Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time

Jerry Seinfeld


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Live on Broadway: I'm Telling You for the Last Time 


    Pretpostavljam da sam znao da će doći ovaj dan.     I guess I knew this day would come.
    Dan kada moram pokopati prijatelja...     The day I have to bury a friend...
    možda svog najboljeg prijatelja.     maybe my best friend.
    Zajedno smo prošli puno toga, neke ružne trenutke.     We've been through a lot together, some ugly moments.
    Sjećam se kad su došli rekviziti, trbuhozboračka strava `84.     I remember when prompts came in, the ventriloquism scare of '84.
    Sigurno, bilo je trenutaka kada su vas ljudi ismijavali.     Sure there were times when people would make fun of you.
    Imitirali vas...     Imitating you...
    Ej, da li si primjetio? Koji je štos s ovim? Tko su ovi ljudi?     Hey did you ever notice? What's the deal with this? Who are these people?
    Kažu da je najteža stvar za osobu pokopati voljenu osobu.     They say the hardest thing for a person to do is bury a loved one.
    Ali ti ljudi nisu nikad imali materijal poput ovog. Tide reklama :ako imate majicu s mrljama od krvi... možda pranje rublja nije trenutno vaš najveći problem.     But those people never had material like this The Tide commercial: if you've got a T-shirt with blood stains all over it maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem right now.
    Ne razumijem.     I don't understand it.
    Ostavlja show, ostavlja svoj nastup...     He walks away from the show, he walks away from his act...
    Jesi li siguran da je židov?     Are you sure this kid is Jewish.
    O, je, židov je.     Oh, he's Jewish.
     I ne pitaj me kako znam.      And don't ask me how I know.
    Ma, to je takvi gubitak.     It's just such a waste.
    Mislim, sve funkcionira.     I mean, it all works.
    Ima li torte?     Is there any cake?
    Gary, šta to radiš?     Gary, what are you doing?
    Čuj, nemam ništa o pošti.     Listen, I got nothing on the post office.
    U redu, uzmi.     - All right, take it.
    Hvala.     -Thanks.
    Makni se...     Get outta here.
    Jesi li ikad gledao njegov nastup?     Did you ever see his act?
    Ne, ne zapravo.     No, not really, man.
    Ti?     Did you?
    Da, da.     Yeah, yeah.
     Bio je dobar.      He was good.
    Ali je bio drogiran.     But I was full of drugs.

    Ed, jesi li ti gledao njegov nastup?     Ed, did you ever see his act?
    nastupao je na Tonight Show-u puno, puno puta.     Oh, he did the Tonight Show many, many times.
    Ali, ne.     But, no.
    Jerry, puno hvala što si došao.     Jerry, thanks a lot for being here.
    Puno mi to znači.     This really means a lot.
    Da, ej, slušaj...     Yeah, hey, listen...
     kad...      when...
    kad ćeš opet raditi show?     when can you do the show again?
    O, ali ja...     Oh, but I...
     Upravo sam pokopao sav svoj materijal.      I just retired all my material.
    Je li Carlos tu negdje?     Is Carlos around?
    Zašto je najbolji okoliš u susjedstvu uvijek groblje?     Why is it the best landscape in the neighborhood is always in the cemetery?
    Svi su mrtvi.     Everybody's dead.
    To je smiješno.     That's funny.
     Mogu to iskoristiti?      Can I do that?
    Iskoristiti šta?     - Do what?
    Komad.     - The bit.
     Mogu ga iskoristiti?      Can I do that?
    Pa, to nije komad.     Well, that's not a bit.
     Samo govorim.      I'm just saying'.
    Iskoristit ću to.     I'm gonna do that.
     Ok?      Ok?
    Ne možeš.     You can't do it.
     To je moj komad.      It's my bit.
    Ako je komad, komad je od onoga tko ga čini.     If it's a bit, it's anybody's bit who does it.
    Ne, ali ja sam ga rekao prvi.     No, but I said it first.
    Kad malo razmislim, izvod ću ga neko vrijeme.     I'm gonna do it for a while anyway.
    Jerry, Alan King bi se želio sastati na svom teritoriju.     Jerry, Alan King would like to meet you on his territory.
    Garantira sigurnost.     He'll guarantee security.
    Ok.     Ok.

    Hej!     Hey!
    Hej!     Hey!
    Gospodine, znam da je ovo vaše.     Mister, I know this is yours.
    Ne želiti li?     Don't you want it?
    Sorry dečko, ne izvodim više ovu šalu.     Sorry, kid. I don't do this joke anymore.
    Oo, ma dajte!     Oh, come on!
    Vidi, žao mi je.     Look, I'm sorry.
     Gotovo je.      It's over.
    Ali ovo je solidan komad!     But this is a solid bit!
     Molim vas!      Please!
    U redu.     Alright.
     Ali pričam vam po posljednji put.      But I'm telling you for the last time.

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