Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 


    Kao, kad idete u doktora, prvo ne vidite doktora.     Like, when you go to see the doctor, you don't see the actual doctor first.
    Morate čekati u čekaonici.     You must wait in the waiting room.
    Nema šanse da ne čekate.     There's no chance of not waiting.
    To je ime sobe.     That's the name of the room.
    Doktori su svi tamo iza...     The doctors are all back there...
    Ne možemo ih sada primiti, već imamo ovu sobu.     We can't take them now, we've already got this room.
    Sjedite tu, pravite se da čitate časopise, ustvari gledate druge ljude.     You sit there, you pretend you're reading the little magazine, you're actually looking at the other people.
    Pitam se šta on ima. Tip je gotov. Onda vas prozovu...     I wonder what he's got. That guy is a goner. Then they call you...
     Puno se uzbudite kad vas prozovu jer mislite da ćete sada vidjeti doktora.      You get very excited when they call you 'cause you think now you're gonna see the doctor.
    Ali nećete.     But you're not.
    Sada idete u sljedeću, manju, čekaonicu.     Now you're going into the next, smaller, waiting room.
    Sada nemate ni časopise.     Now you don't even have your magazine.
    Sada imate vaće hlače oko zglobova, sjedite na mesarskom papiru kojeg su stavili preko stola...     Now you got your pants around your ankles, you're sitting on that butcher paper they pulled out over the table...
    Ponekad donesem kiseli krastavac sa sobom i stavim ga pokraj sebe na stol...     Sometimes I bring a pickle with me and I put it next to me right there on the table...
    u slučaju da doktor poželi sve zamotati i ponijeti za kući. case the doctor wants to fold the whole thing up for a to-go order.
    Skini hlače i ulazi tamo pa ću ti reći što mislim.     Get your pants off and get in there and I will tell you what I think. Doctors always want your pants off.
    Doktor uvijek želi skinute hlače.     Take your pants off.
    Skini hlače. Doktor vas želi vidjeti bez hlača. Samo ih skinite.     The doctor would like to see you with no pants. Just get them off.
    Radi se o glavi. Rekao sam, skinite hlače. Ali ne volim dodatno čekanje, pa se počnem igrati s njegovim instrumentima.     - It's my head. - I said, take your pants off. But I hate the extra wait, so I start screwing around with some of his stuff.
    Možda da okrenem tu stvar malo. Za što god to bilo. Uzmem štapiće za usta, poližem ih sve, vratim ih nazad.     Maybe I'll turn that thing up a little bit. Whatever the hell that does. Take all the tongue depressors out, lick'em all, put'em all back in.
    I ja znam igrati ovu igru čekanja.     I, too, can play at this waiting game.
    Samo jednom bih želio reći doktoru: Znate šta?     Just once I would like to say to the doctor: You know what?
    Još nisam spreman za vas. Zašto se ne vratiti u svoju malu kancelariju, a ja ću za minut.     I'm not ready for you yet. Why don't you go back in your little office and I'll be in in a minute.
    I skini SVOJE hlaće. Onda ćeš vidjeti šta je šta. Šta će doktorima ta mala kancelarija uopće?     And get YOUR pants off. Then we'll see what's what. Why is it doctors need that little office for, anyway?
    Knjige, mali glupi akvarij.     Little books, little stupid aquarium.
    Valjda ne želi da ga ljudi vide kako traži po knjigama: Koji je to vrag? Isuse Kriste!     I guess he doesn't want people to see him looking stuff up: What the hell was that? Jesus Christ!
    To je malo gadljivo. To nije bila ni cijev ni krug. Prijatelj će operirati nos sljedećeg tjedna.     That was kinda gross. That wasn't the tube or the circle. A friend of mine is going in for a nose job next week.
     Guy.      Guy.
    Znate li koji je tehnički izraz za operaciju nosa?     You know what the technical term for a nose job is?

    Naravno da znate..Ovo je New York.     Of course you do... It's New York.
     Svi...      Everybody...
    Rhinoplastika!     Rhinoplasty!
    Rhino!     Rhino!
     (Nosorog) Tip je svjestan da ima mali problem...     This guy is aware he has a bit of a problem...
    naravno da je osjetljiv oko toga, zato je zakazao pregled.     he's obviously sensitive about it, that's why he made the appointment.
    Da li ga trebamo uspoređivati s nosorogom? kada idete na transplant kose ne kažete: Napraviti ćemo vam biljar-kugltomiju, gosp. Johnson. Mislimo da je chromsferia napredovala... na nivo čelavitisa.     Do we need to compare him to a rhinoceros? When you go for a hair transplant you don't say: We're going to perform a cue-ball-ectomy on you, mister Johnson. We feel the chrome-dome-ia has advanced... to a level we term skin-head-ia.
    Sve ovo su medicinski nazivi, ako niste razumijeli. Naravno, svi žele izgledati najbolje što mogu, svi su tamo vani, svi žele izgledati dobro, momci, cure, sexualnost.     These are all medical terms, if you don't understand. Of course, everybody wants to look their best, they're all out there, everybody wants to look good, guys, gals, sexuality.

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