I tako prije par tjedana odemo na trke. | So, a couple of weeks we go to the track. |
Otišao sam par puta u životu. | I did that a couple of times in my life. |
Klađenje na konje... | Betting on the horses... |
nema teorije da dobiješ. | you can't possibly win. |
Ne razumijem na šta se kladimo... | I don't understand what we're betting on... |
Da li konji znaju da je utrka? | Do the horses know that it's a race? |
Da li su svjesni? | Are they aware? |
Šta se ovdje dešava? | What is going on here? |
Poslije utrke da li konji idu u štale : Bio sam 3, ja 1, ja sam 9. Ja mislim da misle: Ječam, dobit ću svoju kesu s ječmom! | After the race are the horses walking back to the stable: I was third, I was first, I was ninth. I think they're thinking: Oat bag, I get my oat bag now! |
Vrijeme je za ječam. Okladio sam se na ovog idiota? | Oat bag time. I gotta bet on this idiot? |
Mislim, siguran sam da konji imaju nekakvu ideju da se jockeyu žuri. | I mean, I'm sure the horses have some idea that the jockey is in a big hurry. |
Mislim, na njemu je, udara ga s tom stvari. | I mean, he's on him, he's hitting him with this thing. |
Govori: idemo, idemo Valjda mu se žuri, jockeyu se žuri. | He's going: Come on, come on Obviously he's in a hurry, the jockey's in a hurry. |
Ali konj mora doći do kraja i : Upravo smo bili ovdje! | But the horse must get to the end and go: We were just here! |
Koja je ovome svrha? Ovo je gdje smo bili. | What was the point of that? This is where we were. |
To je bila najduža moguća ruta. Zašto nismo samo ostali na mjestu? | That was the longest possible route you could take. Why didn't we just stay here? |
Bili bismo prvi! reći ću vam jednu stvar koju konji sigurno ne znaju. | We would have been first! I'll tell you one thing the horses definitely do not know. |
Ne znaju da ako se slučajno spotaknu i slome nogu tijekom trke prosujemo im mozak. | They do not know that if you should accidentally trip and break your leg at any point during the race we blow your brains out. |
Mislim da ne znaju tu malenu informaciju. | I think they're missing that little tidbit of information. |
Misli da ako bi je znali vidjeli bi vrlo oprezno koračanje niz ciljnu ravninu. | I think if they knew that you'd see some mighty careful stepping coming down that home stretch. |
Pomalo, pomalo. Pobjedit češ, biti ću... | Take it easy, take it easy. You win, I'll place... |
kako god bilo. Važno je zdravlje. Bio sam na jahanju. | whatever. The important thing is your health. I've gone horseback riding. |
Ne mogu to. | I can't do that. |
Ne daju vam neke dobre konje kada niste dobri u tome, otkrio sam. | They don't give you the really good horses when you're not good at it, I found out. |
Tip kaže: na kojem sta nivou jahanja? | The guy says: What level rider would you say that you are? I say: I don't know... |
Ne znam, nula, ništa, koji god je sistem. Ne mogu ja to. | Zero, nothing, whatever the system is. I can't do it. |
Da li je to dovoljno jasno za vas? Idem tamo gdje konj želi ići. | Is that clear enough for you? I'm going where the horse wants to go. |
To je moj nivo. kada čuju to, počnu tražit okolo: U redu, da li je Ljepilo tu? Šta je sa Skoro Mrtav? | That's my level. After they hear that, they start looking around: All right, is Glue Stick back yet? How 'bout Almost Dead? |
Zašto njega ne osedlamo? I tako se popnem na munjevito konjče u obliku slova U... | Why don't you saddle him up? So I get on this U-shaped lightning-quick steed... |
Dobio sam jedimog konja gdje vam noge dodiruju tlo dak ga jašete. | I got the only horse you could put your feet flat on the ground while you're riding it. |
Jašem na ležaljci. Gledam prijatelje: Mislim da nismo svi dobili istu vrstu konja. To je nekako sigurni osjećaj. | I'm riding a hammock here. Looking up at my friends: I don't think that we all got the same kind of horse here. It's kind of a secure feeling. |
Mogao big hodati uz njega ako bi htio. | I could walk along with him if I wanted. |
Ni konj nije bio odveć oduševljen s menom. | And the horse wasn't too thrilled with having me either. |
Jer ne znam šta radim. | 'Cause I don't know what the hell I'm doing. |
Pa tako on uzme kontrolu. | So he takes control. |
Ide tamo, vamo... | Going this way, going that way... |
I onda samo stane. | Then they just stop. |
Šta? | What? |
Šta je? I onda vas pogledaju... | What is it? And they look up at you... |
Oladi malo, znam ja put. | Chill-out hop-along. |
Ovdje sam svaki vražiji dan, ok? I stvarno mi je drago udarnje dok pišam... Puno hvala. | I know the trail. I'm here every goddamn day, ok? And I really appreciate the kicking while I'm taking a leak, too. Thanks a lot. |
To stvarno poboljšava inače već super život koji imam. Ljudi ili sjede ili me udaraju dok pišam. | That really improves the already wonderful life that I have. People either sitting on me or kicking me while I'm peeing. |
Živim u raju ovdje na ranču. Izađem iz auta koji ima 300 konjskih snaga da bih sjeo na životinju s jednom. | I'm living in a paradise here at the ranch. I get out of a car that has 300 horsepower so I can sit on an animal that has one. |
Zašto uopće koristimo termin konjska snaga? | Why do we even use the term 'horsepower'? |
Da li je to da još više ponizimo konje? | Is that to further humiliate horses? |
Shuttle rakete imaju 20 miliona KS. | The space-shuttle rockets have 20 million horsepower. |
Ima li više svrhe uspoređivati ih... s konjima? | Is there any point in still comparing it... to the horses? |
Imal i šanse da se vratimo na rakete s konjima, pokušavajući zapamtiti koliko nam ih treba? | Any chance of going back to using rockets with horses, trying to keep track of how many we're gonna need? |
Ej, konju. | Hey, horse. |
Ima raketa koja se pokvarila. Možeš li skupiti 20 miliona prijatelja nabrzaka? 20 mil. ? | There's a rocket engine that broke down. Can you get 20 million friends together really fast? 20 million? |
To je puno. Od konja prave ljepilo. | That's a lot. They make glue out of horses. |
Ne znam tko je to počeo. | I don't know who started that. |
Tko je vidio taj potencijal? | Who saw that potential? |
To me prilično fascinira. | That's pretty amazing to me. |
Radiš u papirnici, dođe konj: E, samo minut! Mislim da bi mogao biti ljepilo. | Working in a stationery store, a horse walks by: Hey, wait a minute! I think he could be glue. |
kako da izaberemo stvarno ljepljive? | How do we pick out the really sticky ones? |
Prepusti to meni. Šta kažeš na onog tamo? baulja okolo. | You leave that to me. What about that one over there? He's weaving around. |
Izgleda mi malo blesavo. On će biti ludo ljepilo. Po meni najteži dio života konja je ona prikolica. | He looks like he's out of his mind. He'll be 'crazy glue'. To me the toughest part of that horse life is that trailer. |
Zašto ih tako prave? | Why do they make the horse trailer like that? |
Zar je to najbolji način za prijevoz konja po cesti? | Is that the best way to move a horse out on the highway? |
sa svojim ogromnim, odurnim, stražnjicama baš meni u lice? | With their huge fat disgusting rear ends right in my face? |
Da li se konjima sviđa? | Do the horses like it? |
Vjerovatno stoj tamo i : Osjećaš li probuh, Bille? Ne vidim ništa, ali je vrlo vjetrovito, zar ne? | They're probably standing in the back, going: Do you feel a draft, Bill? I can't see anything back there, but it's awfully breezy, isn't it? |
Ne misliš li da nam debele guzice vire van komiona? | You don't think our huge fat asses are hanging out the back of this truck, do you. |
Zašti bi nam to učinili? | Why the hell would they do that to us? |
Več nas jašu i udaraju dok pišamo, zašto još da nam guzice vire iz kamiona? | They already ride us around and kick us while we're peeing, why would they stick our ass out of a truck? |