Mi mislimo da je to u redu. Toliko mi naplačujemo u našoj zemlji. Tada uđete u avion. | We think that's fair. That's what we charge in our country. Then you get on the plane. |
Pilot, naravno, se mora obratiti preko razglasa. | The pilot of course always has to come on the PA system. |
Tip je tako uzbuđen što je pilot, da ni sebe ne podnosi. | This guy is so excited about being a pilot, he can't even stand himself. |
Pa, dignut ću ga do 20000-tak. Onda ću skrenuti lijevo kod Pittsburga. Onda desno kod Chicaga. I onda ću se spustit na 15000. Daje cijelu rutu, sve svoje poteze. | Well, I'm gonna take it up to about 20,000. Then I'm gonna make a left by Pittsburg. Then I'm gonna make a right by Chicago. And then I'm gonna bring it down to 15,000. He's giving the whole route, all his moves. |
A mi odpozadi govorimo - Da, dobro. Znaš, radi već sta trebaš. | We're in the back going: Yeah, fine. You know, just do whatever the hell you gotta do. |
Šta ja znam. Samo završi na kraju tamo gdje piše na karti. Da li ja njemu dosađujem s onim šta ja radim? | I don't know. Just end-up where it says on the ticket, really. Do I bother him with what I'm doing? |
Kucajući na vrata kokpita: Sada jedem kikiriki. Da, to svi radimo ovdje iza. Mislio sam da trebate znati. | Knocking on the cockpit door: I'm having the peanuts now. Yeah, that's what we're doing back here. I thought I'd keep you posted. |
Neću ih sada sve pojesti, samo nekoliko sada. Ne želim ih sve pojesti jer je tako veliko pakiranje. A onda stjuardese moraju izići. | I'm not gonna have them all now, I'm just gonna have a few. I don't wanna finish it because it's such a big bag. Then the stewardesses have to come out. |
Moraju izvesti svoj mali show o sigurnosti. | They have to do their little emergency equipment show. |
Znate, to što rade. | You know, that thing they do. |
Jedna čita, druga odglumi. | One of them reads it, the other one acts it out. |
Hej, imamo pojaseve i maske za kisik. Stvari za vas da ih koristite. | Hey, we have seatbelts and oxygen masks. Things for you to use. |
pokazuju vam kako korstiti pojaseve, u slučaju da niste bili u autu od 1965. | They show you how to use the seatbelt, in case you haven't been in a car since 1965. |
Oh, podignete jednu od kopči! Pokušavao sam odvojiti metal. Mislio sam da to tako radi. | Oh, you lift up on the buckle! Oh! I was trying to break the metal apart. I thought that's how it works. |
Htio sam pokušati iskidati dio tkanine pojasa. Mislio sam, samo da ga načnem... Onda uvijek pokazuju izlaze za nuždu, uvijek nekako neodređeno, zar ne? | I was gonna try and tear the fabric part of the belt. I thought if I could just get it started... Then they're always pointing out the emergency exits, always with that very vague point though, isn't it? |
Gdje bi dovraga trebala biti ta mjesta?, rekli bi ste. | Where the hell would these places be?, would you say. |
Avion je pod kutem od 90 stupnjeva, kosa vam gori, tražite ovakve stvari. | The plane's at a 90 degrees angle, your hair is on fire, you're looking for this. |
Šta mislite kako će te se snaći za to? | How you think you're gonna do there? |
Ona misli :Izaći ću prije tebe. Ti si mrtav, ti si mrtav, ja odoh. Onda uvijek moraju povući zastor od prvog razreda. | She's thinking: I'm getting out before you're getting out. You're dead, you're dead, I'm gone. Then they always have to close that first class curtain, too. |
Uvijek vam daju mali pogled. | They always give you that little look. |
Možda da ste malo više radili... Ne bih trebala ovo napraviti. | Maybe if you would have worked a little harder... I wouldn't have to do this. |
To je minijaturni svijet u avionu, zar ne? | It's all a tiny world on the airplane, isn't it? |
tamo je uvijek taj mali stol tamo, malo računalo, mala zbijena sjedala, mala hrana, mali pribor, male bočice pića, mali wc, mali umivaonik, malo ogledalo, mala špina. | There's always that little tiny table there, tiny computer, little cramped seats, tiny food, tiny utensils, tiny liquor bottles, tiny bathroom, tiny sink, tiny mirror, tiny faucet. |
Pa, ima mali problemčić, biti će mala odgoda, malo ćemo kasniti. | So, there's a small problem, there's gonna be a slight delay, we're gonna be a little late. |
Uvijek idem u wc u avionu, čak i kad ne trebam ići, moram ući tamo. | I always go in the airplane's bathroom, even if I don't have to go, I gotta go in there. |
Lijepo je. | It's nice. |
Kao vaš mali apartman u avionu, zar ne? | It's like your own little apartment on the plane, isn't it? |
Uđete unutra, zaključate vrata, svjetla se upale za sekundu. | You go in there, lock the door, the light comes on after second. |
Kao mala zabava iznenađenja. | It's like a little surprise party. |
Ali uvijek sam impresioniran količinom opreme koju imaju unutra. | But I'm always impressed of the amount of equipment that they have in that place. |