And from deep in the dry earth a lost voice whispered: | A iz dubina suhe zemlje izgubljeni je glas prošaptao: |
“Mound—sssss—shroud.” | "Grobbooo.... lijessssss." |
Out of the darkness something rolled, rushed, flapped. | Iz tame se nešto izvaljalo, izletjelo, zalepršalo. |
A long strip of mummy cloth snapped out into the sunlight. | U sunce je palucnuo dugi remen mumijina povoja. |
It was as if the very tomb itself had stuck out its old dry tongue which lay at their feet. | Bilo je to kao da je sam grob isplazio svoj dugi suhi jezik i položio ga njima pod noge. |
The boys stared. The linen strip was hundreds of yards long and might, if they wished, lead them down, down into the mysterious deeps below the Egyptian earth. | Dječaci su blenuli. Laneni je povoj bio dug stotine metara, i mogao ih je, ako žele, povesti dolje, dolje u tajanstvene dubine ispod egipatskoga tla. |
Tom Skelton, trembling, put one toe out to touch the yellow linen strip. | Tom Skelton, sav uzdrhtao, ispružio je nožni palac i dotakao žuti laneni povoj. |
A wind blew from the tombs, saying: Yessss—” | Iz grobova je zapuhao vjetar i rekao: Daaaa... |
“Here I go,” said Tom. | "Ja idem", rekao je Tom. |
And, balancing on the tightrope of linen, he wandered down and vanished in the dark under the burial chambers. | I, balansirajući tako na napetoj žici povoja, krenuo je dolje i nestao u tami ispod grobnih komora. |
“Yesssss—!” whispered the wind coming up from below. “All of you. Come. Next. And next. And another and another. Quick.” | "Daaaaa..!" prošaptao je vjetar, dolazeći odozdo. "Svi vi. Idemo. Sljedeći. Pa sljedeći. I još jedan i još jedan. Brzo." |
The boys raced down the linen path in darkness. | Dječaci su potrčali, niz lanenu stazu u tminu. |
“Watch for murder, boys! Murder!” | "Pazite na ubojice, dječaci! Na ubojice!" |
The pillars on both sides of the rushing boys flashed to life. Pictures shivered and moved. | Stupovi s obje strane dječaka u trku bljesnuli su životom. Slike su zadrhtale i pokrenule se. |
The golden sun was on every pillar. | Na svakom je stupu bilo zlatno Sunce. |
But it was a sun with arms and legs, bound tight with mummy wrappings. | No bilo je to Sunce s rukama i nogama, čvrsto utegnuto mrtvačkim povojima. |
“Murder!” | "Ubojice!" |
A dark creature struck the sun one dreadful blow. | Tamna je spodoba uputila Suncu strahovit udarac. |
The sun died. Its fires went out. | Sunce je umrlo. Vatre su se pogasile. |
The boys ran blind in darkness. | Dječaci su trčali slijepi kroz mrak. |
Yeah, thought Tom, running, sure, I mean, I think, every night, the sun dies. Going to sleep, I wonder, will it come back? Tomorrow morning, will it still be dead? | Da, pomislio je Tom, trčeći, naravno, hoću reći, mislim, svake noći Sunce umire. Ide na spavanje, sve dok se ne vrati? A sutra ujutro, hoće li opet biti mrtvo? |
The boys ran. On new pillars dead-ahead, the sun appeared again, burning out of eclipse. | Dječaci su trčali. Na novom stupu, ravno pred njima, ponovno se pojavilo Sunce, progarajući vlastito pomračenje. |
Swell! thought Tom. That’s it! Sunrise! | Super! pomislio je Tom. To je to! Svitanje! |
But just as quickly, the sun was murdered again. On each pillar they raced by, the sun died in autumn and was buried in cold winter. | Ali isto tako brzo, Sunce ponovno bje umoreno. Na svakom stupu kraj kojeg bi protrčali, Sunce bi umiralo u jeseni i bivalo pokapano u hladnu zimu. |
Middle of December, thought Tom, I often think: the sun'll never come back! Winter will go on forever! This time the sun is really dead! | Sredinom prosinca, pomislio je Tom, često pomišljam: Sunce se više nikad neće vratiti! Zima će potrajati vječno! Ovaj put je Sunce stvarno umrlo! |
But as the boys slowed at the end of the long corridor, the sun was reborn. Spring arrived with golden horns. Light filled the corridor with pure fire. | Ali kad su dječaci usporili na kraju dugog hodnika, Sunce se ponovno rodilo. Proljeće je stiglo sa zlatnim rogovima. Svjetlo je ispunilo hodnik čistom vatrom. |
The strange God stood burning on every wall, his face a grand fire of triumph, wrapped in golden ribbons. | Na svim je zidovima plamtio čudan bog, s licem koje je bilo velika lomača trijumfa, umotan u zlatne trake. |
“Why, heck, I know who that is!” panted Henry-Hank. “Saw him in a movie once with terrible Egyptian mummies!” | "Vidi vraga, ovoga znam." prodahtao je Henry-Hank. "Vidio sam ga jednom u kinu s užasnim egipatskim mumijama!" |
“Osiris!” said Tom. | "Oziris!" rekao je Tom. |