Pretpostavljam da sam znao da će doći ovaj dan. | I guess I knew this day would come. |
Dan kada moram pokopati prijatelja... | The day I have to bury a friend... |
možda svog najboljeg prijatelja. | maybe my best friend. |
Zajedno smo prošli puno toga, neke ružne trenutke. | We've been through a lot together, some ugly moments. |
Sjećam se kad su došli rekviziti, trbuhozboračka strava `84. | I remember when prompts came in, the ventriloquism scare of '84. |
Sigurno, bilo je trenutaka kada su vas ljudi ismijavali. | Sure there were times when people would make fun of you. |
Imitirali vas... | Imitating you... |
Ej, da li si primjetio? Koji je štos s ovim? Tko su ovi ljudi? | Hey did you ever notice? What's the deal with this? Who are these people? |
Kažu da je najteža stvar za osobu pokopati voljenu osobu. | They say the hardest thing for a person to do is bury a loved one. |
Ali ti ljudi nisu nikad imali materijal poput ovog. Tide reklama :ako imate majicu s mrljama od krvi... možda pranje rublja nije trenutno vaš najveći problem. | But those people never had material like this The Tide commercial: if you've got a T-shirt with blood stains all over it maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem right now. |
Ne razumijem. | I don't understand it. |
Ostavlja show, ostavlja svoj nastup... | He walks away from the show, he walks away from his act... |
Jesi li siguran da je židov? | Are you sure this kid is Jewish. |
O, je, židov je. | Oh, he's Jewish. |
I ne pitaj me kako znam. | And don't ask me how I know. |
Ma, to je takvi gubitak. | It's just such a waste. |
Mislim, sve funkcionira. | I mean, it all works. |
Ima li torte? | Is there any cake? |
Gary, šta to radiš? | Gary, what are you doing? |
Čuj, nemam ništa o pošti. | Listen, I got nothing on the post office. |
U redu, uzmi. | - All right, take it. |
Hvala. | -Thanks. |
Makni se... | Get outta here. |
Jesi li ikad gledao njegov nastup? | Did you ever see his act? |
Ne, ne zapravo. | No, not really, man. |
Ti? | Did you? |
Da, da. | Yeah, yeah. |
Bio je dobar. | He was good. |
Ali je bio drogiran. | But I was full of drugs. |