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PREDUZEĆE "LUTKA" | Marionettes, Inc |
Polako su šetali ulicom negde oko deset uveče, mirno razgovarali. Obojica su imala oko trideset pet godina, obojica su bili vanredno trezveni ljudi. | THEY walked slowly down the street at about ten in the evening, talking calmly. They were both about thirty-five, both eminently sober. |
"Ali zašto tako rano?" reče Smit. | “But why so early?” said Smith. |
"Zato", reče Brejling. | “Because,” said Braling. |
"Ovo ti je prvo veče da si izašao posle toliko godina, i ideš kući u deset sati." | “Your first night out in years and you go home at ten o’clock.” |
"Valjda su to nervi." | “Nerves, I suppose.” |
"Ja se pitam kako si uopšte uspeo. Već deset godina pokušavam da te izvučem napolje da popijemo koju na miru. I sada, te jedne večeri, ti zapeo da se vratiš rano kući." | “What I wonder is how you ever managed it. I’ve been trying to get you out for ten years for a quiet drink. And now, on the one night, you insist on turning in early.” |
"Ne smem da izazivam sreću", reče Brejling. | “Mustn’t crowd my luck,” said Braling. |
"Šta si uradio, stavio ženi prašak za spavanje u kafu?" | “What did you do, put sleeping powder in your wife’s coffee?” |
"Ne, to bi bilo nemoralno. Videćeš već." | “No, that would be unethical. You’ll see soon enough.” |
Skrenuše za ugao. "Da budem iskren, Brejling, mrzim to da kažem, ali ti jesi bio strpljiv prema njoj. Možda mi ti to nećeš priznati, ali brak je za tebe strašan, zar ne?" | They turned a corner. “Honestly, Braling, I hate to say this, but you have been patient with her. You may not admit it to me, but marriage has been awful for you, hasn’t it?” |
"To ne bih rekao." | “I wouldn’t say that.” |
"U svakom slučaju, saznalo se tu i tamo kako te je ona priterala da se oženiš njom. Još onda 1979. kada ste išli za Rio..." | “It’s got around, anyway, here and there, how she got you to marry her. That time back in 1979 when you were going to Rio——” |
"Dragi Rio. Pored svih mojih planova, nikada ga nisam video." | “Dear Rio. I never did see it after all my plans.” |
"I kako je iscepala haljinu i raščupala se, i pretila da će da zove policiju ako je ne uzmeš za ženu." | “And how she tore her clothes and rumpled her hair and threatened to call the police unless you married her.” |
"Ona je uvek bila nervozna, Smite, shvati." | “She always was nervous, Smith, understand.” |
"Bilo je to više nego nefer. Ti je nisi voleo. Toliko si joj rekao, je li tako?" | “It was more than unfair. You didn’t love her. You told her as much, didn’t you?” |
"Sećam se da sam imao vrlo čvrst stav prema tom pitanju." | “I recall that I was quite firm on the subject.” |
"Ali ipak si je uzeo za ženu." | “But you married her anyhow.” |
"Morao sam da mislim na posao, kao i na oca i majku. Tako nešto bi ih ubilo." | “I had my business to think of, as well as my mother and father. A thing like that would have killed them.” |
"A prođe već deset godina." | “And it’s been ten years.” |
"Da", reče Brejling mirno gledajući svojim sivim očima. "Ali mislim da bi se sada možda moglo promeniti. Mislim da se dogodilo ono što sam čekao. Vidi ovo." | “Yes,” said Braling, his gray eyes steady. “But I think perhaps it might change now. I think what I’ve waited for has come about. Look here.” |
Izvuče jednu dugačku plavu kartu. | He drew forth a long blue ticket. |
"Pa to je karta za Rio za raketu u četvrtak!" | “Why, it’s a ticket for Rio on the Thursday rocket!” |
"Jeste, najzad ću uspeti." | “Yes, I’m finally going to make it.” |
"Što je divno! Divno! Ti to zaista zaslužuješ! Ali zar ona neće zameriti? Da ti ne pravi neprilike?" | “But how wonderful! You do deserve it! But won’t she object? Cause trouble?” |
Brejling se nervozno osmehnu. "Neće ni znati da sam otišao. Vratiću se kroz mesec dana, a niko živi ne zna, osim tebe." | Braling smiled nervously. “She won’t know I’m gone. I’ll be back in a month and no one the wiser, except you. |
Smit uzdahnu. "Da mi je da pođem s tobom." | Smith sighed. “I wish I were going with you.” |
"Jadni Smite, ni u tvom braku baš ne cvetaju ruže, a?" | “Poor Smith, your marriage hasn’t exactly been roses, has it?” |
"Ne baš, kad si oženjen ženom koja preteruje s ljubavlju. Hoću da kažem, na kraju krajeva, kad si u braku već deset godina ne očekuješ da ti žena sedi po dva sata u krilu svake večeri, da te dvanaest puta dnevno zove na posao i tepa kao malo dete. I čini mi se da je ovih poslednjih mesec dana postala još gora. Pitam se da nije možda malo maloumna?" | “Not exactly, married to a woman who overdoes it. I mean, after all, when you’ve been married ten years, you don’t expect a woman to sit on your lap for two hours every evening, call you at work twelve times a day and talk baby talk. And it seems to me that in the last month she’s gotten worse. I wonder if perhaps she isn’t just a little simple-minded?” |
"Ih, Smite, ti si večiti konzervativac. Pa, evo nas kod moje kuće. Je l' bi hteo da saznaš moju tajnu? Kako sam ovo večeras izveo?" | “Ah, Smith, always the conservative. Well, here’s my house. Now, would you like to know my secret? How I made it out this evening?” |
"Hoćeš stvarno da mi kažeš?" | “Will you really tell?” |
"Pogledaj gore, tamo!" reče Brejling. | “Look up, there!” said Braling. |
Obojica se zagledaše uvis kroz tamu. | They both stared up through the dark air. |
U prozoru iznad njih, na prvom spratu, uspravljala se jedna senka. Čovek od oko trideset pet godina, sa zabelelim slepoočnicama, tužnim sivim očima i retkim brčićima gledao je dole u njih. | In the window above them, on the second floor, a shade was raised. A man about thirty-five years old, with a touch of gray at either temple, sad gray eyes, and a small thin mustache looked down at them. |
"Pa to si ti!" uzviknu Smit. | “Why, that’s you!” cried Smith. |
"Ps-st, ne viči toliko!" Brejling mahnu rukom uvis. Čovek na prozoru napravi značajan pokret i iščeze. | “Sh-h-h, not so loud!” Braling waved upward. The man in the window gestured significantly and vanished. |
"Mora da sam lud", reče Smit. | “I must be insane,” said Smith. |
"Pričekaj trenutak." Počekaše. | “Hold on a moment.” They waited. |
Vrata koja vode iz stana na ulicu se otvoriše i visoki rezervni gospodin sa brkovima i ojađenim očima izađe da se sretne sa njima. | The street door of the apartment opened and the tall spare gentleman with the mustache and the grieved eyes came out to meet them. |
"Zdravo, Brejling", reče on. | “Hello, Braling,” he said. |
"Zdravo, Brejling", reče Brejling. | “Hello, Braling,” said Braling. |
Bili su identični. | They were identical. |
Smit je blenuo. "Je li ti to brat blizanac? Uopšte nisam znao..." | Smith stared. “Is this your twin brother? I never knew—” |
"Ne, ne", reče Brejling mirno. "Nagni se ovamo. Stavi uvo na grudi Brejlinga dva." | “No, no,” said Braling quietly. “Bend close. Put your ear to Braling Two’s chest.” |
Smit se ustezao, onda se naže napred i stavi glavu na rebra koja ostadoše mirna. | Smith hesitated and then leaned forward to place his head against the uncomplaining ribs. |
Tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak. | Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick. |
"Jao, ne! Ne može biti!" | “Oh no! It can’t be!” |
"Ali jeste." | “It is.” |
"Daj opet da poslušam." | “Let me listen again.” |
Tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak. | Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick. |
Smit se zatetura unazad i zatrepta očnim kapcima, zgrožen. Ispruži ruku i dodirnu tople šake i obraze mehanizma. | Smith staggered back and fluttered his eyelids, appalled. He reached out and touched the warm hands and the cheeks of the thing. |
"Gde si ga nabavio?" | “Where’d you get him?” |
"Zar nije odlično izrađen?" | “Isn’t he excellently fashioned?” |
"Neverovatno. Gde?" | “Incredible. Where?” |
"Daj čoveku svoju podsetnicu, Brejling dva." | “Give the man your card, Braling Two.” |
Brejling dva mađioničarskim pokretom ispovrte jednu belu kartu: | Braling Two did a magic trick and produced a white card: |
Umnožite sebe ili prijatelje; novi čovekoliki plastični modeli 1990., garantovano otporni na svako fizičko trošenje. Cene od 7.600 Dolara do 15.000 Dolara, naš model de luks. | Duplicate self or friends; new humanoid plastic 1990 models, guaranteed against all physical wear. From $7,600 to our $15,000 de luxe model. |
"Ne", reče, Smit. | “No,” said Smith. |
"Jeste", reče Brejling. | “Yes,” said Braling. |
"Prirodno", reče Brejling dva. | “Naturally,” said Braling Two. |
"Koliko već to traje?" | “How long has this gone on?” |
"Imam ga već mesec dana. Držim ga u podrumu u jednoj kutiji za alat. Žena mi nikada ne ide dole, a ja jedini imam katanac i ključ od te kutije. Večeras sam rekao da idem da se prošetam i kupim cigaru. Sišao u podrum, izvadio Brejlinga dva iz sanduka i poslao ga nazad gore da sedi sa mojom ženom dok sam ja izašao da se vidim s tobom, Smite." | “I’ve had him for a month. I keep him in the cellar in a toolbox. My wife never goes downstairs, and I have the only lock and key to that box. Tonight I said I wished to take a walk to buy a cigar. I went down cellar and took Braling Two out of his box and sent him back up to sit with my wife while I came on out to see you, Smith.” |
"Čudesno! On čak i miriše kao ti: Bond Strit i Melakrinos!" | “Wonderful! He even smells like you: Bond Street and Melachrinos!” |
"Možda cepidlačim, ali mislim da je to visoko moralan postupak. Na kraju krajeva, ono što moja žena želi najviše od svega sam ja. Ova lutka jeste isti ja, u dlaku. Bio sam kod kuće cele večeri. Biću kod kuće sa njom tokom sledećeg meseca. U međuvremenu jedan drugi gospodin biće u Riu posle deset godina čekanja. Kada se vratim iz Ria ovaj Brejling dva će da se vrati u svoju kutiju." | “It may be splitting hairs, but I think it highly ethical. After all, what my wife wants most of all is me. This marionette is me to the hairiest detail. I’ve been home all evening. I shall be home with her for the next month. In the meantime another gentleman will be in Rio after ten years of waiting. When I return from Rio, Braling Two here will go back in his box.” |
Smit je razmišljao minut-dva. "Hoće li on mesec dana da radi bez ičega?" najzad upita. | Smith thought that over a minute or two. “Will he walk around without sustenance for a month?” he finally asked. |
"Šest meseci ako treba. A izrađen je tako da radi sve jede, spava, znoji se - sve prirodno da prirodnije ne može biti. Dobro ćeš mi čuvati ženu, je l' tako Brejling dva?" | “For six months if necessary. And he’s built to do everything—eat, sleep, perspire—everything, natural as natural is. You’ll take good care of my wife, won’t you, Braling Two?” |
"Žena vam je prilično simpatična", reče Brejling dva. "Prilično sam je zavoleo." | “Your wife is rather nice,” said Braling Two. “I’ve grown rather fond of her.” |
Smit je počinjao da se trese. "Koliko dugo već radi 'Lutka'?" | Smith was beginning to tremble. “How long has Marionettes, Inc., been in business?” |
"Tajno, dve godine." | “Secretly, for two years.” |
"Da li bih ja mogao... mislim, ima li neka mogućnost..." Smit usrdno uze prijatelja za lakat. "Možeš li mi reći gde da nabavim jednog, robota, lutku za sebe? Daćeš mi adresu, je l' da?" | “Could I—I mean, is there a possibility——” Smith took his friend’s elbow earnestly. “Can you tell me where I can get one, a robot, a marionette, for myself? You will give me the address, won’t you?” |
"Evo ti." | “Here you are.” |
"Smit uze kartu i stade da je okreće u rukama. "Hvala ti , reče, "ti ne znaš šta ovo znači. Samo malo da mi se odmori duša. Tako, jedno veče, makar samo i jednom mesečno. Moja žena me toliko voli da ne može da podnese da me nema ni jedan sat. Ja je jako volim, znaš, ali seti se one stare pesme: 'Ljubav će odleteti ako je labavo držiš, ljubav će umreti ako je stisnutu držiš.' Ja samo želim da ona malo olabavi stisak." | Smith took the card and turned it round and round. “Thank you,” he said. “You don’t know what this means. Just a little respite. A night or so, once a month even. My wife loves me so much she can’t bear to have me gone an hour. I love her dearly, you know, but remember the old poem: ‘Love will fly if held too lightly, love will die if held too tightly.’ I just want her to relax her grip a little bit.” |
"Ti bar imaš sreće da te žena voli. Moj problem je mržnja. To nije baš lako." | “You’re lucky, at least, that your wife loves you. Hate’s my problem. Not so easy.” |
"Oh, Neti me ludo voli. Moraću da se potrudim da me ugodno voli." | “Oh, Nettie loves me madly. It will be my task to make her love me comfortably.” |
"Neka ti je sa srećom, Smite. Svrati malo dok ja budem u Riu. Ako odjednom prestaneš da navraćaš, mojoj ženi će izgledati čudno. Prema Brejlingu dva, ovom, treba da se ponašaš isto kao prema meni." | “Good luck to you, Smith. Do drop around while I’m in Rio. It will seem strange, if you suddenly stop calling by, to my wife. You’re to treat Braling Two, here, just like me.” |
"Važi! Do viđenja. I hvala ti." | “Right! Good-by. And thank you.” |
Smit ode ulicom osmehujući se. Brejling i Brejling dva se okrenuše i uđoše u predvorje stana. | Smith went smiling down the street. Braling and Braling Two turned and walked into the apartment hall. |
U gradskom autobusu Smit je tiho zviždukao, premećući belu karticu po prstima: | On the crosstown bus Smith whistled softly, turning the white card in his fingers: |
Klijenti se moraju obavezati na tajnost, jer u očekivanju da se u Kongresu donese zakon kojim će se firma 'Lutka' legalizovati, upotreba lutke još se smatra zločinom ukoliko prekršilac bude uhvaćen. | Clients must be pledged to secrecy, for while an act is pending in Congress to legalize Marionettes, Inc., it is still a felony, if caught, to use one. |
"Pa", reče Smit. | “Well,” said Smith. |
Klijentima se mora napraviti kalup tela i utvrditi indeks boje njihovih očiju, usana, kose, kože, itd. Klijenti moraju očekivati da za izradu njihovog modela bude potrebno dva meseca. | Clients must have a mold made of their body and a color index check of their eyes, lips, hair, skin, etc. Clients must expect to wait for two months until their model is finished. |
Nije ni dugo, pomisli Smit. Dva meseca od sada moja rebra će imati priliku da se oporave od gnječenja kome su bila podvrgnuta. Dva meseca od danas ruka će mi se zalečiti od ovog stalnog držanja. Dva meseca od danas moja donja usna puna masnica počeće ponovo da dobija oblik. Ne nameravam da ispadnem nezahvalan... Smit prevrte karticu. | Not so long, thought Smith. Two months from now my ribs will have a chance to mend from the crushing they’ve taken. Two months from now my hand will heal from being so constantly held. Two months from now my bruised underlip will begin to reshape itself. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful . . . |
Firma 'Lutke' ima dve godine i lep broj zadovoljnih mušterija za sobom. Naš moto je 'Ne postavljamo nikakve uslove'. Adresa: 43, Put Saut Vesli. | He flipped the card over. Marionettes, Inc., is two years old and has a fine record of satisfied customers behind it. Our motto is “No Strings Attached.” Address: 43 South Wesley Drive. |
Autobus se zaustavi; on siđe, i dok je leteo uza stepenice mislio je, Neti i ja imamo petnaest hiljada na zajedničkom računu u banci. Ja ću samo da izvučem osam hiljada, kao za neki nov biznis. 'Lutka' će mi verovatno vratiti novac, sa interesom, na više načina. Neti ne mora da zna. Otključa vrata i za jedan minut nađe se u spavaćoj sobi. Tu je ležala Neti, bleda, ogromna, i pobožno usnula. | The bus pulled to his stop; he alighted, and while humming up the stairs he thought, Nettie and I have fifteen thousand in our joint bank account. I’ll just slip eight thousand out as a business venture, you might say. The marionette will probably pay back my money, with interest, in many ways. Nettie needn’t know. He unlocked the door and in a minute was in the bedroom. There lay Nettie, pale, huge, and piously asleep. |
"Draga Neti." Gotovo ga preplavi sažaljenje kad ugleda njeno nevino lice u polutami. "Da si budna, zagušila bi me poljupcima i gukanjem na uvo. Stvarno, zbog tebe se osećam kao zločinac. Bila si tako dobra žena, puna ljubavi. Ponekad ne mogu da verujem da si se udala za mene umesto za onog Bada Čepmena koji ti se nekada dopadao. Izgleda da si me ovog poslednjeg meseca volela luđe nego ikada." | “Dear Nettie.” He was almost overwhelmed with remorse at her innocent face there in the semidarkness. “If you were awake you would smother me with kisses and coo in my ear. Really, you make me feel like a criminal. You have been such a good, loving wife. Sometimes it is impossible for me to believe you married me instead of that Bud Chapman you once liked. It seems that in the last month you have loved me more wildly than ever before.” |
Suze mu navreše na oči. Odjednom zažele da je poljubi, prizna joj svoju ljubav, iscepa karticu, zaboravi na čitavu stvar. Ali kako se pokrenuo da to učini, zabole ga ruka, a rebra stadoše da mu krckaju i stenju. On se zaustavi sa bolnim izrazom u očima i okrete se. Izađe u hol, pa kroz mračne sobe. Brundajući, otvori izbočen sto u biblioteci i diže štednu knjižicu. "Samo da uzmem osam hiljada dolara, to je sve", reče. "Ništa više." Zastade. "Čekaj malo." | Tears came to his eyes. Suddenly he wished to kiss her, confess his love, tear up the card, forget the whole business. But as he moved to do this, his hand ached and his ribs cracked and groaned. He stopped, with a pained look in his eyes, and turned away. He moved out into the hall and through the dark rooms. Humming, he opened the kidney desk in the library and filched the bankbook. “Just take eight thousand dollars is all,” he said. “No more than that.” He stopped. “Wait a minute.” |
Izbezumljeno ponovo proveri knjižicu. "Stoj!" dreknu. "Fali deset hiljada dolara!" skoči. "Ostalo je samo pet hiljada! Šta je učinila? Šta je Neti uradila s tim? Nagomilavala šešire, haljine, parfeme! Ili čekaj - Znam! Kupila je onu kućicu na Hadsonu o kojoj je mesecima pričala, a da čak i ne kaže s tvojim dopuštenjem!" | He rechecked the bankbook frantically. “Hold on here!” he cried. “Ten thousand dollars is missing!” He leaped up. “There’s only five thousand left! What’s she done? What’s Nettie done with it? More hats, more clothes, more perfume! Or, wait—I know! She bought that little house on the Hudson she’s been talking about for months, without so much as a by your leave!” |
Ulete u sobu, ispravan i ogorčen. Kako je to ona mislila, da tako uzme njihov novac? Naže se nad nju. "Neti!" povika. "Neti, probudi se!" | He stormed into the bedroom, righteous and indignant. What did she mean, taking their money like this? He bent over her. “Nettie!” he shouted. “Nettie, wake up!” |
Ona se ne pomeri. "Šta si uradila s mojim novcem!" zaurla on. | She did not stir. “What’ve you done with my money!” he bellowed. |
Ona se grčevito pokrete. Svetlost sa ulice obli njene prelepe obraze. | She stirred fitfully. The light from the street flushed over her beautiful cheeks. |
Bilo je nešto neobično u njoj. Srce mu žestoko zalupa. Jezik mu se osuši. Drhtao je. Kolena mu se odjednom odsekoše. Sruši se. "Neti, Neti!" vikao je. "Šta si učinila s mojim novcem!" | There was something about her. His heart throbbed violently. His tongue dried. He shivered. His knees suddenly turned to water. He collapsed. “Nettie, Nettie!” he cried. “What’ve you done with my money!” |
I tada mu dođe jeziva pomisao. Zatim ga obuze užas, i samoća. Pa groznica i razočaranje. Jer, ne želeći to da čini, on se saginjao napred sve niže, sve dok mu se grozničavo uvo čvrsto i neopozivo ne spusti na njenu okruglu ružičastu dojku. "Neti!" kriknu on. | And then, the horrid thought. And then the terror and the loneliness engulfed him. And then the fever and disillusionment. For, without desiring to do so, he bent forward and yet forward again until his fevered ear was resting firmly and irrevocably upon her round pink bosom. “Nettie!” he cried. |
Tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak-tik-tak. | Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick. |
Dok je Smit odlazio ulicom u noći, Brejling i Brejling dva skrenuše kod ulaza u stan. "Drago mi je što će i on biti srećan", reče Brejling. | As Smith walked away down the avenue in the night, Braling and Braling Two turned in at the door to the apartment. “I’m glad he’ll be happy too,” said Braling. |
"Da", reče Brejling dva odsutno. | “Yes,” said Braling Two abstractedly. |
"Pa, sad ti ideš u kutiju u podrum, B-dva." Brejling povede drugo stvorenje za lakat niza stepenice u podrum. | “Well, it’s the cellar box for you, B-Two.” Braling guided the other creature’s elbow down the stairs to the cellar. |
"O tome sam baš hteo s tobom da porazgovaram", reče Brejling dva kad stigoše do betonskog poda i pođoše preko njega. "Taj podrum. Ne dopada mi se. Ne volim onu kutiju za alat." | “That’s what I want to talk to you about,” said Braling Two, as they reached the concrete floor and walked across it. “The cellar. I don’t like it. I don’t like that toolbox.” |
"Pokušaću da udesim nešto udobnije." | “I’ll try and fix up something more comfortable.” |
"Lutke su napravljene da se kreću, a ne da leže mirne. Kako bi se tebi sviđalo da ležiš u kutiji najveći deo vremena?" | “Marionettes are made to move, not lie still. How would you like to lie in a box most of the time?” |
"Pa..." | “Well——” |
"Uopšte ti se ne bi dopalo. Ja i dalje radim. Nema načina da se isključim. Savršeno sam živ i imam osećanja." | “You wouldn’t like it at all. I keep running. There’s no way to shut me off. I’m perfectly alive and I have feelings.” |
"To će sada biti samo na nekoliko dana. Ja ću otići u Rio i ti nećeš morati da budeš u kutiji. Možeš gore da živiš." | “It’ll only be a few days now. I’ll be off to Rio and you won’t have to stay in the box. You can live upstairs.” |
Brejling dva razdraženo odmahnu rukom. "A kad se ti vratiš iz provoda, ja nazad u kutiju." | Braling Two gestured irritably. “And when you come back from having a good time, back in the box I go.” |
Brejling reče: "U trgovini lutkama nisu mi rekli da ću dobiti nezgodan primerak." | Braling said, “They didn’t tell me at the marionette shop that I’d get a difficult specimen.” |
"Ima mnogo toga što oni ne znaju o nama", reče Brejling dva. "Mi smo prilično novi. I osetljivi smo. Mrzim pomisao na to da ti odlaziš i smeješ se i izležavaš se na suncu u Riu dok smo mi ovde zgurani u hladnoći." | “There’s a lot they don’t know about us,” said Braling Two. “We’re pretty new. And we’re sensitive. I hate the idea of you going off and laughing and lying in the sun in Rio while we’re stuck here in the cold.” |
"Ali ja celog života želim da idem na taj put", reče mirno Brejling. Zažmiri i pred očima vide more i planine i žuti pesak. Prijao mu je šum talasa. Sunce ga grejalo po razgohćenim ramenima. Vino izvrsno. | “But I’ve wanted that trip all my life,” said Braling quietly. He squinted his eyes and could see the sea and the mountains and the yellow sand. The sound of the waves was good to his inward mind. The sun was fine on his bared shoulders. The wine was most excellent. |
"Ja nikada neću dospeti da idem u Rio", reče drugi čovek. "Jesi li pomislio na to?" | “I’ll never get to go to Rio,” said the other man. “Have you thought of that?” |
"Ne ja..." | “No, I——” |
"I još jedna stvar. Tvoja žena." | “And another thing. Your wife.” |
"Šta s njom!" zapita Brejling, počinjući da se izmiče prema vratima. | “What about her?” asked Braling, beginning to edge toward the door. |
"Sasvim sam je zavoleo." | “I’ve grown quite fond of her.” |
"Drago mi je što uživaš u svom poslu." Brejling nervozno obliznu usnu. | “I’m glad you’re enjoying your employment.” Braling licked his lips nervously. |
"Bojim se da ne shvataš. Mislim - ja sam se zaljubio u nju." | “I’m afraid you don’t understand. I think—I’m in love with her.” |
Brejling napravi još jedan korak i sledi se. "Ti si se šta?" | Braling took another step and froze. “You’re what?” |
"I razmišljao sam", reče Brejling dva, "kako je lepo u Riu i kako ja tamo nikada neću dospeti, i mislio sam o tvojoj ženi i - mislim da bismo mogli da budemo veoma srećni." | “And I’ve been thinking,” said Braling Two, “how nice it is in Rio and how I’ll never get there, and I’ve thought about your wife and—I think we could be very happy.” |
"T-to je lepo." Brejling koraknu što je nemarnije mogao ka vratima od podruma. "Nećeš se ljutiti da malo pričekaš, a? Moram da telefoniram." | “T-that’s nice.” Braling strolled as casually as he could to the cellar door. “You won’t mind waiting a moment, will you? I have to make a phone call.” |
"Kome?" namršti se Brejling dva. | “To whom?” Braling Two frowned. |
"Nikom značajnom." | “No one important.” |
"Firmi Lutka? Da im kažeš da dođu i pokupe me?" | “To Marionettes, Incorporated? To tell them to come get me?” |
"Ne, ne - ništa takvo!" Pokuša da izjuri na vrata. Članke mu zarobi metalno čvrst stisak. "Ne beži!" | “No, no—nothing like that!” He tried to rush out the door. A metal-firm grip seized his wrists. “Don’t run!” |
"Ruke sebi!" | “Take your hands off!” |
"Neću." | “No.” |
"Je li te moja žena napujdala na ovo?" | “Did my wife put you up to this?” |
"Nije." | “No.” |
"Je li pogodila? Je li razgovarala s tobom? Zna li ona? Je li u tome stvar?" On poče da vrišti. Jedna šaka mu poklopi usta. | “Did she guess? Did she talk to you? Does she know? Is that it?” He screamed. A hand clapped over his mouth. |
"Nikada nećeš saznati, je li tako?" Brejling dva se blago osmehnu. "Nikada nećeš saznati." | “You’ll never know, will you?” Braling Two smiled delicately. “You’ll never know.” |
Brejling se koprcao. "Mora da je pogodila; mora da je uticala na tebe!" | Braling struggled. “She must have guessed; she must have affected you!” |
Brejling dva reče. "Staviću te u kutiju, zaključaću je i izgubiću ključ. Onda ću da kupim još jednu kartu za Rio za tvoju ženu." | Braling Two said, “I’m going to put you in the box, lock it, and lose the key. Then I’ll buy another Rio ticket for your wife.” |
"Hajde sad, čekaj malo. Stani. Ne budi brzoplet. Da porazgovaramo o ovome!" | “Now, now, wait a minute. Hold on. Don’t be rash. Let’s talk this over!” |
"Zbogom, Brejling." | “Good-by, Braling.” |
Brejling se ukoči. "Šta misliš time 'zbogom'?" | Braling stiffened. “What do you mean, ‘good-by’?” |
Deset minuta kasnije, gospoda Brejling se probudi. Opipa rukom obraz. Neko ga je upravo poljubio. Ona uzdrhta i diže pogled. "Šta je sad - to već godinama ne činiš", promrmlja. | Ten minutes later Mrs. Braling awoke. She put her hand to her cheek. Someone had just kissed it. She shivered and looked up. “Why—you haven’t done that in years,” she murmured. |
"Videćemo šta tu možemo da uradimo", reče neko. | “We’ll see what we can do about that,” someone said. |