The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Adams Douglas


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 

Chapter 11 

    Chapter 11     11.
    The improbability-proof control cabin of the Heart of Gold looked like a perfectly conventional spaceship except that it was perfectly clean because it was so new. Some of the control seats hadn’t had the plastic wrapping taken off yet. The cabin was mostly white, oblong, and about the size of a smallish restaurant. In fact it wasn’t perfectly oblong: the two long walls were raked round in a slight parallel curve, and all the angles and corners of the cabin were contoured in excitingly chunky shapes. The truth of the matter is that it would have been a great deal simpler and more practical to build the cabin as an ordinary three-dimensional oblong room, but then the designers would have got miserable. As it was the cabin looked excitingly purposeful, with large video screens ranged over the control and guidance system panels on the concave wall, and long banks of computers set into the convex wall. In one corner a robot sat humped, its gleaming brushed steel head hanging loosely between its gleaming brushed steel knees. It too was fairly new, but though it was beautifully constructed and polished it somehow looked as if the various parts of its more or less humanoid body didn’t quite fit properly. In fact they fitted perfectly well, but something in its bearing suggested that they might have fitted better.     Komandna kabina 'Zlatnog srca' sa svojom izolacijom od verovatnoće delovala je kao deo savršeno običnog svemirskog broda, osim što je bila potpuno čista, jer bila je tako nova. S nekih kontrolnih sedišta nisu još bile skinute ni navlake od plastične folije. Kabina je bila uglavnom bela, pravougaona i velika poput kakvog omanjeg restorana. U stvari, njen oblik nije bio savršeno pravougaon: dva duža zida bila su povijena i imala su oblik blago zakrivljenih, uporednih ploča, a svi uglovi i krajevi predmeta po kabini bili su izvedeni u zgodno zaobljenim oblicima. Istini za volju, bilo bi mnogo jednostavnije i praktičnije da je kabina napravljena kao najobičnija četvrtasta prostorija, ali na taj način dizajneri se ne bi iskazali. Ovako, kabina je delovala strašno funkcionalno, sa ogromnim video ekranima raspoređenim po pločama komandnog i upravljačkog sistema, svuda po udubljenom zidu, i sa dugačkim nizovima kompjutera postavljenih u ispupčeni zid. U jednom uglu sedeo je pogrbljeni robot; njegova svetlucava, uglačana, čelična glava mlitavo je visila između svetlucavih, uglačanih, čeličnih kolena. I on je bio nov, ali iako divno načinjen i uglačan, nekako je odavao utisak da delovi njegovog manje-više humanoidnog tela nisu baš najbolje uklopljeni. U stvari, bili su savršeno uklopljeni, ali nešto u položaju njihovih ležišta nagoveštavalo je da bi mogli i bolje.
    Zaphod Beeblebrox paced nervously up and down the cabin, brushing his hands over pieces of gleaming equipment and giggling with excitement.     Zaphod Biblbroks nervozno je koračao gore-dole po kabini, prelazio rukama preko delova blistave opreme i uzbuđeno se kikotao.
    Trillian sat hunched over a clump of instruments reading off figures. Her voice was carried round the tannoy system of the whole ship.     Trilijan je sedela pognuta nad gomilom uređaja i očitavala podatke; glas joj je išao preko razglasa čitavog broda:
    “Five to one against and falling …” she said, “four to one against and falling … three to one … two … one … probability factor of one to one … we have normality, I repeat we have normality.” She turned her microphone off—then turned it back on— with a slight smile and continued: “Anything you still can’t cope with is therefore your own problem. Please relax. You will be sent for soon.”     "Pet prema jedan i opada...", rekla je, "četiri prema jedan i opada... tri prema jedan... dva... jedan... činilac verovatnoće jedan prema jedan... Dostigli smo normalno stanje, ponavljam, dostigli smo normalno stanje." Isključila je mikrofon - zatim ga je, s blagim osmehom, ponovo uključila i dodala: "Ukoliko još postoji nešto s čim ne možete da iziđete nakraj, to je vaš lični problem. Smirite se. Uskoro će neko doći po vas."
    Zaphod burst out in annoyance, “Who are they, Trillian?”     Zaphod iznervirano prasnu: "Ma, ko su uopšte oni, Trilijan?"
    Trillian spun her seat round to face him and shrugged.     Trilijan okrete sedište prema njemu i sleže ramenima.
    “Just a couple of guys we seem to have picked up in open space,” she said. “Section ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha.”     "Dva momka koja smo pokupili u otvorenom svemiru", rekla je, "u oblasti ZZ9 Plural Z Alfa."
    “Yeah, well, that’s a very sweet thought, Trillian,” complained Zaphod, “but do you really think it’s wise under the circumstances? I mean, here we are on the run and everything, we must have the police of half the Galaxy after us by now, and we stop to pick up hitchhikers. Okay, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?”     "Aha, bilo je to baš lepo od tebe, Trilijan," namrgodio se on, "ali misliš li da je bilo i pametno, s obzirom na okolnosti? Hoću da kažem, u bekstvu smo i tako dalje, za vratom nam je sigurno pola galaktičke policije, a mi se zaustavljamo i primamo autostopere. Dobro, za manire čista desetka, ali za pamet minus nekoliko miliona, važi?"
    He tapped irritably at a control panel. Trillian quietly moved his hand before he tapped anything important. Whatever Zaphod’s qualities of mind might include—dash, bravado, conceit— he was mechanically inept and could easily blow the ship up with an extravagant gesture. Trillian had come to suspect that the main reason he had had such a wild and successful life was that he never really understood the significance of anything he did.     Iznervirano je lupkao po komandnoj tabli. Trilijan ćutke ukloni njegovu ruku odatle, pre nego što je stigao da lupne po nečem važnom. Kakva god inače bila Zaphodova svojstva - brzopletost, tvrdoglavost, taština - u mehaničkom pogledu bio je nepoželjan na tom mestu, jer lako se moglo desiti da nepromišljenim pokretom raznese brod. Trilijan poče da podozreva tog časa da je njegov život bio toliko buran i uspešan zbog toga što, u stvari, nikada nije shvatio značaj onoga čime se bavio.
    “Zaphod,” she said patiently, “they were floating unprotected in open space … you wouldn’t want them to have died, would you?”     "Zaphode", reče ona strpljivo, "lebdeli su nezaštićeni u otvorenom svemiru... Valjda ne bi dopustio da umru?"
    “Well, you know … no. Not as such, but …”     "Pa, znaš Ne baš tako, ali..."
    “Not as such? Not die as such? But?” Trillian cocked her head on one side.     "Ne baš tako? Da ne umru baš tako? Ali?"
    “Well, maybe someone else might have picked them up later.”     "Pa, možda bi ih kasnije pokupio neko drugi."
    “A second later and they would have been dead.”     "Još samo sekunda i oni bi bili mrtvi."
    “Yeah, so if you’d taken the trouble to think about the problem a bit longer it would have gone away.”     "Aha! Prema tome, da si samo još malo razmislila o problemu, on bi se sam razrešio."
    “You’d have been happy to let them die?”     "Tebi bi bilo drago da si ih ostavio da umru?"
    “Well, you know, not happy as such, but …”     "Pa, znaš, ne baš drago, ali..."
    “Anyway,” said Trillian, turning back to the controls, “I didn’t pick them up.”     "Svejedno", reče Trilijan i ponovo se okrenu komandama, "ja ih i nisam pokupila."
    “What do you mean? Who picked them up then?”     "Šta hoćeš time da kažeš? Ko ih je onda primio?"
    “The ship did.”     "Brod."
    “Huh?”     "Ha?"
    “The ship did. All by itself.”     "To je učinio brod. Sam od sebe."
    “Huh?”     "Ha?"
    “While we were in Improbability Drive.”     "Dok nas je pokretao pogon beskonačne neverovatnoće."
    “But that’s incredible.”     "Ali to je nemoguće."
    “No, Zaphod. Just very very improbable.”     "Nije, Zaphode. Samo je vrlo, vrlo malo verovatno."
    “Er, yeah.”     "Ovaj, da."
    “Look, Zaphod,” she said, patting his arm, “don’t worry about the aliens. They’re just a couple of guys, I expect. I’ll send the robot down to get them and bring them up here. Hey, Marvin!”     "Čuj, Zaphode", kazala je i potapšala ga po ruci, "nemoj da brineš zbog stranaca. Verovatno su posredi dva sasvim obična momka. Poslaću dole robota da ih dovede. Hej, Marvine!"

    In the corner, the robot’s head swung up sharply, but then wobbled about imperceptibly. It pulled itself up to its feet as if it was about five pounds heavier than it actually was, and made what an outside observer would have thought was a heroic effort to cross the room. It stopped in front of Trillian and seemed to stare through her left shoulder.     U uglu, glava robota oštro se podigla, ali je potom jedva primetno zadrhtala. On se podiže kao da je težio jedno pet funti više nego što jeste i započe nešto što bi neupućenom posmatraču delovalo kao junački napor da pređe sobu. Zastao je pored Trilijan; delovao je kao da zuri kroz njeno levo rame.
    “I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed,” it said. Its voice was low and hopeless.     "Mislim da bi trebalo da znate da se osećam izuzetno potišteno", rekao je. Glas mu je bio vrlo dubok i lišen svake nade.
    “Oh God,” muttered Zaphod, and slumped into a seat.     "O, Bože", promrmlja Zaphod i svali se u sedište.
    “Well,” said Trillian in a bright compassionate tone, “here’s something to occupy you and keep your mind off things.”     "Pa", reče Trilijan veselim, samouverenim glasom, "evo nečega što će te uposliti i skrenuti tvoje misli na nešto drugo."
    “It won’t work,” droned Marvin, “I have an exceptionally large mind.”     "Neće uspeti", zabrunda Marvin, "imam izuzetno veliki um."
    “Marvin!” warned Trillian.     "Marvine!" opomenula ga je Trilijan.
    “All right,” said Marvin, “what do you want me to do?”     "U redu", reče Marvin, "šta želiš da uradim?"
    “Go down to number two entry bay and bring the two aliens up here under surveillance.”     "Siđi do prolaza broj dva i dovedi odande dva tuđinca."
    With a microsecond pause, and a finely calculated micro-modulation of pitch and timbre—nothing you could actually take offense at—Marvin managed to convey his utter contempt and horror of all things human.     S mikrosekundom pauze i krajnje proračunatom visinom i bojom glasa - ništa zbog čega biste se mogli stvarno uvrediti - Marvin je uspeo da izrazi svoj prezir i zgražavanje prema svemu što je ljudsko.
    “Just that?” he said.     "Samo to?" kazao je.
    “Yes,” said Trillian firmly.     "Da", reče Trilijan čvrstim glasom.
    “I won’t enjoy it,” said Marvin.     "To mi se ne dopada", reče Marvin.
    Zaphod leaped out of his seat.     Zaphod skoči sa svog sedišta.
    “She’s not asking you to enjoy it,” he shouted, “just do it, will you?”     "Ona te ne pita da li ti se to dopada", dreknuo je, "nego ti naređuje da je poslušaš, znaš?"
    “All right,” said Marvin, like the tolling of a great cracked bell, “I’ll do it.”     "U redu", reče Marvin glasom koji je sad podsećao na zvuk ogromnog puknutog zvona, "učiniću to."
    “Good …” snapped Zaphod, “great … thank you …”     "Dobro...", zareža Zaphod, "sjajno... Baš ti hvala."
    Marvin turned and lifted his flat-topped triangular red eyes up toward him.     Marvin se okrete i podiže prema njima svoje crvene oči u obliku preokrenutih trouglova.
    “I’m not getting you down at all, am I?” he said pathetically.     "Ja vas nimalo ne uzrujavam, zar ne?" upita on patetično.
    “No, no, Marvin,” lilted Trillian, “that’s just fine, really….”     "Ma ne, ne, Marvine", zapevuši Trilijan, "sve je u najboljem redu, zaista..."
    “I wouldn’t like to think I was getting you down.”     "Ne bi mi se dopala pomisao da vas uzrujavam."
    “No, don’t worry about that,” the lilt continued, “you just act as comes naturally and everything will be just fine.”     "Ne, ne brini za to", nastavilo se pevušenje, "samo se ti ponašaj prirodno i sve će biti u redu."
    “You’re sure you don’t mind?” probed Marvin.     "Sigurni ste da ne marite?" želeo je Marvin da bude siguran.
    “No, no, Marvin,” lilted Trillian, “that’s just fine, really … just part of life.”     "Ne, ne, Marvine", otpevuši Trilijan, "stvarno je sve u redu... Znaš, takav je život."
    Marvin flashed her an electronic look.     Marvin sevnu svojim elektronskim pogledom.
    “Life,” said Marvin, “don’t talk to me about life.”     "Život", reče on, "ništa mi ne pričajte o životu."
    He turned hopelessly on his heel and lugged himself out of the cabin. With a satisfied hum and a click the door closed behind him.     Okrenuo se na potpeticama i mrzovoljno se odvukao iz kabine. Vrata se zatvoriše za njim uz zadovoljno zujanje i škljocanje.
    “I don’t think I can stand that robot much longer, Zaphod,” growled Trillian.     "Mislim da neću moći još dugo da podnosim tog robota, Zaphode", progunđala je Trilijan.
    The Encyclopedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as “Your Plastic Pal Who’s Fun to Be With.”     Enciklopedija Galaktika definiše robota kao mehanički uređaj koji je projektovan da obavlja čovekov posao. Reklamno odeljenje Sirijuske kibernetske korporacija definiše robota kao 'vašeg plastičnog drugara uz koga je tako zabavno'.
    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy defines the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as “a bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes,” with a footnote to the effect that the editors would welcome applications from anyone interested in taking over the post of robotics correspondent.     Autostoperski vodič kroz Galaksiju definiše reklamno odeljenje Sirijuske kibernetske korporacije kao 'bandu nesposobnih tupadžija koje će prve uza zid kad se digne kuka i motika', uz opasku da izdavači očekuju javljanje svih onih koje zanima mesto dopisnika za robotiku.
    Curiously enough, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica that had the good fortune to fall through a time warp from a thousand years in the future defined the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as “a bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.”     Zanimljiv je podatak da jedno izdanje Enciklopedije Galaktike koje je srećnom slučajnošću dospelo kroz vremenski procep iz budućnosti daleke hiljadu godina definiše reklamno odeljenje Sirijuske kibernetske korporacije kao 'bandu nesposobnih tupadžija koje su prve uza zid kad se digla kuka i motika.'

    The pink cubicle had winked out of existence, the monkeys had sunk away to a better dimension. Ford and Arthur found themselves in the embarkation area of the ship. It was rather smart.     Ružičasta kabina je iščezla, a majmunčići su prešli u neku srećniju dimenziju. Artur i Ford obreli su se u putničkom odeljku jednog kosmičkog broda. Bilo je to prilično elegantno mesto.
    “I think this ship’s brand new,” said Ford.     "Izgleda da je ovaj brod baš nov", reče Ford.
    “How can you tell?” asked Arthur. “Have you got some exotic device for measuring the age of metal?”     "Otkud znaš?" upita Artur. "Zar si pronašao neki neobični uređaj za određivanje starosti metala?"
    “No, I just found this sales brochure lying on the floor. It’s a lot of ‘the Universe can be yours’ stuff. Ah! Look, I was right.”     "Ne, nego našao sam ovaj prodajni prospekt na podu. Prepun je onih stvarčica, tipa 'svemir može biti vaš', Ah! Pogledaj, bio sam u pravu."
    Ford jabbed at one of the pages and showed it to Arthur.     Ford presavi jednu od stranica i pokaza je Arturu.
    “It says: ‘Sensational new breakthrough in Improbability Physics. As soon as the ship’s drive reaches Infinite Improbability it passes through every point in the Universe. Be the envy of other major governments.’ Wow, this is big league stuff.”     "Kaže: Senzacionalno otkriće u fizici neverovatnoće. Čim brodski pogon dostigne beskonačnu neverovatnoću, on prolazi kroz svaku tačku u svemiru. Neka vam zavide vlade drugih velikih sila. Au, ovo je baš stvar na visokom nivou."
    Ford hunted excitedly through the technical specs of the ship, occasionally gasping with astonishment at what he read— clearly Galactic astrotechnology had moved ahead during the years of his exile.     Ford je oduševljeno listao tehničke podatke broda i tu i tamo uzviknuo bi od zaprepašćenja na ono što je pročitao - očigledno je galaktička astrotehnologija prilično uznapredovala tokom godina njegovog izgnanstva.
    Arthur listened for a short while, but being unable to understand the vast majority of what Ford was saying, he began to let his mind wander, trailing his fingers along the edge of an incomprehensible computer bank. He reached out and pressed an invitingly large red button on a nearby panel. The panel lit up with the words Please do not press this button again. He shook himself.     Artur je neko vreme slušao, ali pošto uglavnom nije razumeo šta to Ford govori, misli počeše da mu lutaju; prelazio je prstima po rubovima nerazumljivih komjuterskih blokova u zidu, a potom je pružio ruku i pritisnuo jedno izazovno, veliko, crveno dugme na obližnjoj tabli. Na tabli se osvetliše reči: Molim vas, nemojte više da dirate ovo dugme. On zavrte glavom.
    “Listen,” said Ford, who was still engrossed in the sales brochure, “they make a big thing of the ship’s cybernetics. ‘A new generation of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation robots and computers, with the new GPP feature.’”     "Čuj", reče Ford, koji je još bio obuzet prospektom, "napravili su baš veliki korak u brodskoj kibernetici. Nova generacija robota i kompjutera Sirijuske kibernetske korporacije s novim OLJL osobinama."
    “GPP feature?” said Arthur. “What’s that?”     "OLJL osobine?" reče Artur. "Šta mu je to?"
    “Oh, it says Genuine People Personalities.”     "Ah, to znači 'originalne ljudske ličnosti'."
    “Oh,” said Arthur, “sounds ghastly.”     "Oh", reče Artur, "zvuči ogavno."
    A voice behind them said, “It is.” The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound. They spun round and saw an abject steel man standing hunched in the doorway.     Glas iza njegovih leđa reče: "I jeste". Bio je dubok i lišen svake nade, a pratio ga je lagani zvuk udara 'metala o metal'. Oni se okrenuše i spaziše čeličnog čoveka koji je delovao strašno potišteno dok je pogrbljeno stajao na ulazu.
    “What?” they said.     "Šta?" rekoše oni uglas.
    “Ghastly,” continued Marvin, “it all is. Absolutely ghastly. Just don’t even talk about it. Look at this door,” he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits cut in to his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of the sales brochure. “‘All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done.’”     "Ogavno", produžio je Marvin. "Prava istina. U potpunosti. Najbolje da ne pričamo o tome. Pogledajte samo ova vrata", rekao je i koraknuo kroz njih. U njegov glasovni modulator uključiše se ironizaciona kola dok je oponašao stil kojim je pisan prospekt: "'Sva vrata na ovom brodu ponašaju se vedro i raspoloženo. Za njih je uživanje da se otvore pred vama, a pravo zadovoljstvo da se zatvore, svesna da su dobro obavila svoj posao.'"
    As the door closed behind them it became apparent that it did indeed have a satisfied sighlike quality to it. “​H​u​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​y​u​m​m​m​m​m​m​m​ ah!” it said.     Kada se vrata zatvoriše za njim, primetili su da su pri tom zaista ispustila uzdah zadovoljstva. "Hummmmmmmiammmmmmm ah!" kazala su.
    Marvin regarded it with cold loathing while his logic circuits chattered with disgust and tinkered with the concept of directing physical violence against it. Further circuits cut in saying, Why bother? What’s the point? Nothing is worth getting involved in. Further circuits amused themselves by analyzing the molecular components of the door, and of the humanoids’ brain cells. For a quick encore they measured the level of hydrogen emissions in the surrounding cubic parsec of space and then shut down again in boredom. A spasm of despair shook the robot’s body as he turned.     Marvin ih je posmatrao s ledenim prezirom, a njegova logička kola drhtala su od gađenja i poigravala se mišlju o fizičkom nasilju protiv vrata. Onda su se umešala druga kola, koja rekoše: zašto se uznemiravati? Čemu sve to? Nisu ona vredna. A druga kola zabavljala su se analiziranjem molekularnih sastava vrata i moždanih ćelija humanoida. Na bis su izmerila i nivo emisije vodonika u okolnom kubnom preseku svemira, a onda se ponovo isključiše, iz dosade. Dok se robot okretao, telom mu prođe grč beznađa.
    “Come on,” he droned, “I’ve been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? ’Cos I don’t.”     "Dođite", zbrundao je on, "naređeno mi je da vas odvedem na most. Eto mene, mozga velikog poput planete, a oni traže da vas dovedem na most. I takav posao zovete zadovoljstvom? Ja, naime, ne mislim tako."
    He turned and walked back to the hated door.     Okrenuo se i prišao omraženim vratima.
    “Er, excuse me,” said Ford, following after him, “which government owns this ship?”     "Ovaj, izvini", reče Ford koji ga je sledio, "kojoj vladi pripada ovaj brod?"
    Marvin ignored him.     Marvin nije obraćao pažnju na njega.
    “You watch this door,” he muttered, “it’s about to open again. I can tell by the intolerable air of smugness it suddenly generates.”     "Pogledajte sad ova vrata", promrmljao je on. "Ponovo se spremaju da se otvore. Znam to po nepodnošljivom samozadovoljstvu koje iznenada počinju da zrače."
    With an ingratiating little whine the door slid open again and Marvin stomped through.     Uz tih, uslužan zvuk vrata skliznuše u stranu, a Marvin teškim koracima prođe na drugu stranu.
    “Come on,” he said.     "Dođite", rekao je.
    The others followed quickly and the door slid back into place with pleased little clicks and whirrs.     Oni brzo pođoše za njim, a vrata skliznuše na svoje mesto uz zadovoljno zujanje i škljocanje.
    “Thank you the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation,” said Marvin, and trudged desolately up the gleaming curved corridor that stretched out before them. “Let’s build robots with Genuine People Personalities, they said. So they tried it out with me. I’m a personality prototype. You can tell, can’t you?”     "Hvala ti, Sirijuska kibernetska korporacijo", reče Marvin i poče nesrećno da se vuče svetlucavim, zakrivljenim hodnikom koji se pružao pred njima. 'Hajde da pravimo robote s originalnim ljudskim ličnostima, rekli su. A onda su pokušali sa mnom. Ja sam prototipska ličnost. Vidi se, zar ne?"
    Ford and Arthur muttered embarrassed little disclaimers.     Ford i Artur zbunjeno promrmljaše da ne misle tako.
    “I hate that door,” continued Marvin. “I’m not getting you down at all, am I?”     "Mrzim ta vrata", nastavio je Marvin. "Čujte, da vas ja slučajno ne opterećujem?"
    “Which government …” started Ford again.     "Koja vlada..." poče Ford ponovo.
    “No government owns it,” snapped the robot, “it’s been stolen.”     "Nijedna vlada nije vlasnik", odreza robot. "Brod je ukraden".

    “Stolen?”     "Ukraden?"
    “Stolen?” mimicked Marvin.     "Ukraden?" oponašao ga je Marvin.
    “Who by?” asked Ford.     "A ko je to učinio?" upita Ford.
    “Zaphod Beeblebrox.”     "Zaphod Biblbroks".
    Something extraordinary happened to Ford’s face. At least five entirely separate and distinct expressions of shock and amazement piled up on it in a jumbled mess. His left leg, which was in midstride, seemed to have difficulty in finding the floor again. He stared at the robot and tried to disentangle some dartoid muscles.     S Fordovim licem desilo se nešto vrlo neobično. Najmanje pet potpuno različitih i zasebnih izraza šoka i zaprepašćenja skupilo se na njemu u jedinstvenu zbrku. Njegova leva noga, dignuta u pola koraka, kao da je imala teškoća da ponovo pronađe pod. Zurio je u robota i mučio se da ponovo pokrene neke od vretenastih mišića.
    “Zaphod Beeblebrox …?” he said weakly.     "Zaphod Biblbroks...?" reče on slabašnim glasom.
    “Sorry, did I say something wrong?” said Marvin, dragging himself on regardless. “Pardon me for breathing, which I never do anyway so I don’t know why I bother to say it, oh God, I’m so depressed. Here’s another of those self-satisfied doors. Life! Don’t talk to me about life.”     "Izvinjavam se ako sam rekao nešto što nije trebalo", reče Marvin i produži, ne osvrćući se. "Žalim, kriv sam što sam živ, u stvari ja zapravo nisam živ, pa mi nije jasno zašto sam to zapravo rekao, o Bože, toliko sam potišten. Evo još jednih samozadovoljnih vrata. Život! Ne pominjite mi život!"
    “No one even mentioned it,” muttered Arthur irritably. “Ford, are you all right?”     "Niko ga i nije pomenuo", ozlojeđeno promrmlja Artur. "Forde, jesi li dobro?"
    Ford stared at him. “Did that robot say Zaphod Beeblebrox?” he said.     Ford ga je netremice gledao. "Da li je taj robot rekao Zaphod Biblbroks?"

>> Chapter 12