Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


Cab drivers







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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 

Cab drivers 

    Dame i gospodo, Jerry Seinfeld.     Ladies and gentlemen, Jerry Seinfeld.
    Hvala vam.     Thank you.
     Hvala.      Thank you.
    To je vrlo, vrlo lijepo.     That was very, very nice.
    Puno vam hvala.     Thank you very much.
     Hvala vam.      Thank you.
    Publika na nogama.     Standing ovation.
     Sada znam da uvijek...      Now I know there's always a...
    Oprostite?     Scuse me?
    Savršen početak nastupa.     Perfect start of the show.
    Hvala vam. Znam da publici nije lako ustati i pljeskati.      Thank you I know it's not easy for an audience to give standing ovation.
    uvijek ima nekoliko ljudi koji ne žele to napraviti.     There's always a few people that don't really wanna do it.
    Ja sam vidio te ljude.     I've seen those people.
     Uvijek kao...      They're always like...
    Sada moramo to napravit? Pa, eto, oduševljen sam što sam ponovu u NY.     Are we doing' this now? So, anyway, I'm thrilled to be back here in New York.
    Volim kako se neke stvari o NY nikada ne mijenjaju.     I love how certain things about New York never change.
    uvijek su konstante, uvijek su tu za tebe.     They're always constant, they're always there for you.
    Taksisti i miris znoja.     The cabbies and the BO.
    Šta je s tim momcima i znojem?     What is with the BO and these guys?
    Kolko traju te smjene?     How long are these shifts?
    zar ne možemo dati tom čovjeku 10 minuta stanke za tuširanje?     Can't we get this man a ten minute break for a shower?
    Sjedite odostraga i prolazi kroz staklo.     You're in the back and it's coming through the glass.
    I govorite :Kojeg vraga... Ne samo da stave miris višnje u auto pa imate znojavi miris od višnje.     You're just going: What in the... Not only they put that cherry puppet stuff on the dashboard so you get a cherry BO.
    ne znam šta bi to trebalo biti...     I don't know what that's supposed to be...
    Čak se i voće tušira češće neko ovo.     Even the fruit showers more often than this.
    Smiješna stvar o vožnji u ovim taksijma je ta da kad si na Manhattanu zbog nekog razloga nisi uplašen, bez obzira koliko tip brzo vozi.     The funny thing about being in these cabs is that when you're in Manhattan for some reason you don't get scared, no matter how fast the guy goes.
    Pa, znate, vozi brzo i neoprezno... ali on je profesionalac.     Well, you know, he's driving fast and recklessly... but he's a professional.
    Ima dozvolu za taksiranje. Mogu je vidjeti baš tamo.     He's got a cab driver's license, I can see it right there.
    I ne znam šta treba da bi se dobila taksi dozvola.     I don't even know what it takes to get a cab driver's license.

    mislim da samo trebate lice.     I think all you need is a face.
    To izgleda da je glavni uvjet za kvalifikaciju.     This seems to be their big qualification.
    Glave bez lica nemogu voziti taksi u ovom gradu.     No blank heads are allowed driving cabs in this town.
    Još pomaže imati ime sa 8 samoglasnika zaredom.     Also helps to have a name with like 8 consonants in a row.
    Da li ste ikad vidjeli neka od slova u tim imenima?     Did you ever see some of the letters in these names?
    Usput, šta je O sa crtom kroz njega?     What is the O with a line through it, by the way?
    S kojeg je to planeta?     What planet is that from?
    Trebate periodičnu tablicu elemenata ako želite prijaviti tipa.     You need a chart of the elements if you wanna report the guy.
    Da, policajče, ime mu je Amal i onda znak za Brom. Ne, nije Magnezij.     Yes, officer, his name was Amal and then the symbol for Boron. No, it's not Manganese.
     Imao sam tablicu sa mnom čitavo vrijeme. Ali volim putovati.     I had the periodic chart with me at the time. But I love to travel.
     Volim, bilo autom ili avionom.      I love it whether it's a car or whether it's a plane.
    Volim ići tamo, volim biti u pokretu.     I like to get out there, I like to keep it moving.

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