A kad zalupa po njima, radi to tako lepo i nežno, s nekim nervoznim izrazom na licu. Kad smo jednom otišli sa ocem u Vašington, Eli mu je poslao razglednicu, ali kladim se da je nikad nije dobio. Nismo bili sasvim sigurni kako da je adresiramo. | Then when he does bang them, he does it so nice and sweet, with this nervous expression on his face. One time when we went to Washington with my father, Allie sent him a postcard, but I'll bet he never got it. We weren't too sure how to address it. |
Kad se božićna tačka završila, počeo je prokleti film. Toliko je bio debilan da nisam mogao da odvojim pogled s platna. | After the Christmas thing was over, the goddam picture started. It was so putrid I couldn't take my eyes off it. |
Bio je o nekom Englezu - zvao se Alek nešto - koji je bio u ratu i onda je u bolnici izgubio pamćenje i sve. On izađe iz te bolnice sa štapom i ćopa na sve strane, po čitavom Londonu, ne znajući ko je. | It was about this English guy, Alec something, that was in the war and loses his memory in the hospital and all. He comes out of the hospital carrying a cane and limping all over the place, all over London, not knowing who the hell he is. |
On je u stvari vojvoda, ali pojma nema o tome. Zatim, pri ulasku u autobus, on upozna tu dobru, srdačnu, iskrenu devojku. Njoj odleti prokleti šešir i on ga hvata, a onda se popnu u gornji deo autobusa, sedmi i počnu da pričaju o Čarlsu Dikensu. On je i njen i njegov najomiljeniji pisac. | He's really a duke, but he doesn't know it. Then he meets this nice, homey, sincere girl getting on a bus. Her goddam hat blows off and he catches it, and then they go upstairs and sit down and start talking about Charles Dickens. He's both their favorite author and all. |
Oboje nose po primerak Olivera Tvista. Stvarno mi je došlo da povratim. Sve u svemu, oni se odmah zaljube jedno u drugo, zato što su oboje tako ludi za Dikensom, i on joj pomaže u izdavačkom poslu. Ona je izdavač, ta devojka. | He's carrying this copy of Oliver Twist and so's she. I could've puked. Anyway, they fell in love right away, on account of they're both so nuts about Charles Dickens and all, and he helps her run her publishing business. She's a publisher, the girl. |
Ali ne ide joj najbolje jer njen brat pije i troši sav novac. On je neki vrlo ogorčen lik, taj njen brat, jer je bio lekar u ratu i sad ne može više da operiše zato što je pogubio živce, pa samo pije po ceo dan, ali prilično je duhovit i sve. | Only, she's not doing so hot, because her brother's a drunkard and he spends all their dough. He's a very bitter guy, the brother, because he was a doctor in the war and now he can't operate any more because his nerves are shot, so he boozes all the time, but he's pretty witty and all. |
I tako, stari Alek piše knjigu, a devojka je objavi i onda zarade brdo para. Baš kad spremaju da se uzmu, pojavi se ta druga devojka, Marša. | Anyway, old Alec writes a book, and this girl publishes it, and they both make a hatful of dough on it. They're all set to get married when this other girl, old Marcia, shows up. |
Stara Marša je bila Alekova verenica pre nego što je izgubio pamćenje, i ona ga prepozna dok on u knjižari potpisuje svoje knjige. Marša kaže starom Aleku da je on u stvari vojvoda, ali on joj ne veruje i odbije da ode s njom i poseti svoju majku. Majka mu je potpuno slepa. Ali druga devojka, ona srdačna, natera ga da ode. | Marcia was Alec's fiancée before he lost his memory, and she recognizes him when he's in this store autographing books. She tells old Alec he's really a duke and all, but he doesn't believe her and doesn't want to go with her to visit his mother and all. His mother's blind as a bat. But the other girl, the homey one, makes him go. |
Ona je vrlo plemenita i sve. I tako on ode. Međutim, pamćenje mu se i dalje ne vrati, čak ni kad njegova velika doga skoči na njega, ili kad mu majka pređe prstima preko lica i donese mu plišanog medvedića s kojim se balavio kad je bio ma-li. Ali onda, jednog dana, neka deca igraju kriket na travnjaku i pogode ga lopticom u glavu. | She's very noble and all. So he goes. But he still doesn't get his memory back, even when his great Dane jumps all over him and his mother sticks her fingers all over his face and brings him this teddy bear he used to slobber around with when he was a kid. But then, one day, some kids are playing cricket on the lawn and he gets smacked in the head with a cricket ball. |
Istog trenutka vrati mu se prokleto pamćenje i on uđe u kuću i izljubi majku u čelo i sve. Onda ponovo počne da živi kao pravi vojvoda i potpuno zaboravi onu srdačnu devojku što izdaje knjige. Pričao bih vam ostatak filma, ali bojim se da ne povratim. Nije da bih vam pokvario doživljaj ili nešto. | Then right away he gets his goddam memory back and he goes in and kisses his mother on the forehead and all. Then he starts being a regular duke again, and he forgets all about the homey babe that has the publishing business. I'd tell you the rest of the story, but I might puke if I did. It isn't that I'd spoil it for you or anything. |
Nema tu šta da se pokvari, Isuse. Sve u svemu, završava se tako što se Alek i ona srdačna devojka venčaju, a brat pijanac sredi živce i operiše Alekovu majku tako da ona progleda, a onda se taj pijani brat i stara Marša uzmu. | There isn't anything to spoil, for Chrissake. Anyway, it ends up with Alec and the homey babe getting married, and the brother that's a drunkard gets his nerves back and operates on Alec's mother so she can see again, and then the drunken brother and old Marcia go for each other. |
Na kraju svi sede za dugačkim svečanim stolom i padaju od smeha, jer se ona velika doga pojavi sa gomilom štenadi. Svi su valjda mislili da je ona mužjak, šta li. Sve što mogu da kažem je - nemojte da gledate taj film ako nećete da se ispovraćate od glave do pete. | It ends up with everybody at this long dinner table laughing their asses off because the great Dane comes in with a bunch of puppies. Everybody thought it was a male, I suppose, or some goddam thing. All I can say is, don't see it if you don't want to puke all over yourself. |
Ono što me dotuklo bila je neka dama što je sedela do mene, koja je plakala tokom čitavog prokletog filma. Što je lažniji bio, više je plakala. | The part that got me was, there was a lady sitting next to me that cried all through the goddam picture. The phonier it got, the more she cried. |
Pomislili biste da je plakala zato što ima stravično meko srce ili nešto, ali ja sam sedeo odmah do nje i znam da nije tako. S njom je bio taj mali koji je umirao od dosade i hteo da ide u toalet, ali ona nije htela da ga odvede. | You'd have thought she did it because she was kindhearted as hell, but I was sitting right next to her, and she wasn't. She had this little kid with her that was bored as hell and had to go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't take him. |
Samo mu je ponavljala da sedi mirno i pristojno se ponaša. Imala je meko srce kao prokleti kurjak. Uzmite tako nekog ko je u stanju oči da pogubi od plakanja nad gomilom lažnih gluposti u filmovima - u devet od deset slu- čajeva to su prave skotine u srcu. Najozbiljnije. | She kept telling him to sit still and behave himself. She was about as kindhearted as a goddam wolf. You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phony stuff in the movies, and nine times out of ten they're mean bastards at heart. I'm not kidding. |
Kad se film završio, polako sam krenuo prema Viker-baru, gde je trebalo da se nađem sa starim Karlom Ljusom i, dok sam tako hodao, razmišljao sam kao o ratu i svemu tome. Ti ratni filmovi uvek tako deluju na mene. | After the movie was over, I started walking down to the Wicker Bar, where I was supposed to meet old Carl Luce, and while I walked I sort of thought about war and all. Those war movies always do that to me. |
Mislim da ne bih podneo kad bih morao u rat. Ozbiljno. Ne bi bilo tako loše kad bi te samo izveli napolje i streljali te ili nešto, ali problem je što moraš tako prokleto dugo da ostaneš u vojsci. | I don't think I could stand it if I had to go to war. I really couldn't. It wouldn't be too bad if they'd just take you out and shoot you or something, but you have to stay in the Army so goddam long. |
U tome je cela stvar. Moj brat D.B. je bio u vojsci četiri proklete godine. Bio je i u ratu - iskrcao se u Normandiji i sve - ali mislim da je zamrzeo vojsku više nego rat. Tada sam bio bukvalno još dete, ali sećam se kad je dolazio kući na odsustvo - sve vreme je preležao na krevetu. | That's the whole trouble. My brother D.B. was in the Army for four goddam years. He was in the war, too―he landed on D-Day and all―but I really think he hated the Army worse than the war. I was practically a child at the time, but I remember when he used to come home on furlough and all, all he did was lie on his bed, practically. |
Jedva da se uopšte i pojavio u dnevnoj sobi. Kasnije, kad je otišao preko okeana i bio u ratu i svuda, nije bio ranjen ili nešto, niti je morao da puca na nekog. | He hardly ever even came in the living room. Later, when he went overseas and was in the war and all, he didn't get wounded or anything and he didn't have to shoot anybody. |
Samo je po ceo dan vozio naokolo nekog kaubojskog generala u štapskim kolima. Jednom je rekao Eliju i meni kako ne bi znao u kom pravcu da puca da je morao da puca na nekog. Rekao je da je armija u suštini puna istih skotova kakvi su i nacisti. | All he had to do was drive some cowboy general around all day in a command car. He once told Allie and I that if he'd had to shoot anybody, he wouldn't've known which direction to shoot in. He said the Army was practically as full of bastards as the Nazis were. |
Sećam se da ga je Eli jednom pitao nije li u neku ruku dobro što je bio u ratu, jer je pisac, pa mu je to pružilo dosta toga o čemu bi pisao i sve. Onda je naterao Elija da donese svoju rukavicu za bezbol i pitao ga ko je najbolji ratni pesnik - Rupert Bruk ili Emili Dikinson. | I remember Allie once asked him wasn't it sort of good that he was in the war because he was a writer and it gave him a lot to write about and all. He made Allie go get his baseball mitt and then he asked him who was the best war poet, Rupert Brooke or Emily Dickinson. |
Eli je rekao Emili Dikinson. Ne znam baš mnogo o tome jer slabo čitam poeziju, ali znam da bi me izludelo kad bih morao u vojsku gde bih sve vreme bio s gomilom klipana kao što su Ekli i Stredleter i stari Moris, da marširam sa njima i ostalo. | Allie said Emily Dickinson. I don't know too much about it myself, because I don't read much poetry, but I do know it'd drive me crazy if I had to be in the Army and be with a bunch of guys like Ackley and Stradlater and old Maurice all the time, marching with them and all. |
Bio sam jednom sa skautima, oko nedelju dana, i nisam mogao da podnesem čak ni da gledam u potiljak tipa ispred mene. | I was in the Boy Scouts once, for about a week, and I couldn't even stand looking at the back of the guy's neck in front of me. |
Stalno su ponavljali da gledamo u potiljak onog ispred nas. Kunem se, ako ikad izbije još neki rat, najbolje će biti da me samo izvedu i postave pred streljački stroj. Ne bih se bunio. | They kept telling you to look at the back of the guy's neck in front of you. I swear if there's ever another war, they better just take me out and stick me in front of a firing squad. I wouldn't object. |
Ono što mi nije jasno kod D.B.-a, međutim, je što me prošlog leta naterao da pročitam tu knjigu Zbogom oružje, iako toliko mrzi rat i sve. To je ono što stvarno ne mogu da shvatim. | What gets me about D.B., though, he hated the war so much, and yet he got me to read this book A Farewell to Arms last summer. He said it was so terrific. That's what I can't understand. |
U toj knjizi ima neki poručnik Henri, koji bi kao trebalo da bude neki dobar lik i sve. Ne shvatam kako je D.B. mogao toliko da mrzi vojsku i rat i sve, a da mu se istovremeno sviđa tako lažan, isfoliran lik. | It had this guy in it named Lieutenant Henry that was supposed to be a nice guy and all. I don't see how D.B. could hate the Army and war and all so much and still like a phony like that. |
Mislim, ne vidim kako je mogla da mu se sviđa tako izveštačena knjiga, a da istovremeno voli onu od Ringa Lardnera ili onu drugu za kojom je toliko lud, Veliki Getsbi. D.B. se naljutio kad sam to rekao i izjavio da sam još suviše mlad i sve da bih to procenio, ali ja ne mislim tako. Rekao sam mu da volim Ringa Lardnera i Velikog Getsbija. I stvarno ih volim. | I mean, for instance, I don't see how he could like a phony book like that and still like that one by Ring Lardner, or that other one he's so crazy about, The Great Gatsby. D.B. got sore when I said that, and said I was too young and all to appreciate it, but I don't think so. I told him I liked Ring Lardner and The Great Gatsby and all. I did, too. |
Bio sam lud za Velikim Getsbijem. Dobri stari Getsbi. Stara lafčina. Obarao me. | I was crazy about The Great Gatsby. Old Gatsby. Old sport. That killed me. |
Sve u svemu, nekako mi je drago što su izmislili atomsku bombu. Ako ikada izbije još neki rat, sešću pravo na njen prokleti vrh. Dobrovoljno ću se javiti za to, kunem se. | Anyway, I'm sort of glad they've got the atomic bomb invented. If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will. |