The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 16 

    Chapter 16     16.
    Arthur awoke to the sound of argument and went to the bridge. Ford was waving his arms about.     Artura je probudio zvuk prepirke i on pođe na most. Ford je mlatarao rukama.
    “You’re crazy, Zaphod,” he was saying, “Magrathea is a myth, a fairy story, it’s what parents tell their kids about at night if they want them to grow up to become economists, it’s …”     "Ti si šašav, Zaphode", govorio je on, "Magratea je mit, bajka, takve stvari roditelji pričaju uveče svojoj deci kada žele da budu ekonomisti kada porastu, to je..."
    “And that’s what we are currently in orbit about,” insisted Zaphod.     "Na njenoj orbiti nalazimo se u ovom času", bio je uporan Zaphod.
    “Look, I can’t help what you may personally be in orbit around,” said Ford, “but this ship …”     "Slušaj, ne znam ja oko čega se ti lično sada nalaziš na orbiti i tu ti ne mogu pomoći", reče Ford, "ali ovaj brod..."
    “Computer!” shouted Zaphod.     "Kompjuteru!" dreknu Zaphod.
    “Oh no …”     "Oh, ne..."
    “Hi there! This is Eddie, your shipboard computer, and I’m feeling just great, guys, and I know I’m just going to get a bundle of kicks out of any program you care to run through me.”     "Ej, ćao! Ovo je Edi, vaš brodski kompjuter, i da znate, momci, osećam se sjajno i ubeđen sam da ću napraviti čudo od svakog programa koji budete propustili kroz mene."
    Arthur looked inquiringly at Trillian. She motioned him to come on in but keep quiet.     Artur upitno pogleda Trilijan. Ona mu pokaza rukom da priđe, ali da bude tih.
    “Computer,” said Zaphod, “tell us what our present trajectory is.”     "Kompjuteru", reče Zaphod, "reci nam ponovo kakva nam je trenutna putanja."
    “A real pleasure, feller,” it burbled; “we are currently in orbit at an altitude of three hundred miles around the legendary planet of Magrathea.”     "Sa zadovoljstvom", zabrbljao je. "Trenutno se nalazimo na visini od tri stotine milja iznad legendarne planete zvane Magratea."
    “Proving nothing,” said Ford. “I wouldn’t trust that computer to speak my weight.”     "To nije nikakav dokaz", reče Ford. "Tom kompjuteru ne bih poverio ni da mi proceni težinu."
    “I can do that for you, sure,” enthused the computer, punching out more ticker tape. “I can even work out your personality problems to ten decimal places if it will help.”     "To mogu da učinim, razume se", zadovoljno će kompjuter, izbacujući još papirne trake. "Čak mogu da izvršim proračun tvojih ličnih problema na deset decimala, ukoliko je to od neke pomoći."
    Trillian interrupted.     Umeša se Trilijan:
    “Zaphod,” she said, “any minute now we will be swinging round to the daylight side of this planet,” adding, “whatever it turns out to be.”     "Zaphode", kazala je, "svakog časa treba da se nađemo iznad osvetljene strane planete, ma šta se posle ispostavilo."
    “Hey, what do you mean by that? The planet’s where I predicted it would be, isn’t it?”     "Hej, šta hoćeš time da kažeš? Planeta se nalazi tamo gde sam predvideo, zar ne?"
    “Yes, I know there’s a planet there. I’m not arguing with anyone, it’s just that I wouldn’t know Magrathea from any other lump of cold rock. Dawn’s coming up if you want it.”     "Da, znam da je planeta na tom mestu. Ne raspravljam se ja, nego znam da ne bih umela da razlikujem Magreteu od bilo koje druge hrpe kamenja. Dolazi zora."
    “Okay, okay,” muttered Zaphod, “let’s at least give our eyes a good time. Computer!”     "U redu, u redu", promrmlja Zaphod, "hajde, neka nam se bar oči zabave. Kompjuteru!"
    “Hi there! What can I …”     "Ej, ćao. Šta mogu da..."
    “Just shut up and give us a view of the planet again.”     "Ništa, nego umukni i daj da ponovo vidimo planetu."
    A dark featureless mass once more filled the screens—the planet rolling away beneath them.     Tamna, bezoblična masa nanovo je ispunila ekrane - planeta se obrtala pod njima.
    They watched for a moment in silence, but Zaphod was fidgety with excitement.     Načas su gledali bez reči, ali Zaphod je cupkao od nestrpljenja.
    “We are now traversing the night side …” he said in a hushed voice. The planet rolled on.     "Sada se nalazimo iznad noćne strane..." rekao je prigušenim glasom. Planeta se i dalje obrtala.
    “The surface of the planet is now three hundred miles beneath us …” he continued. He was trying to restore a sense of occasion to what he felt should have been a great moment. Magrathea! He was piqued by Ford’s skeptical reaction. Magrathea!     "Površina planete nalazi se na trista milja ispod nas..." produžio je. Pokušavao je da stvori izuzetan štimung za ono što je smatrao velikim trenutkom. Magratea! Vređala ga je Fordova skeptična reakcija. Magratea!
    “In a few seconds,” he continued, “we should see … there!”     "Za koju sekundu", nastavio je, "trebalo bi da vidimo... Eno!"
    The moment carried itself. Even the most seasoned star tramp can’t help but shiver at the spectacular drama of a sunrise seen from space, but a binary sunrise is one of the marvels of the Galaxy.     Trenutak je imao svoju težinu. Čak i najiskusniji zvazdani lutalica ne može da ne uzdrhti pred spektakularnom dramom rađanja sunca posmatranog iz kosmosa, ali izlazak binarnih sunaca jedno je od čuda Galaksije.
    Out of the utter blackness stabbed a sudden point of blinding light. It crept up by slight degrees and spread sideways in a thin crescent blade, and within seconds two suns were visible, furnaces of light, searing the black edge of the horizon with white fire. Fierce shafts of color streaked through the thin atmosphere beneath them.     Potpunu tamu neočekivano je probila tačka zaslepljujuće svetlosti. Lagano je rasla i širila se u obliku srpastog sečiva i posle nekoliko sekundi oba sunca postala su vidljiva, pećnice svetlosti koje su rasecale tamnu ivicu obzorja belim plamenom. Pruge jarkih boja prostreše se kroz retku atmosferu pod njima.
    “The fires of dawn …!” breathed Zaphod. “The twin suns of Soulianis and Rahm …!”     "Vatre zore...!" dahnu Zaphod. "Sulianis i Ram, sunca-blizanci...!"
    “Or whatever,” said Ford quietly.     "A možda i nešto drugo", mirno je rekao Ford.

    “Soulianis and Rahm!” insisted Zaphod.     "Sulianis i Ram!" bio je uporan Zaphod.
    The suns blazed into the pitch of space and a low ghostly music floated through the bridge: Marvin was humming ironically because he hated humans so much.     Sunca su blistala u svemiru, a most je ispunila duboka, sablasna muzika: to je Marvin ironično pevušio, jer je toliko mrzeo ljude.
    As Ford gazed at the spectacle of light before them excitement burned inside him, but only the excitement of seeing a strange new planet; it was enough for him to see it as it was. It faintly irritated him that Zaphod had to impose some ludicrous fantasy onto the scene to make it work for him. All this Magrathea nonsense seemed juvenile. Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?     Dok je Ford posmatrao spektakl svetlosti, u njemu je plamtelo silno uzbuđenje, ali bilo je to samo uzbuđenje što vidi neobičnu, novu planetu, jer njemu je bilo dovoljno da je vidi takvu kakva je. Malo mu je smetalo to što je Zaphod morao da nameće neku tamo smešnu maštariju, samo da bi okrenuo situaciju u svoju korist. Čitava ta besmislica s Magrateom delovala mu je detinjasto. Zar nije dovoljno videti da je vrt divan bez potrebe za verovanjem da su negde u njemu skriveni vilenjaci?
    All this Magrathea business seemed totally incomprehensible to Arthur. He edged up to Trillian and asked her what was going on.     Sve to s Magrateom Arturu se činilo potpuno nerazumljivo. Prišao je Trilijan i upitao je šta se događa.
    “I only know what Zaphod’s told me,” she whispered. “Apparently Magrathea is some kind of legend from way back which no one seriously believes in. Bit like Atlantis on Earth, except that the legends say the Magratheans used to manufacture planets.”     "Znam samo ono što mi je ispričao Zaphod", prošaptala je. "Magratea je predanje iz davnina u koje više niko ozbiljno ne veruje. Nešto kao Atlantida na Zemlji, samo što legende kažu da su magratejci proizvodili planete."
    Arthur blinked at the screens and felt he was missing something important. Suddenly he realized what it was.     Dok je gledao prema ekranima, Artur zatrepta i oseti da mu nedostaje nešto važno. Iznenada je shvatio šta.
    “Is there any tea on this spaceship?” he asked.     "Ima li čaja na ovom svemirskom brodu?" upitao je.
    More of the planet was unfolding beneath them as the Heart of Gold streaked along its orbital path. The suns now stood high in the black sky, the pyrotechnics of dawn were over, and the surface of the planet appeared bleak and forbidding in the common light of day—gray dusty and only dimly contoured. It looked dead and cold as a crypt. From time to time promising features would appear on the distant horizon—ravines, maybe mountains, maybe even cities—but as they approached the lines would soften and blur into anonymity and nothing would transpire. The planet’s surface was blurred by time, by the slow movement of the thin stagnant air that had crept across it for century upon century.     Sve veći deo planete otkrivao im se kako je 'Zlatno srce' jurilo svojom orbitom. Sunca su sada stojala visoko na crnom nebu, pirotehnika zore je minula, a na dnevnoj svetlosti površina planete delovala je turobno i odbojno - siva, prašnjava, nejasnih obrisa. Izgledala je mrtvo i hladno poput kripte. S vremena na vreme, na dalekom obzorju pojavljivali su se obrisi koji su nešto nagoveštavali - kanjone, planine, možda čak i gradove - ali kada bi im se približili, linije bi počele da se gube, razlivaju u neprepoznatljivost i ništa se ne bi pojavilo. Površina planete bila je zamućena vremenom, laganim kretanjem retkog, ustajalog vazduha koji je iz stoleća u stoleće puzao preko nje.
    Clearly, it was very very old.     Očigledno, starost joj je bila neizmerna.
    A moment of doubt came to Ford as he watched the gray landscape move beneath them. The immensity of time worried him, he could feel it as a presence. He cleared his throat.     Na trenutak, Forda obuze sumnja dok je posmatrao sivi predeo koji se kretao pod njima. Veličajnost njene drevnosti poče da ga brine, osećao je njeno prisustvo. On pročisti grlo.
    “Well, even supposing it is …”     "Pa čak i da pretpostavimo da jeste..."
    “It is,” said Zaphod.     "Jeste", reče Zaphod.
    “Which it isn’t,” continued Ford. “What do you want with it anyway? There’s nothing there.”     "...ono što nije", produži Ford, "šta ti uopšte hoćeš od nje? Ovde nema ničega."
    “Not on the surface,” said Zaphod.     "Nema na površini."
    “All right, just supposing there’s something, I take it you’re not here for the sheer industrial archeology of it all. What are you after?”     "Dobro, čak i da nečega ima, mogu se kladiti da ovde nisi da bi se bavio industrijskom arheologijom. Šta pokušavaš da pronađeš?"
    One of Zaphod’s heads looked away. The other one looked round to see what the first was looking at, but it wasn’t looking at anything very much.     Pogled jedne od Zaphodovih glava odbludeo je u daljinu. Druga se obazrela da vidi u šta to gleda prva, ali ova nije gledala ni u šta posebno.
    “Well,” said Zaphod airily, “it’s partly the curiosity, partly a sense of adventure, but mostly I think it’s the fame and the money….”     "Pa", reče Zaphod bezbrižnim glasom, "delom iz radoznalosti, delom iz želje za pustolovinama, ali pre svega zbog slave novca..."
    Ford glanced at him sharply. He got a very strong impression that Zaphod hadn’t the faintest idea why he was there at all.     Ford ga oštro odmeri. Imao je vrlo jak utisak da Zaphod pojma nema zbog čega je tu.
    “You know, I don’t like the look of that planet at all,” said Trillian, shivering.     "Znaš da mi se baš ne sviđa kako izgleda ta planeta", reče Trilijan i strese se.
    “Ah, take no notice,” said Zaphod; “with half the wealth of the former Galactic Empire stored on it somewhere it can afford to look frumpy.”     "Ah, ne obraćaj pažnju na to", reče Zaphod. "S pola blaga bivšeg galaktičkog carstva negde na svojoj površini, može da dozvoli sebi da izgleda dronjavo."
    Bullshit, thought Ford. Even supposing this was the home of some ancient civilization now gone to dust, even supposing a number of exceedingly unlikely things, there was no way that vast treasures of wealth were going to be stored there in any form that would still have meaning now. He shrugged.     Gluposti, pomisli Ford. Čak i ako pretpostavimo da je to zaista dom neke prastare civilizacije koja se u međuvremenu pretvorila u prah, čak i ako pretpostavimo čitavu gomilu izuzetno neverovatnih stvari, nije bilo moguće da su ogromna bogatstva počivala na njoj u bilo kome obliku koji bi i danas nešto predstavljao. On sleže ramenima.
    “I think it’s just a dead planet,” he said.     "Mislim da je naprosto reč o mrtvoj planeti", kazao je.
    “The suspense is killing me,” said Arthur testily.     "Ova napetost me ubija", reče Artur nervozno.
    Stress and nervous tension are now serious social problems in all parts of the Galaxy, and it is in order that this situation should not be in any way exacerbated that the following facts will now be revealed in advance.     Napetost i nerviranje predstavljaju ozbiljan društveni problem u svim oblastima Galaksije i zbog toga, da se prilike ne bi i dalje pogoršavale, otkrićemo unapred sledeće činjenice.
    The planet in question is in fact the legendary Magrathea.     Planeta o kojoj je reč zaista je legendarna Magratea.
    The deadly missile attack shortly to be launched by an ancient automatic defense system will result merely in the breakage of three coffee cups and a mouse cage, the bruising of somebody’s upper arm, and the untimely creation and sudden demise of a bowl of petunias and an innocent sperm whale.     Jedini učinak napada smrtonosnih projektila koje će lansirati prastari automatski odbrambeni sistem biće razbijanje tri šoljice za kafu, lomljenje kaveza s miševima, ogrebotina na nečijoj nadlaktici, te pojavljivanje i iznenadni nestanak jedne saksije s petunijama i jednog bezazlenog kita-ulješure.
    In order that some sense of mystery should still be preserved, no revelation will yet be made concerning whose upper arm sustains the bruise. This fact may safely be made the subject of suspense since it is of no significance whatsoever.     Da bi se ipak očuvalo nešto od tajanstvenosti, neće biti otkriveno čija će nadlaktica biti ogrebana. Ovaj podatak može bez opasnosti da posluži kao izvor napetosti jer je potpuno beznačajan.

>> Chapter 17