Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


Cab drivers







Best man

Chinese people



Horse racing


Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 

Best man 

    Inače sam samac, nema drugih mamaka zakačenih s mnom.     I'm a single guy, by the way, there are no other guys attached to me.
    Puno vam hvala. Hvala vam. I ja vas volim.     Thank you very much. Thank you. I love you, too.
    Ali da li imam potrebu da se viđam s drugima.     But I do feel the need to see other people.
    Bio sam nekako angažiran prije 10-tak godina.     I was kinda engaged about 10 or so years ago.
    Nisam se htio ženiti, to je bilo nabliže što sam došao.     Didn't wanna get married, that was the closest I got.
    Mogu vam ovo reći: ako ste angažirani i ne želite se ženiti malkce je napeto.     I can tell you this: if you're engaged and you don't wanna get married it's a little tense.
    Slično je kao prvi uspon na toboganu ali nekao se ne želite voziti...     It's like you're on that first hill of the roller-coaster but you don't really wanna go on the ride...
    ide click-click, click-click...     going click-click, click-click...
    Bio sam kum jednom na vjenčanju i bilo je skroz dobro.     I was best man at a wedding one time and that was pretty good.
    Simpa naziv, mislim...     Pretty good title, I thought...
    Kum. Mislim da malo pretjeruju.      'Best man' I thought it was a bit much.
    Mislim, imamo mladoženju i zgodnog kuma.     I thought we had the groom and the 'pretty good man'.
    To je više nego dovoljno.     That's more than enough.
    Ako sam ja best man (kum), zašto se udaje za njega?     If I am the best man, why is she marrying him?
    Morao sam nositi odijelo koje, uvjeren sam, izmislila žena.     I had to wear the tuxedo which, I am convinced, was invented by a woman.
    Pa, svi su isti, onda ih možemo sve isto obući. Odijelo ima funkciju i kao sigurnosna oprema za mladenku...     Well, they're all the same, we might as well dress them all the same. The tuxedo also functions as a wedding safety device for the bride...
    u slučaju da mladoženja odustane, svi se mogu samo pomaknuti za korak i ceremonija se nastavlja. case the groom chickens out, everybody could just take one step over and the ceremony continues.
    Zato ne govore: Uzimaš li David Williamsa za svog vjernog oženjenog muža? Kažu: Uzimaš li OVOG čovjeka?     That's why they don't say: Do you take David Williams to be your faithfully wedded husband? They say: Do you take THIS MAN?
    Ali, muškarci i žene se neće nikad razumijeti, svi to znamo.     But, men and women will never understand each other, we all know that.
    To se neće nikad desiti, zaboravite to.     It's just not gonna happen, just forget it.
    Znam da je neću razumijeti žene.     I know I will not understand women.
    Znam da ja nikad neću moći razumijeti kako žene mogu uzeti vrući vosak izliti ga na bedro i iščupati dlačice iz korjena te se i dalje plašiti pauka.     I know I will never be able to understand how a woman can take boiling hot wax pour it on her upper thigh and rip the hair out by the root and still be afraid of a spider.
    Neću više gubiti vrijeme razmišljajući o tome.     I'm not spending anymore time working on that.
    I znam da žene ne razumiju muškarce.     And I know women don't understand men.
    Znam da ima žena koje me upravo gledaju pitajući se: šta se događa u tom njegovom malom mozgu? Kladim se da mogu manipulirati s tim mozgom.     I know there are women looking at me right now wondering: what goes on in that little brain of his? I bethca I could manipulate that brain.
    Kladim se da možete.     I betcha you could.
    kladim se da bi žene željele znati šta muškarci uistinu misle...     I betcha women would like to know what men really think...
    istinu, stvarnu istinu.     the truth, the honest truth.
    Želite znati šta muškarci uistinu misle?     You wanna know what men are really thinking?

    Jer vam mogu reći.     'Cause I could tell you.
    Želite li znati?     Would you like to know?
    U redu, reći ću vam.     Alright, I'll tell you.
    Ništa.     Nothing.
    Ne mislimo mi ništa.     We're not thinking anything.
    Samo hodamo uokolo, gledajući okolo.     We're just walking around, looking around.
    Samo to je prirodno za muškarce.     This is the only natural inclination of men.
    Samo da nekako provjeravamo okolinu.     To just kinda check stuff out.
    Radimo zato jer nas prisiljavaju, ali van toga, ovo je jedina stvar koju želimo raditi.     We work because they force us to, but other than that, this is really the only thing we wanna do.
    Volimo žene, želimo žene.     We like women, we want women.
    Ali to je otprilike krajnji naš domet.     But that's pretty much as far as we've thought.
    Zato trubimo u autima, dovikujemo sa gradilišta...     That's why we're honking car horns, yelling from construction sites...
    To su nam dosada najbolje ideje.     These are the best ideas we've had so far.
    Trubljenje iz auta me zadivljuje!     Honking the car horn amazes me!
    To mora da je baš zadnja živa moždana stanica u glavi koja se toga sjeti.     This is gotta be just the last living brain cell in this guys skull that comes up with this idea.
    Ona je na ulici, on je u autu.     She's on the street, he's in the car.
    Beep-beep.     Beep-beep.
    Mislim da sam bio jasan. Šta bi ona trebala napraviti?     I think I made my point. What is she supposed to do?
     Izuti potpetice i potrčati za autom?      Kick off the heel, start running after the car?
    Uhvatiti se za branik?     Grab on to the bumper?
    Auto se zaustavi...     The car comes to a stop...
    Dobro da si zatrubio. Nisam ni slutila kako osjećaš. Zašto se muškarci ovako ponašaju?     It's a good thing you honked. I had no idea how you felt. Why do men behave in these ways?
    Zašto smo nepristojni, gadljivi, opijamo se, padamo... Zašto smo ovakvi?     Why are we rude, obnoxious, getting drunk, falling down, peeling rubber, making kissing Why are we like this?
    Znam što vi dame mislite.     I know what you ladies are thinking...
    Ne, ne, ne moj tip.     No, no, not my guy.
    Radim s njim, napreduje. Ne, nije.     I'm working with him, he's coming along. No, he's not.
    Ne ide on nigdje.     He's not coming anywhere.
    Mi, muškarci, znamo: bez obzira kako nepristojni bili uvijek nekako završimo s ženom.     We, men, know: no matter how poorly we behave, it seems we will somehow end up with women anyway.
    Osvrnite se oko sebe.     Look around this room.
     Pogledajte sve muškarce koje vidite s lijepim damama.     Look at all the men you see with lovely women.

    mislite li da su specijalni?     Do you think these are special men?
    Daroviti?     Gifted men?
     Jedni jedini?      One of a kind men?
    Svi su oni isti dripci kao i ovi o kojima govorim.     They're the same jerks as any of the ones that I'm talking about.
    Ide im sasvim dobro.     They're doing just fine.
    Muškarci, kao organizacija, dobijaju više žena nego bilo koja druga grupa drugdje u svijetu.     Men, as an organization, are getting more women than any other group working anywhere in the world today.
    Gdje god bile žene, imamo muške koji upravo sada odmjeravaju situaciju.     Wherever women are, we have men looking into the situation right now.
    Istrazili smo planet u potrazi za ženama.     We explored the Earth looking for women.
    Čak smo išli na Mjesec samo da bi vidjeli ima li tamo žena.     We even went to the Moon just to see if there were any women there.
    Zato smo ponjeli maleni auto.     That's why we brought that little car.
    Zašto ponjeti auto, ako ne postoji šansa za izlazak?     Why would you bring a car, unless there's some chance of going on a date?
    Kojeg su đavla radili s autom na Mjesecu?     What the hell were they doing with a car on the goddamn Moon?
    Već si na Mjesecu!     You're on the Moon already!
    Zar to nije dovoljno?     Isn't that far enough?
    Ne postoji veća muška ideja u povijesti svemira od: Zašto ne odletimo do Mjeseca i malo se provozamo?     There is no more male idea in the history of the universe than: why don't we fly up to the Moon and drive around?
    To je prava bit muškog razmišljanja.     That is the essence of male thinking right there.
    Svi muškarci za sebe misle da su mali super-heroji u svom svijetu.     All men kinda think of themselves like low-level super-heroes in their own world.
    Ovo vam ne bih trebao govoriti.     I'm not even supposed to be telling you this.
    Ali kada odrastaju i čitaju o Betmenu, Supermenu, Spidermenu...     But when men are growing up and are reading about Batman, Spiderman, Superman...
    to nisu maštanja.     these aren't fantasies.
    To su izbori.     These are options.
    Ovo je duboka istina muške misli.     This is the deep inner secret truth of the male mind.
    Dati ću vam savršen primjer o čemu govorim.     I'll give you a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
    Da li ste ikad vidjeli kako muški vozi madrac na krovu auta ?     Did you ever see a guy, out on the highway, moving a mattress tied to the roof of the car?
    Bez greške ga rukom kroz prozor pridržava.     Without fail, he's got the arm out of the window holding the mattress.
    Ovo je klasični muški-idiot, super-heroj način razmišljanja.     This is classic male idiot super-hero thinking.
    taj idiot misli da ako vjetar uhvati taj veliki madrac pri 120 km/h Imam ga, imam ga!     This moron believes that if the wind catches this huge rectangle at 70 mph... I got it! I got it!
    Ne brinite se. Koristim ruku! Ali, siguran sam da upravo sada ima puno parova na spoju u dvorani...     Don't worry about it. I'm using my arm! But I'm sure there're many dates going on in this room right now...
    Izlasci nisu lagani.     Dating is not easy.
     Šta je izlazak nego razgovor za posao koji traje cijelu večer?      What is a date really but a job interview that lasts all night?

    Jedina razlika između izlaska i razgovora za posao je u ne baš puno razgovora za posao postoji šansa da na kraju završite goli.     The only difference between a date and a job interview is in not many job interviews is there a chance you'll end up naked at the end of it.
    Pa Bille, šef misli da si ti čovjek za posao, zašto se ne skineš i upoznaš neke od ljudi s kojima ćeš raditi.     Well, Bill, the boss thinks you're the man for the position, why don't you strip down and meet some of the people you'll be working with.
    Sex ne čini ništa lakšim.     Sex doesn't make anything any easier.
    Samo čini stvari kompliciranijim.     It only makes it more complicated.
    Žene imaju dva tipa orgazma : stvarni i oni koje same izmisle.     Women have two types of orgasms: the actual ones and the ones that they make up on their own.
    I ja vam mogu dati muški pogled na ovo.     And I can give you the male point of view on this.
    Koji je : nama to ne smeta.     Which is: we're fine with it.
    Radite što god vas je volja. Muškarcima, sex je ionako kao sudar.     You do whatever the hell it is you gotta do. To a man, sex is like a car accident anyway.
    I prokužiti ženski orgazam je kao da vas pitaju : Šta si vidio kad si izgubio kontrolu nad autom? Pa, sjećam se da sam čuo puno škripećih zvukova...     And determining a female orgasm is like being asked: What did you see after the car went out of control? Well, I remember I heard a lot of screeching noises...
    U jednom trenutko sam gledao u krivom smjeru... i na kraju, tijelo mi je bilo odbačeno.     I was facing the wrong way at one point... and in the end, my body was thrown clear.

>> Chinese people