Chapter 2 | 2. |
Here’s what the Encyclopedia Galáctica has to say about alcohol. It says that alcohol is a colorless volatile liquid formed by the fermentation of sugars and also notes its intoxicating effect on certain carbon-based life forms. | Evo šta Enciklopedija Galaktika ima da izjavi o alkoholu. Ona kaže da je alkohol bezbojna, isparljiva tečnost koja se dobija vrenjem šećera; potom se beleži njegovo toksično dejstvo na neke oblike života, čija je hemija zasnovana na ugljeniku. |
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. | I Autostoperski vodič kroz Galaksiju pominje alkohol. On kaže da je od svih postojećih pića najbolji pangalaktički grgolj blaster. |
It says that the effect of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. | On kaže da pangalaktički grgolj blaster deluje tako kao da vam mozak rasparča kriška limuna u koju je ubačena velika zlatna cigla. |
The Guide also tells you on which planets the best Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters are mixed, how much you can expect to pay for one and what voluntary organizations exist to help you rehabilitate afterward. | Vodič govori o tome na kojim se planetama pravi najbolji pangalaktički grgolj blaster, koliko se od vas očekuje da platite za njega i koje će vam dobrotvorne organizacije posle pomagati da se rehabilitujete. |
The Guide even tells you how you can mix one yourself. | Vodič vas čak savetuje kako da ga sami napravite. |
Take the juice from one bottle of the Ol’ Janx Spirit, it says. | Uzmite celokupnu sadržinu jedne boce starog džanksa, kaže on. |
Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V— Oh, that Santraginean seawater, it says. Oh, those Santraginean fish! | Ulijte jednu meru vode iz okeana Santraginusa V - ah, ta morska voda Santraginusa, kaže on. Ah, ta santraginjanska riba!!! |
Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzine is lost). | Spustite unutra tri kocke arkturijanskog megadžina i sačekajte da se izmešaju s tečnošću (sve mora biti dovoljno ohlađeno, inače će se benzin izgubiti). |
Allow four liters of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia. | Propustite četiri litre falijanskog močvarnog gasa kroz sve to, u spomen na sve one blažene stopere koji su umrli od zadovoljstva po močvarama Falije. |
Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hyper-mint extract, redolent of all the heady odors of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle, sweet and mystic. | Na vrh srebrne kašičice dodajte malo kvalaktinske esencije hiperminta, koji podseća na sve one tanane miomirise tamnih oblasti Kvalaktine, pune pritajenog tajanstva i slasti. |
Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian Suns deep into the heart of the drink. | Dodajte zub algolijanskog sunčanog tigra. Posmatrajte kako se topi i širi plamen algolijanskih sunaca duboko kroz srce pića. |
Sprinkle Zamphuor. Add an olive. | Kapnite malo zamfuora. Dodajte maslinku. |
Drink … but … very carefully … | Popijte... ali... vrlo pažljivo... |
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy sells rather better than the Encyclopedia Galactica. | Autostoperski vodič kroz Galaksiju prodaje se dosta bolje od Enciklopedije galaktike. |
“Six pints of bitter,” said Ford Prefect to the barman of the Horse and Groom. “And quickly please, the world’s about to end.” | "Šest krigli crnog", reče Ford Prefekt gostioničaru 'Kod konja i konjušara'. "I to brzo, molim, jer uskoro će smak sveta." |
The barman of the Horse and Groom didn’t deserve this sort of treatment; he was a dignified old man. He pushed his glasses up his nose and blinked at Ford Prefect. Ford ignored him and stared out the window, so the barman looked instead at Arthur, who shrugged helplessly and said nothing. | Gostioničar 'Kod konja i konjušara' smatrao je da ne zaslužuje da mu se tako obraćaju, jer je bio dostojanstven, stariji čovek. On namesti naočari na vrh nosa i zažmirka prema Fordu Prefektu. Ford nije obraćao pažnju na njega, nego je virio kroz prozor i zato je gostioničar, umesto njega, pogledao Artura, koji bespomoćno sleže ramenima i ne izusti ni reč. |
So the barman said, “Oh yes, sir? Nice weather for it,” and started pulling pints. | Zato je gostioničar kazao: "Zaista, gospodine? Lep dan za tako nešto", i počeo da toči pivo u krigle. |
He tried again. “Going to watch the match this afternoon then?” | Onda pokuša ponovo. "A hoćete li da gledate utakmicu po podne?" |
Ford glanced round at him. | Ford ga osmotri. |
“No, no point,” he said, and looked back out the window. | "Ne, nema smisla", rekao je i vratio pogled na prozor. |
“What’s that, foregone conclusion then, you reckon, sir?” said the barman. “Arsenal without a chance?” | "Šta je u pitanju, mislite da se rezultat već zna, ser?" reče gostioničar. "Arsenal nema izgleda?" |
“No no,” said Ford, “it’s just that the world’s about to end.” | "Ne, ne", reče Ford, "nego uskoro će biti propast sveta." |
“Oh yes, sir, so you said,” said the barman, looking over his glasses this time at Arthur. “Lucky escape for Arsenal if it did.” | "Oh, da, ser, pomenuli ste to", reče gostioničar i pogleda Artura preko cvikera. "Baš lep izgovor za Arsenal, ukoliko se obistini." |
Ford looked back at him, genuinely surprised. | Ford ga pogleda, iskreno iznenađen. |
“No, not really,” he said. He frowned. | "Pa baš i ne bih rekao", kazao je i namrštio se. |
The barman breathed in heavily. “There you are, sir, six pints,” he said. | Gostioničar teško zasopta. "Evo, gospodine, šest krigli", rekao je. |
Arthur smiled at him wanly and shrugged again. He turned and smiled wanly at the rest of the pub just in case any of them had heard what was going on. | Artur mu se bespomoćno nasmeši i ponovo sleže ramenima. Onda se okrenuo i bespomoćno nasmešio ostalima u krčmi, za slučaj da je neko od njih čuo šta se događa. |
None of them had, and none of them could understand what he was smiling at them for. | Niko nije čuo i nikome nije bilo jasno zbog čega im se smeši. |