The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 13 

    Chapter 13     13.
    Marvin trudged on down the corridor, still moaning. “And then of course I’ve got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left-hand side …”     Marvin se vukao hodnikom i zanovetao. "A onda još osećam i taj užasni bol u svim diodama leve ruke..."
    “No?” said Arthur grimly as he walked along beside him. “Really?”     "Ma nije moguće", reče namrgođeno Artur koji je koračao pored njega.
    “Oh yes,” said Marvin, “I mean I’ve asked for them to be replaced but no one ever listens.”     "O, jeste", reče Marvin. "Molio sam da ih zamene, ali niko ne mari."
    “I can imagine.”     "Mogu misliti."
    Vague whistling and humming noises were coming from Ford. “Well well well,” he kept saying to himself, “Zaphod Beeblebrox …”     Iz Fordovog pravca dopiralo je rasejano mrmljanje i zviždukanje. "Pazi, pazi, pazi", govorio je on neprestano, "Zaphod Biblbroks..."
    Suddenly Marvin stopped, and held up a hand.     Iznenada, Marvin zastade i podiže ruku.
    “You know what’s happened now, of course?”     "Jasno vam je šta se upravo dogodilo, zar ne?"
    “No, what?” said Arthur, who didn’t want to know.     "Ne, šta?" odvrati Artur, koga to uopšte nije zanimalo.
    “We’ve arrived at another of those doors.”     "Naišli smo na još jedna ovakva vrata."
    “Well?” said Ford impatiently. “Do we go through?”     "Pa?" reče Ford nestrpljivo. "Hoćemo li tuda?"
    “Do we go through?” mimicked Marvin. “Yes. This is the entrance to the bridge. I was told to take you to the bridge. Probably the highest demand that will be made on my intellectual capacities today, I shouldn’t wonder.”     "Hoćemo li tuda?" oponašao ga je Marvin. "Da. To je ulaz na most. Naređeno mi je da vas dovedem na most. Ne bi me čudilo da to bude najsloženije današnje iskušenje za moje intelektualne sposobnosti."
    Slowly, with great loathing, he stepped toward the door, like a hunter stalking his prey. Suddenly it slid open.     Lagano, s ogromnim prezirom, kročio je prema vratima, poput lovca koji vreba žrtvu. Iznenada, vrata se otvoriše.
    “Thank you,” it said, “for making a simple door very happy.”     "Hvala vam", rekoše, "što činite jednostavna vrata srećnim."
    Deep in Marvin’s thorax gears ground.     Duboko u Marvinovim grudima zaškripaše zupčanici.
    “Funny,” he intoned funereally, “how just when you think life can’t possibly get any worse it suddenly does.”     "Smešno", reče on grobnim glasom, "i kad pomislite da život nikako ne može da bude gori nego što jeste, to se ipak desi."
    He heaved himself through the door and left Ford and Arthur staring at each other and shrugging their shoulders. From inside they heard Marvin’s voice again.     Ušao je na vrata i ostavio Forda i Artura da se zagledaju i sležu ramenima. Iznutra ponovo začuše Marvinov glas.
    “I suppose you’ll want to see the aliens now,” he said. “Do you want me to sit in a corner and rust, or just fall apart where I’m standing?”     "Pretpostavljam da sada želite da vidite tuđince", reče on. "Da li sada želite da odem u ugao i tamo rđam, ili da se jednostavno raspadnem ovde gde stojim?"
    “Yeah, just show them in, would you, Marvin?” came another voice.     "Da, da, samo ih uvedi, molim te, Marvine", začu se drugi glas.
    Arthur looked at Ford and was astonished to see him laughing.     Artur pogleda Forda i zaprepasti se kada vide da se ovaj smeje.
    “What’s …?”     "Šta...?"
    “Shhh,” said Ford, “come on in.”     "Pst," reče Ford, "uđi."
    He stepped through into the bridge.     Ušao je na most.
    Arthur followed him in nervously and was astonished to see a man lolling back in a chair with his feet on a control console picking the teeth in his right-hand head with his left hand. The right-hand head seemed to be thoroughly preoccupied with this task, but the left-hand one was grinning a broad, relaxed, nonchalant grin. The number of things that Arthur couldn’t believe he was seeing was fairly large. His jaw flopped about at a loose end for a while.     Artur ga je uznemireno sledio i zaprepastio se kada je video čoveka koji je bio zavaljen u fotelju, s nogama na komandnoj konzoli, dok je levom rukom čačkao zube svoje desne glave. Desna glava delovala je prilično zaokupljeno tim poslom, ali leva se smešila širokim, opuštenim i vedrim osmehom. Broj stvari pred Arturom u koje ovaj nije mogao da poveruje bio je popriličan. Usta mu se otvoriše i ostadoše neko vreme u tom položaju.
    The peculiar man waved a lazy wave at Ford and with an appalling affectation of nonchalance said, “Ford, hi, how are you? Glad you could drop in.”     Neobični čovek tromo mahnu Fordu i s ogavno nonšalantnim izrazom lica reče: "Ćao, Forde, kako si? Lepo od tebe što si svratio."
    Ford was not going to be outcooled.     Ford nije nameravao da bude nadmašen u mirnoći.
    “Zaphod,” he drawled, “great to see you, you’re looking well, the extra arm suits you. Nice ship you’ve stolen.”     "O, Zaphode", kazao je, "baš mi je drago što se vidimo, dobro izgledaš, ruka viška lepo ti stoji. Fini brod si zdipio."
    Arthur goggled at him.     Artur je zurio u njega.
    “You mean you know this guy?” he said, waving a wild finger at Zaphod.     "Hoćeš da kažeš da poznaješ ovog čoveka?" upita on, divlje upirući prstom u Zaphoda.

    “Know him!” exclaimed Ford, “he’s …” he paused, and decided to do the introductions the other way round. “Oh, Zaphod, this is a friend of mine, Arthur Dent,” he said. “I saved him when his planet blew up.”     "Da li ga poznajem!" uskliknu on. "Pa to je..." On zastade. Potom odluči da predstavljanje izvede na drugačiji način. "O Zaphode, ovo je moj prijatelj, Artur Dent", reče on. "Spasao sam ga kad mu je planeta eksplodirala."
    “Oh sure,” said Zaphod, “hi, Arthur, glad you could make it.” His right-hand head looked round casually, said “hi” and went back to having its teeth picked.     "A, je li?", reče Zaphod. "E pa, ćao, Arture, baš mi je drago što ti je to pošlo za rukom." Njegova desna glava nemarno se okrete, takođe reče "Ćao" i ponovo se posveti čačkanju zuba.
    Ford carried on. “And Arthur,” he said, “this is my semi-cousin Zaphod Beeb …”     Ford produži. "Arture", reče on, "ovo je moj dalji rođak Zaphod Bib..."
    “We’ve met,” said Arthur sharply.     "Već se poznajemo", reče Artur oštro.
    When you’re cruising down the road in the fast lane and you lazily sail past a few hard-driving cars and are feeling pretty pleased with yourself and then accidentally change down from fourth to first instead of third thus making your engine leap out of your hood in a rather ugly mess, it tends to throw you off your stride in much the same way that this remark threw Ford Prefect off his.     Kada jurite putem niz najbržu traku i puni sebe glatko projezdite pored nekoliko automobila, koji se na jedvite jade vuku istim smerom, a onda slučajno promenite brzinu iz četvrte u prvu umesto u petu i time sve što se nalazi ispod motorskog poklopca dovedete u prilično jadno stanje, to će vas izbaciti iz koloseka otprilike onako kako je ova izjava delovala na Forda.
    “Er … what?” he said.     "Ovaj... šta reče?" kazao je.
    “I said we’ve met.”     "Kažem, već se poznajemo."
    Zaphod gave an awkward start of surprise and jabbed a gum sharply.     Zaphod se izbeči od iznenađenja i oštrije pročačka desni.
    “Hey … er, have we? Hey … er …”     "Je l'... ovaj, zaista? Je l'... Ovaj..."
    Ford rounded on Arthur with an angry flash in his eyes. Now he felt he was back on home ground he suddenly began to resent having lumbered himself with this ignorant primitive who knew as much about the affairs of the Galaxy as an Ilford-based gnat knew about life in Peking.     Ford se okrete prema Arturu s gnevnim bleskom u očima. Sada kada se ponovo nalazio na domaćem terenu iznenada je počeo da žali što se našao s tom primitivnom neznalicom, koja je o galaktičkim prilikama znala koliko i ilfordska vaška o životu u Pekingu.
    “What do you mean you’ve met?” he demanded. “This is Zaphod Beeblebrox from Betelgeuse Five, you know, not bloody Martin Smith from Croydon.”     "Šta hoćeš da kažeš time da se poznajete?" upitao je. "Znaš, ovo je Zaphod Biblbroks sa Betelgeza, a ne neki tamo prokleti Martin Smit iz Krojdona."
    “I don’t care,” said Arthur coldly. “We’ve met, haven’t we, Zaphod Beeblebrox—or should I say … Phil?”     "Briga me", reče Artur ledeno. "Već smo se ranije sreli, Zaphode Biblbrokse - ili je bolje da kažem... File?"
    “What!” shouted Ford.     "Šta?" dreknu Ford.
    “You’ll have to remind me,” said Zaphod. “I’ve a terrible memory for species.”     "Moraćeš da me podsetiš", reče Zaphod, "strašno loše pamtim strane vrste."
    “It was at a party,” pursued Arthur.     "Bilo je to na žurki"? ustrajao je Artur.
    “Yeah, well, I doubt that,” said Zaphod.     "A je li, e u to malo sumnjam", reče Zaphod.
    “Cool it, will you, Arthur!” demanded Ford.     "O'ladi malo Arture, znaš!" prasnuo je Ford.
    Arthur would not be deterred. “A party six months ago. On Earth … England …”     Artur nije dozvolio da ga to omete. "Na žurki pre šest meseci. Na Zemlji... U Engleskoj."
    Zaphod shook his head with a tight-lipped smile.     Zaphod zavrte glavom, kruto se osmehujući.
    “London,” insisted Arthur, “Islington.”     "London", insistirao je Artur, "Ajzlington."
    “Oh,” said Zaphod with a guilty start, “that party.”     "A", reče Zaphod s pogledom punim krivice, "ta žurka!"
    This wasn’t fair on Ford at all. He looked backward and forward between Arthur and Zaphod. “What?” he said to Zaphod. “You don’t mean to say you’ve been on that miserable little planet as well, do you?”     To nije bilo nimalo pošteno prema Fordu. Gledao je čas u Artura, čas u Zaphoda. "Šta?" reče on Zaphodu. "Nećeš valjda da kažeš da si bio na toj bednoj planetici?"
    “No, of course not,” said Zaphod breezily. “Well, I may have just dropped in briefly, you know, on my way somewhere …”     "Ne, razume se da nisam", reče Zaphod živo. "U stvari, možda sam malo i navratio, onako uz put..."
    “But I was stuck there for fifteen years!”     "Ali ja sam tamo bio zarobljen petnaest godina!"
    “Well, I didn’t know that, did I?”     "Pa ja to nisam mogao da znam, zar ne?"
    “But what were you doing there?”     "Ali šta si radio tamo?"
    “Looking about, you know.”     "Malo se muvao, tek onako, znaš."
    “He gate-crashed a party,” said Arthur, trembling with anger, “a fancy dress party …”     "Upao je nepozvan na žurku", reče Artur, kipteći od besa, "u stvari posredi je bio maskenbal..."
    “It would have to be, wouldn’t it?” said Ford.     "Ma nije valjda?" reče Ford.
    “At this party,” persisted Arthur, “was a girl … oh, well, look, it doesn’t matter now. The whole place has gone up in smoke anyway …”     "Na toj žurki", nije odustajao Artur, "bila je devojka koja... Eh, dobro, čuj, to sada ionako više nije važno. Čitavo mesto otišlo je u dim..."

    “I wish you’d stop sulking about that bloody planet,” said Ford. “Who was the lady?”     "Voleo bih kada bi prestao da kmečiš za tom prokletom planetom", reče Ford. "Ko je bila ta dama?"
    “Oh, just somebody. Well all right, I wasn’t doing very well with her. I’d been trying all evening. Hell, she was something though. Beautiful, charming, devastatingly intelligent, at last I’d got her to myself for a bit and was plying her with a bit of talk when this friend of yours barges up and says, ‘Hey doll, is this guy boring you? Why don’t you talk to me instead? I’m from a different planet.’ I never saw her again.”     "Ah, tako, jedna cura. U redu, nije mi s njom išlo baš najbolje. Pokušavao sam čitavo veče. Vrag ga odneo, baš je bila dobro parče. Vrlo zgodna, strašno pametna, a kad sam najzad uspeo da ostanem nasamo s njom i počeo da je barim pričom, upao je taj tvoj prijatelj i rekao: 'Hej, lutko, jel' te taj tip gnjavi? Što ne popričaš malo sa mnom, ja sam s druge planete.' Više je nikad nisam video."
    “Zaphod?” exclaimed Ford.     "Zaphod!" uzviknu Ford.
    “Yes,” said Arthur, glaring at him and trying not to feel foolish. “He only had the two arms and the one head and he called himself Phil, but …”     "Da", reče Artur, gledajući ga i trudeći se da ne izgleda budalasto. "Imao je samo dve ruke i jednu glavu, a sebe je nazivao Fil, ali..."
    “But you must admit he did turn out to be from another planet,” said Trillian, wandering into sight at the other end of the bridge. She gave Arthur a pleasant smile which settled on him like a ton of bricks and then turned her attention to the ship’s controls again.     "Ali moraš priznati da se zaista ispostavilo da dolazi s druge planete", reče Trilijan i pojavi se na drugom kraju mosta. Uputila je Arturu ljubazan osmeh, koji se na njega sručio poput tone cigli, a onda se ponovo okrenula brodskim komandama.
    There was silence for a few seconds, and then out of the scrambled mess of Arthur’s brain crawled some words.     Tišina je potrajala nekoliko sekundi, a onda iz uskovitlane zbrke koja je vladala u Arturovom mozgu na površinu isplivaše reči.
    “Tricia McMillan?” he said. “What are you doing here?”     "Triša Mekmilan?" rekao je. "Šta ti radiš ovde?"
    “Same as you,” she said, “I hitched a lift. After all, with a degree in math and another in astrophysics what else was there to do? It was either that or the dole queue again on Monday.”     "Isto što i ti", rekla je, "autostopirala sam za ovaj let. Posle čitave petljavine s ispitom iz matematike i iz astrofizike, šta sam drugo mogla? Ili to ili ponovo ista stara pesma u ponedeljak."
    “Infinity minus one,” chattered the computer. “Improbability sum now complete.”     "Beskonačnost minus jedan", začavrlja kompjuter. "Zbir neverovatnoće kompletan."
    Zaphod looked about him, at Ford, at Arthur, and then at Trillian.     Zaphod se okrete i pogleda najpre Forda, zatim Artura, a potom Trilijan.
    “Trillian,” he said, “is this sort of thing going to happen every time we use the Improbability Drive?”     "Trilijan", reče on. "Hoće li nam se ovakve stvari dešavati svaki put kada koristimo Pogon Neverovatnoće?"
    “Very probably, I’m afraid,” she said.     "Vrlo verovatno, bojim se", kazala je.

>> Chapter 14