Ljekarna ja stvarno zahtjevna jer nemate pojma o čemu oni govore. | The drugstore's really challenging because you have no idea what they're talking about. |
Vi samo gledate sastojke... | You're just looking at the ingredients... |
Imao sam prehladu prije par tjedana. | I had a cold a couple of weeks ago. |
Pa uđem tamo i tražim... | So I go in there and I'm looking... |
Čitav zid je pun lijekova za prehladu. | The entire wall is cold medication. |
I namožete ništa razumijeti pa samo čitate sastojke. | And you can't understand anything so you're just reading ingredients. |
Da li ste ikad sebe uhvatili da čitate sastojke u ljekarni? | Did you ever catch yourself reading ingredients in the drugstore? |
Oo, ovoj ima .03 tetrahydroziline! | Oh, this has .03 tetrahydroziline! |
To je dobra količina toga. Ali, tako je teško skužiti. | It's a good amount of that. But it's so hard to figure out. |
Ponekad imaju: ovaj je brzodjelujući, ovaj je dugotrajnog učinka. | Sometimes they have: this one's quick acting, this one's long lasting. |
Hm, kada se trebam dobro osjećati? Sad ili kasnije? Ne znam. Uvijek vam kažu kako lijek djeluje na tv reklamama. | Hmm, when do I need to feel good? Now or later? I don't know. They always tell you how the medicine works on TV in the commercials. |
To je moj omiljeni dio, kada tip kaže: Evo ljudskog tijela, i uvijek je tu taj tip... | That's my favorite part, with the guy that says: Here's the human body and there's always this guy... |
Bez lica, otvorenih usta, tako proizvođači lijekova vide ljude. | No face, mouth open, this is how drug companies see the public. |
Uvijek ima cijev koja izlazi odavde i onda zaokruženo područje. | He's always got the tube coming down here and then the circle area. |
Ovo su kompleksni dijelovi ljudskog tijela, pretpostavljam. | These are the complex inner workings of the human body, I assume. |
Siguran sam, kada pohađate medicinsku školu, stave na ploču već prvog dana Ok, zapamtite svi, imate cijev koja izlazi iz usta i ide u zaokruženo područje. | I'm sure, when you go to the medical school, they put that up on the board the first day Ok, everyone, now remember, you got your tube coming down from the mouth and that goes into your circle area. |
To je otprilike sve što znamo. | That's pretty much all we know. |
To je sve za danas. Ne propustite doći sutra. Vježbat ćemo kako činiti da ljudi čekaju u maloj sobi noseći donje rublje. i onda ćete svi postati doktori. | That's it for today. Don't miss tomorrow, we're gonna practice making people waiting in the little room in their underwear and then you'll all be doctors. |
To je sve potrebno. Onda vam moraju pokazati bol... | That's all there is to it. Then they have to show you the pain... |
Dio kada kažu: Evo, ovdje vas boli. | the part where they say: Here's where you hurt. |
Bol je uobičajno prikazana kao nakakva munja koja pogađa, pulsirajuće crvenilo je popularno, ponekad dio tijela jednostavno bude u plamenu... | Pain is usually represented by some sort of lightning attacking the guy, glowing redness is popular, sometimes parts of the guys body will just burst into flames... |
Ponekad je cijelo tijelo mutno. | Sometimes the whole guy is out of focus. |
Nikad nisam doživio da mi doktor kaže: Da li vas išta boli? Da. | I never had a doctor saying to me: -Are you having any pain? -Yes, I am. |
Da li imate munje s bolovima? Da li ste ikad bili u sobi s iskrivljenim zrcalima? Onda vam kažu o sastojku koji smanjuje bol. | Are you having any lightning with the pain? Have you been in a fun-house mirror at any time? Then they tell you about the pain relieving ingredient. |
Uvijeć će biti puno toga. | There's always gotta be a lotta that. |
Nitko ne želi ništa manje nego exstra snažan. | Nobody wants anything less than 'extra-strength'. |
Ekstra jak je apsolutni minimum. | 'Extra-strength' is the absolute minimum. |
Ne možete naći ni jak. | You can even get 'strength'. |
Jak je sada van mode. | 'Strength' is out now. |