Dame i gospodo, Jerry Seinfeld. | Ladies and gentlemen, Jerry Seinfeld. |
Hvala vam. | Thank you. |
Hvala. | Thank you. |
To je vrlo, vrlo lijepo. | That was very, very nice. |
Puno vam hvala. | Thank you very much. |
Hvala vam. | Thank you. |
Publika na nogama. | Standing ovation. |
Sada znam da uvijek... | Now I know there's always a... |
Oprostite? | Scuse me? |
Savršen početak nastupa. | Perfect start of the show. |
Hvala vam. Znam da publici nije lako ustati i pljeskati. | Thank you I know it's not easy for an audience to give standing ovation. |
uvijek ima nekoliko ljudi koji ne žele to napraviti. | There's always a few people that don't really wanna do it. |
Ja sam vidio te ljude. | I've seen those people. |
Uvijek kao... | They're always like... |
Sada moramo to napravit? Pa, eto, oduševljen sam što sam ponovu u NY. | Are we doing' this now? So, anyway, I'm thrilled to be back here in New York. |
Volim kako se neke stvari o NY nikada ne mijenjaju. | I love how certain things about New York never change. |
uvijek su konstante, uvijek su tu za tebe. | They're always constant, they're always there for you. |
Taksisti i miris znoja. | The cabbies and the BO. |
Šta je s tim momcima i znojem? | What is with the BO and these guys? |
Kolko traju te smjene? | How long are these shifts? |
zar ne možemo dati tom čovjeku 10 minuta stanke za tuširanje? | Can't we get this man a ten minute break for a shower? |
Sjedite odostraga i prolazi kroz staklo. | You're in the back and it's coming through the glass. |
I govorite :Kojeg vraga... Ne samo da stave miris višnje u auto pa imate znojavi miris od višnje. | You're just going: What in the... Not only they put that cherry puppet stuff on the dashboard so you get a cherry BO. |
ne znam šta bi to trebalo biti... | I don't know what that's supposed to be... |
Čak se i voće tušira češće neko ovo. | Even the fruit showers more often than this. |
Smiješna stvar o vožnji u ovim taksijma je ta da kad si na Manhattanu zbog nekog razloga nisi uplašen, bez obzira koliko tip brzo vozi. | The funny thing about being in these cabs is that when you're in Manhattan for some reason you don't get scared, no matter how fast the guy goes. |
Pa, znate, vozi brzo i neoprezno... ali on je profesionalac. | Well, you know, he's driving fast and recklessly... but he's a professional. |
Ima dozvolu za taksiranje. Mogu je vidjeti baš tamo. | He's got a cab driver's license, I can see it right there. |
I ne znam šta treba da bi se dobila taksi dozvola. | I don't even know what it takes to get a cab driver's license. |