Reći ću vam što mi se sviđa kod Kineza... | I'll tell you what I like about Chinese people... |
I dalje se drže svojih štapića za jelo, zar ne? | They're hanging in there with the chop sticks, aren't they? |
Znate da su vidjeli vilicu. | You know they've seen the fork. |
Drže se štapića. | They're staying with the sticks. |
Impresioniran sam time. | I'm impressed by that. |
Ne zanm kako im je promakla. | I don't know how they missed it. |
Kineski ratar, ustane, cijeli dan radi s lopatom u polju... | A Chinese farmer, gets up, works in the field with the shovel all day... |
Lopata... | Shovel... |
žlica... | Spoon... |
Ma daj... | Come on... |
Tu je. | There it is. |
Ne orete 40 hektara sa parom biljarskih štapova... | You're not ploughing 40 acres with a couple of pool cues... |
I zašto McDonalds još broji? | And why is McDonald's still counting? |
Stvarno su nesigurni, zar ne? | This is really insecure, isn't it? |
40 gillion, 80 million, zillion, billion, killion, tillion... | 40 gillion, 80 million, zillion, billion, killion, tillion... |
Šta je to? | What is this? |
Znači li to išta ikome? | Does it mean anything to anyone? |
89 biliona prodanih. | 89 billion sold. |
Ok, ja sam jednog. | Ok. |
Volio bih sresti predsjednika McDonaldovog nadzornog odbora... | I'll have one. I would love to meet the chairman of the board of McDonald's... |
Samo da mu kažem : Čuj, svi smo shvatili. Prodali ste puno hamburgera. Koji god da je broj. | Just to say to him: Look, we all get it. You have sold a lotta hamburgers. Whatever the hell the number is. |
Samo stavite znak : McDonaldu dobro ide! Ne trebam čuti baš o svakom. Koji im je konačni cilj? | Just put up a sign: 'McDonald's, we're doing very well!' I don't need to hear about every goddamn one of them. What is their ultimate goal? |
Da im se krave dobrovoljno predaju? | To have cows just surrendering voluntarily? |
Pojave se na vratima: Željele bi se predati. Vidimo znak... kužimo da imamo male šanse tamo vani. | Showing up at the door: We'd like to turn ourselves in. We see the sign... we realize we have very little chance out there. |
Željele bi postati 'Happy Meal' ako je to ikako moguće. Bio sam u Londonu prije mjesec dana, Svjetsko prvenstvo je bilo u tijeku. | We'd like to be a 'Happy Meal' if that's at all possible. I was in London about a month ago, the World Cup was going on. |