The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D.Salinger

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

O piscu i delu

The Catcher in the Rye 

Chapter 2 

    2     2
    Njih dvoje su imali svako svoju sobu i ostalo. Bili su bar po sedamdeset godina stari, ako ne i više. Oduševljavali su se, ipak, mnogim stvarima - na neki nemoguć način, naravno.     THEY EACH had their own room and all. They were both around seventy years old, or even more than that. They got a bang out of things, though―in a half-assed way, of course.
    Znam da ružno zvuči kad se kaže tako nešto, ali ne mislim ništa loše. Samo hoću da kažem kako sam često razmišljao o starom Spenseru, a kad čovek previše mozga o njemu, počne da se pita zbog čega on uopšte živi.     I know that sounds mean to say, but I don't mean it mean. I just mean that I used to think about old Spencer quite a lot, and if you thought about him too much, you wondered what the heck he was still living for.
    Mislim, bio je već sav pregažen i jezivo se držao, a u razredu, kad god bi pred tablom ispustio kredu, uvek bi neko iz prve klupe morao da ustane i pokupi je za njega.     I mean he was all stooped over, and he had very terrible posture, and in class, whenever he dropped a piece of chalk at the blackboard, some guy in the first row always had to get up and pick it up and hand it to him.
    Po meni, to je zbilja užasno. Ali ako misliš o njemu taman koliko treba, a ne previše, ispalo bi da mu ne ide baš tako loše.     That's awful, in my opinion. But if you thought about him just enough and not too much, you could figure it out that he wasn't doing too bad for himself.
    Na primer, kad smo neki učenici i ja došli jedne nedelje na vruću čokoladu, pokazao nam je neko prastaro izlizano navaho-ćebe koje su on i gđa Spenser kupili od nekog Indijanca u Jeloustonu.     For instance, one Sunday when some other guys and I were over there for hot chocolate, he showed us this old beat-up Navajo blanket that he and Mrs. Spencer'd bought off some Indian in Yellowstone Park.
    Lepo se videlo da je ta kupovina bila čitav doživljaj za njega. Na to sam mislio. Uzmite tako nekog fosila kao što je stari Spenser i videćete kako se raduje kao malo dete zato što je kupio ćebe.     You could tell old Spencer'd got a big bang out of buying it. That's what I mean. You take somebody old as hell, like old Spencer, and they can get a big bang out of buying a blanket.
    Vrata njegove sobe bila su otvorena, ali svejedno sam kao kucao, tek toliko da budem učtiv i sve. Mogao sam i da ga vidim. Sedeo je u velikoj kožnoj fotelji, sav umotan u to ćebe koje sam pomenuo. Pogledao je prema meni kad sam kucnuo.     His door was open, but I sort of knocked on it anyway, just to be polite and all. I could see where he was sitting. He was sitting in a big leather chair, all wrapped up in that blanket I just told you about. He looked over at me when I knocked.
    "Ko je to?" viknuo je. "Kolfild? Uđi, mladiću." Uvek je vikao, osim u razredu. To je ponekad moglo i da nervira.     "Who's that?" he yelled. "Caulfield? Come in, boy." He was always yelling, outside class. It got on your nerves sometimes.
    Čim sam kročio u sobu, zažalio sam što sam došao. Čitao je Atlantik mantli, na sve strane vukle su se tablete i lekovi, i sve je vonjalo na Viksove kapi za nos. Deprimiralo me, moram da priznam. Ne ludujem baš za bolesnim ljudima.     The minute I went in, I was sort of sorry I'd come. He was reading the Atlantic Monthly, and there were pills and medicine all over the place, and everything smelled like Vicks Nose Drops. It was pretty depressing. I'm not too crazy about sick people, anyway.
    Posebno je deprimiralo što je stari Spenser bio u nekom žalosnom olinjalom bade-mantilu, u kome se verovatno i rodio. Ne uživam baš da gledam stare ljude u pidžamama i bade-mantilima. Uvek se vide njihove koščate stare grudi.     What made it even more depressing, old Spencer had on this very sad, ratty old bathrobe that he was probably born in or something. I don't much like to see old guys in their pajamas and bathrobes anyway. Their bumpy old chests are always showing.
    I njihove noge. Noge starih ljudi, na plažama ili negde, uvek izgledaju tako bele i ćosave. "Dobar dan", rekoh. "Dobio sam vašu poruku.     And their legs. Old guys' legs, at beaches and places, always look so white and unhairy. "Hello, sir," I said. "I got your note.
    Mnogo vam hvala." Napisao mi je tu poruku, pozivajući me da svratim i pozdravim se pre raspusta, pošto se neću vratiti. "Niste morali sve to. Ionako bih došao da se pozdravim."     Thanks a lot." He'd written me this note asking me to stop by and say good-by before vacation started, on account of I wasn't coming back. "You didn't have to do all that. I'd have come over to say good-by anyway."
    "Sedi tamo, mladiću", rekao je stari Spenser. Mislio je na krevet.     "Have a seat there, boy," old Spencer said. He meant the bed.
    Seo sam. "Kako vaš grip, gospodine?"     I sat down on it. "How's your grippe, sir?"
    "E moj mladiću, da mi je i malo bolje, već bih zvao lekara", rekao je stari Spenser. To ga je dotuklo. Počeo je da se cereka kao lud. Na kraju se pribrao i rekao: "Zašto nisi na utakmici? Mislio sam da je danas taj veliki meč."     "M'boy, if I felt any better I'd have to send for the doctor," old Spencer said. That knocked him out. He started chuckling like a madman. Then he finally straightened himself out and said, "Why aren't you down at the game? I thought this was the day of the big game."
    "Jeste. Bio sam. U stvari, malopre sam stigao iz Njujorka s mačevalačkom ekipom." Ljudi moji, taj njegov krevet bio je tvrd kao stena.     "It is. I was. Only, I just got back from New York with the fencing team," I said. Boy, his bed was like a rock.
    Odjednom se strašno uozbiljio. Očekivao sam to. "Znači, napuštaš nas, a?" rekao je.     He started getting serious as hell. I knew he would. "So you're leaving us, eh?" he said.
    "Da, gospodine. Biće da je tako."     "Yes, sir. I guess I am."
    Počeo je sa onim svojim klimanjem. U životu niste videli čoveka koji toliko klima glavom kao stari Spenser.     He started going into this nodding routine. You never saw anybody nod as much in your life as old Spencer did.
    Nikad se nije znalo da li tako klima zato što kao razmišlja, ili samo zato što je stara dobričina koja ne razlikuje dupe od lakta.     You never knew if he was nodding a lot because he was thinking and all, or just because he was a nice old guy that didn't know his ass from his elbow.
    "Šta ti je rekao doktor Tarmer, mladiću? Čujem da ste se pošteno ispričali."     "What did Dr. Thurmer say to you, boy? I understand you had quite a little chat."
    "Da, jesmo. Itekako. Mislim da sam ostao jedno dva sata u njegovom kabinetu."     "Yes, we did. We really did. I was in his office for around two hours, I guess."
    "I šta ti je rekao?"     "What'd he say to you?"
    "Pa... ovaj, da je život kao neka igra. I kako ga treba igrati poštujući pravila. Ljubazan je bio. Mislim, nije skakao do plafona ili nešto. Samo je ponavljao da je život kao neka igra i sve. Znate već."     "Oh ... well, about Life being a game and all. And how you should play it according to the rules. He was pretty nice about it. I mean he didn't hit the ceiling or anything. He just kept talking about Life being a game and all. You know."
    "Život i jeste igra, mladiću. Život jeste igra koju igraš poštujući pravila."     "Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules."
    "Da, gospodine. Znam. Znam da je tako." Igra, ma nemoj. I to mi je neka igra.     "Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it." Game, my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, all right―I'll admit that.
    Ako se nađeš na onoj strani gde su sve sami grofovi, onda je igra, u redu - to priznajem. Ali ako se nađeš na dragoj strani, gde nema nikakvih grofova, kakva je to igra? Nikakva. Nema igre. "Da li je doktor Tarmer pisao tvojima?" upitao je stari Spenser.     But if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? Nothing. No game. "Has Dr. Thurmer written to your parents yet?" old Spencer asked me.
    "Rekao je da će im pisati u ponedeljak."     "He said he was going to write them Monday."

    "A ti, jesi li im se javio?"     "Have you yourself communicated with them?"
    "Ne, gospodine, nisam im se javio, jer ću ih verovatno videti u sredu uveče kad stignem kući."     "No, sir, I haven't communicated with them, because I'll probably see them Wednesday night when I get home."
    "I šta misliš, kako će da prime novost?"     "And how do you think they'll take the news?"
    "Pa... prilično će da ih iznervira", rekoh. "Hoće, sigurno. Ovo je valjda četvrta škola koju sam promenio." Odmahnuo sam glavom. Često odmahujem glavom.     "Well ... they'll be pretty irritated about it," I said. "They really will. This is about the fourth school I've gone to." I shook my head. I shake my head quite a lot.
    "Ljudi moji!" rekoh. I to 'ljudi moji' često ponavljam. Delimično zato što mi je rečnik mizeran, a i zato što se ponekad ponašam kao da sam mlađi nego što jesam. Tada sam imao šesnaest, sada mi je sedamnaest, a ponekad se ponašam kao da mi je, recimo, trinaest. To je sušta ironija, jer sam visok 189, a imam i sedu kosu.     "Boy!" I said. I also say "Boy!" quite a lot. Partly because I have a lousy vocabulary and partly because I act quite young for my age sometimes. I was sixteen then, and I'm seventeen now, and sometimes I act like I'm about thirteen. It's really ironical, because I'm six foot two and a half and I have gray hair.
    Ozbiljno. Na jednoj strani glave - desnoj - imam na milione sedih. Imao sam ih još kao dete. Svejedno se ponekad i dalje ponašam kao da mi je samo dvanaest godina. Svi to kažu, pogotovo otac.     I really do. The one side of my head―the right side―is full of millions of gray hairs. I've had them ever since I was a kid. And yet I still act sometimes like I was only about twelve. Everybody says that, especially my father.
    Ima tu istine, ne kažem, ali nije baš sasvim istina. Ljudi uvek misle da je nešto sasvim istina.     It's partly true, too, but it isn't all true. People always think something's all true.
    Baš me briga, uostalom, samo me ponekad nervira kad mi govore kako bi trebalo da se uozbiljim. Ponekad se ponašam kao da sam mnogo stariji - zaista - ali ljudi to nikad ne primete. Ljudi nikad ništa ne primete.     I don't give a damn, except that I get bored sometimes when people tell me to act my age. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am―I really do―but people never notice it. People never notice anything.
    Stari Spenser je ponovo počeo da klima glavom. Počeo je i da čačka nos.     Old Spencer started nodding again. He also started picking his nose.
    Izvodio je to kao da ga samo gnječi, ali je u suštini gurao dobri stari palac duboko u nozdrvu. Verovatno je mislio da nema ništa loše u tome, jer sam samo ja u sobi. Meni nije smetalo, mada ume da bude neprijatno gledati nekog kako čačka nos.     He made out like he was only pinching it, but he was really getting the old thumb right in there. I guess he thought it was all right to do because it was only me that was in the room. I didn't care, except that it's pretty disgusting to watch somebody pick their nose.
    Onda je progovorio: "Imao sam čast da upoznam tvoju majku i oca kad su pre par nedelja došli da popričaju sa doktor-Tarmerom. Sjajni ljudi."     Then he said, "I had the privilege of meeting your mother and dad when they had their little chat with Dr. Thurmer some weeks ago. They're grand people."
    "Da, jesu. Baš su dobri."     "Yes, they are. They're very nice."
    Sjajni. Eto reči koju stvarno mrzim. Lažna je. Mogao bih da povratim kad god je čujem.     Grand. There's a word I really hate. It's a phony. I could puke every time I hear it.
    Odjednom je stari Spenser živnuo kao da ima nešto osobito prijatno, nešto vrlo lucidno da mi saopšti. Pridigao se na fotelji i malo se promeškoljio. Lažna uzbuna, u suštini.     Then all of a sudden old Spencer looked like he had something very good, something sharp as a tack, to say to me. He sat up more in his chair and sort of moved around. It was a false alarm, though.
    Samo je uzeo Atlantik mantli s krila i pokušao da ga baci pored mene, na krevet. Promašio je. Krevet je bio jedno pet santimetara od njega, pa ipak je promašio.     All he did was lift the Atlantic Monthly off his lap and try to chuck it on the bed, next to me. He missed. It was only about two inches away, but he missed anyway.
    Ustao sam, podigao novine i stavio ih na krevet. Onda mi je došlo da odem bestraga iz te sobe.     I got up and picked it up and put it down on the bed. All of a sudden then, I wanted to get the hell out of the room.
    Osetio sam da mi sprema jezivu pridiku. Samo po sebi, to ne bi bilo tako strašno, ali nisam bio raspoložen za pridike dok udišem vonj Viksovih kapi za nos i gledam starog Spensera u pidžami i bade-mantilu. Stvarno mi nije bilo do toga.     I could feel a terrific lecture coming on. I didn't mind the idea so much, but I didn't feel like being lectured to and smell Vicks Nose Drops and look at old Spencer in his pajamas and bathrobe all at the same time. I really didn't.
    Naravno, počelo je. "Šta je to s tobom, mladiću?" rekao je stari Spenser. Rekao je to prilično oštro, bar za njega. "Koliko si imao predmeta u ovom polugodištu?"     It started, all right. "What's the matter with you, boy?" old Spencer said. He said it pretty tough, too, for him. "How many subjects did you carry this term?"
    "Pet, gospodine."     "Five, sir."
    "Pet. A koliko imaš slabih?"     "Five. And how many are you failing in?"
    "Četiri." Mrdnuo sam dupe na krevetu. Najtvrđi krevet na koji sam ikad seo.     "Four." I moved my ass a little bit on the bed. It was the hardest bed I ever sat on.
    "Prošao sam iz engleskog jer sam onog Beovulfa i Lorda Randala radio još u školi u Hutonu. Mislim, uopšte nisam morao da učim, samo sam pisao sastave ponekad."     "I passed English all right," I said, "because I had all that Beowulf and Lord Randal My Son stuff when I was at the Whooton School. I mean I didn't have to do any work in English at all hardly, except write compositions once in a while."
    Nije me čak ni slušao. Teško da je ikad slušao kad mu nešto govoriš.     He wasn't even listening. He hardly ever listened to you when you said something.
    "Oborio sam te iz istorije samo zato što apsolutno ništa nisi znao."     "I flunked you in history because you knew absolutely nothing."
    "Znam, gospodine. Zaista je tako. Niste imali nikakvog izbora."     "I know that, sir. Boy, I know it. You couldn't help it."
    "Apsolutno ništa", ponovio je. To me stvarno izluđuje. Kad neko dvaput ponavlja jedno isto, iako si mu odmah priznao da je u pravu. Onda je ponovio i treći put.     "Absolutely nothing," he said over again. That's something that drives me crazy. When people say something twice that way, after you admit it the first time. Then he said it three times.
    "Ali apsolutno ništa. Sumnjam da si i jednom otvorio udžbenik u toku čitavog polugodišta. Jesi li? Priznaj, mladiću."     "But absolutely nothing. I doubt very much if you opened your textbook even once the whole term. Did you? Tell the truth, boy."
    "Pa... prelistao sam ga nekoliko puta", rekoh. Nisam hteo da ga povredim. Bio je lud za istorijom.     "Well, I sort of glanced through it a couple of times," I told him. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He was mad about history.
    "Prelistao, a?" rekao je - vrlo sarkastično. "Tvoj... pismeni je tu na komodi. Prvi na gomili. Donesi ga, molim te."     "You glanced through it, eh?" he said―very sarcastic. "Your, ah, exam paper is over there on top of my chiffonier. On top of the pile. Bring it here, please."
    To je bilo vrlo kvarno s njegove strane, ali ustao sam i doneo mu ga - nisam mogao da ga eskiviram ili nešto. Onda sam ponovo seo na njegov betonski krevet.     It was a very dirty trick, but I went over and brought it over to him―I didn't have any alternative or anything. Then I sat down on his cement bed again.

    Ljudi moji, pojma nemate koliko mi je bilo krivo što sam svratio da se pozdravim s njim.     Boy, you can't imagine how sorry I was getting that I'd stopped by to say good-by to him.
    Počeo je da barata mojim pismenim kao da je neko govno, šta li. "Učili smo Egipćane od četvrtog novembra do drugog decembra", rekao je.     He started handling my exam paper like it was a turd or something. "We studied the Egyptians from November 4th to December 2nd," he said.
    "Od svih ispitnih tema sam si izabrao da pišeš baš o njima. Da ti pročitam šta si imao da kažeš?"     "You chose to write about them for the optional essay question. Would you care to hear what you had to say?"
    "Ne, gospodine. Bolje nemojte."     "No, sir, not very much," I said.
    Svejedno je počeo da čita. Teško je sprečiti profesora kad hoće da uradi nešto. On to jednostavno uradi.     He read it anyway, though. You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.
    "Egipćani su bili drevno kavkaske pleme koje je živelo u jednoj od severnih oblasti Afrike. Ova je, kao što znamo, najveći kontinent na istočnoj hemisferi."     The Egyptians were an ancient race of Caucasians residing in one of the northern sections of Africa. The latter as we all know is the largest continent in the Eastern Hemisphere.
    Morao sam da sedim i slušam to lupetanje. Baš je ispao kvaran.     I had to sit there and listen to that crap. It certainly was a dirty trick.
    "Egipćani su iz više razloga izuzetno zanimljivi. Moderna nauka još uvek pokušava da otkrije koje su tajne sastojke koristili Egipćani kada su umotavali mrtvace tako da im lica ne istrunu tokom bezbrojnih vekova.     The Egyptians are extremely interesting to us today for various reasons. Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not rot for innumerable centuries.
    Ova zanimljiva zagonetka i dalje predstavlja izazov za modernu nauku dvadesetog veka."     This interesting riddle is still quite a challenge to modern science in the twentieth century.
    Prestao je da čita i spustio papir. Počinjao sam gotovo da ga mrzim.     He stopped reading and put my paper down. I was beginning to sort of hate him.
    "Tvoj esej, da ga tako nazovemo, tu se završava", rekao je nekim vrlo sarkastičnim glasom. Nikada ne biste pomislili da tako star čovek može da bude toliko sarkastičan. "Osim toga, ostavio si mi i malu poruku na dnu stranice."     "Your essay, shall we say, ends there," he said in this very sarcastic voice. You wouldn't think such an old guy would be so sarcastic and all. "However, you dropped me a little note, at the bottom of the page," he said.
    "Znam, znam", brže-bolje rekoh da bih ga nekako zadržao pre nego što počne da i to čita naglas. Ali ko bi njega zadržao. Baš se napalio.     "I know I did," I said. I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldn't stop him. He was hot as a firecracker.
    "Dragi gospodine Spenser" (glasno je čitao). "To je sve što znam o Egipćanima.     DEAR MR. SPENCER [he read out loud]. That is all I know about the Egyptians.
    Izgleda da nisam u stanju da se istinski zainteresujem za njih, iako su vaša predavanja veoma zanimljiva. Što se mene tiče, slobodno me oborite jer ionako padam iz svih predmeta osim engleskog. S poštovanjem, vaš Holden Kolfild."     I can't seem to get very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours, HOLDEN CAULFIELD.
    Spustio je moj prokleti papir i pogledao me kao da me razbio u ping-pongu ili nečemu. Mislim da nikad neću moći da mu oprostim što mi je naglas čitao to sranje.     He put my goddam paper down then and looked at me like he'd just beaten hell out of me in ping-pong or something. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for reading me that crap out loud.
    Ja to ne bih naglas čitao njemu, da je on pisao - ne bih, ozbiljno. Pre svega, dopisao sam tu idiotsku poruku samo zato da mu ne bi teško palo što mora da me obori.     I wouldn't've read it out loud to him if he'd written it―I really wouldn't. In the first place, I'd only written that damn note so that he wouldn't feel too bad about flunking me.
    "Zameraš li možda što sam te oborio, mladiću?" rekao je.     "Do you blame me for flunking you, boy?" he said.
    "Ne, gospodine! Ni u kom slučaju", rekoh. Molio sam boga da prestane već jednom da me svaki čas zove 'mladiću'.     "No, sir! I certainly don't," I said. I wished to hell he'd stop calling me "boy" all the time.
    Pokušao je da baci moj pismeni na krevet kad je najzad završio s njim. Naravno, opet je promašio. Morao sam ponovo da ustanem, pokupim papir i spustim ga na Atlantik mantil. Stvarno je dosadno raditi to svaka dva minuta.     He tried chucking my exam paper on the bed when he was through with it. Only, he missed again, naturally. I had to get up again and pick it up and put it on top of the Atlantic Monthly. It's boring to do that every two minutes.
    "Šta bi ti učinio da si na mom mestu?" rekao je. "Iskreno mi kaži, mladiću."     "What would you have done in my place?" he said. "Tell the truth, boy."
    Eto, lepo se videlo da mu je baš neprijatno što me oborio. Zato sam počeo malo da ga foliram. Rekao sam mu da sam totalni kreten i sve što ide uz to.     Well, you could see he really felt pretty lousy about flunking me. So I shot the bull for a while. I told him I was a real moron, and all that stuff.
    Rekao sam da bih identično postupio da sam na njegovom mestu, i kako većina ljudi ne zna koliko je teško biti profesor. I tako dalje. Klasične žvake.     I told him how I would've done exactly the same thing if I'd been in his place, and how most people didn't appreciate how tough it is being a teacher. That kind of stuff. The old bull.
    Smešno je, međutim, što sam u stvari mislio na nešto drugo dok sam tako tupio. Ja sam inače iz Njujorka i nešto sam mislio na ono jezerce u Central-parku, na južnoj strani. Pitao sam se da li će biti zaleđeno kada stignem kući i, ako bude, kuda odlaze patke.     The funny thing is, though, I was sort of thinking of something else while I shot the bull. I live in New York, and I was thinking about the lagoon in Central Park, down near Central Park South. I was wondering if it would be frozen over when I got home, and if it was, where did the ducks go.
    Pitao sam se kuda odu patke kad se celo jezerce zamrzne i prekrije ga led. Možda dođe neki tip s kamionom i odnese ih u Zoološki vrt ili negde. Ili one možda samo odlete.     I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Or if they just flew away.
    Srećan sam ja, u suštini. Mogu da foliram starog Spensera i da istovremeno mislim na te patke. Smešno je to.     I'm lucky, though. I mean I could shoot the old bull to old Spencer and think about those ducks at the same time. It's funny.
    Čovek ne mora baš da napreže mozak kad razgovara sa profesorom. Iznenada, prekinuo me usred tirade. Večito je prekidao čoveka.     You don't have to think too hard when you talk to a teacher. All of a sudden, though, he interrupted me while I was shooting the bull. He was always interrupting you.
    "Kako se osećaš povodom svega toga, mladiću? Baš me zanima da čujem. Baš me zanima."     "How do you feel about all this, boy? I'd be very interested to know. Very interested."
    "Mislite na izbacivanje iz Pensija i ostalo?" rekoh. Poželeo sam da pokrije te koščate stare grudi. Nije baš bio neki čaroban prizor.     "You mean about my flunking out of Pencey and all?" I said. I sort of wished he'd cover up his bumpy chest. It wasn't such a beautiful view.
    "Ako se ne varam, čini mi se da si imao nekih poteškoća i u drugim školama. U Hutonu i Elkton Hilsu." To je rekao ne samo sarkastično, već i nekako zlobno.     "If I'm not mistaken, I believe you also had some difficulty at the Whooton School and at Elkton Hills." He didn't say it just sarcastic, but sort of nasty, too.
    "Nisam imao posebnih teškoća u Elkton Hilsu", rekoh. "Nisam baš izbačen. Samo sam odustao, tako nešto."     "I didn't have too much difficulty at Elkton Hills," I told him. "I didn't exactly flunk out or anything. I just quit, sort of."

    "Zašto, ako smem da pitam?"     "Why, may I ask?"
    "Zašto? Pa... ovaj, duga je to priča, gospodine. Mislim, dosta je komplikovano." Uopšte nisam bio raspoložen da baš njemu objašnjavam čitavu stvar. Ionako ne bi razumeo. To uopšte nije bio njegov teren.     "Why? Oh, well it's a long story, sir. I mean it's pretty complicated." I didn't feel like going into the whole thing with him. He wouldn't have understood it anyway. It wasn't up his alley at all.
    Jedan od glavnih razloga što sam napustio Elkton Hils je što sam tamo bio okružen sve samim licemerima. Samo što nisu upadali kroz prozor. Na primer, tu je bio taj direktor, g. Has, najdvoličniji skot koga sam ikad video u životu.     One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That's all. They were coming in the goddam window. For instance, they had this headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life.
    Deset puta gori od starog Tarmera. Nedeljom, na primer, stari Has bi zaredao naokolo, rukujući se sa roditeljima koji su stizali u posetu.     Ten times worse than old Thurmer. On Sundays, for instance, old Haas went around shaking hands with everybody's parents when they drove up to school.
    Sav se topio od ljubaznosti. Osim kad bi neki učenik imao neke male, stare roditelje komičnog izgleda. Trebalo je videti kako se ponašao prema roditeljima učenika s kojim sam delio sobu.     He'd be charming as hell and all. Except if some boy had little old funny-looking parents. You should've seen the way he did with my roommate's parents.
    Ako je, recimo, nečija majka bila onako debela ili priprostog izgleda ili nešto, a nečiji otac jedan od onih što nose odela sa ogromnim ramenima i one kulovske crno-bele cipele, stari Has bi se samo rukovao s njima, uputivši im svoj ljigavi osmeh, da bi odmah odvojio razgovor od jedno pola sata s roditeljima nekog drugog.     I mean if a boy's mother was sort of fat or corny-looking or something, and if somebody's father was one of those guys that wear those suits with very big shoulders and corny black-and-white shoes, then old Hans would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile and then he'd go talk, for maybe a half an hour, with somebody else's parents.
    Ne podnosim takve stvari.     I can't stand that stuff.
    Izluđuju me. Toliko me deprimiraju da bukvalno poludim. Mrzeo sam taj prokleti Elkton Hils.     It drives me crazy. It makes me so depressed I go crazy. I hated that goddam Elkton Hills.
    Stari Spenser me nešto pitao, ali nisam ga čuo. Mislio sam na starog Hasa. "Molim, gospodine?" rekoh.     Old Spencer asked me something then, but I didn't hear him. I was thinking about old Haas. "What, sir?" I said.
    "Da li ti je zbog ičega krivo što odlaziš iz Pensija?"     "Do you have any particular qualms about leaving Pencey?"
    "Pa... jeste pomalo, naravno... Ali ne baš preterano. Za sad, mislim. Biće da me još uvek nije istinski pogodilo. Treba dosta vremena da me nešto pogodi. Sada mislim samo na odlazak kući u sredu. Ja sam moron."     "Oh, I have a few qualms, all right. Sure ... but not too many. Not yet, anyway. I guess it hasn't really hit me yet. It takes things a while to hit me. All I'm doing right now is thinking about going home Wednesday. I'm a moron."
    "Zar nimalo ne brineš za svoju budućnost, mladiću?"     "Do you feel absolutely no concern for your future, boy?"
    "Ma brinem pomalo za budućnost, naravno. Naravno da brinem." Razmišljao sam malo o tome. "Ali ne baš preterano, mislim. Ne baš preterano."     "Oh, I feel some concern for my future, all right. Sure. Sure, I do." I thought about it for a minute. "But not too much, I guess. Not too much, I guess."
    "Zabrinućeš se ti", rekao je stari Spenser. "Itekako, mladiću. Ali biće prekasno."     "You will," old Spencer said. "You will, boy. You will when it's too late."
    Nije me baš oduševilo što tako govori. Bilo je kao da sam već mrtav ili nešto. Depresivno je zvučalo. "Verovatno", rekoh.     I didn't like hearing him say that. It made me sound dead or something. It was very depressing. "I guess I will," I said.
    "Voleo bih da ulijem malo razuma u tu tvoju glavu, mladiću. Pokušavam da ti pomognem. Pokušavam da ti pomognem, ako ikako mogu."     "I'd like to put some sense in that head of yours, boy. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you, if I can."
    Stvarno se trudio. Lepo se videlo. Ali bili smo na totalno različitim talasnim dužinama. "Znam, gospodine", rekoh. "Mnogo vam hvala.     He really was, too. You could see that. But it was just that we were too much on opposite sides of the pole, that's all. "I know you are, sir," I said. "Thanks a lot.
    Ozbiljno. Zaista cenim sve to. Najozbiljnije." Onda sam ustao s kreveta. Ljudi moji, ne bih izdržao još deset minuta ni da mi se radilo o životu. "Stvar je u tome što bih sad morao da krenem.     No kidding. I appreciate it. I really do." I got up from the bed then. Boy, I couldn't've sat there another ten minutes to save my life. "The thing is, though, I have to get going now.
    Imam masu neke opreme u fiskulturnoj sali koju bih morao da ponesem kući. Stvarno bih morao." Pogledao je naviše u mene i ponovo počeo da klima glavom, s onim stravično ozbiljnim izrazom na licu.     I have quite a bit of equipment at the gym I have to get to take home with me. I really do." He looked up at me and started nodding again, with this very serious look on his face.
    Odjednom mi ga je bilo užasno žao. Ali jednostavno nisam više mogao da ostanem, toliko smo bili daleki jedan drugom, i to njegovo stalno promašivanje kreveta kad baci nešto, i taj žalosni stari bade-mantil koji mu je otkrivao grudi, i taj gripozni vonj Viksovih kapi za nos na sve strane.     I felt sorry as hell for him, all of a sudden. But I just couldn't hang around there any longer, the way we were on opposite sides of the pole, and the way he kept missing the bed whenever he chucked something at it, and his sad old bathrobe with his chest showing, and that grippy smell of Vicks Nose Drops all over the place. "Look, sir.
    "Ne brinite za mene, gospodine", rekoh. "Ozbiljno. Sve će biti u redu. Sada samo prolazim kroz neku fazu. Svako prolazi kroz neke faze ili nešto, zar ne?"     Don't worry about me," I said. "I mean it. I'll be all right. I'm just going through a phase right now. Everybody goes through phases and all, don't they?"
    "Ne znam, mladiću, ne znam."     "I don't know, boy. I don't know."
    Mrzim kad neko tako odgovara. "Sigurno. Svakom se to događa", rekoh. "Najozbiljnije. Molim vas, ne brinite za mene." Čak sam mu kao spustio ruku na rame.     I hate it when somebody answers that way. "Sure. Sure, they do," I said. "I mean it, sir. Please don't worry about me." I sort of put my hand on his shoulder. "Okay?" I said.
    "Zar nećeš šolju vruće čokolade pre nego što kreneš? Gospođa Spenser bi bila... "     "Wouldn't you like a cup of hot chocolate before you go? Mrs. Spencer would be―"
    "Nije da neću, ozbiljno, ali stvar je u tome što sad moram da krenem. Moram pravo u fiskulturnu salu. Svejedno vam hvala. Mnogo vam hvala, gospodine."     "I would, I really would, but the thing is, I have to get going. I have to go right to the gym. Thanks, though. Thanks a lot, sir."
    Onda smo se rukovali. Uz ostale gluposti. To me ipak gadno rastužilo.     Then we shook hands. And all that crap. It made me feel sad as hell, though.
    "Javiću vam se, gospodine. Rešite se tog gripa, što pre."     "I'll drop you a line, sir. Take care of your grippe, now."
    "Zbogom, mladiću."     "Good-by, boy."
    Kad sam zatvorio vrata i pošao ka dnevnoj sobi, nešto mi je doviknuo, ali nisam ga dobro čuo. Ubeđen sam da je viknuo "Srećno!" Nadam se da nije. Sve bih dao da nije.     After I shut the door and started back to the living room, he yelled something at me, but I couldn't exactly hear him. I'm pretty sure he yelled "Good luck!" at me. I hope not. I hope to hell not.
    Ja nikada ne bih nekome doviknuo "Srećno!" To užasno zvuči, kad malo bolje razmisliš.     I'd never yell "Good luck!" at anybody. It sounds terrible, when you think about it.

>> Chapter 3