The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 29 

    Chapter 29     29.
    Zaphod! Wake up!”     "Zaphode! Probudi se!"
    “​M​m​m​m​m​w​w​w​w​w​e​r​r​r​r​?​”​     "Mmmmmmmmmmmaha?"
    “Hey, come on, wake up.”     "Ma hajde, probudi se."
    “Just let me stick to what I’m good at, yeah?” muttered Zaphod, and rolled away from the voice back to sleep.     "Čuj, ostavi me da radim ono što volim, važi?" promrmlja Zaphod i okrete se na drugu stranu.
    “Do you want me to kick you?” said Ford.     "Hoćeš da te šutnem?" upita Ford.
    “Would it give you a lot of pleasure?” said Zaphod, blearily.     "Da li bi ti to pričinilo zadovoljstvo?" odvrati Zaphod sneno.
    “No.”     "Ne."
    “Nor me. So what’s the point? Stop bugging me.” Zaphod curled himself up.     "Ni meni. Čemu onda sve to? Zato prestani da me zezaš." Zaphod se lepše ušuška.
    “He got a double dose of the gas,” said Trillian, looking down at him, “two windpipes.”     "Dobio je dvostruku dozu gasa", rekla je Trilijan, gledajući ga. "Udahnuo je dvaput."
    “And stop talking,” said Zaphod, “it’s hard enough trying to sleep anyway. What’s the matter with the ground? It’s all cold and hard.”     "I prestanite da pričate", reče Zaphod. "I bez toga imam dovoljno problema da zaspim. Šta se to dešava s tlom? Strašno je hladno i tvrdo."
    “It’s gold,” said Ford.     "To je zlato", reče Ford.
    With an amazingly balletic movement Zaphod was standing and scanning the horizon, because that was how far the gold ground stretched in every direction, perfectly smooth and solid. It gleamed like … it’s impossible to say what it gleamed like because nothing in the Universe gleams in quite the same way that a planet made of solid gold does.     Uz zadivljujući baletski okret Zaphod se nađe u uspravnom položaju i poče da zvera prema obzorju, jer zlatno tle pružalo se u svim pravcima sve donde, savršeno glatko i čvrsto. Blistalo je poput... Nemoguće je reći poput čega je blistalo, jer ništa u celoj Vaseljeni ne blista kao planeta od čistog zlata.
    “Who put all that there?” yelped Zaphod, goggle-eyed.     "Ko je sve to doneo ovamo?" kliknu Zaphod razrogačenih očiju.
    “Don’t get excited,” said Ford, “it’s only a catalog.”     "Ne uzbuđuj se", reče Ford, "to je samo katalog."
    “A who?”     "Šta?"
    “A catalog,” said Trillian, “an illusion.”     "Katalog", odvrati Trilijan. "Opsena."
    “How can you say that?” cried Zaphod, falling to his hands and knees and staring at the ground. He poked it and prodded it. It was very heavy and very slightly soft—he could mark it with his fingernail. It was very yellow and very shiny, and when he breathed on it his breath evaporated off it in that very peculiar and special way that breath evaporates off solid gold.     "Kako možeš da kažeš tako nešto?" kriknu Zaphod i pade ničice zagledan u tle. On ga opipa i zagreba. Bilo je izuzetno teško i pomalo meko - mogao je da ostavi u njemu trag noktom. Izgledalo je žuto i vrlo sjajno, a kada je dahnuo na njega, dah mu je isparavao sa površine baš na onaj neobični način na koji isparava sa čistog zlata.
    “Trillian and I came round a while ago,” said Ford. “We shouted and yelled till somebody came and then carried on shouting and yelling till they got fed up and put us in their planet catalog to keep us busy till they were ready to deal with us. This is all Sens-O-Tape.”     "Trilijan i ja osvestili smo se pre izvesnog vremena", reče Ford. "Vikali smo i kukali sve dok neko nije stigao, a onda smo nastavili da vičemo i kukamo dok im to nije dozlogrdilo, pa su nas smestili u svoj katalog planeta da bi nas nečim zaokupili sve dok ne budu spremni da se pozabave nama. Sve ovo je senz-o-traka."
    Zaphod stared at him bitterly.     Zaphod ga je gorko gledao.
    “Ah, shit,” he said, “you wake me up from my own perfectly good dream to show me somebody else’s.” He sat down in a huff.     "Sranje", rekao je, "probudili ste me iz mog savršeno dobrog sna samo da mi pokažete nečiji tuđ." Uvređeno je seo na tle.
    “What’s that series of valleys over there?” he said.     "Kakve su to doline tamo preko?" rekao je.
    “Hallmark,” said Ford. “We had a look.”     "Zlatni žig", reče Ford. "Išli smo da vidimo."
    “We didn’t wake you earlier,” said Trillian. “The last planet was knee-deep in fish.”     "Nismo želeli da te budimo ranije", rekla je Trilijan. "Prethodna planeta bila je do kolena prekrivena ribom."
    “Fish?”     "Ribom?"
    “Some people like the oddest things.”     "Neki ljudi vole najčudnije stvari."
    “And before that,” said Ford, “we had platinum. Bit dull. We thought you’d like to see this one though.”     "A pre toga", reče Ford, "imali smo platinu. Pomalo tmurno. Ali mislili smo da će ti se ova dopasti."
    Seas of light glared at them in one solid blaze wherever they looked.     More svetlosti blistalo je na njih gde god bi se osvrnuli.
    “Very pretty,” said Zaphod petulantly.     "Lepo", reče Zaphod nestrpljivo.

    In the sky a huge green catalog number appeared. It flickered and changed, and when they looked around again so had the land.     Na nebu se najednom pojavi ogromni, zeleni, kataloški broj. On zatrepta i promeni se, a kada se oni osvrnuše, videše da se isto dogodilo i s predelom.
    As with one voice they all went, “Yuch.”     Uglas im se ote gromko: "Uh!"
    The sea was purple. The beach they were on was composed of tiny yellow and green pebbles, presumably terribly precious stones. The mountains in the distance seemed soft and undulating with red peaks. Nearby stood a solid silver beach table with a frilly mauve parasol and silver tassles.     Okean je bio ljubičast. Obala na kojoj su se nalazili bila je prekrivena sitnim, žutim i zelenim šljunkom - sve, zapravo, neverovatno skupocenim draguljima. Planine u daljini delovale su mekano i drhtavo i imale su crvene vrhove. U blizini se nalazio srebrni stočić za plažu sa zatvorenim, svetloljubičastim suncobranom i srebrnim ukrasima.
    In the sky a huge sign appeared, replacing the catalog number. It said, Whatever your tastes, Magrathea can cater for you. We are not proud.     Na nebu se pojavio džinovski natpis i zamenio kataloški broj. Na njemu je pisalo: Magratea vam može omogućiti sve što poželite. Mi se ne ustručavamo ni pred čime.
    And five hundred entirely naked women dropped out of the sky on parachutes.     A iz neba ispade pet stotina potpuno nagih žena s padobranima.
    In a moment the scene vanished and left them in a springtime meadow full of cows.     U trenu prizor iščeznu i ostavi ih usred prolećne livade prepune krava.
    “Ow!” said Zaphod. “My brains!”     "Auu!" reče Zaphod. "Moje glave!"
    “You want to talk about it?” said Ford.     "Želiš li da porazgovaramo o njima?" upita Ford.
    “Yeah, okay,” said Zaphod, and all three sat down and ignored the scenes that came and went around them.     "Aha, u redu" reče Zaphod, a onda sve troje sedoše, ne obraćajući više pažnju na prizore koji su se pojavljivali i nestajali oko njih.
    “I figure this,” said Zaphod. “Whatever happened to my mind, I did it. And I did it in such a way that it wouldn’t be detected by the Government screening tests. And I wasn’t to know anything about it myself. Pretty crazy, right?”     "Zaključio sam sledeće", reče Zaphod. "Štagod da se desilo s mojim umom, sam sam to učinio. I to tako da se ne može otkriti vladinim medicinskim proverama. A sam pojma nisam imao o svemu tome. Zvuči baš šašavo, zar ne?"
    The other two nodded in agreement.     Drugo dvoje klimnuše u znak saglasnosti.
    “So I reckon, what’s so secret that I can’t let anybody know I know it, not the Galactic Government, not even myself? And the answer is I don’t know. Obviously. But I put a few things together and I can begin to guess. When did I decide to run for President? Shortly after the death of President Yooden Vranx. You remember Yooden, Ford?”     "Pa sam mozgao, šta je to tako tajno da ne smem da dopustim nikome da sazna, ni galaktičkoj vladi, čak ni samome sebi? A odgovor je da ne znam. Očigledno. Ali sabrao sam nekoliko stvari i počeo da nagađam. Kada sam se odlučio da se kandidujem za predsednika? Ubrzo posle smrti predsednika Judena Vranksa. Sećaš li se Judena, Forde?"
    “Yeah,” said Ford, “he was that guy we met when we were kids, the Arcturan captain. He was a gas. He gave us conkers when you bust your way into his megafreighter. Said you were the most amazing kid he’d ever met.”     "Aha", reče Ford. "On je bio tip koga smo sreli kada smo bili klinci, onaj arkturijanski kapetan. On nam je dao kestenja kada si upao na njegov megateretnjak. I kazao je da si najneverovatniji klinac koga je sreo."
    “What’s all this?” said Trillian.     "O čemu vi to?" reče Trilijan.
    “Ancient history,” said Ford, “when we were kids together on Betelgeuse. The Arcturan megafreighters used to carry most of the bulky trade between the Galactic Center and the outlying regions. The Betelgeuse trading scouts used to find the markets and the Arcturans would supply them. There was a lot of trouble with space pirates before they were wiped out in the Dordellis wars, and the megafreighters had to be equipped with the most fantastic defense shields known to Galactic science. They were real brutes of ships, and huge. In orbit round a planet they would eclipse the sun.     "Stara priča"? reče Ford, "iz vremena kada smo obojica bili klinci na Betelgezu. Arkturijanski megateretnjaci prevozili su najveći deo kabaste robe između središta Galaksije i spoljašnjih oblasti. Trgovački izviđači sa Betelgeza nalazili su tržišta, a Arkturijanci su ih snabdevali. Bilo je mnogo nevolja sa svemirskim piratima pre nego što su ovi zbrisani u dordelijskim ratovima i megateretnjaci su morali da budu opremljeni najfantastičnijim odbrambenim štitovima za koje je nauka znala. Bili su to stvarno gadni brodovi, a i ogromni - kada bi se našli na orbiti neke planete izazvali bi pomračenje sunca.
    “One day, young Zaphod here decides to raid one. On a tri-jet scooter designed for stratosphere work, a mere kid. I mean forget it, it was crazier than a mad monkey. I went along for the ride because I’d got some very safe money on him not doing it, and didn’t want him coming back with fake evidence. So what happens? We get in his trijet which he had souped up into something totally other, crossed three parsecs in a matter of weeks, bust our way into a megafreighter I still don’t know how, marched on to the bridge waving toy pistols and demanded conkers. A wilder thing I have not known. Lost me a year’s pocket money. For what? Conkers.”     Jednog dana, mladi Zaphod odlučio je da opljačka jedan od njih uz pomoć mlaznog tromotorca, sazdanog za letove do stratosfere. Najobičniji klinac. Govorio sam mu, mani se toga, čoveče, potpuno si poludeo. Pošao sam s njim na let jer sam se na sigurno opkladio da neće uspeti, a nisam hteo da se vrati sa izmišljenim dokazima. I šta se desilo? Popeli smo se na njegov tromotorac, koji je on preradio u nešto potpuno drugačije, za par nedelja prešli tri parseka, probili se na megateretnjak - ni danas ne shvatam kako - upali na most vitlajući p​i​š​t​o​l​j​i​m​a​-​i​g​r​a​č​k​a​m​a​ i zahtevali da nam daju kestenja. Luđu stvar nisam mogao da zamislim. Koštala me je jednogodišnjeg džeparca. A radi čega? Kestenja."
    “The captain was this really amazing guy, Yooden Vranx,” said Zaphod. “He gave us food, booze—stuff from really weird parts of the Galaxy—lots of conkers, of course, and we had just the most incredible time. Then he teleported us back. Into the maximum security wing of the Betelgeuse state prison. He was a cool guy. Went on to become President of the Galaxy.”     "Kapetan je bio taj neverovatni tip, Juden Vranks", reče Zaphod. "Dao nam je klope, pića - stvarčice iz zaista otkačenih krajeva Galaksije - gomilu kestenja, razume se, i stvarno smo se neverovatno zabavljali. Onda nas je teleportirao nazad. U najčuvanije krilo državnog zatvora na Betelgezu. Tip je stvarno bio opasan. Posle je postao predsednik Galaksije."
    Zaphod paused.     Zaphod zastade.
    The scene around them was currently plunged into gloom. Dark mists swirled round them and elephantine shapes lurked indistinctly in the shadows. The air was occasionally rent with the sounds of illusory beings murdering other illusory beings. Presumably enough people must have liked this sort of thing to make it a paying proposition.     Prizor oko njih utonuo je tog trenutka u polutamu. Tmurne magluštine kovitlale su se oko njih, a džinovska obličja nejasno su vrebala po senkama. S vremena na vreme, vazduhom su se prolamali krici nepostojećih stvorenja koja su proždirala druga nepostojeća stvorenja. Ovakve stvari očevidno je volelo dosta ljudi, čim su stavljene u prodajni katalog.
    “Ford,” said Zaphod quietly.     "Forde", reče Zaphod tiho.
    “Yeah?”     "Da?"
    “Just before Yooden died he came to see me.”     "Nešto pre nego što će umreti, Juden me je posetio."
    “What? You never told me.”     "Šta? To mi nikada nisi pričao."
    “No.”     "Nisam."
    “What did he say? What did he come to see you about?”     "Šta je rekao? Zašto je želeo da te vidi?"
    “He told me about the Heart of Gold. It was his idea that I should steal it.”     "Ispričao mi je o 'Zlatnom srcu'. Bila je to njegova zamisao da ga ukradem."
    “His idea?”     "Njegova zamisao?"
    “Yeah,” said Zaphod, “and the only possible way of stealing it was to be at the launching ceremony.”     "Aha", reče Zaphod, "a jedinu moguću priliku da se ukrade pružala je svečanost lansiranja."
    Ford gaped at him in astonishment for a moment, and then roared with laughter.     Ford na trenutak zinu od zaprepašćenja, a zatim zaurla od smeha.
    “Are you telling me,” he said, “that you set yourself up to become President of the Galaxy just to steal that ship?”     "Hoćeš da kažeš", rekao je, "da si se kandidovao za predsednika Galaksije samo da bi ukrao taj brod?"

    “That’s it,” said Zaphod with the sort of grin that would get most people locked away in a room with soft walls.     "Tako je", reče Zaphod sa smeškom koji bi većinu ljudi odveo pravo u zaključanu sobu s tapaciranim zidovima.
    “But why?” said Ford. “What’s so important about having it?”     "Ali zašto?" reče Ford. "Zbog čega je toliko bitno da ga imaš?"
    “Dunno,” said Zaphod. “I think if I’d consciously known what was so important about it and what I would need it for it would have showed up on the brain screening tests and I would never have passed. I think Yooden told me a lot of things that are still locked away.”     "Ne znam", reče Zaphod. "Da sam svesno znao zašto je to toliko važno, verovatno bi se to pokazalo na testovima mozga i ja nikada ne bih prošao. Ubeđen sam da mi je Juden ispričao mnoge stvari koje su još zaključane tamo."
    “So you think you went and mucked about inside your own brain as a result of Yooden talking to you?”     "I ti, znači, veruješ da si otišao i petljao sa sopstvenim mozgom samo zbog onoga što ti je ispričao Juden?"
    “He was a hell of a talker.”     "Bio je strašan govornik."
    “Yeah, but Zaphod, old mate, you want to look after yourself, you know.”     "Da, ali, Zaphode, stari druže, treba da se paziš."
    Zaphod shrugged.     Zaphod sleže ramenima.
    “I mean, don’t you have any inkling of the reasons for all this?” asked Ford.     "Hoću da kažem, zar nemaš nikakav stvarno jak razlog za sve to?" pitao je Ford.
    Zaphod thought hard about this and doubts seemed to cross his mind.     Zaphod je pažljivo razmišljao i činilo se da mu umom prolaze senke sumnje.
    “No,” he said at last, “I don’t seem to be letting myself into any of my secrets. Still,” he added on further reflection, “I can understand that. I wouldn’t trust myself further than I could spit a rat.”     "Ne", rekao je konačno. "Izgleda da ne dozvoljavam sebi da proniknem u bilo koju od svojih tajni. A ipak", dodao je posle još malo razmišljanja, "to potpuno shvatam. Imam poverenja u sebe koliko i u crno ispod nokta."
    A moment later, the last planet in the catalog vanished from beneath them and the solid world resolved itself again.     Trenutak kasnije, poslednja planeta iz kataloga nestade oko njih i ponovo se pojavi stvarni svet.
    They were sitting in a plush waiting room full of glass-top tables and design awards.     Sedeli su u čekaonici punoj stolova sa staklenim plohama i trofeja za dizajn.
    A tall Magrathean man was standing in front of them.     Jedan visoki Magratejac stajao je pred njim.
    “The mice will see you now,” he said.     "Miševi će vas sada primiti", rekao je.

>> Chapter 30