The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 14 

    Chapter 14     14.
    The Heart of Gold fled on silently through the night of space, now on conventional photon drive. Its crew of four were ill at ease knowing that they had been brought together not of their own volition or by simple coincidence, but by some curious perversion of physics—as if relationships between people were susceptible to the same laws that governed the relationships between atoms and molecules.     'Zlatno srce' tiho je letelo kroz noćnu tminu kosmosa, pokretano konvencionalnim fotonskim pogonom. Njegova četvoročlana posada i dalje se osećala krajnje neprijatno pri pomisli da nisu sakupljeni svojom voljom, već najčistijom slučajnošću, usled neke tamo neobične uvrnutosti fizike - kao da odnosi između ljudi treba da budu podložni istim zakonima kao i odnosi atoma i molekula.
    As the ship’s artificial night closed in they were each grateful to retire to separate cabins and try to rationalize their thoughts.     Kada je na brod pala veštačka noć, svi su se uz olakšanje povukli u svoje kabine da pokušaju da se malo priberu.
    Trillian couldn’t sleep. She sat on a couch and stared at a small cage which contained her last and only links with Earth— two white mice that she had insisted Zaphod let her bring. She had expected never to see the planet again, but she was disturbed by her negative reaction to the news of the planet’s destruction. It seemed remote and unreal and she could find no thoughts to think about it. She watched the mice scurrying round the cage and running furiously in their little plastic tread-wheels till they occupied her whole attention. Suddenly she shook herself and went back on to the bridge to watch over the tiny flashing lights and figures that charted the ship’s progress through the void. She wished she knew what it was she was trying not to think about.     Trilijan nije mogla da zaspi. Sedela je na krevetu i posmatrala mali kavez u kome su se nalazile njene jedine i poslednje veze sa Zemljom - dva bela miša koje joj je Zaphod na njenu molbu dozvolio da ponese sa sobom. Nije očekivala da će više ikada videti rodnu planetu, ali uznemirila ju je negativna reakcija na vesti o njenom uništenju. Sve to izgledalo joj je daleko i nestvarno i nikako nije mogla da nađe prikladne misli za razmišljanje o tome. Gledala je kako miševi skakuću po kavezu i bezglavo trčkaraju po svojim plastičnim koturićima sve dok joj nisu potpuno zaokupili pažnju. Potom se iznenada prenula i vratila na most da bi posmatrala majušna treperava svetla i slike koje su prikazivale putanju broda kroz prazninu. Poželela je da zna od čega to pokušava da skrene misli.
    Zaphod couldn’t sleep. He also wished he knew what it was that he wouldn’t let himself think about. For as long as he could remember he’d suffered from a vague nagging feeling of being not all there. Most of the time he was able to put this thought aside and not worry about it, but it had been reawakened by the sudden, inexplicable arrival of Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent. Somehow it seemed to conform to a pattern that he couldn’t see.     Zaphod nije mogao da zaspi. I on je poželeo da zna od čega to pokušava da skrene misli. Patio je od nejasnog, neprijatnog osećaja da nije u potpunosti prisutan. Uglavnom mu je polazilo za rukom da potisne takve misli u stranu i da ne brine o njima, ali iznenadni, neobjašnjivi dolazak Forda Prefekta i Artura Denta ponovo ih je probudio. Nekako mu se činilo da su podložne nekakvom pravilu koje on ne uspeva da shvati.
    Ford couldn’t sleep. He was too excited about being back on the road again. Fifteen years of virtual imprisonment were over, just as he was finally beginning to give up hope. Knocking about with Zaphod for a bit promised to be a lot of fun, though there seemed to be something faintly odd about his semicousin that he couldn’t put his finger on. The fact that he had become President of the Galaxy was frankly astonishing, as was the manner of his leaving the post. Was there a reason behind it? There would be no point in asking Zaphod, he never appeared to have a reason for anything he did at all: he had turned unfathomability into an art form. He attacked everything in life with a mixture of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence and it was often difficult to tell which was which.     Ford nije mogao da zaspi. Bio je uzbuđen što se ponovo obreo u kolotečini. Petnaest godina doslovnog zatvora isteklo je baš kada je konačno počeo da gubi nadu. Lutanje sa Zaphodom obećavalo je puno zabave, iako se činilo da postoji nešto čudnovato u vezi s njegovim rođakom, nešto što nije sasvim uspevao da shvati. Činjenica da je ovaj postao predsednik Galaksije iskreno ga je zaprepastila, kao i način na koji je napustio to mesto. Da li je sve imalo neki skriveni razlog? Zaphoda nije vredelo pitati, on kao da nikada nije imao pravog razloga za ono što čini: nepouzdanost je pretvorio u umetnost. Na sve u svom životu navaljivao je neobičnom mešavinom visprenosti i prostodušne neobaveštenosti, a često je to dvoje bilo teško razlikovati.
    Arthur slept: he was terribly tired.     Jedino je Artur spavao: bio je strašno umoran.
    There was a tap at Zaphod’s door. It slid open.     Nešto kucnu po Zaphodovim vratima. Ona se otvoriše.
    “Zaphod …?”     "Zaphode...?"
    “Yeah?”     "Aha?"
    Trillian stood outlined in an oval of light.     Na vratima je stajala Trilijan, uokvirena ovalom svetlosti.
    “I think we just found what you came to look for.”     "Mislim da smo upravo otkrili ono po šta si došao ovamo."
    “Hey, yeah?”     "Je li?"
    Ford gave up the attempt to sleep. In the corner of his cabin was a small computer screen and keyboard. He sat at it for a while and tried to compose a new entry for the Guide on the subject of Vogons but couldn’t think of anything vitriolic enough so he gave that up too, wrapped a robe round himself and went for a walk to the bridge.     Ford odustade od pokušaja da zaspi. U uglu njegove kabine nalazio se maleni kompjuterski ekran s tastaturom. Neko vreme sedeo je tamo i pokušavao da smisli novi zapis o Vogonima za Vodič, ali na um mu nije padalo ništa dovoljno otrovno, pa je odustao i od toga, omotao se ogrtačem i krenuo na šetnju do mosta.
    As he entered he was surprised to see two figures hunched excitedly over the instruments.     Kada je stigao, iznenadilo ga je što vidi dve prilike uzbuđeno nagnute nad instrumente.
    “See? The ship’s about to move into orbit,” Trillian was saying. “There’s a planet out there. It’s at the exact coordinates you predicted.”     "Vidiš? Brod samo što nije ušao na orbitu", govorila je Trilijan. "Tamo se nalazi planeta. Tačno na položaju koji si predvideo."
    Zaphod heard a noise and looked up.     Zaphod začu šum i podiže glavu.
    “Ford!” he hissed. “Hey, come and take a look at this.”     "Forde!" kazao je. "Hej, dođi da vidiš ovo."
    Ford went and had a look at it. It was a series of figures flickering over a screen.     Ford je prišao i video. Bio je to niz brojeva koji su treperili na ekranu.
    “You recognize those Galactic coordinates?” said Zaphod.     "Prepoznaješ li ove galaktičke koordinate?"
    “No.”     "Ne."
    “I’ll give you a clue. Computer!”     "Da ti malo pomognem. Kompjuteru!"
    “Hi, gang!” enthused the computer. “This is getting real sociable, isn’t it?”     "Ćao, društvo!" oduševio se kompjuter. "Pa ovo je stvarno prava prijateljska sedeljka, zar ne?"
    “Shut up,” said Zaphod, “and show up the screens.”     "Umukni", reče Zaphod, "i prikaži nam ekrane."
    Light on the bridge sank. Pinpoints of light played across the consoles and reflected in four pairs of eyes that stared up at the external monitor screens.     Svetlost na mostu potamne. Tačkice svetlosti igrale su po konzolama i odražavale se u četiri para očiju koje su gledale u ekrane monitora spoljašnjeg stanja.
    There was absolutely nothing on them.     Na njima nije se videlo baš ništa.
    “Recognize that?” whispered Zaphod.     "Prepoznaješ li ovo?" prošapta Zaphod.
    Ford frowned.     Ford se namrštio.
    “Er, no,” he said.     "Ovaj, ne", rekao je.

    “What do you see?”     "Šta vidiš?"
    “Nothing.”     "Ništa."
    “Recognize it?”     "I ne prepoznaješ?"
    “What are you talking about?”     "Ma šta to pričaš?"
    “We’re in the Horsehead Nebula. One whole vast dark cloud.”     "Nalazimo se u maglini Konjska Glava. Ogroman crni oblak."
    “And I was meant to recognize that from a blank screen?”     "I to je trebalo da zaključim na osnovu praznih ekrana?"
    “Inside a dark nebula is the only place in the Galaxy you’d see a dark screen.”     "Unutrašnjost tamne magline jedino je mesto u Galaksiji na kome možeš da dobiješ mračne ekrane."
    “Very good.”     "Baš lepo."
    Zaphod laughed. He was clearly very excited about something, almost childishly so.     Zaphod se nasmeja. Očigledno je zbog nečega bio veoma uzbuđen, gotovo poput deteta.
    “Hey, this is really terrific, this is just far too much!”     "Ej, to je stvarno strašno, naprosto previše!"
    “What’s so great about being stuck in a dust cloud?” said Ford.     "Šta je to tako divno, kada se zaglaviš usred oblaka prašine?"
    “What would you reckon to find here?” urged Zaphod.     "Šta misliš da možemo naći ovde?" navaljivao je Zaphod.
    “Nothing.”     "Ništa."
    “No stars? No planets?”     "Nikakve zvezde? Ni planete?"
    “No.”     "Ne."
    “Computer!” shouted Zaphod, “rotate angle of vision through one-eighty degrees and don’t talk about it!”     "Kompjuteru!" povikao je Zaphod. "Rotiraj ugao vidnog polja za osamdeset stepeni i ništa ne pričaj o tome!"
    For a moment it seemed that nothing was happening, then a brightness glowed at the edge of the huge screen. A red star the size of a small plate crept across it followed quickly by another one—a binary system. Then a vast crescent sliced into the corner of the picture—a red glare shading away into deep black, the night side of the planet.     Na trenutak se činilo da se ništa ne dešava, a onda sjaj ispuni ugao ogromnog ekrana. Preko njega pređe jedna crvena zvezda veličine omanjeg tanjira, a ubrzo ju je sledila još jedna - binarni sistem. Onda u ugao slike uplovi ogromni srp - njegov crveni odblesak prelazio je u duboko crnilo noćne strane planete.
    “I’ve found it!” cried Zaphod, thumping the console. “I’ve found it!”     "Našao sam je!" zaurla Zaphod i tresnu pesnicom o konzolu. "Našao sam je!"
    Ford stared at it in astonishment.     Ford je zapanjeno gledao.
    “What is it?” he said.     "Šta je to?" rekao je.
    “That …” said Zaphod, “is the most improbable planet that ever existed.”     "To...", reče Zaphod, "to je najneverovatnija planeta koja je ikada postojala."

>> Chapter 15