vidite ljude u dućanu. | You see people in the supermarket. |
samo se znoje. | They're just sweating out. |
nitko ne zna..šta da jedem... | Nobody knows... what do I eat... |
proteine, carbonate, udio masnoće... Bože moj, udio masnoće! prilazimo jedni drugima: dobro izgledaš. | the proteins, the carbs, the fat content... Oh, my God, the fat content! We're just walking up to each other: You look good. |
Šta jedeš? | What do you eat? |
Možda ću i ja. Dućan je tako napravljen da slomi vaš osjećaj da imate život Kao kasino je. | Maybe I'll eat that. The whole supermarket itself is designed to break down your sense of having any life It's like a casino. |
Nema satova, prozora, lako pristupnih izlaza... | There's no clocks, no windows, no easily accessible exits... |
Da li ste ikad pokušali izaći iz dućana, a da niste ništa kupili? | Did you ever not buy anything in a supermarket and try to get out of there? |
Nemoguće je. | It's impossible. |
nema izlaza. | There's no way out. |
Možete vidjeti šta se dešava ljudima. | You can see what happens to people. |
Uđu u dućan, stvarno imaju osjećaj značenja. | When they walk up to the supermarket, they really have a whole sense of purpose. |
Uzeću ovo, uzeću ono, platiti za to, izaći odavde i vratiti se svom normalnom životu. | I'm gonna get this, I'm gonna get that, I'm gonna pay for it, I'm gonna get out of here and get back to my normal life. |
Vidite tu istu osobu 10 minuta kasnije kako... | You see that same person 10 minutes later just... |
Koji je ovo odjel? Zašto sam ovdje došao? Uvijek primjećujući nešto novo. | What aisle is this? Why did I come up here? Always noticing something new. |
Oo, sada ih imaju s mirisom mošusa... Šta je mošus? Pitam se da li se radi od komaraca. Odjel voća i povrća mi je uvijek izazovan. | Oh, they got them in muskeet flavor now... What is 'muskeet'? I wonder if it's made from mosquitoes. Produce section I always find challenging. |
Uvijek postoji neka specijalna stvar koju bi trebal znati. Znate, o svakom voću... | There's always some special thing you're supposed to know. You know, about each fruit... |
Ljetno vrijeme, budite sigurni da su vaše breskve.. Ne znam, šta god bilo. | Summer time make sure your peaches are... I don't know, whatever it is. |
Morate glumiti.. | You gotta fake it... |
znate, Tresem, držim ih prema svijetlu. | you know, I'm shaking stuff holding it up to the light. |
Daa, to je dobra. | Yeah, that's a good one. |
Stvarno sam sretan što sam je pronašao. Dinje se kotrljaju niz odjel. | I'm sure glad I found that one. Cantalopes rolling down the aisle. |
Vidi kako zanosi ulijevo, ta još nije zrela. Ne želim tu. | See the way that's fading left, that one's not ready. I don't want that one. |
Stvarno sam impresioniran s ovom lubenicom bez špica, koje imaju za nas. | I'm very impressed with this seedless watermelon product that they have for us. |
Sad su napravili sve. | They've done it. |
Sada imamo lubenice bez špica. | We now have seedless watermelon. |
Stvarno nevjerovatno. | Pretty amazing. |
Pitam se kakvo sjeme siju da dobiju lubenice bez špica? | What are they planting to grow the seedless watermelon, I wonder? |
Lubenice se ne sexaju, zar ne? | The melons aren't humping', are they? |
Moraju nešto sijati. | They must be planting something. |
Kako to funkcionira? | How does this work? |
I koji tip znanstvenika radi ovu vrst posla? | And what kind of scientists do this type of work? |
Čitao sam da su to razvijali 15 godina. | I read this thing was 15 years in development. |
U labaratorijima gdje cijepaju gene ili, znate, ono što već tamo rade... | In the laboratories with gene splicing or, you know, whatever they do there... |
Mislim, drugi znanstvenici rade na izlječenju side, raka, srčanih bolesti. | I mean, other scientists are working on AIDS, cancer, heart disease. |
Ovi tipovi govore: Ne, posvetit ću život lubenici. Mislim da je to mnogo važnije. | These guys are going: No, I'm going to devote myself to melon. I think that's much more important. |
Sigurno, tisuće umiru nepotrebno, ali ovo.. ovo mora stati. | Sure thousands are dying needlessly but this... that's gotta stop. |
Da li ste ikada pokušali s poda dignuti jednu mokru, to je skoro nemoguće. Stvarno mislim da moramo uložiti novas proučavanju ovoga. | Have you ever tried to pick a wet one off the floor, it's almost impossible. I really think we should devote the money to these studies. |
Mlijeko je veliki problem za ljude u dućanima. | Milk is a big problem for people in the supermarket. |
Nikad nisu potpuno sigurni da li ga imaju, da li ga trebaju. | They're never quite sure if they have it, if they need it. |
Drže ga u najzabačenijem dijelu dućana. | They bury it way in the back in the supermarket. |
Morate ga pronaći, morate se provuće kroz sve te rekalme. | You gotta find it, you gotta hack your way through all the displays. |
Daa, evo ga. | Yeah, there it is. |
Evo mlijeka. Imamo li mlijeka? Ljudi nikad nisu sigurni imaju li mlijeka. | There's the milk. Do we have any milk? People are never really sure if they have milk. |
Mislite da ga imate, možda imate. | You think you have milk, you might have. |
Znam da ga ima kutija unutra, samo ne znam koliko ga ima u njoj. Pa, šta možemo? Jer želite biti sigurni. | I know there's a carton in there, I don't know how much is in it. Well, what shall we do? 'Cause you wanna be sure. |
Nema ništa goreg nego da mislite da imate mlijeka, a nemate ga. | There's nothing worse than thinking you have milk and not having it. |
Znate ono, pripremite zdjelu, žitarice, žlicu, ubrus, TV, novine, sve je spremno. | You know, you got the bowl setup, the cereal, the spoon, the napkin, the TV, the newspaper, everything's ready to go. |
Podignete karton i prelagan je. | You lift up the carton and it's too light. |
Ooo, ne! Prelagan! Ponekad misliš da trebaš mlijeko: Ej, bolje da uzmemo mlijeko. Kao što i mnogi od vas upravo to misle. | Oh, no! Too light! Sometimes you think you need milk: Hey we'd better pick up some milk. Like many of you are thinking right now. |
Znaš, u pravu je. | You know, he's right. |
Možda bi trebali uzeti mlijeko. Pa uzmete mlijeko na putu kući. | Maybe we should pick up some milk. So you pick up some milk on your way home. |
I onda otkrijete da imate mlijeka. | And then you discover you already have milk. |
I sada imate previše mlijeka. | And now you got way too much milk. |
Ni to nije dobro. | That's no good either. |
Sada je utrka s rokom trajanja. | Now it's a race against the clock with the expiration date. |
Ta nezgodna stvar. | That freaky thing. |
Sad jedete velike zdjele žitarica, tri puta na dan. | Now your eating punchbowls of cereal, three meals a day. |
Umivate se s mlijekom. | You're washing your face with milk. |
Mamite mačke iz cijelog susjedstva. | Bringing cats in from all over the neighborhood. |
Požurite i popijte! | Hurry up and drink it! |
Idemo, skoro će rok! Vraćaj se ovamo... Kako znaju da je to baš definitivan datum? | Come on, it's almost time! Get back over here... How do they know that that is the definite exact day? |
Znate, ne kažu da je to oko, par više-manje, otprilike... | You know, they don't say like it's in the vicinity, give or take, roughly... |
Utisnu ga baš na pakiranju. | They brand it right into the side of the carton. |
To je tvoj broj tamo. Ne zezaj se s nama. | That's your goddamn day right there. Oh, don't screw with us. |
Mi znamo koji dan je zadnji. I onda je tako gotovo. Da li ste ikada popili mlijeko poslje tog datuma? | We know what day is the final day. And then it is so over. Have you ever had milk the day after the date? |
Vraški vas plaši, zar ne? | Scares the hell out of you, doesn't it? |
Žlica se trese ispadajući iz zdjele. | The spoon is trembling as it comes out of the bowl. |
Dan je poslje! | It's after the day! |
Puno riskiram! Ja sam pomirisao, vi ste pomirisali, kako bi trebalo mirisati? | I'm taking a big chance! I smelled it, you smelled it, what is it supposed to smell like? |
Meni je mirisalo na mlijeko. Ja ne znam kako su tako sigurni za rok. | It smelled like milk to me. I don't know how they're so definite, though. |
Možda im krave šapnu dok ih muzu. | Maybe the cows tip them off when they're milking them. |
3 srpnja. Za mene jedino teže mjesto od dućana je ljekarna. | July 3rd To me the only thing tougher than the supermarket is the drugstore. |