The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 33 

    Chapter 33     33.
    But the end never came, at least not then.     Ali kraj nije došao, ili bar ne tada.
    Quite suddenly the barrage stopped, and the sudden silence afterward was punctuated by a couple of strangled gurgles and thuds. The four stared at each other.     Iznenada, baražna paljba se prekide, a iznenadnu tišinu koja je usledila narušilo je samo nekoliko krkljavih zvukova gušenja i tupih odjeka udaraca.Četvoro begunaca se nemo zagleda.
    “What happened?” said Arthur.     "Šta se desilo?" upita Ford.
    “They stopped,” said Zaphod with a shrug.     "Prestali su", odvrati Zaphod i sleže ramenima.
    “Why?”     "Zašto?"
    “Dunno, do you want to go and ask them?”     "Pojama nemam, hoćeš li da pođeš i da ih pitaš?"
    “No.”     "Neću."
    “Hello?” called out Ford.     "Hej?" pozva Ford.
    No answer.     Nije bilo odgovora.
    “Perhaps it’s a trap.”     "Možda je zamka."
    “They haven’t the wit.”     "Nemaju oni dovoljno mozga za takve stvari."
    “What were those thuds?”     "Kakvi su to bili udarci?"
    “Dunno.”     "Ne znam."
    “Right,” said Ford, “I’m going to have a look.”     "Dobro", reče Ford, "idem da pogledam."
    He glanced round at the others.     Okrenuo se prema ostalima.
    “Is no one going to say, No, you can’t possibly, let me go instead?”     "Zar niko neće reći: O ne, ne smeš, pusti da idem ja umesto tebe?"
    They all shook their heads.     Svi zavrteše glavama.
    “Oh well,” he said, and stood up.     "Eh, dobro", reče on i ustade.
    For a moment, nothing happened.     Jedan trenutak ništa se nije dogodilo.
    Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. Ford peered through the thick smoke that was billowing out of the burning computer.     Potom, posle sekundu ili dve, i dalje se ništa nije dešavalo. Ford začkilji kroz dim iz zapaljenog kompjutera.
    Cautiously he stepped out into the open.     Oprezno je kročio na prostor izvan skloništa.
    Still nothing happened.     I dalje se ništa nije dešavalo.
    Twenty yards away he could dimly see through the smoke the space-suited figure of one of the cops. He was lying in a crumpled heap on the ground. Twenty yards in the other direction lay the second man. No one else was anywhere to be seen.     Na dvadesetak jardi odatle, kroz dim, nazirao je priliku jednog od žaca u svemirskom odelu. Bio je opružen po tlu i nije se micao. Na dvadeset jardi u suprotnom smeru ležao je drugi čovek. Više se ništa nije videlo.
    This struck Ford as being extremely odd.     Ford pomisli kako je sve to vrlo čudno.
    Slowly, nervously, he walked toward the first one. The body lay reassuringly still as he approached it, and continued to lie reassuringly still as he reached it and put his foot down on the Kill-O-Zap gun that still dangled from its limp fingers.     Lagano, uplašeno, prišao je prvom. Kada mu se približio, telo je i dalje bilo umirujuće nepokretno. Produžilo je da leži umirujuće nepokretno i kada je pružio nogu do pištolja zgrom-i-puca koji je još visio u njegovim labavim prstima.
    He reached down and picked it up, meeting no resistance.     Sagao se i podigao pištolj. Nije bilo nikakvog otpora.
    The cop was quite clearly dead.     Očigledno, žaca je bio mrtav.
    A quick examination revealed him to be from Blagulon Kappa—he was a methane-breathing life form, dependent on his space suit for survival in the thin oxygen atmosphere of Magrathea.     Kratak pregled otkrio mu je da ovaj potiče s Blagulona Kapa - bio je to oblik života koji udiše metan, a svemirsko odelo bilo mu je neophodno da bi preživeo u retkoj kiseoničkoj atmosferi Magratee.

    The tiny life-support system computer on his backpack appeared unexpectedly to have blown up.     Činilo se da je maleni kompjuter za održavanje života u rancu na njegovim leđima neočekivano eksplodirao.
    Ford poked around in it in considerable astonishment. These miniature suit computers usually had the full back-up of the main computer back on the ship, with which they were directly linked through the sub-etha. Such a system was fail-safe in all circumstances other than total feedback malfunction, which was unheard of.     Ford je s velikim zaprepašćenjem prebirao po njemu. Ti minijaturni kompjuteri u svemirskim odelima obično su imali kompletnu podršku glavnog brodskog kompjutera sa kojim su bili povezani preko sub-ete. Takav sistem bio je nepokvariv u svim prilikama izuzev potpunog kraha povratne sprege, što je bilo nečuveno.
    He hurried over to the other prone figure, and discovered that exactly the same impossible thing had happened to him, presumably simultaneously.     Požurio je do druge prilike opružene na trbuhu i otkrio da se i njoj desila ista neverovatna stvar, i to izgleda u istom trenutku.
    He called the others over to look. They came, shared his astonishment, but not his curiosity.     Pozvao je i ostale da dođu i pogledaju. Stigli su, deleći njegovo zaprepašćenje, ali ne i radoznalost.
    “Let’s get shot of this hole,” said Zaphod. “If whatever I’m supposed to be looking for is here, I don’t want it.” He grabbed the second Kill-O-Zap gun, blasted a perfectly harmless accounting computer and rushed out into the corridor, followed by the others. He very nearly blasted the hell out of an aircar that stood waiting for them a few yards away. The aircar was empty, but Arthur recognized it as belonging to Slartibartfast.     "Gubimo se što pre iz ove rupčage", reče Zaphod. "Ako se ovde i nalazi nešto za čim tragam, ne želim ga." Dohvatio je drugu zgrom-i-pucu, razorio jedan savršeno bezopasan kompjuterski blok i pojurio prema hodniku, a ostali su ga pratili. Zamalo da raznese u komadiće i vazdušna kola koja su stajala i čekala ih na nekoliko jardi odatle. Vazdušna kola bila su prazna, a Artur je prepoznao da pripadaju Slartibartfastu.
    It had a note from him pinned to part of its sparse instrument panel. The note had an arrow drawn on it, pointing at one of the controls. It said, This is probably the best button to press.     Unutra se nalazila poruka pričvršćena za tanku ploču s instrumentima. Na poruci se nalazila nacrtana strelica koja je pokazivala prema jednoj od komandi. Na njoj je pisalo: Verovatno je najbolje pritisnuti ovo dugme.

>> Chapter 34