale od vrućeg oblaka gasa koji se zgušnjavao.
    It gradually contracted and cooled and as it contracted, it would separate out rings of gas, so you'd have a ring of gas here, a ring here and so forth.     On se postupno zgušnjavao i hladio, i dok se zgušnjavao podelio se u prstenove gasa, tako da biste imali prsten gasa ovde, prsten onde i tako dalje.
    And these rings of gas would then eventually coalesce and form the planets.     I ti oblaci gasa bi eventualno srasli i formirali planete.
    Roche saw the Earth and the Moon as a solar system in miniature.     Roše je video Zemlju i Mesec kao sunčev sistem u malom.
    His idea was that the Earth starts out as a ball of gas and then cools and contracts and sheds a ring of gas, that then itself coalesces and forms the Moon.     Njegova ideja je bila da je Zemlja počela kao lopta gasa, a onda se ohladila i stegnula oslobađajući novi prsten gasa od kojeg se formirao Mesec.
    But there are problems with this theory.     Ali postoji problem sa ovom teorijom.
    For one our Moon has a much lower iron content than the Earth.     Kao prvo, Mesec ima mnogo manji sadržaj gvožđa od Zemlje.
    If the two bodies formed from the same materials, their basic composition should be the same.     Da su dva tela formirana od istih materijala, njihov osnovni sastav bi morao biti isti.
    But they are not.     Ali nije.
    This and other inconsistencies soon led fellow astronomers to quest for new ideas to explain the existence of the Moon.     Ovo i druge nepravilnosti uskoro su povele kolege astronome u potragu za novim idejama koje bi objasnile postojanje Meseca.
    In the last third of the 19's century advanced theories about the origin of the Moon started to emerge. In 1873 French scientist, Edouard Roche proposed that the Moon simply formed alongside the Earth out of essentially the same nebular cloud of particles and gasses.     U poslednjoj trećini 19. veka počele su se pojavljivati napredne teorije o nastanku Meseca. 1973-će, francuski naučnik Edvard Roše predložio je da se Mesec prosto formirao zajedno sa Zemljom od istog magličastog oblaka čestica i gasova.
    But this idea had a fundamental weakness.     Ali ova ideja je imala suštinsku slabost.

    The Moon has a much lower iron content that the Earth.     Mesec ima mnogo manji sadržaj gvožđa nego Zemlja.
    It's much less dense.     Gustoća mu je mnogo manja.
    The big thing that we remember about the Moon and its composition is that it doesn't have any iron core like the Earth does.     Velika stvar koju pamtimo u vezi Meseca i njegovog sadržaja je da on nema jezgro od gvožđa kao Zemlja.
    So you look at the Earth, and there is a very large central area something like hefty inside of the Earth is iron, nickel-iron and that's metal of drain down to the center of the Earth in there.     Kada pogledate Zemlju, postoji velika centralna zona, jezgro unutar Zemlje, sačinjeno od gvožđa i nikla. Taj metal je povučen u središte Zemlje.
    Earth was hot when it formed at the beginning.     Zemlja je kod svog formiranja bila vrela.
    The Moon is more like just plain rock.     Mesec je više kao obična stena.
    Scientists initially deduce the mass of the Moon through observation and mathematical calculations.     Naučnici su u početku sračunali masu Meseca kroz posmatranje i matematičke proračune.
    If the Moon had formed from the same stuff that made the Earth, the iron content should be similar.     Da je Mesec formiran od istog materijala kao i Zemlja, sadržaj gvožđa bio bi sličan.
    It was a hole in the theory Edouard Roche couldn't explain.     To je bila rupa u teoriji Edvarda Rošea koju on nije mogao objasniti.
    But another idea soon followed down the hills of the co-accretion hypothesis. In 1878 George Darwin announced his fission theory of lunar origin.     Ali druga ideja se uskoro pošla stopama Dualističke hipoteze. 1878-me, Džordž Darvin je objavio svoju "Teoriju cepanja".
    This idea received some attention in part because Darwin had a celebrated father, Charles Darwin, author of "Origin of Species".     Ova ideja je privukla pažnju delom zbog toga jer je Darvin imao proslavljenog oca, Čarlsa Darvina, autora "Porekla vrsta".
    In time though, George Darwin stepped out of this father shadow and became known as England's leading expert on tides.     U to vreme, Džordž Darvin je iskoračio iz senke svoga oca i postao poznat kao vodeći engleski ekspert za plimu i oseku.
    And through extensive analysis of the tide-moon relationship George Darwin came to the realization that the moon is gradually moving further and further away from the Earth.     Kroz opširnu analizu veze plima-Mesec, Džordž Darvin je došao do zaključka da se mesec postupno odaljuje sve dalje i dalje od Zemlje.
    It wasn't proved until 95 years later.     To je dokazano tek 95 godina kasnije.
    When astronauts landed on the moon, they put little mirrors on the moon.     Kada su astronauti sleteli na Mesec, postavili su na njega ogledala.
    And you can shine a laser at the Moon and the laser rebounds at the mirror come back and you can actually measure the exact distance between the Earth and the Moon.     Možete laserom naciljati Mesec, laser se odbija od ogledala i vraća, i tako zaista možete izmeriti tačnu udaljenost između Zemlje i Meseca.
    And the rate at which this distance is increasing is 3.8 cm/year. 3.8 cm is about an inch and a half.     Ta udaljenost se povećava 3,8 cm godišnje. 3.8 cm je oko 1,5 inča.
    If you made a movie extreme timate, you will see the Moon moving away from Earth gradually.     - Ako jako ubrzate film, videćete kako se Mesec polako udaljava od Zemlje.
    That's what we see nowadays.     To vidimo u današnje vreme.
    Darwin began to consider what would happen if we reverse the process, if you run the movie backwards.     Darvin je počeo da razmišlja šta bi se desilo kada bismo obrnuli proces, ako bismo pustili film unazad.
    As we move backwards in time, and the Moon moves closer, both the Moon's orbit and the rotation of the Earth get faster and faster.     Kako se krećemo nazad kroz vreme, i Mesec se približava, orbita Meseca i rotacija Zemlje se sve više ubrzavaju.
    And so what will happen if then eventually the Moon must coalesce with the Earth, and must, must take the Earth.     Šta bi se desilo kada bi na kraju Mesec morao da udari u Zemlju?
    The logical conclusion for Darwin was that a portion of the molten rapidly spinning Earth must have separated from the main mass and spawn off to become our Moon.     Za Darvina, logičan zaključak je bio da se deo rastopljene Zemlje koja se brzo okretala odvojio od osnovne mase i postao naš Mesec.
    He immediately began work on mathematical calculations to reverse the trajectory of the Moon all the way back to the Earth. Frustratingly, he reaches a point where he gets almost to Earth and then he couldn't work it out any further.     Odmah je počeo rad na matematičkim proračunima da okrene putanju Meseca unazad do Zemlje. Frustrirajući, dostigao je tačku kada je stigao skoro do Zemlje i onda nije mogao dalje.
    The mathematic doesn't let you go any further.     Matematika ne dopušta da idete dalje.
    What you get to as a point where the Moon is whipping around the Earth at a rate of five revolutions a day or six revolutions a day.     Dolazite do tačke kad Mesec jurca oko zemlje brzinom od pet ili šest revolucija dnevno.
    So, it's just... zooming around the Earth.     Znači, vrtoglavo se okreće oko nje.
    Ok? And it's... it's about 5,000 miles away from the Earth.     A udaljen je samo oko 8000 km od Zemlje.
    Still the mathematics did not allowed Darwin to bring the two cosmic bodies into contact.     Matematičari nisu dozvolili Darvinu da dovede ova dva tela u kontakt.
    The fission theory was debated for decades, but scientists eventually concluded that the relative movements of the Earth and Moon could not have resulted from it.     O teoriji cepanja raspravljalo se decenijama, ali su naučnici na kraju zaključili da relativne putanje Zemlje i Meseca nisu mogle proizaći iz nje.

    The Earth would have be spinning too fast to account for its present rotation rate.     Zemlja bi se vrtela prebrzo u odnosu na današnju brzinu rotacije.
    The quest for an explanation of lunar creation continued and a new theory would soon originate with an American.     Pohod na objašnjenje o nastanku Meseca se nastavio i nova teorija je uskoro došla od Amerikanca.
    In 1909 Thomas Jefferson Jackson See was a U.S. naval captain based at Mare Island near San Francisco. His official job was to keep the standard time for the U.S. west coast.     1909-te, Tomas Džeferson Džekson Si bio je američki mornarički kapetan smešten na ostrvu Mer blizu San Franciska. Njegov posao je bio da održava standardno vreme za zapadnu američku obalu.
    But See was also a gifted scientist.     Ali Si je takođe bio nadaren naučnik.
    As a young man he had trained as an astronomer.     Kao mladić obučavao se kao astronom.
    He was one of the first Americans to actually get a doctorate in astronomy.     On je bio jedan od prvih Amerikanaca koji je imao doktorat iz astronomije.
    He went to Germany and got a Ph.D. in astronomy which was, you know, almost unheard of back then.     Išao je u Nemačku i stekao doktorat, što je u ono vreme bilo retkost.
    The U.S. was still scientifically total backwater in the 1800s.     Amerika je bila naučno potpuno nazadna 1800-tih.
    See's duty station, Mare Island, had an observatory.     Ostrvo Mer, mesto Siove službe, imalo je opservatoriju.
    And the captain's job allowed him plenty of time to theorize.     A kapetanov posao dozvoljavao mu je puno vremena za teoretisanje.
    He had spent time analyzing both the co-accretion and the fission hypothesis regarding the origin of the Moon, and he wasn't convinced.     Provodio je dosta vremena analizirajući i dualističku i teoriju cepanja u vezi nastanka Meseca, i nije bio ubeđen.
    Gradually Thomas See developed a completely different idea.     Postepeno, Tomas Si razvio je potpuno drugačiju ideju.
    It came to be called "the capture theory".     Ona je nazvana "teorija hvatanja".
    Essentially See theorized that the Moon had actually formed in a different part of the solar system from the Earth that it orbited the Sun just like the other planets.     U osnovi, Si je teoretisao da je Mesec ustvari nastao u drugom delu sunčevog sistema, i da se okretao oko Sunca kao druge planete.
    But that at some point it had moved too close to Earth and was captured by Earth's gravity.     Ali u jednom trenutku se približio Zemlji i bio uhvaćen Zemljinom gravitacijom.
    His idea was that there is something that he called the resisting medium in outer space, which we know is not there now.     Njegova ideja je bila da postoji nešto što se naziva "sredina otpora" u svemiru, za šta mi sada znamo da ne postoji.
    See never adequately explained what this resisting medium was supposed to be possibly tiny particles of matter.     Si nikad nije dobro objasnio šta bi trebala da bude ta sredina otpora, moguće male čestice materije.
    Regardless he was sure that no longer existed.     Bez obzira, verovao je da to više ne postoji.
    His idea is that for the Earth to capture the Moon the Moon would have to come in from far away and then it would hit this resisting medium and slow down and then gradually get captured into an orbit, maybe not at once, it may take a little while to get gradually be captured into Earth orbit.     Po njegovoj teoriji, da bi Zemlja uhvatila Mesec, Mesec bi morao prići izdaleka i onda bi udario u sredinu otpora i usporio, bivao uhvaćen u orbitu, možda ne odjednom, nego bi malo potrajalo da bude postepeno uhvaćen u zemljinu orbitu.
    So it'd be like a bungee jumper jumping off a bridge, they go down, come back up not quite as far go down, come back up.     Bilo bi to kao bandži skakač kad skoči sa mosta, skoči dole, vrati se, pa onda opet krene dole, ali ne tako daleko kao prvi put, pa opet gore.
    Then eventually they settle down at the bottom.     Onda bi se postepeno smirio na dnu.
    Thomas See's capture theory would certainly explain the difference in iron content between the Earth and the Moon.     Teorija hvatanja Tomasa Sija bi sigurno objasnila razliku u gvožđu između Zemlje i Meseca.
    If the Moon formed elsewhere its composition could be very different.     Ako je Mesec nastao drugde, njegov sastav bi bio mnogo drugačiji.
    On the other hand the notion that Earth gravity could capture and retain such a large object was unlikely, since there is no obvious resisting medium to slows down an object as big as the Moon.     U drugu ruku, ideja da bi zemljina gravitacija mogla uhvatiti i zadržati tako veliki objekt nije verovatna, pošto ne postoji "sredina otpora" koja bi usporila objekat veliki kao Mesec.
    All three theories have significant weaknesses.     Sve tri teorije imale su značajne slabosti.
    The origin of the Moon remained a mystery.     Poreklo Meseca ostalo je misterija.
    On July 20th 1969 US astronauts set foot on the lunar surface for the first time.     20 jula 1969, američki astronauti su po prvi put kročili na mesečevu površinu.
    That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.     Ovo je mali korak za čoveka, ali veliki za čovečanstvo.
    They had landed their lunar module on hardened lava plain known as the Sea of Tranquility.     Oni su sleteli lunarnim modulom na ravnicu stvrdnute lave poznate kao More Tišine.
    And mission pilot Buzz Aldrin described the view as magnificent desolation.     Pilot misije Baz Oldrin opisao je prizor kao veličanstvenu pustaru.

    - Beautiful view...     Prelep pogled...
    - Isn't that something?     - Zar nije lep?
    Magnificent sight down here.     - Veličanstven pogled.
    The astronauts brought back 48 pounds of moon rocks and dusty soil, or regolith.     Astronauti su doneli 20 kilograma stena i prašnjavog tla, ili regolita.
    Reading you loud and clear.     Čujem vas jasno i glasno.
    Our position 133:0-69:15. Geologist at Johnson Space Center in Houston eagerly awaited their arrival.     Naša pozicija je 133:0-69:15. Geolozi iz Džonsonovog Svemirskog Centra u Hjustonu željno su čekali njihov dolazak.
    The excitement when samples first came back was just electrical.     Atmosfera kada su uzorci doneti bila je jednostavno naelektrisana.
    I mean, it was just incredible.     Mislim, bilo je neverovatno.
    Nobody really knew quite what to expect.     Niko nije zaista znao šta da očekujemo.
    And we realized right away that we had basaltic rocks like one might see in Hawaii.     Brzo smo shvatili da imamo bazaltne stene slične kao one na Havajima.
    In fact very similar to rocks one would see in Hawaii.     Ustvari, jako slične stenama na Havajima.
    The NASA geologist were intrigued to find not only basalts but rocks of another sort.     NASA geolozi našli su ne samo bazaltne, nego i druge vrste stena.
    Rocks called breccias.     Stene nazvane "breča".
    Breccias form during asteroid impacts.     Breča se formira usled udara asteroida.
    So if you can imagine a large impact body hitting the Moon it's gonna be very chaotic, it's gonna throw up debris. Debris gonna come flying out this what ends up to be a crater after it's over and you can see the many craters on the Moon.     Možete zamisliti kako je kada veliko telo udari u Mesec, jako je haotično, krhotine bivaju izbačene iz ovih kratera, i na Mesecu možete videti mnoge kratere.
    This debris gets all jumbled up and lands on the ground around the crater and then it gets compacted with the heat generated by the crater and gets turned into rocks that look very chaotic, you see.     Ove krhotine se izmešaju i slete na teren oko kratera, onda ih zbije vrelina koju emituje krater i postaju stene koje izgledaju zaista haotične, kao što vidite.
    All sorts of pieces in the rock in different sizes different shapes, all pieces of the rock that are in the area that impacting body impacted.     Svakakvi komadi u steni različitih veličina i oblika, svi komadi stena koji su bili u zoni gde je udarno telo udarilo.
    We have just not seen anything like this on Earth.     Nismo videli ovakvo nešto na Zemlji.
    The Moon rocks soon began to tell a fascinating tale.     Kamenje sa Meseca uskoro je počelo da priča fascinantnu priču.
    First the rocks and soil samples contain particles indicating that the Moon must have been covered by a deep ocean of lava after it formed.     Prvo, uzorci stena i zemljišta sadrže čestice koje ukazuju da je Mesec morao biti prekriven dubokim okeanom lave nakon što je formiran.
    This notion was reinforced by the discovery that the rocks were lacking significantly in what scientists call "volatile elements".     Ova tvrdnja je ojačana otkrićem da stenama značajno nedostaje ono što naučnici zovu "nepostojani elementi".
    Volatile elements are those that can evaporate easily and they're for be lost when you heat up a rock.     Nepostojani elementi su oni koji lako ispare i koji bivaju izgubljeni kada se stena zagreje.
    And some examples of volatile elements include water or potassium for example.     Primeri nepostojanih elemenata su voda ili kalijum.
    And if you compare the bulk Earth rocks to lunar rocks you find that lunar rocks are extremely parched.     Ako uporedite stene sa Zemlje sa stenama sa Meseca, videćete da su mesečeve stene ekstremno spržene.
    It's like just they've been heated and they've lost a lot of their volatile elements.     Kao da su bile zagrejane i izgubile svoje nepostojane elemente.
    But along with this start contrasts, the lunar samples also revealed at least one astonishing similarity between the lunar surface and rocks and soil from Earth.     Ali uz ove početne razlike, lunarni uzorci otkrili su bar jednu neverovatnu sličnost između površine Meseca i stena na Zemlji.
    The isotopes of individual elements, like oxygen in particular.     Izotopi pojedinih elemenata, konkretno kiseonika.
    There are different forms of oxygen.     Postoje različite forme kiseonika.
    The Moon had exactly the same ratios of different forms that the Earth did.     Mesec ima potpuno isti odnos različitih formi kao i Zemlja.
    But all the other rocks we knew from elsewhere in the solar system which are meteorites that fall out of space, all have different oxygen isotope ratios.     Sve ostale stene sa drugih mesta u sunčevom sistemu, kao što su meteoriti, sve imaju drugačiji odnos izotopa kiseonika.

    Which tells you that the Moon material and the Earth material are very very similar.     To nam govori da je materijal sa Meseca jako sličan materijalu sa Zemlje.
    In the end the lunar samples had supplied a will for hard evidence, regarding the geological make up of the moon.     Na kraju, pomoću uzoraka sa Meseca dobili smo puno čvrstih dokaza u vezi sa geološkim sastavom Meseca.
    But astronomers trying to understand the Moon's origin were still left with the puzzle.     Ali astronomi koji su pokušavali da shvate poreklo Meseca još uvek su bili u nedoumici.
    For William Hartmann, of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, the information gleam from the Moon rocks supported some ideas he's been working on for nearly a decade.     Za Vilijema Hartmana, sa Instituta za Planetarnu nauku iz Tusona u Arizoni, informacije iz mesečevih stena su podržale neke ideje na kojima je radio skoro deceniju.
    Now a distinguished astronomer and painter of space images, in the early 60s Hartmann was a graduate student at the University of Arizona, taking part in a project to map impact craters on the Moon.     Sada istaknuti astronom i slikar svemirskih slika, u ranim 60-tim Hartman je diplomirao na Univerzitetu Arizone, i bio deo projekta mapiranja udarnih kratera na Mesecu.
    From the enormous basins, or seas to the smallest visible dimples.     Od ogromnih bazena ili mora, do jedva vidljivih ulegnuća.
    All I realized during this mapping in the 60s that the big basins are actually impact features.     Tokom mapiranja shvatio sam da su veliki bazeni ustvari udarna mesta.
    Very large asteroids hit the Moon and made these huge explosions, some of them are 600 miles across.     Jako veliki asteroidi su udarali u Mesec i napravili te ogromne eksplozije, neke široke i do 950 km.
    How big an object does it take to do that? Something like 100 miles across.     Koliko veliki objekt treba za to? Oko 160 km širok.
    So we had large object surrounding around the inner solar system as the Earth was forming and they were crashing into planets.     Znači imali smo velike objekte koji su okruživali unutrašnji sunčev sistem dok se Zemlja formirala, i oni su udarali u planete.
    For Hartman, the notion that a 100 miles wide asteroid once impacted planets bade a couple of questions.     Za Hartmana, ideja da su 160 km široki asteroidi nekada udarali u planete poteže par pitanja.
    Could planet sized objects have ever collided?     Jesu li se objekti veličine planeta mogli ikada sudariti?
    And could that have something to do with the formation of the Moon?     I ima li to neke veze sa nastankom Meseca?
    By 1972 Hartmann and fellow Tucson astronomer Don Davis had created a computer program to help them explore these ideas.     Do 1972, Hartman i njegov kolega astronom iz Tusona, Don Dejvis, napravili su kompjuterski program da im pomogne da istraže ove ideje.
    The program made a rough attempt to simulate the accretion process in the early solar system.     Program je napravio grub pokušaj simulacije procesa srastanja u ranom sunčevom sistemu.
    The astronomers wanted to see if any others planetary bodies formed near the Earth and could have crashed into it.     Astronomi su hteli da vide da li su se druga planetarna tela formirala u blizini Zemlje i da li su mogla da se sudare sa njom.
    The idea was... if there was some other body there and it finally crashes into the Earth, it blows off all this crustal material from the Earth... As well as from the impacter itself.     Ideja je bila, ako je postojalo neko drugo telo, i napokon se sudarilo sa Zemljom, ono bi izbacilo sav taj površinski materijal sa Zemlje, kao i samo sebe.
    Maybe the Moon could form out of that.     Možda se Mesec formirao iz toga.
    Sure enough the simulation showed that a second planet could have formed in the Earth's acquiescent zone. One about the size of Mars.     - Simulacija je pokazala da se druga planeta mogla formirati u zemljinoj zoni privlačenja. Jedna veličine Marsa.
    It wasn't the Moon because it had formed from the same elements as the Earth and should therefore have had the same iron-core and heavy density as the Earth.     To nije bio Mesec jer da se on formirao od istih elemenata kao i Zemlja, trebao bi da ima isto gvozdeno jezgro i gustinu kao Zemlja.
    The Moon of course does not.     Mesec to nema.
    That was evidence enough for Hartmann to formulate a new fourth hypothesis.     To je bio dovoljan dokaz za Hartmana da formira novu, četvrtu hipotezu.
    It came to be called: The Giant Impact theory. In 1974 a new hypothesis explaining the origin of Earth's moon debuted on the world scientific stage.     Ona je nazvana "Teorija velikog udara". 1974-te, nova teorija o nastanku Meseca debitovala je na svetskoj naučnoj sceni.
    Its proponents dubbed it: The Giant Impact theory.     Njeni predlagači nazvali su je "Teorija velikog udara".
    The basic idea is that about 4.5 billion years ago Earth collided with an object roughly the size of the current planet Mars.     Osnovna ideja je da se pre oko 4,5 milijardi godina Zemlja sudarila sa objektom veličine sadašnje planete Mars.
    It's a very large collision.     To je bio jako veliki sudar.
    And it started the Earth's spinning.     On je pokrenuo rotaciju Zemlje.
    It's what gave us our current 24 hour day we believe.     Verujemo da nam je to dalo tekući dan od 24 časa.
    And this collision was so massive that it launched material into orbit around the Earth.     I taj sudar je bio tako masivan da je izbacio materijal u orbitu oko Zemlje.
    And it's for that material that we believe the Moon later coalesced.     Verujemo da se od tog materijala formirao Mesec.

    Dr. Robin Canup and others of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder have constructed a computer model to study the details of the giant impact scenario.     Dr. Robin Kenap i ostali sa Jugozapadnog Istraživačkog instituta u Bolderu su napravili kompjuterski model da proučavaju detalje scenarija ovog džinovskog sudara.
    It divides off the Earth and this colliding rough protoplanet into many different particles and then the evolution of each particle is tracked through the course of the impact.     On deli Zemlju i ovu neravnu protoplanetu u mnogo različitih čestica i onda prati razviće svake čestice kroz udarni kurs.
    The simulation depicts the impact from a bird's eye view from the top-down.     Simulacija prikazuje udar iz ptičije persprektive.
    The Earth was probably partly molten even before this impact.     Zemlja je verovatno bila delimično rastopljena čak i pre ovog udara.
    So initially the impacter came in from this direction, it hit the Earth with an off-center collision.     U početku, udarno telo je došlo iz ovog pravca i udarilo je Zemlju sa spoljne strane.
    And you can see the impacter has been stretched out into this long arm of material, right here.     I kao što vidite, udarno telo se izdužilo u ovaj dugački krak materijala.
    Scientists believe the upper layers of the Earth became completely molten following the impact.     Naučnici veruju da su gornji slojevi Zemlje postali potpuno istopljeni nakon udara.
    The collision starts the Earth rotating.     Sudar je pokrenuo rotaciju Zemlje.
    And you can also see that the collision has substantially distorted the shape of the Earth itself.     Takođe možete videti da je sudar značajno izobličio oblik same Zemlje.
    After a couple hours we see that this arm of impacter material has collapsed gravitationally into two large clumps.     Nakon nekoliko sati vidimo da se ovaj krak materijala od udarnog tela gravitaciono podelio u dve velike grudve.
    The inner clump of the impacter material is actually composed overwhelmingly of the impacter's core.     Unutrašnja grudva materijala je sastavljena većinom od materijala iz jezgra udarnog tela.
    So then when this inner clump recollides with the Earth, and it happens right there, the vast majority of the iron that came in with the impacter is actually accumulated by the Earth.     Kad se ta unutrašnja grudva ponovo sudarila sa Zemljom, a to se desilo ovde, većinu gvožđa koje je došlo sa udarnim telom je akumulirala Zemlja.
    While this outer clump comes and it makes a close pass by the Earth, and is stripped by the Earth's gravity into a long arm of material, which then breaks up to form this disk.     Kad se ova spoljašnja grudva približila i prošla blizu Zemlje, njena gravitacija ju je izdužila u dugačak krak materijala, koji se onda raspao i formirao ovaj disk.
    The material is taught to have coalesced to form the Moon in less than an year, following the massive impact.     Taj materijal se spajao i formirao Mesec za manje od godine dana nakon ovog masivnog sudara.
    There is no sign of this impact on the Earth today because at the time, our planet it only developed to about 90% of its current size.     Danas na Zemlji nema znakova ovog sudara, jer je tada naša planeta imala oko 90% sadašnje veličine.
    The remaining 10% would accumulate from later much smaller impacts.     Preostalih 10% je akumulirala od kasnijih mnogo manjih sudara.
    Also the Earth's own gravity had a reshaping effect.     Takođe, gravitacija Zemlje je imala ulogu u oblikovanju.
    Within the day after the impact the Earth had reassumed a basically spherical shape. And any depression that the impact caused would had been smoothed over.     Unutar dana posle udara Zemlja je ponovo dobila svoj osnovni sferični oblik, i svako udubljenje koje je izazvao udar bilo je izglađeno.
    Giant Impact theory originator Bill Hartmann presented his hypothesis at a scientific conference in 1974.     Pokretač teorije velikog udara Bil Hartman predstavio je ovu hipotezu na naučnoj konferenciji 1974-te.
    But it received little attention for nearly a decade.     Ali ona je prošla neopaženo skoro celu deceniju.
    Interest in the Moon dropped off sharply at the end of the Apollo missions.     Interesovanje za Mesec naglo je opalo na kraju Apolo misija.
    Finally at a lunar conference in Hawaii in 1984 twelve years after the last Moon shot, the world's four most astronomers reached a consensus.     Napokon, na lunarnoj konferenciji na Havajima 1984-te, 12 godina nakon poslednjeg sletanja na Mesec, glavni svetski astronomi postigli su konsenzus.
    The Giant Impact theory was the most acceptable explanation to date for the origin of the Moon.     Teorija velikog udara postala je najprihvatljivije objašnjenje o nastanku Meseca do danas.
    I think there's still some people who say: "Ok, it's not really proving yet." But it's what I would call the default theory.     Mislim da još uvek ima ljudi koji kažu, "To još nije dokazano", ali ja bih je nazvao podrazumevanom teorijom.
    If you look at any textbook of planetary science or geology it's just the theory that's accepted.     Ako pogledate u bilo koju knjigu planetarne nauke ili geologije, to je jedina prihvaćena teorija.
    And there are certain small discrepancies which have yet to be explained but buy in large it works.     Postoje male nepravilnosti koje i dalje treba objasniti, ali u celosti, teorija je valjana.
    Even with an agreed-upon theory of how our moon came to be scientists have not finished studying our closest cosmic neighbor by any means.     Čak i sa prihvaćenom teorijom o nastanku Meseca, naučnici ni blizu nisu završili sa proučavanjem našeg najbližeg komšije.
    In fact talk of returning to the lunar surface with a permanent end outpost has recently emanated from the Whitehouse at NASA headquarters.     U stvari, priče o povratku na površinu Meseca sa stalnom bazom su se skoro čule iz Bele kuće i sedišta NASA-e.
    Such a base could provide a place to train astronauts to live in space long term. As well as provide them more efficient launch point for eventual missions to Mars.     Takva baza bi mogla pružiti astronautima mesto treninga za život u svemiru, kao i efektivniju lansirnu tačku za eventualne misije na Mars.
    But such lofty scientific goals are far from the minds of average residence of Earth. Who occasionally peer up at the glowing mesmerizing lunar disk in the night sky.     Ali takvi uzvišeni naučni ciljevi daleko su od umova prosečnog stanovništva Zemlje, koji povremeno pogledaju ka sjajnom i hipnotišućem lunarnom disku na noćnom nebu.

    For us talk of lava oceans... Regolith forming micrometeorites... And giant impacts... Will never diminish the fascination and romance of our mysterious neighbor-world: the Moon.     Za nas, priče o okeanima lave, mikrometeoritima koji formiraju regolite, i velikim udarima... nikada neće smanjiti opčinjenost i romantiku našeg misterioznog komšijskog sveta, Meseca.

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