Kao, kad idete u doktora, prvo ne vidite doktora. | Like, when you go to see the doctor, you don't see the actual doctor first. |
Morate čekati u čekaonici. | You must wait in the waiting room. |
Nema šanse da ne čekate. | There's no chance of not waiting. |
To je ime sobe. | That's the name of the room. |
Doktori su svi tamo iza... | The doctors are all back there... |
Ne možemo ih sada primiti, već imamo ovu sobu. | We can't take them now, we've already got this room. |
Sjedite tu, pravite se da čitate časopise, ustvari gledate druge ljude. | You sit there, you pretend you're reading the little magazine, you're actually looking at the other people. |
Pitam se šta on ima. Tip je gotov. Onda vas prozovu... | I wonder what he's got. That guy is a goner. Then they call you... |
Puno se uzbudite kad vas prozovu jer mislite da ćete sada vidjeti doktora. | You get very excited when they call you 'cause you think now you're gonna see the doctor. |
Ali nećete. | But you're not. |
Sada idete u sljedeću, manju, čekaonicu. | Now you're going into the next, smaller, waiting room. |
Sada nemate ni časopise. | Now you don't even have your magazine. |
Sada imate vaće hlače oko zglobova, sjedite na mesarskom papiru kojeg su stavili preko stola... | Now you got your pants around your ankles, you're sitting on that butcher paper they pulled out over the table... |
Ponekad donesem kiseli krastavac sa sobom i stavim ga pokraj sebe na stol... | Sometimes I bring a pickle with me and I put it next to me right there on the table... |
u slučaju da doktor poželi sve zamotati i ponijeti za kući. | ...in case the doctor wants to fold the whole thing up for a to-go order. |
Skini hlače i ulazi tamo pa ću ti reći što mislim. | Get your pants off and get in there and I will tell you what I think. Doctors always want your pants off. |
Doktor uvijek želi skinute hlače. | Take your pants off. |
Skini hlače. Doktor vas želi vidjeti bez hlača. Samo ih skinite. | The doctor would like to see you with no pants. Just get them off. |
Radi se o glavi. Rekao sam, skinite hlače. Ali ne volim dodatno čekanje, pa se počnem igrati s njegovim instrumentima. | - It's my head. - I said, take your pants off. But I hate the extra wait, so I start screwing around with some of his stuff. |
Možda da okrenem tu stvar malo. Za što god to bilo. Uzmem štapiće za usta, poližem ih sve, vratim ih nazad. | Maybe I'll turn that thing up a little bit. Whatever the hell that does. Take all the tongue depressors out, lick'em all, put'em all back in. |
I ja znam igrati ovu igru čekanja. | I, too, can play at this waiting game. |
Samo jednom bih želio reći doktoru: Znate šta? | Just once I would like to say to the doctor: You know what? |
Još nisam spreman za vas. Zašto se ne vratiti u svoju malu kancelariju, a ja ću za minut. | I'm not ready for you yet. Why don't you go back in your little office and I'll be in in a minute. |
I skini SVOJE hlaće. Onda ćeš vidjeti šta je šta. Šta će doktorima ta mala kancelarija uopće? | And get YOUR pants off. Then we'll see what's what. Why is it doctors need that little office for, anyway? |
Knjige, mali glupi akvarij. | Little books, little stupid aquarium. |
Valjda ne želi da ga ljudi vide kako traži po knjigama: Koji je to vrag? Isuse Kriste! | I guess he doesn't want people to see him looking stuff up: What the hell was that? Jesus Christ! |
To je malo gadljivo. To nije bila ni cijev ni krug. Prijatelj će operirati nos sljedećeg tjedna. | That was kinda gross. That wasn't the tube or the circle. A friend of mine is going in for a nose job next week. |
Guy. | Guy. |
Znate li koji je tehnički izraz za operaciju nosa? | You know what the technical term for a nose job is? |